5 H y rAtir. two From plain styles ( the most ex-quUUe Designs. Direct from the 4 style centres. M Priced to Suit Every Purse i He Are Featuring 5 Paid In advance, per month e 'Ota- La tL teu 8Ue Your Every Desire In XMAS SLIPPERS U "PARIS MAID" STEEL ARCH SLIPPERS tj In Satins, Velvets, Corduroy Cloth and All Colors of Leathers H si Your Slippers Are Here Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THL DAILY NEWS. HUNCfc KUPKKT - BBinSH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, ty Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue fl. F PULLEN ... Managlna-Edltor SUHSCKlfriON KATtS City delivery, fiy ckrrwi. yearly penoa, pua in advat.ee Paid In advance, per we;k . By maU to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and DAILY EDITION to to & ft to 1 P 1 $5.00 J3 SO wuua otaies. yearly period, paid In advance . . 3joo 8y mall to all other countries, per year . i 9M, ADVEftUSlNU RATta Classified advertising, per word, per inserUon sa local rt-aderx. oer line, per insertion , 25 AdverlWnt and Curvlatiwn Telephone M New Drpartment Telepnans .... . m g Member el Audit Bureau oi rircolationt ' ue?day. becember '20 1938. PEOPLE WANT JOBS Everybody wants a job of some kind. If he does not pet it nc is disgruntled. This is a very unpleasant feature of political life. Political managers know more about this than anybody else. They know the kind of importunity they have put up with. Some of the smaller political par ties will tell you this is because of the system but it is just prevalent in Russia under a wholly different system as it is today in Canada. People who have no jobs want one People who have poor jobs, want better ones. All want jobs. Those who have the best jobs look for senatorships, judgeships, places on commissions, nominations for Parliament All seem to be looking for jobs. Most of the political differences are brought about through failure of somebody to get a job. When a man leaves one of the political parties and joins another, it i? usually because he did not get something he wanted, mostly a job. Watch the camp followers of the political parties and see how vocal they often are and how silent they become once they get a job. Political patronage, it is agreed, is a bad thing but all over the world everywhere various influences are used to get people job3. This is just as true in the old countries as in the new. Immediately there is a desirable vacancy, candidates for the position pull every string they can think of to influence the appointment. Some say all appointments should be made as a result of examinations. We have known people with yards of testimonials and degrees and recommendations who have proved absolute failures when appointed to responsible positions. People who get jobs as examiners are often as unfit as the candidates that come before them. The result is that the appointments are not satisfactory. As long as people are swayed by other considerations than the good of the country, the stripe of political faith will make little difference. AGAIN WE ARE HOPING S Prime Minister Chamberlain again declares hl3 foitb H in the ber,t means of preserving the peace of Europe. Thr4 is by tying up with Germany. There are many thousand 5 of Canadian people who do not agree with that policy. S There are also many who are willing to trust Chamber- lain to do hat is best for the empire. In any event, the SI Prime Minister is in the saddle and we are all hoping hi." SjS policy is the correct one for only a few more or less ir- si responsible fire-eaters favnr wnr 'to FISH PLANT EXPANDING Extensive Improvements and Extensions Made to Baron Plant, Increasing Payroll and Output Extensive Improvement and mod- ber, a constant temperature can now be readily maintained. With rnr. p ailt nttts Taeaday h, NEWS OF THE MINES V Returns of Test Shipments from Silver Standard Mine Ueinjr Awaited Great Future Expected For .Boulder Creek in Cassiar iJr " Australia Plans . greaiiy increased Dasis. " une oi me notable improvements "" c v,v ut at the Baxn plant Is the adopLon Alpment to Trail smelter but. be- IwfLp- npfpnro of a new air conditioned smoking process, based on the latest developments in that field of fish curing. By the installation oi electric heat-ets and fans in the smoking cham fore UlC that UUI is IS sent, KHl, a B 1CW Will V blll. sent to the Prinie to value and best method of treat ment. A sorting shed has been Expanded ereciea on me property ana live CANBERRA, D"v 20: ICPI De men are sorting and sacking the tenet measures beyond those pro the taking away of a certam high grade ore which Is being Vlded for In a three-year, plan call-amount of moisture from the fish, uken out r a 80001 on we root" ns for expenditures of 172X00.000 an Imnmiixl nml. n4k k.. Wall Vein ClOSC tO the Shaft. An- ira' inM In K i.nor nM.M..t(nn .uipiviu yivuuLti null UCitCi uuuli buunuti nfriwij keeping quallUes is Insured. Hard- cther sma11 crtw has Pn- by the federal cabinet and the wood sawdust is now used to pro- lng UP tnd uln we from a Australian Loan Council ducc the smoke, circulation of sold overy along the side of the Among works reported to b n-ViinK i. .i i . . mine road. This rilsravprv ha t. j . . a The smoking plant has a capacity " wh as one 1" 11 anre en0uh to accomodate a f iuvi j.ii- and 1M) nunrp In illvr Th 1n Kit..i.i.. i - . . World's Week Of-Prayer Will Be Observed Here Thf World s Week of Prtier will oe observed In Prince Rupert dur ing tag the the week week of of January January 3 a ami arwt uv the m, lne Canadian Cadillac .... Gold , , Mines . Ti, Ltd., operators of following schedule of peiai ser ral. Firat Preabyterlan ker: Cap. Ivan Hal- Army St PeUrt An-lican Church: aoeaker. Rtv J. C. Jaefcwn. Fint United Chursh. January PnieHl Mi'itnn spe liter. Rev. E E, Brandt, Hrt Bantlst Church. January !U-Flrt United Ohurrh: sptnittr. yjry itev. James u uip- January 6SalvaUon Army speaker. Rev. R. C. H. 1 "' v yvu.i uauy. 7 Z 1 ... ipjutCjc iu r- Fred rTTd Kopola. KOpOU. Tom Turn Koskl KOSXI and and Rf III Aiiuvucr new installation at tne vw v iw na ajrporw. consirucnon oi n. Vancouver; Arne Paubn, Vie Bacon Fisheries nlant it n rmw and shows Improvement with de- strategic roads, dunllratlnn nf mm shrimn rannr trith im.ih. velopment Much is expected from itimv iin unit rriini n f 25 cases per day. The canned crab tne gold ore on the ProPrty- While runltlons factories' production, and shrimp output Is being Uken mlnin8 S0" on-. the company is sir Eearle Page minister for by a local wholesale concern. making progress with installation commerce, has appealed for a na-In addition to the new canned of machlnery and erection of build- tlon effort in the interests of de-product, cold pack shrimp and ln8s The compressor house Is fin- fence. crab is now being turned out and Ished amJ concrete foundations for is meeting with high favor with thc en8,ne "Peeled to be WAIES SUFFERS LOSS the trade. It is coin on the mar. completed by the end of last week. cnaoung a siari on me erection " 01 Hotel Arrivals Royal Miss Joan Olsen. Stewart. Prince Runert Ontral C Ckwter. Blllmor. Knox Q litis R fryer. Dawson. '"""nuiKiLociituoo,, ynnuitt wajes. uec 70 CP - ration ration of of $50 $50,000 000 and and hd head nfflr office ti i pieted at the Bacon Fisheries plant u,e Oliver ouinuara mine on Uien AlOUlltain near iNeW vices has been drawn up by the on the government wharf at Prince Hazelton, IS expecting early returns from Smelter and the Prime Rupert Ministerial AsmmU-1 Rupert. With a large increase in rYinr lt.iiM.rt Kimmmir nlanr Uon: i VSl?: oH property. The company is today operat-. mer fresh, frozen and cured fish ,nS on tne same ,evels from Which twelve carloads of Ore v Salvation ... ... . Hi. wal tn tacen In in 1019 1911. giving ofvlncr not net re r. - ' products together with a number of new lines on a more efficient and turns turns oi of $9"; jai.iwu. .000. Soon boon the me com- com- v-.tv. uiuii cBK, com in - - - " ' " 'uvoy juhiwck Droce ms tnumb pal InteresU are In 'he Bonier DAuMt clusters and aim single, ji8ic, for tor trout iruui oaii.'" balt.'fde ore was taken out in ten w' days, m m a a recent receni accident acciaent and ana will win tx be out breek plscer mimn mining ar "" of or ln the It It Is Is the the first first time time that that thi. this nm. The The progress progress that that has has been been made. made. c.r Cf th the game for tnr several . i -...1,- weeks. -7 !f" pro- Hurt hai Kun ... -r. 'both undproround anrt nn th tir. -.. muicu uui ui v,an- ada, having always heretofore been ace- ls encouraging as is also the imported from Seattle. Small cur- rlchness ot the ore. ed shrimps in similar bottles Is al- so produced for steelhead bait Inereaslnglnterest Is being tak- The concern is also working on en Dy a number ,arS companies the possibillUes of producing fish ,n tne Boulder Creek placer coun- pastes which are gaining popular- lry ln we Cassiar district east of ltyjtssa.dVahirdsjuiLiujUi- AUim and north of Hazelton. Some erways. Ti? nuggets rave been taicen'out; With the winter fishing season "e from A,ic Creek weiSn,r8 M now on, the new plant ls in steady tyslx ounc beln bought by the operation. Yesterday nine women Prov,nclal government for $1800 were found at work In the picking and shown at the forthcom-and packing room getting crabs and lng World'a. lr in San Francisco, shrimps in readiness for cold pack. Durlng the coming winter heavy canning and fresh shipment. Else- machinery wUl be moved In where in the plant five men were over ine snow ana ncxl 'ear Pr at work on various jobs in connec- atlons w111 more extensive than tlon with the preparaUon of many ever Tilt: Strict, as said before, fish products. B. J. Bacon, the 15 known to possess great possible manager, said that on some days tlee from a prosoectlng standpoint this staff was doubled. Twenty-five crab fishermen are Thomas Campbell and Eric Jones working for the Bacon Fisheries, left Smllhers, at the first of this two shrimp boats are out and all week for Vancouver on business ln the fresh cod offered is being uken. connectlon with their coal mining enterprlies In the vicinity of Try a Daliv Ne e,ined ad Smlthers. FLASH Special Fifty Sets Only Christmas Tree Lamps Complete Only 55c They won't last long at this price. Get a couple of sets tomorrow. Make a splendid decoration for the home. Extra Lamps - - ----- - - 9 If Mi . Chamberlain fails there will be nlentv of neonln if n Gct v.. nu ! 7 T" T . to say "I told you so" and to declare they knew Ti! the B Yourf,C.hr,sima4s "rations Now-ThcyVc time he could not succeed. If he does mefeeA 5n wi If Romtf Fast a Our Low Prices the .Empire out of war, few will remember to admit that he was right and they were wrong. The Daily News is a member ot the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north Number 1 Mazdas .Number 2 grade . . . . 10c, 3 for 25c . . .5c, 6 for 25c MAs.Jm for Christmas WHITE HORSE A new InMirndraUan inivyiiurH ITESHORSE SCOTCH WHISKY 1 1 a This advertisement ls not published r delayed by the Liquor c.trol Board or by the Government of Brituh Columbia. rk?h IIavc Jl,st -'omc Vrtm t,,c ? it ) iiir ft DRYGOODS Andp NOVELTY SHOPl Where they have the newest things S the things that really make Christ- $9 mas. (S to Whenever I go there I want to buy ft almost everything I see. to Why Don't You All Drop In and Talk Over 3 Your Chrlittnas Problemj with Mrs. Dowlh- Q er and Miss WaUon to SEN1 YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS BY ti Tim Aoid ,lnfiriftitn tniwrt trmf Dtlivtrr No rcl too imoll lo tttip,bv ffprtit oa . , fKUM TOUR OWN DOOR J. OCW,...-M'ejrr.arMfc tNS?!'.i.s.. mm MmmmmiM CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS CANADIAN PACIFIC EXPRESS FULTON MV AT Mi t. Phone C8J and JONES' FAMILY MEAT Phone $57 MARKET ww w 1 1 irt mi . . ana .MtTTUN L80 of MUlTo: m to. RuDert ore . . r. t. a ik samp lng plant for testing both as 0rltlna Three Year Plan To P.e aon. dean of St Andrew1 fih.Mm6N Qmm 3 rot. LSXIS of LAMB Per lb SHOULIJBR f LAM3 i Per lb " ' LOIN of LAMB Par lb MM 1 1 ROUND STEAK ' lb. KIDNEY RUMP ROAST of UFi F Par lb. IW ROA8T- Per lb. . SIRLOIN T1P-, Per fe. PRIME RID ROI1 . "TVr lb. OA 111 V tiw 1: 9; kin if u It YOtJIt rilltKTMtC hinnr. In the B.C. Osteite i that of Bowl- "WFT PREMIUM V der Creek Mine Ltd with capital!-' Pw fe. - In uebie Cassiar dls'r t Per lb. DUCKS Per lb CHICKENS Per lb. FOWL Per !b. PURE IIOMEMA! f V MEAT- Prr lb PUKE PORK SAV MVAT- -1 Ih. 8WIFT PREMIUM V.K'J, OANrR'S8UPFJ: HAMS Per m. Knf30 0: 28 on 25 15 25 U V Give A Kodak And Youll Know It 1 an Appropriate f.ifl F')r Pnaplu ,r ?i T7 Our New Hlg' c; i Super XX F Wrathall's Photo Finishing A Select Aortment Of IKJt Chocolates And Xmas Candies Tliat Will Please You- AH Best MakM In Stk MUSSALLlvM'S Con fection kky THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only canning company with an w the year round payroll l Prlnct Rupert Trv ii IVtIIv Nrw.i clufl3l'Wu " vertlsement for beat results.