PAG2 S3 CENSUS OF : SEA LIONS ) ( I W Hik ? I damage to fishine equipment tsid'J I the department is endeavoring to (determine whether tney are on ue I increase or dirainisfair;;. fht ani ; mals prey on salmon vitc a conse- . quent Joss to fishermen. Tney also OTTAWA, Sept 30 CP Act gnish through fishermen's nets in ErUsn Coicsibia sainon fisherman hue ting fr food yffl tesUIr there is a my sizeable ! in order to give the fishing in ppntatioa of gea lians in eoisti dustrj-socne, proUiion against rav sect of fisheries vasts a definite has been conducting anneal hunts estimate o! their nasbers so it is at several of the larger rookeriei1 COndactfalE a CenSOS. nrrir the nart ff-sr wars T-,e- i Under instructions frcsn depart-' rookeries lie at points where im-j cental headquarters at O tiara, in-i portant sals on runs pas by and ipeetors in British OUambia are Inhere herds hare been ejpedallj counting sea lion noses at rookeries ! destrnctiTe. The h trats are carried and the -haaiing-out plare" There the animals congregate in ambers. This has been going on since Aar- Sea bons. big and powerfnL do on by men from departmental steamers. T Purpose of the aunts, of course) is to exercise control of the size of the herds, which othenrec mlsht considerable harm to fisheries and work too great havoc 3 Nestles IS MILK. FKUM SELECTED COWS MADE PURER-WCHER MORE DIGfcMts-c XL . l I 1 t -1, 5 ElniiS3rk, i I MIIHIW Wff FBI g ! " 4 Pi ce BEDROOM SUITE T Cleax $59.50 Ineioiei Bed, Chafezeer, Vanity and Benrh. ABoTanre ict yvsj cSd act. Conre-Iesm 3ltts 18x35. Each Bilenm Uts 18x31 Eath Floor Mats 45c 25c Spring Filled Mattresses S17.50, S20.00, S22.00 d S35.00 Enterprise OIL HEATER Circulating Type Yon Can Toss Your rleating Problems Overboard With This Sew Enterprise Oil Bnrning Circulator NO DIRT NO WORK NO ASliES And 1 on Get Just the Heat You Want All you have to do is turn the handy diaL You can mrouie your enterprise down to a small fire in mild riinfliiii .. i. 1 V 1 f 11 t "tau'ti ui iuih it up to top neai ior com aays. With "Enterprise you get clean healthful just right eating comiort all the time. It saves oil too because ou can turn it down low when only a little heat is eeded. Hie new Enterprise burner gives an amazingly quick teat easily regulated, thrifty, efficient, silent and fe. Built to last, it gives unsurpassed perform ance. The body finished in soft brown baked krinkle n oh with flashing plate door and grills and black - lain enamel legs. A beautiful piece of furniture. PRICE 69 Always Do Better At ELIO'S C. Whifflets From The Waterfront a wen .remembered by o usrr At Prince Rnpert and akmg the keena Rirer betTcen here awl -'arelton. In the eartjr days he ser-A as skipper oc resets pi Tin? sp 1 doTn the Skeena before Uk trry Ta.s bailt He a r-5aeab-r-: as a man of particTiariy 1m; atttre and genial personalis as "IX as an expert rirer aartsator. Union steamer Cardena. Ca9t nodfn. is dw? in rort at It zq tt trsrht ff-w the soma no Tin saM an hoc later fx 55 . t ancoarer and Tajpornts Ade- Ads-' SOCIALISM REAL CUKE OoBttmed Fran Page Ooe hue the nation whose of prodnetaon and disoitaUon. Ve Y f cf the C. a P. bcix-rc that it mart Capt. James C. Carrie, wefl b!??etif-bie j!Ll, known fresh water mariner of the aL JJT v, ,k- ...., . rr.t.-, prronta gain We beHee in ser- i " -vi'.- ui xta uuua. iar uTjwuacjJij , - -TITnrtrlW' ibse a t BOOt of In tne ssentoal to j; Tar aO Tar shooid. be and iwputl' a frsh and Mood A shwld not be per I seak? ra Uioas ana 'of s Ht'"5 ont of war and monopMiT the T C. F. proposed -nfwt and exroti boards to faci1 ' th- -en -it? of goods with h-r cemmtrles. Rail wars aad Banks P. R steamer Princess rauroao. we spes- aide. Capt. Henry Anderson. U rr expressed opposition to ta ji in trt at 4 o'clock this afle- "KaPfMng transcontinental Kne tr- th Toh nd wnl saw He ,"t naUonany oraed W na't hrr iim ta v. .aM opcraira srsem ana oranco -Hurex and wajpoints ;Sn snttMd of parallel Mnec There shoaid be real natsonaUz Hjfbnt prices at Seattle tb -hire b n ranging from tv "rds. landings hare been qjoU ""T the Paget Soand port itsriqn moods-hiring been in on cdnesday. Elsie F. Heaps A.T.CJi J THEORY OF MUSIC All Subjects Clawes far Beginaers DOler qoaiue 3!etad Pbrae BLUE 997 of banking serricea and of nserance. It was possible for the Ooridwtoai r the prorinces to in- nre al the pcopSe of Canada at a 'ractioa of the present eoaC ht sserted. The c. C F said toe speaker in onchwinn. stood fr a pnrpoae iT. atiasal nfe and that pnrpoc tu he dereJnascect of the biiererts f the rconie as th first fane of the ata- to-cnes before ta--ret nd welfare of the child b"ferc profit the makintj of -"tl-rcp- t-v'ne to the deTel-'nnent of each indiridual to the tmost of Ids capacity mentally TnoraDy and physicaQy. Selvig s Cash & Carry Startinr SsturrlaT Otteber 1st a New Polirr Whkh Will Mean a OnsHeraWe Sarinr l Onr Prompt PaTinc Cnstswers Lwrtt Orer These Specials and Phone ;tS Groceries Nabeb Offee ie Sntar 10 lbs. Sagar 100 lbs. Lamp Satar 3. lbs. Fire Re Flonr- 49 s . Alberta Rse trs Nabob Qoiek Cjaaker Oat Ccmpon RsWn Hood Oats Wth rilTersraie. Ryal City Peas-No. 5 Son Maid Seedless Raisins 14-oz. ... Lemon" Doz. ... Grapes Lb. 36c 58c 5.75 25c Batter Firit grade. QfJ S1.80 $1.65 .49c c 30c 11c 16c 19c 3Mk All brands, J J AM 84.35 Egts 'C grade. 25C Mcintosh Appl Fancy Household 23c lie Vp-Rlrer Carrots 9?f andTorniov- 10 lbs. Cabbage Lb, .. 3c PoUtoes 12 !b - Potatoes 100 lbs Meat T-Btne Eeast Lb. Sirlei Lt. Jloond Sfeak Lb. Rib Roast Lb. Pot Roast Lb. Boil Bet I Lb. Hamburger 2 lbs. HamBoned and Rolled. Lb. Orames Dozen- 20c 20c 18c 18c 10c 8c 25c 32c Swift's Pork Sausage 2()C Be ton Butt Lb. Fork Chops Lb Lambs Liter Lb. Spare Ribs Lb. ...... 24c 30c 18c 15c Swift's Prtmium Veal Loin and Leg. 25C Li). . . .. . Fruit and Vegetables S2.10 81.75 15c For Reduced Prices and Improved Service Phone TC3 . . WE DELIVER 25c 81.90 20c to 55c Tomatoes Basket Ranch Carrots Each 25c 3c BURNS LAKE MUSIC HIT ilix Frank BushAeki left Barns Lake at the wek-eod for the East. She Till Tisit her daughter at Edmonton and son in Sndbsry. Ontario, as wafl as relattTes and friends in Toronto and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Gorans sr. Annie Gowanc and return later SPORT CHAT J orer Boston in an American League game eight years ago Tuesday. The home-ran king of bisebaO a great j left-handed pitcher with the Red Sox in 1916 and 1917 allowed 11 hits. TO THE FINEST BEERTOU CAN BUY RADIO SHOW Is Now On 19 Electric and Nine Battery Models Priced from $29.95 to $307.00 AT CAPITOL -Carefree." Starring Astaire and Rogers, is Tuneful Romance llilody. corned', romance and dance: loraa the basil of -Carefree mosieal hit reuniting Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, at the Capitol Alberta, where she will meet Mtas 'nrc '"k; A group of Irrtng Berlin tunes tri- f a PsychUtrUt- an artr" Gowan s sister. Miss Gowan. has aad tam'er numerous funny sit- been In Toronto for the past yar. a lutlnnt and four aensationai danee Mr. and Mrs. ABan M. Dartes of " tines are woren into a spectacu-Prinee Rnpert hare been gneats at Ur eniertainmenL Ukeahore Lodge at Barm Lake Astoire portrays the psychiatrist while aaUng the Trhragie Toor to Bellami the la7tr In Jasper and Prince Ranert, Last tasenions plot Bellamy is en-emioz Mr. Da tie wmc in- to Mlss W" but hn mated ny te Yoro? Ranger Band AsUJre toT lrtments when shot Bnms Lake cant make op her mind about their marriage. This moTe leads to a!l Rer. Fnnk boshfrSt aH Tn the trouble for Mis Rogers falls in HroH rnt the week-end In the lore with Astaire and. when he re- -ntrT vrih Barns Lake, hold- J fuses to unbend from his proles- " 9rri- at Tartoaj points andiional aitttsde. she tnreigles him 'wlinx alroost 159 miles. into paying attention by faking various mental ailments. His efforts to cure her "mslid-tostments." her madcap adrentnres that mult, the dissorery that he himself Is falling in lore with her and the nromnt action of the en- Babe Rath, pitching his first raged Bellamy when he finds out game in nine years, hurled New what ha been goine on. all make York Yankees to an easy 9-3 rictory ! for hilarious eomollcatioru. Three dance roatines by the famous team, a norelty solo dance by Astaire, along with the catchy Berlin melodies, combine with the plot to make "Carefree" a most ambitious show. nnKnnnnnH nnnnnnLnvBfiMB .HH nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl This drer?'9ement is not publlshea or displayed by the Liquor t Control Board or by he Goremment of British Columbia Model 9? KG S13U0 RCA VICTOR Presents so complete a line that you will find in it your full requirements both in price and quality Don't Experiment When You Put Your Money Into a Radio R.C.A. Victor employs 400 men the year around doing research work. They do the experimenting When you invest in an R.C.A. Victor radio you absolutely know that you hare the rery latest and best that the world provides. Your radio also is the nearest to trouble-free that the ingenuity of man has been able to deri&e. In Every Instance R-OA. Victors Are Made Just a Little Better Than Seems Necessary Frida; - I io.NKiirr 2 Shows Xifh FRED A5TAIRI mm TOGETHER A6A1I m nnnnn nMHFrrrrnni;nini (At ? II xtAYXi) p '1,0000.001 r enn I ADDED 1KL1IS COMLDT -A WESTERN WTJXOMT Sportlitbt -white sueir Cartoon "UTIU: LLVtr. ANDREW PIES Order Voar Cbklta fi Now for ThanUtirBf Fresh Local Raw Ari Pasteurized )fi!k VALENTIN DAIBT pnoM- NEW ROYAL HOTEL Prince kj Phone 2S1 .in? 1JT -A HOME A WAV FTOM HOME" Rates M.Raoais 1' ' n - Phones 18&8-r.aP wi cATmPACTlO Economy Store Where Dollars Hst . Cents. Quality Grocer ;ini AVENUE Hour 9:00 a.m. to $:! p.m. Ophite Canadian f