Julia Arthur Wehave just received a large shipment of Tallls latest footwear in. all; their exquisite beauty. Have You Seen the Latest inJJlach Suede Pumps with Zippers and the Newest Designs in. Elastic. Gore Straps?.' i We willlbe pleased to show, theseX new lines- to you. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good' Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERX - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday; by Prince1 Rupert' Dally. News,,Imlted, Third Avenue Hi F' PULLEN - Managlng-Edltcif THE WEIGHT LIFTED j When it was learned last night that an agreement had been reached and1 that the-fear of German, agression bringing about a worJd war had been ended, a great weight seemed, to- be lifted, fronv the worldi While1 in adians; Some fears- had. been expressed- that Canadians .might intitact as. a: unit iff war, came, .but " alK these fears but it was valuable, Today- we know that, if the Einnirc of support was'a great source of strength' and this doubtless Will, have a crood effect in future intPrnatlnnarmliiJ tionshipa It shows Russia that she can benefit by. cooperating with the democracies instead of trying, to- sec-retly. undermine them through the operations- of the Internationale and it showed Britain and France that Russia may be a very, valuable ally in times of stress. Many people's ideas of. international relationships will have been changed radically as a.result of the crisisi Manv will cometorealize;nowr that it is- impossible for any nation to iivc wiiuny iu itseJI. THE UNITED STATES Whilethe action of the President of the Uhitpd'SttPc may have been an important factor in the settlement, of 'Bay. PHONE TO FAR NORTH Distant Posts Will Converse With! Business and Financial Centres- these will be overcome soon. A GRE'AT DEMONSTRATION- Would SaV( 1 he democratic nations of Europe made a great dem-l , n onstration m the cause of peace when they. mobilized, their ! U1(L KellCS loices-ior war in tne past few days. They showed such a united front that it was impossible for Germanv and Italy to expect to win outao-ainst thm Ri Erection of $15,000 Pollatch House at Alert Bay Proposed . VANCOUVER. Sept. 30: CP Frederick K. Detwillei . president of artists of Carnegie Hall, New York, will make a plea to officials at Ottawa that a potlatch house cf $15,-C0CJ value be built to house an exhibit of Indian relics at Alert Bay. With his wife. Detwiller has just returned to Vancouver after spend-, ing six weeks at Alert Bay painting totem poles. He said he "fell in .; love with the magnificent scenery" j !here. Mrs. Detwiller Is writing impressions of British Columbia for a Jiew York publication and' she de plored the state of decay at Alert tne dispute ovor the Sudeten,, the- sending out of. at few! "Il's a pity to see the ' tne old letters was-a comparatively easv, inkmrnnn!, wim,.,!,-J Indlan rel,cs havff been neglected." tl.p.li!iimnoafl..ehtMw a i . . . " " . , she said. "There are a few remains ""'"c.. ovavcouicji nau tu uu. Aiso it was a-saie j0DiQf H fiW mnoVt -" ' ' mult ciiu(jic wuum nave, ueen tne enoiT 01 Chamberlain if the United. States, had. been, ante th onmc out ih theopen.and declare her support of theidemocraoiesl in meir nme ot stress That week, of fear' wouldi have beeen entirely avoided for Germany would never have gone as far as she did if she had felt that the United States' would' Have been in the fln-nt irnmpritbUr old' potlatch houses, grass grow ing all around the poles, and the road Is In terrible shape. "One day while we were there five boats came in with two to three hundred passengers each. They were' Just crying for Information about the quaint relics and not a ingle soul could tell them. ueiuie w can, nave world stability, thff American' IncJlans wre wonderfully, people will have to realize not only that thev have a dutu !riendIi and offered t0 donate al!! tn nil v,: u ,i. '. ... T their old nossessions for a riotlatJ-hf Z ZT JrX W?mvZ house, If we could do anything: The! dutv to nerf f orm n f tHei TWncEtf J irfiSt W0,Tldi Because the Indian Agent has given us a letter " i$ s, refused to" become a member, of the Ileacue to Ottawa and we win call there on' ..Muiier un; u7diiwuii ui uiai league Decame abor- our way-DacK 10 wew xorK ana see tive; Had She been, a member the1 ran-nf. MiiTinV.,,..; lf' something can't be done. Alert could have been stopped;. Abyssinia wouldi have retaihedi?vf5LC0Ul,d," uC'.a urist attractlon, her independence, the war in Spain would have been -e to BrH iujjpeu in me duo ano tnere would Have been no crisis this week.- The last war would have been as was ex. Iiected "a to end war" a Dally News classified ad- pecied, d war war to end War. vertlsement for best results. i The Letter Box FEOM PAGE RIDEOUT . So. we-could continue to enumerate; buf again space forbids. But let us consider for a mom-mcnt. Is that 100-mile Portland Canal U bo consider! a freak cf nature indefinitely? Are thrse in-and waters of Hudson Bay to be Editor DaihtNwps!- ' !ihe Dead S5ft Of thu . i: r l wnen wuirea Laurier lormea n L,-i,u - EDMONTON Sept 30- CP. 'cabinet In 1896 he took the Pre- Canadian soil? An old windjamnvr Two - way conversations betwe miers of the Maritimes and On- captain who possesses a great tario, the Generals of knowledge of all our isolated mining and trading posts Attorney of the North West Territories and Quebec and Manitoba and many waters-told us inhls hotel-roomat Canadian financial and business such others. Hence they were rr- Prince Rupert that the main body Ted -The of all of ice that-was-blocking the Hud-Ithrough centres will be possible soon to as Cabinet a plan being perfected the talents." With these men In son' Bay rouU- was in the city Jointly by the Royal Canadian their wisdom swinging the G. T. of Montreal S. Sa'n-sbury m Corns of simai anrf th Aihprtr. P. north of the 55 to where Haiel- 'f H-nrt-l n our magazine told Government Telephones. ton now is , and proposing a line us that, if half of the money was ! Already radio-telrnhnnp rnnvfr. from HazaJt&l to Finla r'OTKi snt on th riy roUi; sations have been carried on. be- through. ttJ?eace Pass to Pear; rpent in me- &i. Lawrence mver. more development tween Fort- MtMnrray. 28T mHeRlver Landingfjthe question arises: :e nay wouia De navtno u.r rolIt? lhan ther was on tne roUte northwest of Edmonton, and Al- 'What did' thatCabinH of aU the six mcnths in the year. D. S. Dal- of tne c P R wnen it put berta centres on the experimental talents rfave lnYmind" and what glelsh, operator of a shipt...g lint through in 1885 and there is more system; similar to others used would our New West be today had at Newcastle-on-Tyne. said in an development today at both Stewrrt with th world. jrld. cial; government system there. much interested as to what it war Railway. It Is the C. P. R.. the ag0 Control Board or by the Government of British Cc.un;1 and on to Churchill. FALL LINES ON. MARKET success in many parts of the they been permitted to finish their interview at Saskatoon on Septem- and Churchill than there was at r r EJjveri E-itisH Columbia job -- But it iy quite evident that- ber 3fr 193&: "I1 know what tht Vancouver when the first train 7 VZ ivi points- ints- are- are- connected connected on on a a nrovln- provtn- the the people people of " the Old West are no trouble is with the Hudson's Bay arrived there some fifty-two years i roving. The system, expected to acce! 3ll about. uanK 01 -Montreal ana tne uuy 01 Then. wHen we consider that it . . ... .. ' nd VeteUkh Attractive And Popular erate-development throughout ttraj When Lord Rhondda set out to Montreal: Eliminate that opposl- ,s 11737 mUes from Hong-Kong; to JjL v, 01 Irults north, involves use of regular tele i tabnsh himself as the 'Cecil "on and Churchill will rapldlj t 'verpool by the present routes , m evideRr' nhnna mnlnmnit ot f VA . PtlVw nt OonoHal V.o .Vines m develotl &S it i n eaSV a TVrt tft i ... t .. . . Mi' th. lOCal market and M nrrrn v-vtaw iM.kuiw' w mi h xvi- ....j v . ' j hiui nniv hijd dv mp ri.iran ann . " " monton where wireless links the his great field of activity thnun- acproach as any in the world churchlU route (a savingr of, 2.001. "u'a",Te and popular Mc-speaker with persons in camps : try lying between the valley of the Mn Dalgleish has since been ir mles, lt w1u be n ;n' appleare in as weu as i scattered throughout the vast Peace and the Portland Canal and Western Canada talking the Hud- new route would mean for throu?h: V E00d app3M froiB T?! northern mining and fur-trading " in the organization he started" he sons Bay route which he is ver? fnc and the- traffic which i xa fields. spent $250.000J!'on one steambo? anxious to see developed And hs'would be mated bv. development generally, there art Privacy in the wireless link of-on the Peace. Sir Donald Mann " also anxious to get British reSQUrc-s ot h- tountrv . "nporiam cnanges in tht our countrv whi.h wnlllH rrtp P"ces a up. Bus- use of equipment at both ends of head of the Portland Canal east under the Hornby scheme. Surel tovas and cities in our New West U'lwer u aUo n"r Su?a: the rartln line u-hirh "wramMoc" ' irtn th.- samo- rnnnfnf o 1at- this new World ne"ri nir hVwvl -r ...j ... t . . . . . Steady. j conversations going out and "un- Sir Donald told a party of news-, We need men of vision and thf 0f Montreal with her railway man-I scrambles" those coming in. Thuspapermen in-Winnipeg that there courage to back it: men who cm aaen'.-nU and banking klnes iUKucu-u, uj wiai. icugui .and Lsuurces, giraier pos- - - But let us remember that D S find it impossible to understand sibilitks lying dormant between nerve to grasp lt-It would-appear Dalgleih of Newcastle - on-Tyne 2 , !kC P!Te 3nd tht Prtland Canal 1 th"l.D' el 01 1, our man to get the more power. With northern development ex- than there were between the Red ; on-Tj-ne t- is our "key man" to work fuI steamship companies orean panding rapidly throueh intensive River and' the Rockies when he ,on his-shioplng associates an Jzed and" nut our nrmjosltion- ovw mining acU1ty. particularly in the built the first bridge over the Red. organize a company to build lie- pGE RIDEOUT Yellowknife field about 675 air River in 1879: One Samuel O. Far- j 1580 miles of railwav to connect ' Pee, River Alia miles north of Edmonton, it is felt rell of New York travelled thisiStwart with Churchill The mile- 1.. such a radio-telephone system is country in the Interests of Pierpont age rerred to is an air-line. The a ucvc&uiy. tmerency ana dusi- .Morgan some twenty ears ago. He line would run northeast from messages couia Be sent toUoid us; in- the old Peace Hotel Iness the various ootnts from allf parUtjat, if tkison Hop proposi- Prinno R., ,.L - I V, c in ior ine wona connectea via tele- Hon was in any one of the manv prince x.rnice Rupert nupen we we are are-iar iar from trom the the range range of of actual actual" war- phone with Edmonton. -states of the union, there would war-farej we were never1 sure when it mikht come here and m any case many of the young men of the city had expressed their determination to take part in the fighting in. Europe if it started The elh?e the connection is assured thmiiirh started to build ?. line tram the people to settle in monton. But it is exweted the ------- ieaSun. as 10 - now. widespread ...uwjjicau was" naa the mc patriotism pdWriULISin 01 of Can- Van-1" intern win be extended in the. near iuiure to ail k, c. c. s. sta-1 tlons in the north. venrxt; Ko'fftJ UA l. . 71. . "lcJ communication systems , .,.u'uuaiu Hitr-cuiiuiiion oecame cniicai. ilac- linking Edmonton with the North Kenzie King's declaration seemed;a: little belated, perhan5.'are the r. c. c. s, wireks jjstciii. various airpiane comoaniesi operating to the most isolated cort, and boat services from Fort just cause Ganada wlbe there and we MTinnt-rnnrpivP nflMnr e.,fl., line line . ! - j uic iajia) t u i. j . , tne antish leaders en tenng-upon.an unjust war.. The efr.dcn various rivers and lakes to forts of Primer Minister Neville-Chamberlain- for peace ,n& mouth of the Macken2le iaf thai ,raiBhb hBW Pi. teP&XSSTZ has ten in, f wafr.lnd.uced..by a' group or imperialists. 'proceeding for some time. Some i Uhamberlam was criticized in Canada for givihg way tod, technical nrobiems. chiefly regard-much in order to prevent War. Todav he seem-LO be thps1" the telephone portion, remaLn ouisianamg- statesman of the world to be solved but it is exnected TO WAIVE TAVs MAMmiPSTITJ !ni in tnoi Stewart to the conl- Groundhog Lancashire Cricket Club has been fields, then to Laurier Pass and to informed entertainment taxi. MU Fort Nelson on the headwaters not be claimed upon more tlianlS,- First step will be connecting of be a combined Detroit and pmJof the Llard; then on to the Hav 1-16') recHved from sale of R. C. C. S. stations at Fort Smith burgh jtow .up there and a large' River and over to Fort Vermilion ticket or the third England vs. N-W: T.. and Fort McMurray with railroad terminal at Finlav ForkV then t Port smith aa Australia Test match at Old Traf- the government telephones at Ed- ' ford in which rain prevented play. CRAFTS MRS. EDGCUMBE Clae In Leather Work Metal Modelh'nt Phone BLACK 836 Walker 's Music Store Lane-Stock Music Iltinttman, Nordhtirorr an4 Letace Pianos Piano Tunlnj with "Resonocope" Phone Blue 3S9 212 4th SL yV ! Music " n GERTRUDE JfcfcA, Iludi Nelson A.TX.M. S ' UlMUfMrjll gJrWPXl: : her of Piano, MJJ : Theory and Harmony. V Iione Green 31)0 rrrr-----r ' "With lt unart touches of -- ml ami iu fahhionable nrw ; nS " S 1 . "-' " tile d-i(in, thi Congolrum SSE: , S I tWBBKtWtWSRaetm ; In.pir.Uon in ,ny kitchen," ! tA I ( 1 !tS-sJL-JL I 1 . I ay CcrtruJe Dutton, nat- J3 1 1 J ' T i ionallj known authority on j I j V OICG the home. "Itarlirerful notra. "'77' rfT3 ii!r I ( 1 will lichtrn onv. houMhoM H rNTiMuFV Iff ' i Pa 1 iT fp I rroauciioii Yet diV.Iut,,orU,i.rugir rTC5S3DfSn rSETT I leum Cold Seal Kugaareeoay- ( ! fo-tean-a damp mop keep. - j . Thone (JKEEN M them hpotleM. They are Mini- gs ISi' tt' Ave. West and they )Je- flat- without' fSlBBStl "''IWBBPbBBbWBB ; fatenineof any kind. t" Cr''t" """5'SbW .Tmm-- """''B'l'Ba'1 Vit.it jonr huuHerurnUliina -pV?-15J , dealer and inspect the Fall -)G - '.Z-'SJIilB . . K,Higorc.,pieu.nOoid: 7 . vvi' f ttm r Seal Tl,eri I 1 fV ll'L rua. are pattern. VV. -St' St i ailcolourato.uitreoT.ni jl! Jl' J. 1 1- in your home. Hut... Iwware I JJrSf " T5?v ' JVii T lii ! I Y x n cfpif genuineCWdSealGo-goleom- ItmLX t I I I QllOll I and 'ir your only BUarantec ifcJlr laaaaaaaaLlBaW .f JV1. I .- BBBBBBBBBBBBBE m BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bBBBBBBBW aW BBW aT" " . f . .ri I ilHilKT ' lfr SECOND Ave-. I.'lI'VIZflT'UYIir A.raWa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBWaL. iar k. B. , - - BBH ' w -a-BBBBBBBB- .BBBBBrBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW V V! ' ' H - I I I 1 H i I I MIL V J TaV "BBBbW V-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -aaaaCRv A a. n-K Mil bVT I aVJ ' I I I I I S PiBl; MOVING ttachtd coupon. II cuAFAVTr EijHHprHr r tieTaijTf' "M-g. 3wranriaUr rJ m mututlrt tiort it "B.nner", I f ija552itar Cen$oltmm tljlt-lttdtr K: 47S, I, : li flf'fjltC CONGOLEUM CANAOA LIMITED I .. O La l 3700 !; fa I tick. St., Montreal Qut, F I " rr I: ( ( igjjt Delivery SZ Coal ; al tW aV aaV aaW H H H l T V II ' IU f n I V L II , V "UUM ! at li . . - Phone 580