s O 0 8 0 0 0 IS 0 0 O o 8 0 g 0 0 .0 o 0 o g PA05 EX ?06000000000&00000000K00000000001H000 . I IKtLIIAL niimnmii 1 n ninm nnnfrntx rm o o o o 0 o a .o a a o o CHRISTMAS GIFT SEEKERS! Gifts From Your Jeweler arc the Outstanding: Gifts. It Will Pay You Well To Give Them: Diamonds Watches Rings bracelets Brooches Pendants Lockets Crosses Earrings Cuff Links Watch Chains and Etc., Arc Lasting Gifts And Also Appropriate Silverware Flatware Beautiful Dresser Sets in Sterling Silver and Pyralin Military Sets Ladies Hand Bags Umbrellas Clocks Lamps Moradabad Brassware Chinese Brassware and Copper-ware Cloisonne Cinnibar and Hundreds of other novelties and useful gifts DnWrKfairC midland SfnrA For,y Di"crcnt Desirns of Dinnerware to Choose from. Glasses OIUIC for Evcry Use, at various Prices. Sate ,Money and Time by Shopping at the Lars est Gift Store in the North? MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist FEASTING? Phone 872 Get It At Copeland's SPECIAL FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Thone 872 Frozen Strawberries Avocado Tears Limes California Sprouts Green Peppers Green Beans Fresh Green Peas Fresh .Mushroom? Water Cress Green Onions Radishes Crisp White Celery Savoy Cabbage The Best Potatoes Bunch Beets Bunch Carrots The Best Turnips Cranberries Tort Wine Cherry Wine Gin?er Wine Crisp Lettuce Dandy Tears Exhibition Apples Quality Nuts Sweet Potatoes Tansarincs Hum Puddings Crackers Christmas Cakes Shortbread Candies Almond. Taste Rum, Essence Brandy Essence English Toffee Chinese Ginrer Cluster Raisins Box Chocolates Tins , Cigarettes Cigars GET THEM AT Copeland's Fruit Market T RELATIONS OF CHURCH AND STATE Interesting Discussion at Minlste-ral Association .Meeting At the bi-monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Minlste ral Asso elation yesterday the report on Church and State, as originally presented at the Oxford Conference, was again the subject of discussion. Existing states, as historically given realities, were in their political sphere the highest authority. It was held, but this authority stood itself under the authority and the Judgment of Ood, was bound by His will and had the God-river. coercion, the stato became an Jn- 9 - strument of evil as a dominating A SENTIMENTAL GIFT 5 Remember Mother or your other Dear Ones with an extra gift of flowers. There's something about flowers delivered at Christmas that makes the day seem even more glorious and Joyful. Just let us know how much to whom and well take care of the rest. Arts ances Home tlome Capitol Theatre Building Philpott . Evitt & Co. Ltd. T" I I u icicunune 031 or bos A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanalnio-Welllntton coal. PRINCK RUPERT feed; CO. Phones 58 or S58 NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD A YEN UK EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HILLMAN CARS STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service cAiJiciiJun oi mans uie in tnu world of sin; the state could. 5 therefore, be considered ideally is q the guarantor and not the ultl-ffi mate source of law. It was to be tr the servant of Justice and not Its 3 lord. There could be for the Chrls-3 tian no ultimate authority but but 3 yery God. f The state so defined had a dual $S relationship to the church, both as SZ an order within which Christians r Vio.4 t 11, I 1 . M i . ' eft (",u a wiuicss loronnsi and as an Institution which by It actions might either promote oi hinder the mission of the church a Therefore, the church, in differ- ing situations, might be called upon w laae anienng positions of operation, criticism or opposition ana mis ootn in its corporate ca-Paclty and as a fellowship of wlt- nessing Christians acting as Indl-ft viduals or as groups. 5 What attitude must the Chris-jfe tlan adopt toward those who, a. - the very moment of a round tabic S conference of conciliation, re-af firmed determination to set armies moving If their mcir demands ucmanos were were m not : , - - . . fWWvWWMWWv met? This was one problem which We Wish All Our Customers and Friends A Very Merry Christmas As our coal yard will be closed from Xmas Eve until Wednesday morning December 28, we respectfully suggest that you check your coal bins and place you- orders EAKLY. problem which will be dealt with again later on in the course of these studies. It was felt that a great drag on the wheels of progress so far as (the Christian Church was concerned was In the vast number of Its so-called adherents who were Christian only In name and who knew religion pnly as a form and had nothing to do with It as a force. Religious education In the scoots or, rather, the lack, of It. was dls- cussed briefly and the advlslbillty of a democratically formed body composed of ajl churches In the J Dominion to represent the chur-! Che's Dolnt of view in the nnrll-i. W;V iments of the country received pre-lllmlnarv attention. A further study of these matters 0 0 Oi o 0 o g- l g o o o o o o o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o o 0 c o o 0 will take place later at the next meeting. ,Thq Pally oaDer. ttvvii is an A, B. C Venetian Blinds Pioneer Brand PHIL LYONS Phone Green 88S Frank James. aim of unholdlng law and order Skt7 and ministering to the life of the people united within It Often, however, by Its very Dowei and aim its lu monopoly monopoly 01 of the ine means means ot ot .THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, D,ceaber M MEnW Violin solo. "Ballet Hunter. Violin solo, Fitzgerald. Plana solo. Leod. Violin solo, Nelson. IS FINE oiin and Iian0 Pupils of Miss Lawrence and .Miss Nelson Heard Diplomas Presented Reflecting credit upon themselves ana tnelr teachers, violin and pi an0 pupils of Miss Ellen M Law rence and Miss Ruth Nelson gave a delightful recital last night be fort an audience which filled the Boston Cabaret. There was an Interesting program of twenty-five numbers Including selections by an orchestra comprising some of the pupils. A feature of the evening was the presentation of Toronto Conservatory of Music dlDlomai bv Mr. Srelford Darton. In presenting the diplomas. Mrs, Darton congraUil iea ine youthful musicians and their Instructresses on the py-! lence of the program which had been presented. Following tho nr senlatlon. Mrs. Darton herself m presented YoJng3 with a bouquet by MtUc '.. - ' ' ' Mlss Ruth Nelson made brief re marks at the opening. The program was as follows: Orchestra. "Over the Wave." Piano solo, "In the Moonlight." Mary Baker. Violin solo. The Merrv Khuv. herd.- Howard Meln Violin solo, "Air." Ingrld Skog Piano solo. "Roses Dream.- Mar garet Johnson. Piano solo. "Roses Dream." Frank James. Violin solo. " Wh! n - Pro r-Will - Violin solo. To Sorlnt- Waltrr Morgan. Piano solo. The Oat and the Fiddle - Edith Murvold. Violin solo. "Lullaby." David Jones. Piano solo. "March of the Wood- en Soldiers.- Jack Joy.' Violin solo. "MenueL" Jnhn Christensen. Violin solo, "Merry Peasant George McAfee. Piano duet, "Rose Petal Romanic." Edith MurvoW and Inrki Moate," BUl "Sarabande, Arilne "tok.".DoWllLj(1Cl "Concerto." Reverie Piano solo, "Oypey Dance," Ter ?nce Parsons. Violin solo. Eastwood. Ta ran telle - Jack! Piano solo. "Two-Part tlon." Janet Rochester Inven- Violin solo. "Country Dane, F3-' more Hanklnson. I Violin solo, "Berceuas," Ralph Morln. I Piano solo. "Fantasia In D-Mi-jj nor." Anne Wlnslow. , r were Edith Murvold. Afee. John Christiansen, Arlln! Fitzgerald. Elmore Hanklnson. Wat-' tcr Morgan. Stanley Wozney. Bev-j erley Nelson and Frank James. C.N.R. Trains vor the East- Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days 6 p.m. From Ibe F.as Tuesdays, Thursdays ond Saturdays 11 pi,, CIAS3EF1E WANTED fVANTED Salesman for dlstrii r Pacific Mutual Benefit Associa Kf tlon. 342 Pender St. West, Van -' Wfr couvcr. 11 , : Itf FOic KENT KINGSTON ROOMS OPENED up up In In -I Alder Block. Foi i M Rent warm, bright, furnished or unfurnished rooms. 2Ti REPAIRS AND CLEANING OIL. BURNERS cleaned, engines i J It t . J - .1 ooo0oooooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa 5 At Seal Cove 6 CK00000000000000OOOOOO0K)00OCK)00OOO0000C00000000000o A brief visit was paid to Metla- visited the local radio station last katla last Wednesday by Messrs. Wereek, Ryatad. Geary and Durn- ford for the purpose of fixing date for a basketball game for the game Rev. R. Durnford visited the school and was con ducted over the building by the emcher, T. A. Bryant. The work done by some of the Indian boys ind girls there it striking evidence of their capacity and skill as craftsmen. A game between the MeUakatla boys and the basketball players of Seal Cove was arranged for Friday evening at Metiakatla. The result turned out to be a win for Sel Cove by four point, the score being 38-42. The Metiakatla bova are playing their return game with the winners tonight at Seal Cove The game should be a very keen one. The St. Peter's Church Carol Singers will be stating in Seal Cove In aid of the Sunday School Christmas tree on Wednesday and m the Sandpit area on Thursday It is hoped they will be given a good reception. The A. Y. P. A. of St. Peter Whifflets From The Waterfront There were 106 pavsengers aboard Arrow christensen. their smart patterns, caroful orchestra, "jmgie Beiis- tailoring and easy fiL Nice- u ItVClTCU UlIltUITUU W 1.. I 1 void. Oeorae George Mc Me- ft V $2 to $c 4. Wednesday when they were very courteously received by Clarence a insuianocr wno unaerioox io ex- with i plain the tntrtcacies of radio actlv the bova of the villas while ar-1 itv and broadcasting programs rangements were being completed , Some thirty members were pre ent on this occasion and Mr. In aulaor was kept busy replying to questions and correcting many theories oriaina 1 and otherwise. The You rut People's Service last Saturday was an unqualified suc cess. The Church was full and nostly with young people.' The Rector gave an address on the subject of "DrlfUng'-or "Life a. Cruise and Life as a Journey." The children of this community are all on the Up-toe of expectancy as Christmas draws on. Par ties and presents occupy their thoughts very lamely Just now On Tuesday next there Is to be a Christmas Tree In the Hall dowt. here and on Wednesday there Is to be a social for the Young People of the Bible Claw which is con ducted by Rev. Canon Rushbroofc. Bob Kelsey to back from Vaneou- W after a Ion ahne from Prince Runert Mr KeUey Is, nf course, well, known to rami of the counter generation hereabouts. war in port yealerdajr ' afternoon southbound from Skatway to Vancouver Enhl persons dUem barked from the steamer here and Uelve went sooth from here atmrd her. Miss RUa mromdahl returned to the city on the Prta'ew Norah yes- the steamer Princess Norah which iterday afternoon from Ketchikan eaMM Smart New Ties The latest patterns and colors in choicest imported silks. In attractive boxes LAST Time - mi,.. "LITTLE TOUGH fit Y Two Shows. Errol Flynn Olivia De Havilland The "Robin hood' sUri i rours A Crowd With It OS A I.I Nl) ,.,,. I-alrlc Knowle,, ,h m 1:41 and J ) ADDED ":0 Glltf "BALLET of the MHm.tinr COMING WED. T, The "Dead End Kldi 1, CENTRAL HOTEL KUUMS and CAfE fnine S For Best ht( Coal 'HK, C r. HUM TRAPPERS Do Not Sell Your Fun U Fire nidder-nrlni Thtni t Goldbloom And (Jet Hlthnt Prices .Mink and MsrUn The Gift That All Men Expect! Shirts ideal present for your friends. Famous for J 50 10 $2 Arrow Pajamas In New patterns in ' broadcloths, wool check" and pure silks. In C'hri mas boxings $2 to $g aim uu nouscnoia repairs, in xaci'jrc- Sie'S. chdristr ?;8 SlrC Wl11 "e 0,,0n Until 10 ,un' Wcdniaclay, Thursday, Friday and Saturday c-.i. n.i.. i . ..... I ovuic. rid tea luusuiiaDie, Z'JolI) WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED Woman want work by day oc. hour, Phone 138. WATTS & NICKERSON "Worthwhile (Jifls for Men" 'Vk'WT. vs. MS. KL ISTlPr wi or i ert a i a en a a I to I of I m aJ .9