PAGE TWO Thi CLARIDGE OAILY EDITION SHOE For Stye,and Durability this line of Men's Oxfords are the . tops In medium priced shoes. Six styles to choose from and every one a winner. Priced at F 35.50 $6.00 AMILY SHOE STORE IT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA .Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited.. Third Avtnue a F PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edltcr AHE YOU A SOCIALIST? Friday, July 22, 1938. One of our readers intimates that the Daily News ha3 cast aspersions on the socialists of this city. He is mistaken. We have a great admiration for socialists. Mnnv of them are very high minded, honorable Deonle. As a group they rank,. at least, as high ethically as any other group, possiDiy nigner. because we do not favor socialism as preached by the Communists does not mean that we ELECTION FAIRNESS tEirt is Solid For PeroocrarT right to advocate any system they wish as long as they do erick, Kerry) jiul auvocaie violence in a peaceiui countr' like ours. ; Party We happen to know personally a number of very1 04,1118 FaiI worthy people who believe that socialism is the cure-all 'F GaeI TWO CLASSES OF SOCIALISTS 4There are two general classes of socialists. One of them sees in socialism a means of doing away with class distinctions and bringing about what they think will be the thousand years of peace and.good will. The other class sees in socialism what they think will be a means of fit HUMAN NATURE ALWAYS THE SAME We find that in all countries under all sorts of condi-. less killing of those who were opposed to the ruling group. Members of the "The Party" refused to take more wages than any others in the country and it seemed as If a .real (Jernocracy was in the making, Gradually, however, the selfishness of human nature overcame their idealism and they have given way to the doctrine "to the victqrs be-, lqngs the spoils" and the bureaucracy has .developed into a ruung ciass mat uves on tne iat oi me lanu wnne tne underlings sweat and struggle apd in some cases, starve in the cause of socialism. Socialists will not believe this, P. R. System phxeys says: "Mr. de Valera"s par returned; possib ly have been so reduced in numbers as to be an ineffective force. Mr. Cossrave might have been defeated." 1 Firures Speak i Mr. Humphreys compiled the fol-1 lowing table of figures to show the effect of proportional representation: j Party Votes Seats Votes ! Per Seat jFianna 663.000 72 9.30C 'Fine Gael 428,000 43 9,900 Labor J29.000 9 14,300 Independents 61,000 7 8,700 ' I I 1. -11 B ijie uuierence in resun," r.e added, "between P. R. and the British system may be well illus trated by comparing the West of Ireland, where Mr. de Valera has a majority In every county, with THE DAILY NEWS In LONDON, July 23: (CP Eire. by its "seady use of proportional repiesentation, has made a valuable contribution to the art of democratic government," says John Htimnhrpv wrrptarv of th Prti . AnalvrfnT.thA nlf TLfr Hum. i i Voles Seats 182,030 20 89,204 9 23,442 W42 ,1 fnr tha ill n,im,nth, TUa 1,. i .i..:. : Z. i " '"""-J1- i41c uujcvuun iu inciii lb LiiaLi independents 13,371 2 they find it difficult to talk about anything but socialism, I "in no county did the majority They are so enthused with the righteousness of the cause ,nionopcllze representation, iht that they think it all day and dream it all night. Many of STe,mlnori1!ylecttd a rePrM" them injure their prospects in life by doing this and they iE3l S S are apt to be tiresome to those Who possibly do not think were elected, for each of these as iney ao. Liberals or Conservatives, simiianv obsessed, inonties had a substantial back- would be eqqally tiresome. ing. In Limerick the Labor minor lty was strong enough to elect its representative. ' "In southern England (the 11 counties south of the Thames and Severn) the sin-jle-member constituency system gave the following result: Party Votes Seats (Government 2,068,323 77 ting even with those who thev believe have in the nnCt,Lator 836473 lorded it over them. They think that under socialism, as! tireapherl hv th PnmrrmnJctc tViatr umII t.;mnl.. I j uuiiiiiiuiii.iv., mcjr mil DIIWJJIJ' ICVCJSC the present prder. They will be the masters and those who 4. . i 1 til t .1 . 320307 Storied Mansion ie present iqe employers win De tne employed or pos- TT J 117 1 sibly left to starve. They are firm believers in the "revn- Under Wreckers 0 2 lution" and in the "dictatorship of the proletariat" which' will follow the revolution. . j Montreal, July 22-(cp) to' With the altruistic motives of the first class we have most p48" frobUher House 'is every sympathy. Many of the changes they would like o IZ"! SLT?6? bu!ld' see corne aboqt will Be brought about They are MglSSSiJSS slowly brought about by the natural evolution of society. But to some it reflects the glory With the other group we have no patience. We do not'0 an 0,dr Montreal, of a vmie think they have the slightest chance of success in Csnada.'TI clt? where Fre"ch and Ruf ia was caught S inopportune time and the'ruler, ZXZ had no Warning that apy SUch COUp WOUld be made or newly-laid streets that cut sharply might have a chance to succeed. In this country we have, back from the broad st. Lawrence a freedom which Russia did not possess and still doesiR'ver TlOt DOSSeSS. i 83 BenJann Froblsher erec- ww uu.iiaiiig uiiu UIIUC1 IIS IllSO rafted celling he planned the North-West Company, which less than 40 years later was amalga- tions human nature is verv much the same. After themated with the Hudson's Bay Com- reyoltipn:teSia started out well except for the ruth-; W VSJTSS but about 1846 a Mrs. A. T. Julien transformed" It into an hotel. Renovated ln 1872, it became the smart rendezvous for the gay young bloods of the day. Still the centre of attraction, u was visited two years later by a stranger of aristocratic bearing, who signed the register as "Charles Lormler." While he went upstairs to his room, whispers began to circulate m me joDDy. ma not the young They say,,it Is just propaganda put OUt by the Roirgeosie'. stranger bear a marked resem . , ,1 if 1fi ii. mi .!.. I f-i n ior me purpose oi uiscreouing me cause, tneir eyes are blinded. But the truth will gradually seep in and they will learn that, under socialism as under capitalism, the human animal is extremely selfish and is ever ready to fatten at the expense of others if it gets the chance. blance to a certain Frenchman of royal blood? Before the whispers were answered, though, "Charles Lormler" was found on the floor of his room, a tiny pistol ball lodged ln his forehead, I PRIZES FOR iSTAGGER FLOWER SHOW Number of Seed Firm Have Donated Goods for Annual Event the Prince Society last Ill u cinnyicvc This Year At a. meeting of the executive of Rupert Horticulture: portional Representation Society, ! P"" . the annual flower show or in commenting on the June elec-lg tion which saw the return to pow- ust.,29 " PTiously announced dni prt U was prepared with, er of Prime Minister Eamon v' "' "u w Valera's eovemmenL By JIOLLIE MeGEE mnllr Ha at ohril nr talrfntr t. ?ILntltWbronx!rW0icl! amlnauons. will be awarded as first and second He has announced that at length I enUrely at the hospital I tjont as would; give her an Insight I Boomlnr Keep Fit I Into the worlt of a women" potuieil Interest in health movements and .org&alatlori. -Aftr passing this ttai tt i irn .n the -Keeu Fit" campaign In par- first examination sn is given six Hi ll II I A Y.V timlir iron the ineiease. For one raonthf further training. ViJiri X U ... . v, nnm nf r and iumg ib (n .-! WUd horsas could not drag most , women to an ordinary law case In cn Engllih court where, perhaps In deference, to the picturesque wigs, and cloaks, time passes slowly. Yetj five women wire included in the list' of 1C0 studentr who put their names, down for a call to the bar during( th last days of June. The British bar is still a bit' fhlTv tt.TII'e universes are on the point Mi "f.. J?' dens and two for the small. oTSlol jSS- e bench. They are left to them- tlfleates and Meher sehool eertifi- selves ,n the sacred precincts of - illlTS PARIS CHIC TORONTO, July 22. Depreciating copying of Europe's styles, Dr i oate examinations. the Inner Temple-devoted enUrely. jto lawyers' offices. Two engaging,. - Younger Nurses . names follow one another outside Another new educational idea has ane dcor: Miss Dorothy Dix. Mr. French Oliver told a Knox Church I been adoPted by te Essex Country John Single. weeknJght audience better be as ' Education Committee whose Juris- a career claiming an Increasing Old-fashioned as the hoonskirt than iJctIon extntls over a heavily popu- number of young women is that of to run around imitatlne -everv I ,alea ana 001 ""duly wealthy area, political party organizers. A few- freak from Paris." iIn Essex 11 establishing a months ago the Conservatives were pre-nursing course in the teenni- ccmbing the country for youn wo- i 5CJ1UUU iu iw cirk u remvuj men with nece.ary qualllicauons. GOOD FISHING DOG ths serious shortage of hospital Now they have it down to a system. ; ; nurses in the country. OWEN SOUND. Ont Julv 22 The training will bealn at 15 or Practical Experience , CP) A blind fisherman is laud-' bVi and will last four years. lathe Before takln the nrellmlnarv ex. the South of England where the ng" ols Alsatian dog who when his j flrtt year the student's general ed- amlnatlon the candidate must havt : ConservaUves have a majority in master got tangled up In two fish-1 ucation will be continued with a scent a month workinz ln a con- jevery county. The figures for ccn- tng lines gripped one of them with view to determining whether she rtltuency under the supervision of' tested seats ln the seven counties his teeth and held on grimly till Is suitable for a nurse. The a certified woman oreanlzer or con- have anv GUarrel with socialists. TW hnvo n norfWr tTOm "I to Kerry fDonegal, they landed a big black bass. fourth year will be spent practically stltuency agent under such condM "i . .. "" " i'w uaiway. Leitrlm. Sipo. narp rim- were: 1 wow, but its Hork THAT'S EASY- I SO COMFORTABLE IN WEATHER LIKE ZTrr'c KELLOGG S THIS ' , CORN FLAKES FOR " BREAKFAST A GOOD rule for hot weather t Eat light, cooling foodi, naurithlng and eatlly dlgetled. Keep cool with Kellogg'! Order Kellogg'a Corn Flakes at your grocer's pncl fill the cereal bowls with golden mountains of criip flakes In rivers of cool, creamy milk I Then call the family to a breakfast as refreshing as a morning breeze. Kellogg' Corn Flakes ane criip and rrunchy. And they're among the easiest of all fowls to digest, Stock your pantry with several packages qf Kellogg'. They'll keep their oven-freih crispnets, for they're protected by the patented WAXTITE Inner wrapper. Kellogg' Corn Flakes are told and served everywhere, Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, CORN FLAKES FOR COOLNESS KELLOGG'S lor EXTRA FLAVOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE No woman ctn sjt for the final' T ". . -' Esa:n" r.g-.Tin. all the leeway ' they de- wamlhaticn 23, SheU To Arranje Studies for Old EngUnd J ;?,. ln H,fv the For Wider Leeway Longer Season hatMnc suits, shorts and briefest cn' her toqwJedge of the conduct of 1 skirts. The pictures act as prop3-, meetlnss, methods of political edu., '.ganda for gyro classes and now no' eatlcn and propaganda, various -group program seems complete pecU of Tf SlrraMon. procedure m 'without physical Jerks. jcQnoeetlon with, nominations, elee- I Yet with all this the authorities Ucn offences and the. organization night C. P. Balagnc . Summer Activities in Many Lines in rharee of Olrmcia Horse Show of a canvass. .May Be Reviitti Henceforth were hard put to it to find a "dare girl who h?d of course to be beau Several hundred Conservatives will start-off on .this career at e. tlfuL In addition, she had to be amlnatlon early In September Canadian Press Correspondent willin? to be strapped on to a wild . - h.m if o t-Tia trlfh fh Rnahls and it will be published as soon a, , LONDON, July 22: CP-Stag-. ,T.h, i terra hrtiirtavi arp n national ln- ia.-. The secretary announced that ' novation just around the corner in -We can find f USIO FORiFEACE girls beautiful TOBbNTO, July 22, CPiMak. but none none w with Ut In Ing for finer and more sympath.Hlc ty PoUed a majority Qf the votes. said, -but ZuUd i England, This may be the last year nouh." they one seat for every 8.SQ0 votes. Mr. i!" J"' . , tJ ., afiicient n uck to be roped to the h uman beings, 'music is an aid' to one seat for every 9.900 votes. La t D ' 7 l-' , o iUMU c c . UUI,U8 ul"" Fit cia - bor contested many areas, but only ifi In goods; R"- ; ftneU veather. Trj t PHiy hi-ad , .... ... . inles seeds Ut -the value of 12D0 - vprrrnh UnHuv. R-otih.horn .uencn-atiii.ror if . m nine areas ma its canciaaus ! . . .. - . - .,. w. -!r-: Grassland Brothers two prizes $2 parliamentary secretary of the. sary to win a seat. The leaders ofiV H',M Baard of Education, U one of the all three parties were -returned -ifP" mcst en8iblp eJ"rsof U social What would have happened JS?2. SS"irfl-? ,f lUt. yet he has pecn working over-without P. R.? Labor would have 8I'hSim Jf' 40 gifdllnS e PW Of how to lost all representation; Prtp. ,rTJ,X?aS?ir: iae-to so one independent might have beenihT TtV. , , Fine Gael , would tJ .J third time donated four medals NEW ROYAL . HOTEL -J. ZareUI Propritor "A DOME AWAI FROM JtateefLMvf o Rooms Hot tt Cola Water Prince Kuprtf ac. Tnr Ul P.O. Bx 111 Thr finest PIAMb -TUNING In Ue eeantry can ,bc yours, a done-with the "Resoposcope" by riivtie Blue 319 Hz 4th St. HUE SEAL iQUALITY ! SEAL .fl'nert.Pink 5alni()n PaciJ i, by the unly .almoo canntn company with an all hi i-.Tjtfr' ' ;tound 'payroll la Pitoc Rupeit Mm ' ' ,- lahsfer rrrTT. ; jW. ... . "Cartage Light Deliveiy Wood P,ho)e 580 JH. BULGER tonietrist Ooyil Bank'.Bldf-