VtctmbtT 20, 1938. ptiW iculi II Metzgar. superintendent mine at Jun- t the AU Jca -Juneau 0 .......... -I 4 1U. eu 6 0 D 1'13 iaadic auvutu wit hlnU lU'g 2V-ri. ? a r el lUnnrlrltc lies BI jc or unite Chrrv Clolh-Y -i 25c yard. 18c 5c MUov Ren 45c to I! 25 Sale 25S to 75c Prlnceas Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to San FrancUco. Grotto Cigar Store Full Line of Smokers' Sundries We Carry All Rest Makes of Chocolates and Novelties REGAL SHOP Closing Out SALE Extra Specials While They Last S1.00 .Monk Cloth Reg SI 25 Yard Organdie Yard llroadrloth Yard I s si 95c 39c 25c a? Clilldrrn't Play Suits and Dreviei Reg 65c to $125. Sale OCn to HCn price TOYLAND The Tew Toys and Games That Arc Still on Hand at I ' Extremely aiw Prices I "Your Inspection Cordially Invited" AV Vv, ?v Practical Presents Pedal Cars Flashlights Carvinp Sets Fish-ini; Tackle I Iuntiup Knives Electric Heaters Pyrcx Ware Hand Slcitfhs Gasoline Irons Pocket Knives Coaster Wagons Electric Toasters Wnfflc Irons .Mall Orders Carefully Filled Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. rhone 1 255 TlllltO AVENIT. 101 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER KXamSION KATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PH.NCi: Kt,Pt:KT QflQ RETt'K.V Ktajta FROM PORT SIMPSON 39,75 Reduced Italcs to Vancouver aLw apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Uetrcn November Ut. 1938 ""J'cbjuary Kfturn to March 31, 1M9. 281h, 1D39, Inclusive iol to up Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Aienl-A. W. USV!SC I'urcliase Tickets at Office If Convenient Please rhone 5C8 I Is I I s Carl Bronson, for drunkenness, OUlls Royer, who has been spending the season at Dawson, returned to the cltv from the north on the marks including numerous ones in Prince Rupert and Fort Oeorge I W J. Nelson arrived In the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from Tulsetjuah, where he Is stationed as customs officer, to spend a vacation visiting at his home here. William D. Oordon. superintend-; ent of th river amiTon t! the White Paw A Yukon Route with headquarters at Whltehorse, and Mrs. Oordon; B. A. Mulrhead, assistant superintendent, and Mrs. Mulrhead, and James Qaudln, superintendent engineer, and Mrs. Oaudln were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver and Seattle to spend the winter. Warnings to boys with bicycles appareiiUy. gne unheeded, Ser geant Chris Jacklln, chief of city police, said today that It Is now the Intention to round the boys up and hall them Into court. It is necessary to have headlights on all bicy cles and rear reflectors and light rear mudguards. Beauty To You I ( E',prt, Ah r Wardrobe You hre your ftvorite bc.utjr pulor htr ther fix your htir in uit tht wijr you like . . . ind we wtnt to be your farorite "bciutjr fijrt$ for your wirdrobet Our ability to do uptrb job of dry cleaning 1 due not only to our skill, but to the fact that we're licensed to use the famous DRI-SlltEN PROCESS of cleaning. It makes silks look like new... restores life and freshness to garments!. Ttx Dtl-SSn rioctt. nil onlr to umJ la a WtaxltmlfulrrvdrUnlrpftMlne t prtMut. tiic 1 )ulmnl. 1 PROC$$ (imo. 10. MIMCI IDEAL CLEANERS Mcllrlde Street and Fifth Ave. rnoNi: m j tm 1:1 tm m m km mm m.sw Mm m PAGE THRE1 .THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. New Year' Ere Dance at Moose Hall December 31 at 10:30 pjn. tf Moose .phristmas Tree December 21 at 7 pm (295) was fined $25, with option of seven! Phones 116 and 117 days' imprisonment, in city police court yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sloan and in Vancouver, We will be closed next Monday and Tuesday. Order your coal now' jj from Albert Si McCaffery Ltd. ?? (298; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass and family will sail Thursday night on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to child sailed on the Princess Norah Vancouver. vp&Lerdav Afternoon to SDend the! Christmas and New Year vacation. Indian Agent W. E. Colllson and Dominion Constable A. J. Watkln-son left on last evening's train for a brief trip to Vanarsdol on official business. They will be back tonight. Princess Norah yesterday after- Mrs. A. Antonelll, who has been noon. spending some time in Vancouver, . . will be returning home from the Emll Rlchter. well known Skag- south on the Prince Oeorge tomor-way Jewelry dealer, and Mrs. Rich- row morning, ter were nassenzers aboard the Prinee&s Norah yesterday afternoon' J. A. Sadler, provincial welfare trin to Seattle, officer for this district, will sail, - -r . fcVL.b rnnceu roran tor .wuiw . . ii m .1.11 fAtUamiHl(. m,. .rH nw Year holiday season. Three new members were lnltia- the Princess Norah yesterday at ternoon going through for a trip to California and the Eastern Rtatex ted at a meetine of the Sons of ments were served. miss viciona oiamiora wiu ar Th rt.rrent Usue of the B.C. Oa- n iy on me ss. rnnce "Oeorge tomorrow from her tte announces the cancellation of a larce number OI UmDer licence i "- lege at Pullman, Washington, to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stam ford. 26. I Announcements All adfertlsecients In this col-imn will be charged for a-tall month at 25 a word: ' Snowball Frolic, December 23. Moose Hal!, S.O.N. Christmas Tree, December Nordkap Christmas Tree Decem ber 29. Toe II. Bridge January 18. Varden Entertainment, Jan. 6 Phone 63 Phone 63 1 ll 1 I 1 Vtt r Eggs Scott's. 7ff 2 doz 1 Poultry for Xmas Turkeys Any OA0 size. Lb Roast. Chicken 3Q "S5- 28c (;tr 25c Younj; Fowl 25C Look For the Stamp 'A Grade' On Every Bird Butter First grade. 7Qn 3 lbs, for . . . . iUX' Eastern and Olympia Oysters Shelled Shrimps and Crabs Cranberries af 9DC 2 lbs Fruit Mince- 9p meat 2 lbs. Chopped Suet Lb Swift's Cottanc OQ. Kolls-Lb. . . Itemember You Can (let It at The Sterling 58 8 19 Harold Dahl, who ha been In the jjf Yukon, returned home from the! 5? Olof Bcndlckson returned to the' north on the Princess Norah yester- M city on the Princess Norah yester- day afternoon. j m day afternoon from a trip to Ket chlkan. 9 SI SI 9 H SI si inursaay mgnt on vne ss. riuirc;.iy Dr and Mrs. Bernard Lundah! Oeorge for Vancouver to spend the M sailed yesterday afternoon on the Christmas and New Cear holiday SI SI FRASER & PAYNE Are Showing the Most Attractive Line of Lingerie in Pure Silk Sarin Hand Tailored and Embroidered Garments Ever Displayed in Our City And the Prices Are Surprisingly Low for Such Quality Merchandise. Every Garment Packed in Gift Rbxes Pure Silk Satin Night- 25 to $3 95 Pure Silk Satin and Flat Crepe Pyjamas From $2.25 to S3.98 Beautiful Satin Princess Slips In many styles 0dmtrtol 1.75 10 52.50 Forsythe Shirts and Pyjamas In a variety of Imported cloths. Cambrics and Silk Broad- Mr and Mrs. Charles Ooldsteln'Norway Lodge Saturday night. cloths 9 to QO ffA of Juneau were passengers aboard'There was a good attendance with M jom ?O.UU President Oscar Sather In the chair. After the meeting refresh fine ounce on the London market I yesterday. If you wish to sw& a ClassUled. A Diamond For Christmas Chri.tmas is a very suitable time to present the encasement ring. Also that diamond rin; the wife has always been expecting. We have beautiful perfect diamonds set in the newest setting for $35.00, $35.00, $15.00, $50.00, $65.00, $75.00, .$100.09. $125.00. A guarantee with each ring. v goes JOHUgULGHIr r m m W r CJLWcLLcKp ISaTtlt STORE WITH THE CLOCK Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Ileliitiman, Nordheimer and Lesaje Pianos Piano Tuning with "Kesonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Thone 281 P.O. Box 19G 19 I 1 4 1 t- Pure Silk Satin Brassier and Pantie Sets C1 tZCi to CO OC From Silk Satin Panties-Hand embroidered 1.00 and $1.29 LadJes' Flannel and Satin House CoatsZipper fastening, assorted colors and sizes. ORIENT HOSE In the new Beauti Skin finish In five sheen chiffons and crepes. Also In service and semi-service weights. Stocked In all the newest shades. Each pair packed in gift box. 1,00 FOR MEN FORSYTHE NECKWAUE AND SCARFS In all the newest novelty pure silk and wool fabrics Mrs. Roy Morrison will szll on ; iSf2 Thursday nigni on me ss. rrmcr 0 George for a trip to Vancouver. LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDON. Dec. 20: (CP) Bar was unchanged at $35.10 per A Gift Suggestion For Christmas Rdlii RAZOR SAVES TIME AND MONEY sf An Extra Blade- Double Sharing Qfictoncy See Them At Ormes Ltd. The Store of a Thousand Gifts" CHRISTMAS CARDS Tags - Seals - Gift Wrapping Personally Printed Greeting Cards Uoxcd Assortments All In Gay Variety At Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNE 17 DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner Block Phone 231 i&i'S'fe'f&tp'f.-p'Z.'i J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldr. 1$ w s?. - I r O a o a o o o s o o o s s z 0 s a a o o o a is ) a 8 o S o o a