c -r fl3 THE DAILY NEWS" isifitu mm KOIti hAUfit ! rtoomwl lurnUncdi shack, taw HifHintf. snap price iieul Cove Grocery. (230! U5KNnr wawed?. FALL IN Mb. Stringer ENGLAND Is WekomeA Autumn Comes tor Old Country Ministry In Hugged Yukon is Ite- Fashion. Experts Tell What's What Hy AIOLLIK McGF.E LONIJUN. sew. au: aui umn la arriving In England, Its ad vent is b2lng announced formally 101IICK SALE Household &y posters aaverusing canauciea ,n8 out of the flower-pot ?300 Reward $150: to finder. pockety 'Mr : llaU of th Si.ulh Weil lewder- Puff, peautj' Shoppe: crmanents, Marcels, Finger rrtvea. etc. Children's Ilalr-Put a Specialty. "one C.reen 883' fori appointment. ""rtel'Kby 4S7 4thK i Holland Bulbs ""ips. Narcissus. Daffs.. Oet url!arly Frclnn Bulbs Now "r Xmas- Bloom' . W. GAIlt ia Classified. THIUDiAVE. , Ju Wisn to swan snttiPthlnir llonal Fotleratlon of;Merohmt'Tnil- ttltT nt tt..ti w... i.i ivwk.kM nr. ntl T'.lvnrnrv".! whuil'.TTi Rt.f.olrs itr,,,3".1! nv (5)' 00881 2!.?" of ' Hallfaw (England). addresswl'the " the Provlnt at Urlttoh Col- , fjk (mid ir. n,.,.t., sLhi. mm . 50thconfeiTDnce, r.iW,A;j irtst tf 1 lAiiu ai1 th uhouj- . . . ''u nt Tin, T.T.r i.h. T.Vir,. a RraiUiai.yfarninsuto wwKaihetipr p!'-s lliiivur.r. i,..- i-.. rn.H ir, find mnri rlKtlnrllvA tvn hftploth- uUlcs notion. 1. Iirrfii. iIy.. '.but u.iik. ot i. ...' 9u called by Winnipeg; Visit WINNIPEG; Sept. 30: (CP) At-tendlng - the wedding of her son Alexander; and after three-and'a- half years' absence, Mrs. I. O Stringer was welcomed In this city. Mrs. Stringer, who left here soon 8s, 332 ttW Ave. East; COUJ tours Dy ran 01 districts wnere me after the death or her nusoann, Jollage Is famous ror iaircoiors ana Archbishop' Stringer of the Yukon; SIRS will b received by. the , tK ffc-h-inn chow of wool wear- ha snuntt a imnd ilpnl of her time ersJRned up to noon of Wed- . , . th international Wool slnpp in Toronto with her sister. oay OctoU.-r 5th for purchase Secretarlat Mrs. j. M. waters. "I'm going rswan; on trolling ooat now pci,inf1 that fm-mlHahle name hpk thPrp now." she said when Kied at Armour's Salvage Dock. hld2 busy gpvernment officials of seen at the home of her son's man A. wau, amnumiu lhe Austraiian and South Afilcan bride, Miss Avis Strang. "My tc of Ci':orRC Swanson, dee'd. commlUee3 who publicize and pro- youngest son is newly ordained and J mote the use of woot. Wool and- I'm goln? to keep house lor mm tnnrier will be received bv winter are synomymous In England- In Oshawa." er .lRned up to noon, October and. this Is where their campaign Her trip, jng. ana ae oflotabln ue ntr - for Ps aualntances. "I: looked-up a num- interns : situate uu m nc. . " ber 01 - Ule Yukon xUKon neonle people, S3 saia d w..n..i, mlv for street wear hut even for on "1 S Ad -toV o, ;cnln8 cloak. nd tmto. IWIJ-g-: . held d MSS Aare ,6u, ? . . Uu r.a... .My.uo.--w -. missionary at Whitehor.se and' vi ; signers in search c JWn Moasa j, j liad. mna m " ' their Interest to affirm pctacular D wlth neTi Wi j. nAIIMn KOUNDj in English royalty seized on the aln, who used to be, rector of. icys on white string. Ownei obtain same by payings for Brjtlstt advemsemeni ar uauy most vmu iauuu u.ui. w ........ no)y TrlnUy Cnurch in this- citv- tneir reacn aim was uii.iuhc,, T , vlMtu, nuhon. nnd. Mrs. II. a. rsmvj who n.spd. to live. at. Ed- Also inspired by Paris and their mont0n." Majesties are - the new colors- she v'Stpd.Archblshon.and. Mrs- "Oeore VI. Red,-" "Quesn's Blue" w Temnje at York. "live stayed and "Guard's Red; Kit now Sell th most; com- America; wic uoinunoiiT a-.m- u"--GOsmo ranF. wnwr. ne: wnsr uisnop: . . . - I . 1 1 t . . I j. .1 1 ..4. ..Cffc. . r m.l I- TInT fon largest scaeciion, rnjivtu is is ssumaietr, uviv auuuw toinea Mrs&oinn;r, uti sun uu- (order Ghrlstmas- cards, with COO.000 vtitt- be spent on women'. schel. andl her son-in-law and namp and address, De- garments In wool during.the coming: daughter, Rov. and Mrs. C. R H ned by leading artists, values year. The wool creations .shown iniWJiWnson, at. Fulham Palace. ne jpqualled at our low priors, the show Included' sportiwear, fine ArchblsUon of Canterbury, nr. ur attractive lines- including evening.' dresses, brilliant Jackets- CO!mo:Lang:.had the uanaaians as $1.00 Personals. Also many ancj dressy, twon suits woolen, wu his quests an Lamoem rauce, (tprtnt bojttd assortments, an dies andieven veils and hatfilns. ""'"J ............ inutile frcii; ......... . , r.te '21- card assortment- 13 mnno. ,y,n 9rt.i..nlriv. iwnular. Inn my. daughter nome irom in- ever produced, sells for modeisNwere "the Highland Swing" dla," ... 5PERIFNCED Woman jrk by day. 20c per hour. gone Black 835. (229) LOST- "Blue Violets.' an amethyst . J ...111- ..11 rl.tr. evening aress wiui very- iui and folded bodice. Models that gave definite stvl; wn7.,, hints were a plaid wool full-skirt- tu uniuw ui.t- uii(i Willtf CUllll. With this was worn a-hHsoss of wool thistles mounted' on a comb; a black coat of wool velour with scroll incrustations of flowers grow- Ruter of Travancore Shows Iron Hand in Dea'tny; With Party Meetings THEY BROKE THE GMDING RECORD ROUNDUP OTTAWA Rpnt Flight Lieutenant W. B. Murray (lefU and Stanley, Sproule, youngest-gliding ace In England, are pictured In the cockpit of their, sailplane near London after they had broken the world's gliding record by remaining aloft 23 hours 13 minutes: Kept Long Enough, CANTON AND Goods, Make Gift ENDERBURY - ..... 1 1 Vnnur. iYiat tVltt Cattle on the compuLsory reductions n l-uci-wub w e Christmas Card'-line. Make Continent saw all these at the Wool ot ynrk." The Bishop of London bv ment which, has Just been reached money every day, showing Secretariat, show. Dr. Winnlneton Ingram, enter- 'ft 12 days an unsold article by Britain and-thJ United-States "So vou see wchada wpnderiui f hrn)n Dhnorl,v OPmin whlrh is situated time. It' was? especially, nice hav- . , pntith rich catch .liahtlv south cf the Equator, about, your profit 50c. Make big n ,oniim,n:1t nf. black wool with Mrs. striivters ur. y. bankruDtcv auction nc ror Christmas, start now ...tJ .iKiin w, nihfrt rp-unitca on um "--."- -M rf ...mirKr.niit.nf-huslness'1 h in on these fast Hlng. ? T?r SZniTZ wedding Th .sons amDn; Hersche larwst. 2"" "r Bmrr Hneer fmm lhe Coliwbla. nrxst - nf He, Irlnri li. Hrtnorio "VJ""- - cil n r nr. Wllfrprt T T a compliment to the Queen - a rhr, from coast U coast, hw nn Ws wv tiler orders. Ho-exrienetl ersey "j'torlc. Ur Enl)d! rnh yo,mr. Writ, for free sample ared ?lrt a,1f f. , rst, R.v. W. R. Btrtnw, npwlv Answer " a wool dinner, dress with of Christ Vnts also wanted '.n ordalnKj mjnljteri aL- towns. Liberal commls- ,on? uuea. 'eYeV"s" "c""-- church. Oshawa. who assisted at a Klendly service. Prcmlen ana uower Duwora-iMwimis .wi weddlng ceremony. n... ' . HTniCT' 1 4 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1" 1 V Ull. TiTIII VSV Cbngress Leader1 Jailed In India u rprturpd one-half, and-one-halt 0n the .'owawrshlp: of. the Pacific Is oo-nin nftpr 18 davs. If still in lands of CantomandiEnderbury es I Boston Has Unique Bargain Store Jbinti Occupation of Pacific Islands,; Where Prices Irop Willi Age Kxceneni example i-mc World f rostoN. Sent. 30: (CP) tor . 1 I n .H' UU.II1 ILL 1 111 WUI allU'l IUUV1 i) Jk 31 Boston Dasemem swrt : years a, , . . all thoughtful.people in coun-min wav. bargains. One wo- has been selling Z&t there a $5,000 mink tries have, wondered whether it is, iiuui uu 5 nossible to settle disputes betweea Buyers from four times now at Blshopthorp. co" l' I ' - tv,0 hllstn c nations without resorting to force. STMAS Card' salespoople. Big the great fashion houses of Brltftln, yorkin 1914 we were there with' imlnlip "automatic nlan" based With this thought In mind, it Is stock after 24 selling aays, taciisnes an enurciy npwpniiciir. it:i cut three-quarters, aoods-nof oMnternatlonal relations; ;i Eoldiatv the' end of 30 . days-are- giv- O verr these two. . Islands- there has. ' m to charity. - besn a controversy for the past i f le o hiTonr. if tn-nlvo mnntht ThPV hplonff to the . nf cancelledt orders surplus stocks miiway on the direct line between discontinued lines "seconds," "lr- Hawaii and New Zealand. Britain , More Than 1,509 Animals in Can ada's Annual Rojnd-Up har claimed th? ownership of the I, whole orcun rt el?ht islands since 1892 and.. It was net known until ij rc-rntlv that the clnlm was onen j-to challenge. In last vear b-iwovcr. Canton Island was visited) 3 by a party of American a'trcno-me - who left a lar?e plinth re- cording-thp. purpose rf the visit and) hpirlni the United Stat-" fine 1m -tot ii; sfpel Tlie Union Jackwas raised In renewal of British rive--rpi--tv hv II M. S'om Achilla on Canada's August 5. 1937. A BHtih Assh-' reindeer herd now exceeds 4.5CC tant. Commissioner arrived shortly, animals, according to a wireless aftprwarur to resiae on ana aamm-renort of th? annual round-up re- i.-tn th Mind, Tn Mirch of th celved by the Department of Mines year a formal proclamation of sove-tind-Resources, Ottava. A total of rehnty over Canton and Enderburyy 4,181 deer, comprising 1.206 fawns frit not over the remaining Is-1,963 yearling and adult females, land' of the group was mads by Bgv,r,ameatp0llwStatl0Sg 7-, f;':; m rm tte UTh whhh has jus. " IP with. a-long, broad band of. black. 2"'', while an estimated .",0 been arrived at provides that Bri-J Mm lambswool. Z roneA quicfctdeer' cjjjdeer. avo!ded avoiaea the me nerders neraers and ana es- es' tain tain and. and.tne the United united States states are are to to? MM ,lf at the State Congren lea l to to quicui WXXfV.Ti- . ... , ...u,u,.i.. f f, i caned the hw by swimming ,immino of the u ioiH.' islands! a special cxniuiuou ji ii.it Tcusslons rer ITED Small furnished house? ifndlcs-some ataost-Impossible to .llttenuTWaI1'u p,ilals nwirtent I IS iPtment Phone Black 707. dlf.tinBi.isnnrom.siiK-is o oe ih-k. gtate ohn?r i rHiH Mnttili ( 229) rJHivm-AH iiiuiuii ' Another angle on the clothes i am kkiitkv Atrr nue'tlon vas puti befori the Na- I .IS M Wit NU w round-up be the Joint owners 0 a shallow-bay. and nverythln;; on tliem. The aero-' ji.,. rAr, n.i uuuuai iuuiiu-u(i o ou,. . rinn' oi l,ne uniisii. numirc ujiui nrVlpr 011 ine summer rauRe 011 wimu the Unlted States are to nav nrohlhltinff Odih . . t umn order prontmunK ,j.u......,.H r Hictnnr distance nff off thn the .uu u ..u the govrrnmen., rssnublicmeetingsi nam!inA. The deer are corralled tP.. .edUoonryearl.!nvnrl.n.menUanf) coint-d nnd CCTta,n matme un1 finrd C3 ifi22f)) steers and atred females surnlus Th'rty-flvP. "Olloo comtani-3 we r . t0 ,he. requirements of the herd Ui'i rtd. iais6l3utly, wrnsnii wowill sln,pd .... for slauPhter. Not. a- rmblpd-on the at'Trlva"-f'r-'m in d!?nb''dlpn"n rt ,.1" f-yp""-mpnt order. Tho-fll?;tr1?f ri-m trndent was Inlm-pd. Ulr cir vi"-set on fire and destroyed. Still further antl-Conerers ma- a.ue or the nm pubiKation- be vanity In the dandv but Is it ar, authorlzed In a prorhma t? dsdains Rood clothes?" haraJah of Travancore. The pro tn ix . . - ai m . a, . . . w , t - UBI ' n . 193B. AHI3UEW THOMPSON, H"pntr lUniAtrnr or Title.. fnfvllph no Inn VllH M'hlnh . . ' i J tn ii.vii ( - ,. ,.. 'ii TT.'. iiuii us iwuu "'" ". t nn ssupd bv me za-year-oia ia 'vvlthstandlwt thr usual losses incidental to reindeer hprd.iil? and,th anninl "'aUThter of surnlus stork 6 provide food ond clothlns for l-rni nppds. ho herd has shown stpidy rrnwth since the orlclnat 2370 reindeer wrrc delivered to th" MicVat-'- r-U" ""w In 195 Tha - movement of the reindeer lie mane mes iainicr. inio'iw eismatlon nermlts the governmpnti m the wintr nrazlnf? errAund on for men: The double-breastedmln- ,tn declare nnlawful'any association i vr,inif,nd. "rrwve-. will bln ner jacKet win oe more popular lpnn:l4Pd jn seditious activities, tovftnr freo-P-nn Ths herding Is with young men. Tho- double- raW )tr- nrnherty and1 prosecute done by Iml-ndcrs b'-ovht from ent Umnne-tnA xl.ln ntA Kq nAll,l. , , , ... T . 1. , ' I.T., uicuaicu uhici iuw- r.uu.iiiif; jjj, supnOTI PTS'. - rtOrway. a.-SlSIPO II V r.SKimtl II" , type of overcoat of the button-to- Tne state Congress launched apprentices who hav ' . . Al. l I i ...til 1J-1. I A i uie-necK variety wm ct.mpii.iejy rivii d sobedlence campaign as auor training as a partoi me gov outnumber the- nlatnt C'hc.iteifltldi Rrotest agalnsti thiv government or! -wiinipnt' type oi overcoat. Customers, he said MmtMn rrnrl f Vl O Mn iJlliafttvt I'll utivi. i ,nu$i: ui anil. r' l ' for everv dav of tho week It inado r.ur who wiin .i. n.niH activities ni nw are con- mn: ft oll-'Hr ...... "n r ond fnii Irl Mi rnnfl conditions nns nn on thf .. h' a man look ,.and feel bettrr, In IccIIlue Oown With regard to wedding clothes of the feminine variety the tnlk Is still of colored wedding dresses. When Miss Eileen Dowers was mar ried September 16 to Anthony Du-' , veen a relation of the famous Lord' Grant god-child of Queen Mary and daughter or tne canon or Norwich followed' their custom1 and wore Ivory satin with embossed embroidery giving redingote lines at her wedding early In Septembr at fiOO snmm of more than 5,000,000. for the fall. old. nmcKKTr.it, nircs FTOCKPCRT. En Sent. 30: (CP.)- ih.n.t snrlpiv affairs fall flat! Sd Samuel Brown. 81. nrofessional. with the exceptlon of the occasional cricketer to ths Stockbort Club for - Irlp- to. town, to.see- new, rasnions 23 years, Is- dead, here? He- also "London" Is In the country where plaved for Nottinghamshire and It shoots grouse and makes plans Cheshire and renresented the North I against the South. ntip-Moned rl?ht to use Island's.' airfield? whl-h an to be greatly ; Imrrved and extended. When th1 plrfirlds are In full operation, a British and American service of-pelnnes will link url the United States nnd New Zealand'. Pollt.tr.'illV;' the '-lands will be enverned Jointly bv .British and United States administrator." on preeilv equall terms. The air base Is to be purelys civil. J Tlie arrangement creates ai stronst new link between Uip two countries. But it- i--nt consequence Is the lesson It slves-t Oo rynn trtt tii ttlo of International differences. -...itriyi" nld Cirdell Hull, ifi" tt t.H i-iin' Pn-h hfd .st, ."cheme of develonlnj- tl rn Canton, and each tpcor- . der banning peeches and meetings; the reindeer industry In tho Cs- nlz;d'that the-lslands had assum-ald, should ne en- Tll, pt,nte Cmirfss-U not directive -"-n nnrth. Th an'malS as a mr-eatpr1-n hf- nt-. a charnre of suit ..,!,Vtrf ,ith thp Indian National! whole have become adaotrd ti th. devehnment nf va,"in At- thp. iiici i.''. .. I 1. 1 1. . J " n l"'"n ""T ''"V nr.i'n i.onnress, fined at present to British India, reservation and the Industry has hern- war nj'it.v of rooi for hotn ' Travancore is the largest or the. devloned to the stace where th- 'i-'ke cf the hbnds. narticn- rivr Indian states In the Madras establishment of a native hprtl ln.M th lanon "t rnntnn tp -p- brp.sldenov It has an area, of 7 - H,r"nct fro-.-, the main herd, Is be- fr hpln n--tai m ' 'p- mii nnrl a nomi at on : urrairwti. :TJn. tr eire-i, a roiwi-"- thm n to make n pi,re hd do. i Annie Woodhouse, for her second cldpd to lavn the nuestlon of tltl of fenr? an a charae of di unkenness, orf one side for a nrotrapted ppiiod: n'nvppn of thp art ir.allerlefu- sMe whlclv the Royal Family was rep- Wn- fined 51 with ontlon of four pnrt t, ponemtrate on the question! J ..r of o in. long iirt list nf of hrMo. brides of rpfipntpd. resented, ten wm mv- diiv' l a in,n-.spnt m c,ty of use... was one the immediate Ifuture who have Few or tne unmwH-w ..c ynnce courj wenncsuay, chosen Ice-blue gowns. of the First nim...y. - " Royalty, still adheres to the tra tain are expected, in London until 1 dltion ofwhite however. MUfMfcry , the ena:oi Bepi. REX Bowling Alley For Health and'a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 ENJOY EXTRA. COMFORT AT LESS tOSI. Got eman ' McilKIME STREET J RAILWAY It UNES (CRf Al.' SI I j Hl iaCb iYklCM mWlr ' n -WlUr h- lit mvM I1I1EI . y v . B VvJM MODEL . 829. A. comiiletcly traC'crn -cailnct I'vpe elrjulaiin" jiext--,-thati fivcs; fine-clean healthful heitinjr so.Tife,...tnj?(ed"l he-nwUuroclaitic enamel finish in warm wahtiit; UroAvnAjWHI net clifp; ctack or p.cd; .Kquipiied with an Sinth. Coleman RiM JVivinj.Whkless Uijtner aJ' rcaijx other features- ofvsuperiorjtyj NoiVjOWLiw v SH;--- Come In For a Demonstration GORDON 'I CENTRAL HOTEL, HOOMS and CAFE I'liiiiic .11 For liest llouseHoirt. Coal ' L. ,MKK. n,:lV.il:K' ' laoai HARDWARE all i rhie'31l A' V. .,4 J. H. BULGER. f n OptomelrUl 5 nnvai ttinV iUfi dUMt- Tntriscontiiientii! " Trans-Ailunlic XraHs-Hk'irir ' . v..ri-:v:. To Vancouver vi- Oerai' Failn and- Way IVrrt Stfr "I'rlijwsjii' Adelaide-' Every. Friilay 1ft p,nu . V ;. TO VANCOUVFH DIltECT PltlNCESS LOlllSK Septeinber 7th, 17th, 57th October Itli. lallr . Connections at Vancouv-en witlr Canadian yarlfie S"tvi-V . " . ' n Ticket and Heservatlons , Fr6in W. L. COATKS. General Aswit. ! UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD: ' Steamers Leave Prince ftupert for. Vancouver? T.S.S.CATALA IJVEItY TtllW- 'XS& AllDllNA IUIiVa VV DAV 1:30 "ji.m. lOiSOjijij. ' Due Varicouver, Thurs' a.m. Oui Vtitt'uvrt Moiufaf liljil.,, If, Convenient,, l'lease rurcliase Tickets atUffire, :t''- Further information Regarding fteseroilonx 'lid. -tetj:.f,Tpii;v;; A. W. NEWMAN, Vrince Jtupert Accnt. Thlt: A l(ii V December Frozen HERRING BAT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. III