TwrfJWembers Of Patterson Lrew I " - i I JJ At I Ah... rv. I Lciiiucu m juiieau niier ijaring Flight; Others Being Rescued JI'NEAU, December 20: (CP) An a result of iylar-jng flight by Pilot Sheldon Simmons, two survivors of the wrecj; of the old motorship Patterson off Cape Fairweath-tr were brought to Juneau hospital yesterday and the rescue of sixteen others is actively under way. The two stir-vvon who have been brought here are ill from the ef- r- rxpvaurr, uiitiiiiuii iiiu in y. Lf xr naving occn maroonca M c dy on the exposed and drr.i ? Alaskan shore which has ben b;: rt r V - ' I 'J U r I'- f2 storm-huhed that It u :e all last week to effect a Pilot Simmons landed hU the sand at the mouth of reek, picking up the two (4, n and lea Tins behind au lead the others out to a Cafmber of the crew was fct::rl by being washed over- The other was drowned , 'uiKlmc ashore with the ,4- t idwlnasen. traooer and was released leased from rom jail jail wheie wheie tt va.j srrvtng ng Bi t d inmate rescue Radio Auction Concludes Tonight Welt Knonn ArtM lo Help SaUa-tlon Army I'und; Donation Itecelved T - Radio Auction last night I ted by the Junior cnamoer ' Army Christmas Cheer fund 'it very successful, the sum of rC2 53 being bid but only about y-' of that amount actually. ear ,rd The auction ULIHNI will l be concluded to- r thj from 7J0 to 0 when among, me fnamorriam jUUndlng attracUons, will be, llrllsin had no Intention or cle-. .1.. r kimwrlnr the Keich ana r- --j bv nr rt a. . Large ana 1 tin .Mrs. Drr,alons of goods have been made by Burns tt Co. Ltd. 100 P ::r.ds of meat and Acme Import rlothlng Cash received fo!- Previously acknowledged $14350 Radio Auction 3050 J C Brady 300 Rotary Club 2500 UIVAf.F NEW YORK, December 20 (Ca nadlan Press) --Federal lnvcstlga t Mayor Of New York Slugged I NEW YORK Dec 20: 'CP'- ' Mavnr Finrella I.afiuarri'la was w rre they may be more Ueged today as he mounted .eked up by plane or re- Cty nall ,tep by a gray- ( vsny trvtT Tfi time for drunken- Ml II II Y l the the VJUIK w k IV w he he knows knows pertlou' peruou' BY HOUSE Another Vote of Confidence Accorded Frcmier Chamberlain-Talks Out to Germany LONDON', December 20 (Canadian PrcM) The Houm? of Commons lat nl(ht voted down 310 to HI a Labor motion censuring the foternment's foreign policy r mmerce In aid of the Salva! after Prime .MlnUter .Neville Chamberlain had said that the German leaders would make a "traclc blunder" If they mittook ItritMi loTe of peace and willingness to compromise for general ueaknesv Although Premier Nev- ' ... . . XA .k.l r-.,,l peech the Prime Minister has made Mnce the .Munich confer- internreled as . . 1 11-. .r run. nau. REFUGEES ARE TAKEN IN FRANCE 4 halred went - r. man tentatively . of cerUln .......... ...... .... lce cv m.v v jam leaoea upon wc majw ...ii i j .... .. ... . Germany. Germany. i J Jr.nmg full speea aneaa. from behind and struck him n.i as -About midnight on Dc-U down with hU fUt but was set -With many thousands qJ Jewish cttr II Mountainous sea, soon upon by the polk and by- h' to, con'"trSSl "fhev .. .. . j .1.. ' . , . r . ihir lelr -xivM vrtve. in m nrison P.0" because in ey cr. ey smasnea me ojo snip. to. 1: . sunder, and bten almost in- sensible City H.U empteye, i.. lb,V Ir disappointed office seeker. of the crushjig billion mark fine impojed upon them. and they were unable to payt the children have been left to run wild In the streets or crowd into othr families and their fate ,may be a terrible one If something is not uv done ..v at once. said. 'U Is our moral ana numan duty to care for these children and I so I have decided that I shall not come down ftain this pulpit until, every famUy In this audience hasj promised to take one 01 mese children and provide for It." The response was Immediate. ' Thus It has been possible for many of these homeless children to be taken into France since the government mav authorize their entry once people have guaranteed their, welfare. j Another Side ' On the other hand the reaction might be much less restrained here were France not Oermany's next- door neighbor and the usual dump- i . tnr riirniuin refugees. J Many foreigners, including Can- adians ana Americans, cic ished at the lack of emphatic pro fit hv hnth French nubile ana o.n.u n.iiif -nH a duet bv m still awaiting an expression I new-snaners. esneclally with the . 1 1 1. 1 . t 1 I f .tn 1 n V tn . . . . I. ,lnt. a rt f rAr. 1 ornA, b.c I 4. It ;!!i! Tomorrow's Tides 141 Capitol TAXI It 1:15 ajn. 19) ft. 12:52 pm. 21.4 (t. 7:02 ajn. 8.3 It. Macey's Coffee Housc 10:40 pxn. 3.0 ft. if NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS lading Rearmament Prepared To I Aid Britain PARIS. December 20: uti- Foreign Minister Georges Bon- Vancouver 'Pacific Nlckel,425 ask. Uig Missouri. 21. Uralorne. 110 J Aztec. 45. I Cariboo Quartz 2 J5 Dcntonla, JO" aik. Golconda, .05 Vi Mlnto, J02. Falrvlew. .04. -Noble nve. SHt Pend Oreille. 1.71. Pioneer. 2M! Porter Idaho. J)2. Premier. 2.23. pn Vt-Donald. 8 ask Hed:ey Amal.. X)3?. t-. Premier Border, .01. -Sllbak Premie"r. 1.75. Home Oold, .00 4 Orandvlew. .054. Indian, .01. , Quatslno. .04 ask. i Oils A. P. Con, .18. " . ; Calmont, .43. - C. te ., 2.40. Freehold. .04?,. , McDougal Segur. .15. Mercury. .07. ;t , OkalU, 1.42. ' Pacalta, .07. Home Oil, 2.55. . Toronto ' ,r Beattle. U0. Central Pat., 2.42. God 3 Lake, 22. Little Long Lac; 2.89. McKenzle Red Lake. 120. Pickle Crow, 5.00. San Antonio, 1.22. C V Evitt and Percy TlnKCr wun 01 wimnjneM iium news oi me maimcamwuiw . nnr . , riThoml accompanying. There: In the interests ,t ,ular IndlgnaUon In BritUh-speak-i T be a number of local artisu o. , peace ana proKrr , m counines. McLcod 2.70 garuru - mc - y prance is, nowever. me ursv, ,4 country to feel the Impact of these Mosher 17 internal revolutions in other Eur-, Madien Red ukef js n niinnt nations ana nnrt hpr ner refusee reiugee non- pop- . . .... encc 11 jopean i.. 1 .Vernier was f .. . . ...... . 1 nnn nnn SLadaeona ouaaacona, .0.4. i8k iiiij uiauon nas risen 10 aimi. p....,,. n ,till wedded to an appeasement , approxlmately one-tenth of the' t:" ,',5 policy but wa, rapidly becoming toln,HnonulaUon, The assimilation, Bouscadlllac. ... nf maklnr all the adven- res and concessions and givint all tward appearances of desiring a lasting and amicable peace. lrlm. .Minister Chamberlain also commented on Far Eastern a iso 1-uiniM.""" Cash nf of slnnnODOO $10,000,000 U to $20,000,000 $20.000.000, 0 Ol.uic If J " S "wlll ....,1 sft e,i -ri,rSrinv TI.aursda; Investigators ivestlgators .night . on the Prince . of such a number takes time ana with the scarcity of employment and hard times, popular prejudice; ui 1 1 j f 1 irvance. veriiim nc9wni . ill P'fT and.referrlng to the Un - j organizations almost openly CXV rAsH icd Sla,M arrangement to H- L V rlUA nance China for ihe purchase of Jn Quarters quarters of of Parls Paris, notabl notably Vnlted States investigators Hope to Recover Some of Phil Mu-slcas lll-fiotten Gains. $23,000,000 of American products, stated that the Ilrltisii government was "sympathlcally considering" similar means to encourage the esport of iirltish goods to China. j against "foreigners" Is growing. j There is a slow out noticeaDic growth of antl-semltlc feeling ln en- the 8th and 17th districts, "death to the Jews" is to be seen scrawled In chalk on buildings and garden wall; .small vellow stickers with "Id, Malson Julve" (Here Jewish, shop) are to be seen some morn-j Ings sticking to windows or doors I .08. 1 Bankfleld. .32. East Malartlc. 2.78. Preston E. Dome, 1.48. Aldermac, .45. Kerr Addison, 1.76. Uchl Gold. 1.36. '3 Int. Nickel. 5425. Noranda, 78.50. ' ; Con. Smelters, 60.00. .'i' Athona, .07Vj. Hardrock, 1.60. Barber Larder, .13. Fernland. .10. Dominion Bridge, .36.00. In 8T. LOUIS, Dec. 20: (CP) Unlt- iiirn r.ninii For Children From net told the Chamber of Depu- ed States Circuit Court Judge Germany But Anti-Semitic In- f ues yesterday that. "In case of Charles Breckenrldge Farts died' fluence Strong In Pari 1 unprovoked aggression, all here on Sunday after an Illness of 1 f forces of France on sea, land eighteen months. .. and in the air! would soon- Behind the sharp, grim visage of By GLADlb M. m al tirvnin ;tancou!ly and Immediately be judse Charles Breckenrldge Faris Canadian Press Correspondent ah- of oreat irir a hnmeu- nhilnsonhv and PARIS. Dec. 20: JCP- In the He mdlCated at wtln" humof that add(,d zest to aSince.altM me time. wlde.y quoted rulings from the the ... ..".. would expect Great Britain w federal bencn. correspondent tnougnt 1 iime,y d) Ukeu1se for t The The veteran veteran Jurist junsi, a a Democrat uemocrai . vcv wiini. wc I Parts Jewish colony might be. . . . . On a Saturday morning (Jewish Sabbath the central synagogue at the foot of Montemarte was filled, to overflowing because the rabbi' had a special message dealing with the situation. He mounted the pul pit and after the usual ceremonies TODAY'S STOCKS of appeals by President Roosevelt. His federal district courtroom In St. Louis was viewed by criminals as a chamber of grim judgment. Yet. with his reputaUon for "throwing the book" at offenders, he i couplei! an open disapproval of many federal criminal statutes. ' One of his first acts after his appointment to the federal bench by J President Wilson In 1919. was, to ' grant an injunction against en a reputation mat resuuea in nisj election to the Missouri state su-fpreme court in 1912. j j During his term at Jefferson ;City he wrote some of the most, i famous decisions of that body, including one in which he assessed I fines of $436,000 against Missouri ( lumber companies for violation ofi 'anti-trust laws. At the time the fine was the second largest on rec ord In the United States, overshad-j owed only by Judge m, n t inrf.rnn nf'vada. Mo. They had six children. tors tors said said today today that that they they were wcre( carter director ofl of certain shops on the Boulevard New Westminster are here for avis-' hopeful nopeful of of salvaging salvaging consiacru. considerable Dr. - wp R t nsh'erles nsherles Expcrl Expcrl-j Raspatl. ;it with Mr. Anderson's parents, Mr.. A newspaper line l Acuon rTan- nd Mrs. William Anderson. Somel was dissolved 11 days later by the (United States Supreme Court. '. Second Highest Fine ' At the start of his Judicial car.-, eer. as a ciftult court Judge in Car- BAR SILVER England PASSING OF IJunior Members Of U.S. JURIST ! : l C:JT Ll'-'. Widely Quoted Authority I v.aoinei ociia i o nave Voiced Complaint Hore-Bclisha, Inskip, Winterton and Runcjman Singled Out For Criticism by Hudson, Strathcona anrl'' Dufferin t rvxrrrxT r on . tnn it- : t. J terday that three junior ministers had complained to Primp Ministpr NpvmIIp Chamhprlain pnnpprninrr Infcrinc - ' V " ""2 " 0 poiiucaiiy. capped his record as a 'ix armament, bmgled . , out for attack , were , War Secretary . maker 0 precedent late in 1934 Leslie Hore-Belisha; Minister for Defence Co-Ordination . n rs.roi HictHr iitiav in c:.. rri 1 1 . : . J f ..i nrr i :i St. Louis, he upheld the right of UndersecreUry for Air. The reports Con?ress abrogate the gold clause In private contracts, the first ruling on the Roasevelt admlnlstra- tlon's monetary policy. mPrlirl Acc tl iUCUiUCU ri30 U in a suit In which bondholders of the Iron Mountain Railroad, a part' of the Missouri Pacini system. claimed gold coin to the amount of their bonds, or the value of such coins in actual metal, Judge Faris ruled that Congress had the sole rtaht to define money, and that ail And Doctors In WASHINGTON. D. C Dec. 'contracts were made subject to 20: CP The American Medi- that power. Hence, he held that the . Cal Association, three local hnnrfhn1rir imHpr the apt of Con- mwllral societies and twenty- . 'grars suspending gold payments, one individual physicians were were entitled only to the face 4- indicted by a federal grand nnn.n rf thtr platm in rnrrpnt iurv trviav for violation of the 1 , -v ""v--" . hr , r Ll , j- . "'-rar-hi Reno 3y. . , a.-t.-..-r..r yH can MedlcaK Assodatiojndjt r ;-. SKf??r tramn Ihi-T ' ft fUl Sf II? V s li !Ubr tftV rxro&le -Paii...?r4.JQQ':t;d' earefQUy. "men as ReIleTArlm8wn,4iaJPI W s'v : C-..v. 'tj.v nrTffi!-"5ii. i iwr-ra.TsrMn'Tro-iirf- medical group care Bulletins MEDICINE HAT TRAGEDY MEDICINE HAT Two small . . .u- .1 ui i bovs. one ated four and the 1 bltlon measure. The injunction their lites by The structure was a mass ot flames when the fire department ariived. The little boys had evidently crouched in a corner wh"e thew were overcome 'traded statewide notice by his un- , usual but profound rulings, gaining! smoke- XMAS TREES FOR FUEL PHILADELPHIA The steamer Molra has arrived here from Halifax. She was bringing in a Cargo of Christmas trees but was caught in a windstorm off Newport and ran out ot fuel which necessitated the Christmas trees being used in the furnaces. Weather Forecast ) said that the junior ministers had also criticized Lord Runclman, Lord President of the Council The criticisms are said to have been made by Robert Hudson, Un--dersecretary for Overseas Trade; Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, n w j j ' Undersecretary of State for War, MateS lndlCted and Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, Undersecretary for Colonies. : DIED HERE LAST NIGHT ..v v. . t j j 1 1 ii money. Sherman anU-trust law. The Mrs .Agnes Glennle. Widow of Late David Glennle, Passes Away .After Long Ulnei. ,rr k survivors toward Lltuyu! Ijl li-' VIluLL though weighing each word, he Reward. X. Farts appointed to the eighth opted and oursued a policy of Another well known rodent nl cMiuiuit uui .. rllrfrW ITnltArf Ktnlp rlmilt mlirt nnnns t nn to mwnmfnu in T 4 ..., ..a..' 4 a .4 1. , In T1 .1 . n T" . . pert was removed by death at 8 T I T 1. 1 . I .V. I 4 L- 1U. t juciia;. jut iuguk iiui we po&suig In the Prince Rupert General Hos-Jpltal of Mrs. Agnes Glennle, widow of the late David Glennle. Mrs. Glennle had been In falling health for the past few- years and for some time had been practically an invalid. She had been In hospital on 1 several occasions but only for a few days recently, i Mrs. Glennle was sixty-eight 'years of age and was bom in New suffocation when a workshop Atjer u.8 .c some time In Vancouver, she , droved hv fire Yesterday., by EUROPE'S COLD SNAP LONDON Europe's cold snap, in which various countries are reporting lowest temperatures in almost a century, continues and the the death death toll, toll, as as a a result, result, was was . . . are eenerallr disrupted. Berlin rienesaw' A ... , Mountain Landls1 $29,000,000 find against the Standard Oil Company' In Chicago. . I Judge Faris served seven years of his 10-year term on the Missouri supreme court, resigning in 1919 to( accept the federal district Judge-1 ship. He was born near Charleston,! .Mo., October 3, 1864. and studied; (law at the University of Missouri! and at Washington University hv ISt, Louis. He was admitted to the1 bar In 1891. In 1894 he married Miss Anna L. McClanahan of Ne reports ten above zero, the coldest weather in 83 years. came here about 1915 with her hus band and had since made her home here. For year they conducted a florist shop. Mr. Olennie passed away about two years ago. Of late Mrs. Glennle had lived on Fraser Street. Deceased Is survived by a brother, J. W. Maxwell In Washington State. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of B.C. Undertakers. i - estimated at twenty. ! lhtPral last night raFlV 'WUCrcU 1 41 IJT Greece is feeling the cold. Bri- tlsh collieries have had to suspend operations on account ot frozen pipes. Communications Is Still Intact the late Philip Muslca who ta acorRc Vr'.calse" says "We have no sympathy' years ""ago Mr. Anderson, who Is in, NEW YORK Bar silver .. was un-j . U1U1M1 -Zte l.UiUiilUa CIKUU l 13 IHUJV wi whT . It No Split in Ontario, it Is Announced After Caucus to Consider OTTAWA, Dec. 20: (CP) There is no split In the Liberal party In Ontario, It was announced last nUht at the conclusion of the caucus held to consider the quarrel between Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King and Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario. Liberalism in Ontario remains united despite the continued dash, Liberals attending the causus asserted. No express condemnation was passed upon Premier Hepburn although regret was expressed ov- PPCUd of swindling irom cw-i chrStmas ar-( to waste on me iaie 01 me gewa. the Bank of Montreal service, was changed at 43'ic per nne ounce oni- 1 .n ' U Robblns -' Drug r Coroiwrat . on. . I .Vancouver 4 tifhlrll Me Will ICaVC VU1 wvw-t those wno - delcst th a, ----- jthe yofk metal market , . Tonight's , aro scekln? safety Iter a ". , ..!,,,. of the theories and champion the Jews deposit vaults. Muslca, among other to show . Doard of Can- find It difficult to make any head- ctlvltlcs, U reported ' to have been twm" m hQ ls a 1 vny against " the . propaganda. ... General Sj-nopsls A moderate er hU attacks upon Mr. King who I depression off the Queen Charlotte was accoraea a compicve aim mwu-Islands ls causing rain on the Imous vote of confidence as leader ln.1,1.1. ui 4 T. 1. . rt ni th. mrtv The niiftrrel remains y"J- - TmTTL . 1 i. : " lone isianas I'Tesn, strong wuui-.t"" East - v.v -i ! nance for any sort of oppression,! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lakie and erly winds, cloudy with showers this afternoon to be on time. 1 . . . , 1.. -i - v. , A. 11.11.U Tnii cullprl last.nnrl sleet .. - . .. pi , r. ti-a u ro m D r nv nmnncrannn ill uuuviiiri. ilkki mvm, .- - . , "'votvea in arms anu iiu . .. , ,u. fisheries iiesearcn1 as one finiumwu v r . --- . hi- memocr ui v - - - , , ..,, j k h. m. i nmn.i trneLs and in certain evening on me oaiaia iuj iuu Bo."d, will leave on . weana.y w a c - antl-semltlc organlza-'ver to spend the Christmas and Mr,. Harold Jacob.senla7cd last!cu, tend the J. same mc , - 1 I 5 b2- out Jk anV create repug- tlon,.-; ' , , , i New Year holiday season. nlht on the Catnla for Vancouver, ...." J riri train, due from the at 11 o'clock, was reported Ws rrvjitt nf Vnnronvee Tlanrt Frank LockWOod Sailed last eV- Fresh to strong southerly winds,' enlng on the CatalajTqr 1 i.i a business cloudy and mild with showers. trip to wamu. 'AW 'ii' itti ,t- iSi. . it i . t " it V, i r 1 : Pi? 1 1 r si 1 i I I -1 ! 1 m ''flU