I; - V" This advertisement is not published cr displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia. I RAILWAY LINES K woauA mtiM JKf $36 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Padfic To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT December 8th, 19th, January 2nd, lGth, 30th SS. PRINCESS NOKAIP Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1D38 to Feb. 28th, 1939. Final Return Limit March 31st, 1919 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent ' r 'Prince Rupert, UO. D page roua THE DAILY NEWS Aussies Hoping With Budge Out Are Again Optimistic About ninjr Davis Cup Win- MELBOURNE Australia FW- 30- 's .far capturing the Davis Cup tennis jtlMe in 1939 hare soared with jnews that Don Budge, the world's !top - ranking American amateur. jhM Ui mod proiessional II. C. Hop l man, captain-manager or the Commonwealth team Just returned Irom its quest of the 1933 cup, "1939 should be Australia's (CP-Reuters - Australian hop whining year." ORDER GflRLV MwJ OTHER HIGHEST QUALITY MALT It EV EH AGES TO CHOOSE FHO.Mi RAINIER EXPORT BEER B. C. BUD LAGER SILVER SPRING LAGER BURTON type ALE SILVER SPRING STOUT OUST BREWERIES LIMITED Vancouver - New VI e. minuter - Victoria SPORT CHAT DelE, Young, Philadelphia. mad( most sacrifice hits. 15. Stanley C Hack, Chicago, stole most bases, 16 Only two players, Frank A. Mc Cormick and Harry Craft, both oi Cincinnati, took part in all theii club's games, 151. Gilbert H. Brack with Philadelphia, made two two-base hits in the fifth inning of thf first game. July 20, against Pitts-, burgh, and tied a record held by" many players. - Anthony F. Cuccinello. Max E West and Elburt P. Fletcher. Boston, by hitting successive homt , runs off carl HuboelL New York. In the fourth tfinlng, July 9. tied r record held by many trios. ! . Eugene Moore and Hart W. Mag-gert, Boston, each hit a home rnr. with the bases filled. Aoril 30. at? alnst Philadelphia. Richard Bartel' and August R. Mancuso, New Yort equalled this performance on Juh '4. second game, against Brooklyn . The achievement tied a record heir. .by many clubs, Lloyd J. Waner. Pittsburgh, had the longest batting streak, 2i (games, during which he went tc bat 96 times, making 33 hits for a percentage. He began hh j streak September 5, first game, Chteago, and was stopped Ir 'the first game. September 30, by Derringer of Cincinnati. Ival R. Goodman, Cincinnati; bv .scoring 16 runs in 11 consecutive games, had the longest run-scoring streak, of the season. He began U jln the second game of June 12 ag amsi Boston and was stopped June 25 by Philadelphia. Pittsburgh, had the longest win- ,nlng streak. 13 games, started June i29 against Cincinnati and stopped uuiy 13 by Brooklyn. Philadelphia naa the lonsest streak. 9 eame Which began April 21 against I Brooklyn and ended when Boston 'was beaten May I. By winning the National Leagde pennant with 80 victories. Chicago tied the low, mark for a 154-game schedule, made by St. Louis in 192C. Chicago again gained a tie with New York, for most championships, eacn ciud now having won fifteen pennants Try a Daily New want-ad. REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 Fourth Game Is Required In Cup 1 Official batting records of thrP. il II ni National League for 1938 show that T 0010311 I 1SV 253 players .took part In champion- J ship games Of this number. 78 DONCASTEH. Dec 20: CP SS?frM?4 - more- "Halifax Town and Mansfield Town SLS? .n tJl'L aDd 59.wIU a fourth & to decide , ZZ? hJLn mM- which will oppose Birmingham In fLr.lTrt,l'a.nc,nnaU'b,' the third round of the English ,Tk 7 rK Football Cup on January 7. 342, became .k the second caUher to I top the circuit since 1900. Eugene! T t A i. F HargraTe. Cincinnati, In 193e.?JohnnV " (lOltSPIiP was the first receiver to head thel V"3ClIg batters with .353. fAlv(n P fit vr.. . i i most rtins, 11. and made most home (is Still Leading Parker's Moves Into First Place In Comnierriat Bowling Leacue Standing (ows: Parker's 1 2 . Wick,.. j . . c . i t 181 144 X. Rood W 123 B. Armstrong ...... 124 126 A'. Smith . . 155 196 T. McMeekln 1C0 151 Totals . w. . 714 7S8 Uectrlcal Workerv 1 2 E Little 136 201 vlaeauley 142 138 PotUnger Hi 143 lack 115 126 Airman 153 140 Handicap 2 2 TtaU J 59 750 , itoyal Lunch 1 2 D. Houston 161 181 vL Montesano 137 150 3. Blake .. 140 135 J. Currie 146 114 3. Montesano 145 141 IB 1 if ROOKIE IS SENSATION s 143 tlnetot SIO imputed by Ml is glstrate McClymont in cUv Dollce V u M ('rankle Brlmtrk Scores Hii fifth ft Straight Shot-Out for Ko.tan ir- nrulns I $ DETROIT. Dec. 20: CP-Frank- jf !e Brlmsek, sensational new rakle net minder of the Boston Bruins, 'j scored his fifth ronserutlve shut- 7 out Saturday night when he let, the Detroit km wings down wttn two if goals against them. Brlmsek. Is fast developing Into the National fe Hockey League's brightest star of m the season. Beamingly he Is a!- y runs, 36. to gain his second clear JCh,caf0 Blafk ,,ata" Top- w r w' S little to home run honSffl. S I "nal Xeatue Point Getter, VV at, j tAflUt T" 0m m n liU VlMlt(a ta SIS S string added to his previous record! brings his lifetime total to 342 andi TORONTO, Dec. SO: CP makes his seventh year of cloutln 3 JohnBV Oottselhj of Chicago Blarr-30 ox more home runs. j Hawks 'la still leading the point getters of National Hockey League Frank A. McCormlck. Cincinnati. for oy maxing 209 hits in his first full season, was the only National League player to reach the double . ...... . ... v. 1 GARAGE IN went to bat most times, 640, and i I 17 A 11 Mflllf secured most one-base hits, 160. John R. Mlzie. St. Louis, compiled moat total bases. 32, and mosi three-base hits. 16. Miie hit three home runs in a game twice during the 193S season, within a week time. July 13 against Boston anc" July 20 against New York. Joseph Medwick. St. Louis led for the third consecutive yeai in making most two-base hits wltl. 17 the standings, the Bruins still being away out on top In the standtnc W with a six-point margin over New fc York Rangers and Americans who are tied for second place one point ahead of fourth place Chicago m t- i 0 9 Chteairn Parker's Oarage scored a three Xiun. ame try nil Tirtnrr nnr ri(frMlt 1. " 1 iVu . i-fJ I Detroit niu j.ut iitiit iu uiutc uui law exclusive leadership of the Com-nerclal Bowling League. Previously, t had been tied with Rupert Mo-Mrs. In the second fixture last Jvening. Pkmeer Laundry beat Roy-tl Lunehwo games to one. High iverage scorer was Eddie Smith of Parker's Oarage with 1R8. Individual scores were aa fol- Rangers will play at New York. The league standing to date W D L F A Pts 11 8 2 41 13 23 4 33 23 17 5 37 43 17 7 IX 37 18 7 30 23 13 Sf 1 11 34 51 1 10 23 40 Air Rifle Case In Court Monday Thee Are Comklerrd Ilrearim anil it i literal to Sell Them to Children 5 5 U5 court yesterday on L. Crmp for 212 idling an air rine to a boy under M jaj fourteen years of age. The boy was Tjt or ,- V. n T mS 43i All j Hon with the case, the police polnt-im cd out that air rifles come under H7 the same category as firearms and 12l no Juvenile Is permitted to have Y I2i one unless accompanied by a par- ? 159 ent and the weapon duly licensed. 2i :i9t 159I Bowling Standings 178 i Citv Iaene 135 J Royal Hotel 130!Orotto 159 Total . 729 721 7CI Pioneer Laundry 12 3 H. Smith 148 167 157 A.Slmondson 153 130 150 B. Woods 195 141 148 R. Houston 162 172 157 W. Beynoa . .. 155 153 135 ToUU 813 763 717 The Commercial League stand ng to date 1 as follows; W L Ptf Parker's Oarage 28 8 28 Rupert Motors 25 5 25 Royal Lunch .. . 21 12 21 Pioneer Laundry -..-16 17 16 North Star ,? C -10 17 10 Canadian Legion 4 8 22 ! Electrical Worker 8 22 P Gyro Club 7 20 1 Old Empress Printers 23 19 14 10 10 14 19 23 I'Oll CANDID COM.Mt'..NT 23 19 14 10 LONDON. Dec. 20 CP Soccer's bleachcrites the "bob" 24 cents spectators are to go on the air. During the Christmas season four will be choun at random lo broadcast their Impressions of the games. NKW HALL OF FAMK LEICESTER. Dec. 20 CPt A Leicestershire society of intcma-lonals men who have achieved fame in various braches of sporU-tas been formed with an opening membership at 50. I In The MALE Box . . Gift Suggestions For Him Suspontlers anil Garters Mfke useful ChrtoUnM OiiU eapceUIr U they ato ,:v K. & Cnrrte. in the .iMpender fMd tlere U wdr dm of pattern tarter than ew pretented before. Bulkley Valley Collieries Warmly Wish Ail A Very Merry Christmas Smoked "Rupert Brand" bi llickok Jcwclcry la what every smart young man should wear. Why twt a t clip, collar bar. cuff links, etc ? Makp thl a Permu! ctj jj. mai by giving Persona llted Jcwelery. Scarves No man has too many scarves This year's pati -n . signs have topped the Itst. Shown In philn whites ar d 'snrjfj Tliy U'Wl KmettWr Vn Alter ChlMlmaw Nnt ayt t'hrMma If You Buy Tiient a Gift aU Tonight the Boston Bruins Mill J5;-5lS:3;5lSSSl5lSjSjS.SJ5iS255l!S: - - - - arauvi j. br at home to the N'ew York Amerl- t . . cans while Detroit Red Wings and n in i . . tit Boston Rangers Americans William F. Stone The Store With te I'hrMma Spirit THE V.WM Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasletl Sandwiches or Hors d'oetivrc One Paekage Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In HcfrWerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Lid. Prlncr Hupert llrltUh folumbU If you lose anything. adv?rliHe fir it. ESI KAIEN HARDWARE ft Ml 81 A I 1 3 I