April 30, 1038. CASH or CCD. Walnuts- Fresh nieces Per lb. I 1 it . t I M 4 wr ' 1 n fcW IT. C US AJ CvttcC&rnjici. 'JftodaXaXi. CUUr l 'PcintL 24c Sultana Raisins-- 23 C Swandsdown Cake" Q9f OOKf Flour Per pkt Tuna Fish Vs. Q I.ibbv's Ripe Olives Cn X p. tin Happy Vale Sweet Mixed pickles- 28 oz. Oft Per tar Manitoba Honey AQp 4 lb. tin Canned Raspberries- 1 J-Ui Qp Per tin llershey's ISrcakfast Qp Cocoa l ib. tin lb, tin 15c Licorice Allsorls P.:r lb. 19c to, Lifebuoy Soap 4 bars Fresh Spinach 3 lbs. Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over Twenty -Five Years Ago April 20, 1913 Phone 813 OVERWAITEA LTD. Specials From May 2nd to May 7th BUTTER First Grade. 99c Monday And Tuesday shock was the verdict. r - ON SALE MAY 17t28 ; DAV LIMIT 29c Pearl White Naptha OCp Soap 6 bars uOK, Lux Soap Flakes 4CJp 2 large packages "t)l Chipso Large. )-g Per pkg. a5.il Classic Cleanser p Per tin Windsor Iodized Salt p Per carton .... Large Firm l.ettuce Qp Per head Fre&h Green Onions f p 3 bunches Rhubarb Op Per bunch Fresh Asparagus OQo 30l 2 lbs. 19c Find Film Show Getting Better British Council Still Sees Need For Sharp Sub-editing, However Admiral C E. Kingsmill, com- LONDON. April 30: (CP) Mark-andcr of Canadian naval service, a mnr.t t j ,. , i u tiiifjiuvciuciiii i hjuc aiu uiva- -i.a4 tn U l .. u n-1.. ... .... . . . (- wiuanuu u wima lO wiriluillTU jy r.T$p t h r '. mornlntr frnm vinrnii. 4 u n..wii n 11.. 11 I u In the course of a tour of the annual report for 1937. The council ar He is accompanied by Lieut, notes with gratification the almost . a l 1 i t I ill A . t II rt rr-yr - ihn iiAtm rT' it i r n 4-trt-iAt nnrtn innrA nntta noAn ii ... tciTiiiCiiw in J wins wiiiuii taiiru If you wish to swao mettilne- ftr comment such as caricatures American steamer Curacaaof religious acts, cruelty, daring i rc,ar caller at this oort. is ana suggestion, actions or scenes - - ' VJ44 UIUU A 1U VO W V WiQI ' uijc i waies lsiana, AiasKa, me vui.io Is fierce sub-edltlne. such sub- pm o ik.i i. i nor . tit I 11 - J.. . m exnp -ts in hp nhlP to re f oat caiung as marss wie cunuuti ui ,'rvr.T nM iVia n In n Contractor Archie McDougall is O V WUI M VIUl W V-- iiiR bla: on the rnilwav vards' ex- ivatLon in front of the Premier the most successful newspapers. KILLED IN NIGHTMARE LONDON, April 30: (CP) A coroner's Jury advanced the theory that Mrs. Charlotte Warren, 90, died after falling out of bed during Front PRINCE KUPEUT and return T0 coach Tourlst t Stand. TORONTO OTTAWA $C3.50 S'7.50 MONTREAL W-39 QUEBEC 6795 HALIFAX 81.40 78.45 83.00 99.40 Good In Tourist Sleepfrs on payment of regular berth fare, t Good In Standard Sleepen on payment of FOR COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY ard NIGHT $91.45 93.60 97.95 117.35 regular berta rare. Correspondingly low fares from other Western lUtioni, lso to other points l Eittern Cinidt. Children, 5 yean end under 12, Hlf Fre. Stopovert allowed t Winnlpej and eait. r- t . 1 .' f ...... 1aMf ffO-SJF r Ull xnjormnivm jium unj Carl Ericksen returned to the eity on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Mf. and Mrs. William Baillic and Miss Fanny Tulomzozoloy arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Greece. She is a cousin of Mrs James KHlas with whom she will take up residence here. Owing to a late connection at Jasper Park, tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, is re-' ported to be four hours and a half late which puts Its arrival time at 3:30 tomorrow morning. ; Rev. Adam Crlso. United Church pastor at Terrace, and Mrs. Crisp, c'tv- Thursday night s train, sailed on Thursdaynlght's train, sailed on the Cardena this morning for Vancouver where they will attend the forthcoming conference. Provincial Constable L. E. Requa will leave by the Catala tomorrow evening on his return to Stewart. He came in from the north Thurs-; day night with a prisoner, David Shaw, who' has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment on false' pretences charges in connection with the cashing of worthless checks. Shaw will be taken on to Okalla later. rOLICE COURT FINES THIS THIS YEAR HIGHER Polic? court fines- for the month nf Anrll In Prince RuDert totalled a nightmare dream. Death from $225 as compared wlth $170 m the same monm lasi year, fines ioi the first four months of this year have reached an aggregate of $675 In comparison with $465 In the corresponding period a year ago. Sunderwood Studio print any size of Roll Films at 40c All Work Guaranteed (Next Rupert Hotel) LANII ACT Notlre of Iiilriitlon to ojiply t MlA In Prlnc Ruowt Land Becordlnj tilMtrlct of British CoIiunWa wid fcttUr mis on Denny Island on uie east f.at of Lnma Pntwage Take notjoe Wit i, wuhmh fTancui Martin of Campbell Island, ootrupa-tton mwclioat lntHT to apply for a lte of tho following dworlbecl lands: Oonunenwivg at a post pumura on thtf north vnest comer of the southern ohorA of Alarnt Cove UieBce' el ehahw south; thenoe twelve Chains eafet thence six chains north thence twelve- chalu wit to point of commencement and roiitalnJnit 7 and one-quart a!te inore or less. WILLIAM FRANCIS HAKT1H tUfcd" February 8th'. 1838". 713 ttiltit STSTEhJ nsrt- LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold, Bulger's, tf Mrs 3. S. Black sailed tins ; rriorri- lng on the Cafaent1 for1 a trip to St. Andrew's Cathedral Sunday Vancouver. School will meet in fature at 10 - a.m. (101) Baptist Missionary Tea Monday, 3 to 6 Mrs. T. Chrlstof t'S, 4th Ave. East. (101) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gordon sailed last night on, the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. sons, who have been on a trip to. Mussallem, who has been In Vancouver, returned home on the ill health for some time. Is, shortly Princess Adelaide yesterday after- to undergo another series of op-non- erations. MLss Beatrice Haan and Miss' J. W. Pottlnger and J. H. McKen-Clara Stegavig of the Prince Rup- zie of the Northern British Col-ert General Hospital nursing staff umbla line; staff left on last even-sailed on the" Princess" Adelaide last ing's train for a brlef trip to Tyee. night for Vancouver. - - Miss Wadea' Mussallem has ar- Oscar Fulton, son of Mr. and rived in the city" from 'Smithers Mrs. W. O. Fultpn, returned home and will spend some time here on on the Princess Adelaide yester- business. Miss Margaret Mussallem aay aiternoon from his studies at has left for Smithers the University of British Columbia, ., ,- W. II. Manuel, C.N.R. travelling Annual official opening of P. R. auditor, who'hasbeen here on' of-Tennis Club takes place Sunday, flclal duties for & few days, left on May 1. Member and friends of all last 'evening's train for Prince clubs invited to participate In Am- George. erican Tournament at 1:30 p.m. mmm (101) Robert Brasell returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesV terday afternoon from Vancouver where he went to attend the funeral of his son, Jack Brasell, who died last week. KAIEN TRANSFER DRY WOOD COAL Furniture Moving and General Hauling Thone 60 Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh left on last evening's train for Terrace. Mr Mcintosh is already there. They are getting their summer home in leadlness for the season s residence. Hotel Arrivals Mr. and Royal Mrs. R. Knox Montgomery W. Hansen, city. Central Gus Lelshton, city. Prince Rupert Emerson Nichols, London; C. H Hoskln and James Adam, Vancouver; Thomas W. S. Parsons, Announcements All advertisements In. this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 2. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakle's, May 6. United Sale, May 5. A. Y. P, A. Variety Entertainment, May 6. St. Peter's; Bazaar. May 10. Cambrdi'fipinstefsl SfrJ.lay .13. Announces 4hat, their .new, .equips J-i. Eastern; (Star -MaytimCi-Tea at ment enables wentoTkwfep J, 3tCs, Angus .'Apaftments, " ' J " " May 17. ' Canadian Legion Tea May 18. May 20, C.Y.S. Dance) Oddfellows. Gyro "Maytlme" Dance, May 24. Rebekah Tea gan's May 25. MM. Bert Mor-1 The Finest PIANO TUNING lit the country can be yonrs, as done witli the "Resonoseope" by G.CWALKEIt Pheno Blue 389 213- 4th St. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. C. Jackson, Minister Miss S. Olafson, A.T'.C.M., Orgnrust Miss S. Olafson, Director Junior Choir "Mr. J. S Wilson, Director Senior Choir 11:0a a.m. Speaker, Rer. George Dotey Tr.13:, secretary of the-Board of Home Missions, Toronto 7:30 p.m. Speaker, the Minister, Rev. J. C. JacksOn Winter Training Period Wound Up With Fine Dance Members of the 102nd. Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, wound up thefr whiter training period witlr a dance at the headquarters last night. About 100 couples were present, the members of the Battery and their guests. Members of the Battery were lit their new blue dress uniforms and looked very smart. TRAPPED AND BURNED HULL, England, April 30: (CP) George A, Shepherdson, 61, was burned to death when trapped In his car, passersby being unable to extricate him. CIAS S (FIE 0 FOR SALE ill Third Ave. West fnear Royal Bank). Lot 8, Block 33, Section 1, Store with dwelling over. Tb'3 desirable property for sale at a low price and on easy terms. 5 interest on balance as rent. Also! Lots 11 and 12, Block 17, Section 7. with house 1140 East 6th Ave-enue for $700, half cash and balance $20 per month. Geo. H Munro, 4240 West 11th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. If interested in property in or near Vancouver communicate with the above. (101) FOR SALE Complete furnishings of six-room house, Including chesterfield suite, piano, electric washer and ironer, electric range, etc. Excellent condition. L. H. Ha worth, phone Green 325. (103) FOR SALE 20 h.p. 1 cylinder 4-cycle seml-diesel Haines engine Ideal for sawmill or boat. Apply H. Erickson, do Ed. Lipsett Ltd. (105) FOR SALE 10 h.p. gas engine. First class condition. Snap for cash. Apply If. Lund, Digby Island. (106) FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Comfortable house at Seal Cove, four rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, shed and garageGood deal for steady tenant. Phone Don Passmore, Green S10. (96) PERSONAL MEN! BEWARE LOW VITALITY if easily exhausted. Try New OST-REX Tonic of raw oyster invigor-ators and other stimulants'. Get vim, vigor, vitality. If not delighted maker refunds price, $1.25. Sold by all good drug stores. . tf WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers etc., and cart ' , help you. Write, us, for proof and free information'. M.C.C. ' 'Sciools r Lt&j: 'Winnipeg Oldeat in Canada, PRIVATE HOME KINDERGARTENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. tf WILDIN LOST LOST Small pearl tie pin, two weeks ago, valued as an heirloom, finder return to Dally News, $5 reward. (103) MECHANICALLY-MINDED YOUNG MEN! " Prepare tor Krn Mr . , . Taday's lr,.iiti ouportunUUa r to be found f thV. r?t field. . . . ImI nil. .rlnr . Aircraft C'ntructtn . , . - Aro Fng Inwrlnf . . . Are V, eiainc , . . Air Condltlonlns ... Rfrlgratlon ... mecMnl"! .Utltu.t. n mith to work can prepare the.r.Mle for lmportsnt htH-pf poeltlon 1 v.? with n "X" t. fl.14 ou ar. VVrtHement to u. and you wUl r-c,lV a beautifully llluetrat.d booklet flrlnt you eexnplete lafarwatloa. DIESEL . AIR CONDITIONIN ..-I flEFRICERATIOre rnualllTIOk AlnonArT (An aa MirlM) FfAMC . AGE X VOCATIONAL SERVICE LTDW MM D-il a Beak BU. Vaa eer. .C For a Limited Time Only Walt Disney's SNOW WHITE GAME Free ! With Every TEK Tooth Brush (Adult Size) Fifty Cents Walt Disney's "Snow White" Is the grandest show in years,- Everybody Is singing the songs everybody is talking about It everybody is going to see It. EVERYBODY IS PLAYING THE GAME GET YOURS NOW Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druggists The kleitU Store Phones: 81 & SZ Open Daily From t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 .m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Time Marches On! Clean-Up Week Is Here Again ,Why Not Improve and Protect Your Property By Using Bapco PAINT and SHINGOLEEN Ask Us For Color Card and Take Arvantaffe of the Fine Days THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE Phone 101 Smoked "Rupert Branch Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted (Sandwichcs f . or Hors d'oeuyrc One Package Serves rour People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 u 0 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. fbone 281 P.O. Box II Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkley Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Coin pan J UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALyt EVERY TUBS- T.S.S. CARDEtfA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m, 10130 p.m. Dne Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient pleas purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations, and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568