PHONE Tomorrows Tides (joe Drown) 80 Taxi DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Cartful and Courteous Driven (New 1D38 Plymouth) Ui- ' TV, A premier Edouard Daladler France and Premier Benito Mus solini of Italy announced mat iney had come to terms for the settling of the grave Issue. An official announcement said that evacuations of the Sudeten region would begin Saturday and end tn days later. Each power would hold itself responsible for execution of the plan. Sacramento Wins OverTrisco In First Of Play OHs SOCIALISM REAL CURE r.- hn iovnlt renrcscntatlvcs. It a ' r:" "71 i. Wll r,i tan announcea. inn nf nresent economic ills, nam Irvine, uresldent of the. Co . to!ntf.XiermanyirBHve-Ojmmonwealtn. Eedera- i$id ihn accord on means oi in the Moose iiau, maae oui seating Budetcnland to Oermany conventional case for practical ap-tnd preserving Europe's peace at plication of socialism In Canada to 12 J0 midnight. Chamberlain, Hit- effectively meet the problems ol let 1 .i.ssiihai and Daladler held, the day and bring a fuller and three long conferences throughout better life to the people. There lhursday and far Into the night, was a fair attendance which gave .Mr. Irvine ,an attentive hearin? An authoritative Fascist writer, lne discourse lasting for about an Vlrginion Gayda. de.lared that nour a half. A. Sinclair occu- 'the Munich meeting of Prime mln-ipie(j the chair. lster of the four greatest powers stating that the well being ol of Europe has concluded with com- an industries of Canada, includlr.3 piste agreement which consecrates yhlppin? and the fisheries, was dc-the German Heich and guarantees pendent upon the welfare of th It immediate satisfaction." 'farming people who constltuteo . . sixty percent of the population of Premier Mussolini is credited thp Dominlon, Mr. Irvine referred with having played an important tQ tne extremely difficult position part in bringing about the agree- jJn wnlcn the agrarian population ment He was the only one of the iIound For two decades far iour nations icaacrs wuu uiiu- mers had been proaucing aim ua-stood and was able to converse Jn tributlng In abundance but at less, all four languages. 'than cost. They had been able to Prem r Chamberlain announced catry on oniy by reducing thet. that Czechoslovakia has accepted standard of living, by c'onf ninu the four-power agreement for the themselves to the bare necessl-Mttlement of the International ties of life and tremendously ln-crlsls. creasing their debts until now General Demobilization ninety percent oi them were deep- . i.. ly in in aom debt, tVi the mnst most " of nr thorn them noue nope t ' move move Into into , ."r1"" oii,o .nrtprs lit' miner miners! Sharp Upward Reaction in Response to Settlement of European Crisis 1 jack Lambert Guilty or Possessing ' Illegally Imported Liquor Re- NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Stock, manded for Sentence prices continue to react sharply up-' , wards with a buying boom In response to the settlement of the) jack Lambert was found guilty by European crisis as a result of the I jury at the Supreme Court Assizes four-power conference at Munich, here last night on a charge of be-There have been large advances all ine In possession of intoxicating through the list. Mexico Limits Jew Migration Not Admit Over 4000 Hebrew Refugees TODAY'S WEATHER moderate swell. Declartne Declaring that tnai the me raiiiwuo,,.. capitalistic . Lanaeara Lanaeara Island xsaana Part ran. barometer. 29.94; Bull HUm. jwlnd, meier, ten mile 'our mues per nour; Darometer "0.04. Victoria Foggy, southerly wind ten miles per hour; barometer 10.08. Vancouver Raining, southeast wind, four miles per hour; baro- metpr. etpr. 30.06 30.06. ! . . . . German troons will.- on bu'lng Ameri:an .urre liquor unlawfully Imported Into the country and was remanded by Mr. Justice H. B. Robertson until the end of the criminal assize for sen tence. The prosecution, of Lambert , followed seizure of his fishing boat , Josenhlne at Arrandale cannery on the Naas River Jast June after American whiskey and rum to the value of $?9.95 had been found on KnarH T.itpr Lambert was convht- MEXICO CITY, Sept. 30. The d In a police court hearing but the aHmUctnn nf pxiled Jews from Eur- nnnvtftinn was Quashed on the one to Mexico has been limited to grounds of jurisdiction. Then a new . . . . Ii ..j 1 UI.L 4000. pro'erutten was insuiuieu muu . - - resulted In Lambert's committal and i ple"tion t jurv trial. The hearing took uo the attention of the court . t .v. nil vesterdav afternoon until 5:49 I . . , i n m. when the lury retired to con- wma. six mues ner nour, miu- ' - , , , .h it. verdict, returning at 6.02 rider C. C. F. Speaker Declares Democ-(meter M (falling); tempera- racy Must Come Eventually To ture. M; lljht chop. with the conviction. Crip With Fascism Or Bri- pie Island-Overcast, south- The lury consisted of Joseph Nay- I lUrtv i I-nst I iV,f mlloc rvor Hniir'.ier. inremail. JOIIIJ DUUi, -uuovi. i uikknrJ CVsH Torlrann .Tnhn Rnrk ,r ? -jiii. K, .mOTnini- SS2 the bVaX pvac- Urtan u dbtotcsraung and lhal tI0ntheny wind. four mlles ciouay pei jr. nw"" Denn's E. Christopher. Arthur nation uation wll will be be laid laid down aown by Dy an an m- n w - ---- - ,n:anabie Incaoable of ofhnlir. hammer. 29fl4: temnera- Aleer. John Arkle. Lawrence E. te-,a nal commission" including .JSSS ilS i it. i i -....,11 nfov onrt A C. ramernn. L. W. LUII . Hi), 1UUUH a LC BWCU. '.xvv.j - r.nA Tru Pnint Tionr rgim 1 Pntmnrp K.c. aonearea lor me temperature, 42 I Crownand JJS!SS!&S?Sil fence.' .nnlnlne-. westerl' I Mr. Pntmfre. In outlining the case eS pc . r l, rwrt ovnhlnpfl thtt thp 29.98; temperature, , .. ,, ith to .nrtns of moderate swell. I 'hlVpv "nd mm whlih wns find Alert Bay Raining, light south- in the accused's boat at Arrandale east wind; barometer, 2996; tera-U,nnerv June 5. a few miles from' perature, 56; sea smooth. J the Internet 'onal bounHarvr" The' Estevan Raining, easterly wind,'! liquor war discovered to have no rovernment seals, The Evidence William J. Currie, police officer it M.ll Bay. was the first witness. He testified to having received in-' formation that the liquor was in the . ! boat at Arrandale. He went to the Prince Georre- Fair, southerly ' and boarded the launch I wind, four miles per hour; bare-1 . . . . ... ' Josephine in which he he found fmind the meter, 29.82. Exchange Rates Here Unsettled Four Ter Cent Discount is Charged Against Canadian Funds Exchanue rates were unsettled' here Wednesday on account of the European war crisis. The ' premium two cartons of liquor. Accused ad-. mltted that the liquor was his but! claimed it was for his own use. The I i constable said lie 'did "not warn ac- cused that anything he mi?ht say1 would be used against him because J accused was not yet under arrest. ( Mr Rrown claimed that this should j have been. done and objected to the The liquor consisted of 17 bottles of whiskey and five of rum. The boat was an ordinary fishing boat and accused lived aboard it, Herbert Thomas Cross gave evi dence of having tested the liquor Prim, MhUsir Saii ien ubd 1! ZSZ " Tl L'tST 1' " lhe . , : change conunuea sieauy ai, diouuu rooj and the little Orpnt. rtrltntn mn1rt ripmoblllze her j in ,,mru,r rp. SDjrjt rum a naiand Germany her army. Ob- Sn to toe profits enjoyed kJ$4.80 in Canadian funds. :;vprnmnf of excellent quallty. Vinild mnthnrle ara thp flpmoblliza- Tt ,i.oc iha: i Aneus Mclvor, Inspector of fish- tion of everybody." the companies of Canada should .oy xnuc. " , - enec, toia oi navmg iockcu up me ireS, the largest, dividends cratlc n n d , in history while over 1.250,ouu per-- -n f" " iTT. sons out of a total population ol . onstame warn oi uie lujutan .1I.C00.WU 1 1 coo ooo were were on cm relief miei. Tiieie.uMttiy i " .T adtan Uoiinted Pollef, actlni as an JUsh liberties were to . eo, fVlo .c . ana - "', " .v-.u " was a wen-iounaea gruwiuBi- . . iVin be fwept isupnt away awaV. . u i.. ii office f n r.i r.. conviction that there was no rea?- i i irrrv. nunrn - - , x Ul il"'e v vw Dr .TnttV, T llnr,f rnelripnt. mining engineer, and Mrs. Mandy e sailing tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a trip "to Vancouver and Victoria and Harrison Hot Springs, the campaign oi ltaiy again Ethiopia, the rise of Franco In Spain and the taking oi Austria the city police at Prince Ru- . . - rvn ic Tim. ui h , hici ..... child "'fT" prt' told hlm thal hlS on for any man, woman or Mackenzie Kh c ' -ana sufierlne from lack of food, cloth- Chamberlain el liquor had been seized, warned him ing and shelter in a country where join a. What a ie you going to to q d0?' ! these things were abundantly lstcnt. 'mprelv criticized this and previous S. rlsco. Sep, 3o.5aCra.,d I I'"'' tafPUl"d' h .tot o. pl-otI m "S,H S5?, ,rl( iXTt Tne ne u O l.. F J. I capitalism. supercede P- ttrlc In th. rHt, Coast Baseball , to the ,h. ini.m.ifenil international sit-1 .it. that anything ne saia would be us-1 ed In evidence against him and' suggested that he mighl have counsel but at his own expense. Lam-' bert replied "What's the use? You've got me. I might be better put of the country anyway." He wa further questioned by Jarvls Turning wPjre ; McLeod, collectbr of customs but i not taterested in i taKing ay uation, Mr. Irvine declared that . lhl3 conversaUon was not admitted. Canada could not feel Itself de-lpryat ,W e aw 1XesS in tacreM ncrea Mr. Brown, objected. to apy.of the tached. The democratic natlonshand . 'conversation going in but the Judge had retreated as witnessed by the;ing your v ' hln ruled that the voluntary statement collapse of the League of Nations, hlncry of production ' accused might be: admitted, the Invasion of China by Japan ,.hllHnn We are ODDOSPd! Under cross-examination, Ward . i to some fifty or sixty men control-1 said that no charge had been laid (Continual on .Page Six) (Continued on Page Three) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1938. By GLADYS M. ARNOLD V1MNA, Sept. 30: (CP) Tlie-longer one travels about Europe the more one thanks God for being a Canadian It Is a privilege, as the Bible says, worth more than rubies. Canadians who srumble about their lot in Canada should carry the passport of another country over heie for a while in order to learn how lucky they are. No people in tne world not even those of the British Isles. are so favored. Nowadays it is particularly annoying with barriers of all sorts raised sky-high among the nations of Europe. "You can't go a hundred yards any more without con sulting your banker, an embassy, a tourist agency, the automobile association, the consulate for a visa . . . you are too tired to leave before vou are half oreoared. Ma one day. The man sitting next to us In the Budapest-Vienna express was from the Argentine. His luggage was plastered with labels of hotels in North and South America, Austral- it and Europe. As we approached the Hungarian-German irontier German passport officials and agents to examine our money boarded the train. We were commanded to open our purses, pockets and passports. , Te Canadian passport gets by' quickly even these eagle-eyed of f ic-' ials oi the continental express. The( British passport is sniffed a little more slowly and suspiciously' while If you come from anywherej else your passport is examined as' though they expected to find the plans for frontier fortifications! concealed within. Seizing the passport of our Ar- gentlne companion the officer Inspected It, fixed a glare on ourj friend and growled, "You cannot enter your visa is not in order." The Argentinian replied in English. "I don't understand German." No attention was paid. "You will have to .return to Budapest and have your passport vlsa'd." "But I don't understand German," tried the Argentinian again in French. The official took up a tnreaten-. ing attitude and with gestures or- dered, "Get out your baggage at 5c once you must get on me vram; at the next station. CASE TAKEN FROM JURY The case of Rex versus Laura Windsor, in which a Bella Bella Indian woman was charged in the Assize court this morning; with having caused the death of her young son, Hector Windsor, was, on the recommendation of the Crown counsel, taken away from the jury by the Judge after hearin' I "e "'Hence. The woman was dismissed. Baseball Scores American League New York 7-1, Philadelphia 4-1. Washington 5, Boston 13. St. Louis 2, Detroit 6. Chicago 8, Cleveland 9. National League Boston 2-6, Brooklyn 1-8. 'Philadelphia 2, New York 9. Pittsburg 1, Chicago 10. Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 4. Halibut Sales American Summit, 20,000, Cold Storage, 8c, and 6c. i High 7:06 am. 15.8 ft. 18:44 pjn. 16.4 ft. Low 0:16 am. 7.0 ft. 12:30 pm. 103 ft. Canadian ! Cape Race II, 3,00, Atlln, 7.1c and "I sDeak English, 'French, Italian' I only went to Budapest for three and Spanish as well as half a dozen . days." .. . : a i. ,. wwoii - said thp Areentlnian. an- PUICE: 5 CENTS ral Peace Is Now Anticipated FOUR MAJOR NATIONS SIGN AGREEMENT FOR PRESERVING OF PEACE Conditions Governing Evacuation to be Laid Down By International Commission Ail canons iu Demobilize CZECHS CLAIM COERCION PRAGUE, September 30: (CP)-Premier Syrovy declared today that "superior force compelled us to accept" the four-power Munich agreement for the dismemberment of the country. He said he had taken n. jn.:c:nn " envn lifp nnrl to save the nation." nrTTXTiritj Confomtior ?.n Western Euronesi four major powers early this morning announced an) agreement "in principle" on plans for ceding to Germany j the Sudeten regions ot uzecnosiovaiua, uius jvecpms neace of Europe. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain oi ureal unuiin, uiautw'"' "uuu OI (Stock Market ooming CONVICTION I AT ASSIZES Foundation For Agreement On Outstanding Europe Problems Believed Forged From Munich IS GOOD TO BE CANUCK I Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Acclaimed in London J Various Nations Resolved to Settle Future Differences Peacefully T OMnnNT RpntomW Sftr (CP) Prime Minister J. Neville Chamberlain, who flew home today from Munich Fine iviviie-e BrinC Canadian in Old Europe These Days 10 receive a great nenuiuc uum vaoi. anu v.ui.cii& throngs, is believed, as a result of peaceful agreement on the Czech problem, to have forged the foundation for a four-power non-aggression pact. There are hopes for Bulletins LAMBEKT SENTENCED Jack Lambert, convicted of having in possession liquor which had not been purchased from the Government Liquor Store, was this afternoon sentenced by Mr. Justice Kobertson to the time he had already served in Jail and also to lose his boat the Josephine and the liquor, 'both being confiscated to the Crown. Mr. Brown argued that the case ajainst the boat was quashed when the first conviction was quashed on ccr- tiorari proceedings but His Lord- lPrfriNmptelrttnie ship held otherwise. -:- f- European problems as the fruits of his diplomacy. One of the Premier's first duties was to go to Buckingham Palace to report personally to the King on the achievements of the Munich conference. Immediately on arrival, Mr. Chamberlain was handed a letter from His Majesty. Before leaving Munich, Premier Chamberlain and Chancellor Adolf Hitler signed a peace pact binding the German and British people to attempt to settle all disputes by pacific methods. "We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German naval agreement as symbolic ot the desire of our two peoples never to go tb war' with one another .again.". , . . The agreement set forth: "We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other question that may concern our two countries and are determined to continue efforts to remove possible differences and thus contribute to assure the peace of Europe." ' "I have always had it in mind," said Premier Chamberlain "that, if we could find a peaceful solution of this Czechoslovak problem, it might open the way for general ". appeasement." . Other Nations Happy . Great welcomes also were tendered Premier Benito Mussolini and I Premier Edouard Daladler as they reached their respective capitals from Munich. The French Parliament has been summoned for next Tuesday follow ing the giving of approval to the Daladler report by the cabinet. Field Marshal Goering of Ger- . France have agreed in the hope, Jthat France and Germany should' now be able to live side by side In durable peace. Gyro Convention Next Year Will Not Come Here The Prince Rupert " Gyro Club, at maiecis oi oouu muniu-uU ,.v... . w...,. ,..t, j sneak something I can under- grlly Jerking aown ins iu6SasC,,a uusmo imucun u"u, T .... .......j u. i ',,i, t. mv last trin to EuroDe It's; elded acalnst holding the district ffpntlnlan I no pleasure to travel here any more, j convention here In 1939 but Is still Help From Hungary 'Since entering us wiui5u"vU.wu.uu.6 - B.., A Hunearian came to his rescue.; In vlsas without counting the hours held here at a later year. A re- "He savs vour visa isn't in order." I I've had to spend in consulates and port from a special committee head-"But I had my passport put in or- embassies with Ill-humored offlc-cd by Orme Stuart giving infor- must return to matlon regarding such a Convention dpr onlv a week ago and got a visa lals. And now I hpfore crosslne Germany." , nuaapcsi ana i wm uu hj ,.....6 " - "Yes but you must have It vlsa'd at Marseilles, mese peupic u.a,... ,,, twice if you enter and leave, twice here have gone mad." iwas presided over by the president, even for crossing the country-you He slammed the door as he went D. G. Borland, and there was a out. gooa auenaance 01 memoers. must return to Budapest." "And Is there no bureau at tne me nuusmwu iu.u w "v..( frontier which can do that for me?', "You were wise to get your two, "No you must return." visas at once. Many people never, George Holmes leaves on this An ex-Austrian woman nearby think of it and this Is what hap- Evening's train for Terrace where spoke up sympathetically. "It is a pens." he will meet and accompany home nuisance, she said, In French, "I I patted my passport. "I don't: his wife, who has been on a trip too have to have two visas though have to have a visa," I replied. to England.