n Acropolis Wins lOyerWestview jScore of 11 U 3 In Gyr Softball Leane Livt Nitht In the intermediate drrisvc: 4ihe Gyro Softball Leajae for 5. rs AeropaKs opened the seasor t beating Westrtew ay score u? :: .to 3. Westriev specked strang-H tj fSccnag two runs in the for; ,ringr.singled by -Crimson. Brasc r.d (Long and one error at second bi .Xfcooating Ir the two runs -;1T pushed in oee nore run ::: the second inning when Blair :r:p-pjed to left field and cam? Uu-v .on a sacrifice. Arropofe" pitching tightened up .at pais point aad Westviev amble to scare an; awre runs. j Westriew pitchers held Aeropoiis hitlers ta three hrUzad one mr up to the toerth awing. In this inning ejkis and par. or vo errors ol Jadgient allowed sefan miners' to cross the plate. 4 Acropolis seered one anre in the eighth and two m the niatli tc-i rings to bring their total to eleven,) The heaTj hitters on the Aezopofis teas were Robertson. Astoria and - Johnson with three hits apiece. The gaze ru fast and weO pfciy-ed f catered by tight pitching on the part ol both teaas and. bt for WestTiewa snfortanate lapse in the fosrth rnniTig. the scare .fmafc have been mach eJaser. LO.VDO.V GOLD PRICE LOMXJX,Jjdf TSt-CPjtr-Lendcn. TS .prjee- was of f J yesterday, ciateg at per ocrjcel S B,ITALVS EX-FRESHER TAKES TP GQLF .aaaaaaaaaaaaaav JaaVaC. anollEaaaMaSatfat. -a Dane Lk.vd Oe,rre fara-er Br.:-:- P.-.-? is shorn ibore. gcvxg at the Cigres-sir-lfer course, near Cances. France, where he vacataaniiii. His diaghrer Megan, acts as eaody. while her father takes a heaTthj swing at the halL Gsif-mg is food tramiag for pnlWrtant " says Mr. George as he tates a gre deal of aiterest in the game The fanner Prise Minister's faaily gathered recently at Cape Antibes. near here, to celebrate the -grand old man s- 75th hirthdaT and his golden aeddlng annirersary. Gym Building Is Postponed Tfcan caotains were Therne Laa-. -r- n : j- v.. -r- .... - - . t J i main ut,uuuj dry for Wesrrtfr and Harry As-, Wth Prjert This Tear j toria for AcrepjBs. j l xres verc en koss and Harry Gsrdsa-Cooper. xeaxisnre the ooestioa of baffcfhfz fineisehoof gyzanasiBs. -ujacir &s a tn aao oear a f DEOVE THROUGH BEES t, GOOERICH. Ont Jaly 23L CP . Fortanatery on a highway dear if .other cars, a aioauUi arare Ms car practically bted throcgh 2 jwarai of bees, which aseared his 1 Mrs. Frank Glass and fanHy '5-',rfw har hfM on a trrn torth t - iumuwi nome iroca vaneoaTer on osrl 011 weosescay. a the Prince Rapert this nwroJng. pogpgce .ipr a raafion of the whole project i Her. Adaai Crisp presided tthe 'M TAKE A FURTHER STEP FORWARD IN WORLD Player's "Mild"' Navy Cut cigarettes are novr wrapped in the amazing new "weiprooT paper which. does net stick to the hps. Its as smooth as the smoothest tip. Player's "Mild" Cork Tip cigarettes are still made with regular veHn cigarette paper. . 25 - 25 A I .POCKET TINS I ' "OFrim50 J l I THE DAILY NEWS POOTBALL INTEREST Teams FaDd U 5bw r j Btt Re4 it is hoped to resrcne the reotai schedu of catches next week PitUkurg Pirates StBl Leading Xew York Giants by Game And a Half TODAY'S .SCORES National Lea rue Boston. 2; Pittabarg. -L Pnfede tphfe. 2; CtncJaaaU. i iSeeosd gaae: Pliihtdeiphia, M, Ctecbmati. 3; at end of sixth kt- afaig. BrooUys. 1: St. Loaa 11. ifai sixth inning. 1 New York-Ciaeafa. rata. American League Cleveland. 4: Basts, J. , St. Loais. 9: TTi iiTibulaa 7. Detroit at PfitlartHphia, Chicago at New York. rain. i nral Expected Ocean FaHs . WHXFFLETS xnp proposed ' ... WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront CuNJt steamer Prince Rupert ; . , . . Capt Jasoes Wan armed in port Owing to so aany of the players . , . harm to wr at It oaock th morning ent of tovn, feat everuag s SUBc between the Merchants and the Canadian Legion fbothal the City Leasee Neither team erfTen The Prince Sapert Football a fcli As- .soetation has had a oansaantea-twr frost tee Ocean FaBs Taat- bail Association asking if aa torn series cook! be acaasvd the trophy nor beid by Oceaa Falls. The Assoc&Uon is on bafcitag a zzetton to the question. The recent ertes -with H. i. S irt wared that there b jaaod football talent aong the ossyra w ::rincr Kapert and a Krai team voaW certainly be eao-abie of gniag any oatakie eJerei a reaflly dose gaae 'Kith this as an additional incentive there shomld be a reneval fruai Vaacoaver. Poveil River and Ocean FIk and via sail at 4 o'ciocJ: this aftecnooD r An$z asd Stew-, as vhaaoe he vtB .retarc here' aatc eveoins soathbaaad. The, Prince Paperi. ahieh braaght north oaite a naaber of toar passes- atoratort fast train, h eosaIeter analed oat for the trip aorf)t froa here to Anjox and Stewart ski oni to Vaacaaver by Uie-kaQT xm-l sMppi .Better" party of sae 8, venom which arrtred bere bf sne-j da! tram this afVawoc'&a: the Bast With a capacity passecr list; consisting largely of round trip, tpcrista. CJJt ateaaaer Princess! Loafee. Capt s. K. Cray, armed' in port at 9 o'ekxa: this oioming froas VancoBrer and sailed at 11 of interest in football circles and! l9C Stagray and other Alasha point whence she is dae back here next TCedficsdaj afternoon soeth-boaacL The Tassel had 211 passeog- its of whom 175 were round trip-; pers. uory oae ctseebarked here. With Major J. A. Motherwett chief saperrisor of fisheriei in attendance, fisheries natrol leaser Malaspina arrived in port last ere- ning and salted this zaoming in' continuation of her re tarn voyage, to VaneoaTer. Malar Motherwell has been vhattag the Skeesa and Kaas Rivera and other ftshhig areas. i CJJL steaaer Princess Tdetakte.i CapC Henry Anderson, is dae tn port at 5 o'etoek this afternoon fromi be aoath aad wtn sail at 1 pjs. on her retara to Vaacoarer and aay points. , MAY TAKE IT RAW TORONTO. Jaly 22.1CP1 :! to faraers ia areas where miTt pasteuriaaUon laws are applied stay, rfrint thrir tn maws' mliv K I 1 b. in t u V t , . PI I'fVUI I i-n Ink- .n. l- - -wac u iilj MM. the niihfc aust be recessed. j With both Pittsharg Pirates and St Louis irjctmry. there; PfLi " 071 was no chance hi -ttJe National if2? rat Dafly Leagae sitaation. the Pirates' iead over Gfaato resaslaaag at one and , . , .. . : a bah gaaex. The Brooklyn Dod- gep and Chicago Cabs divided a 'daabte-beader and went back into the VarfrriMp of the second din- sion ahead of Boston Bees who .were bale. Yesterdays Big Leagae scores: THURSDAYS SCORES National Lea roe Phisftdetphia. 4: Pittsbarg. 5. Brooklyn. 2-1. Chicago. S-t. w York. 5: St Loata. 2. American Lea roe Detroit, 3: Waabtagton, 4. CJeveJand-New York aoaafcheac er. Csaeago-BOHon iinaastiii sde- St LoU-?hiladelphia Anaieheai er. aH postponed by rain." 11 1. SPORT CHAT ; The margin of leadership of the . PiUsbarg Pirates in the Nation.: League stood at one gaoe and a half as a resatt of the Pirate-sphtthii a doabie-heaner with tV !Phsles at Pittabarg Wedne&da: whale the second place New Y. Giants were dropping two gajne o the StC Loais Cardinals at St Loojj : JThe Ctnernnati Reds were beatei ta a bight garr,e at CbarinnaU by the Boston Bees and dropped into ,foarth place bekrw the Chicago .Cabs whose game with the Dodgers at Brooklyn Wednesday was rained . oot .The Washington Senators defeated khe Detroit Tigers in the onry JLneriran League gases that was not rained ost Wednesday, the Tigers, as a resHlt, dzpppisg into sixth place below the Chicago White Sox. I r BUMPER PROFITS t J HtDDEP-SFIELD. En?. Jury 22 ! 1CP Profits totaling ST7.-' 630 caxze to Hsddersfield Town ; soccer .football ciub last season, trte cap finahsts reporting their b-t season financiaHy since 1928. ! ' i V Interior Weath or a Prtoce Georee Clear sooth west wted four xnJes per bear bam I meter 29 -SO Terrace- -Clear -ghl west wirl 4tz:perafan: 64. SM 1 f SUBSTITUTE FORAGE... f S, XThxa. Lod for th. f ' VOi AWr At Sump owr UeU tT UjCOfi, mli Gunatw mt As. 25 ot.. -io 'jwMfnh fjyj 40 or. 2-75 fif . aS1 "B. C. SPECIAL" Wg?Smil I J3IEAR0LD-K m W 54 00 vSs3l3 M k lei hn 'aaaaBaaaaa This advert: errert .s cwt psl CoatrI tkara or the When Yea Need PAINT Fr Your Boat or lUtne Bay COtUMBA .-.heJ or d-sr'ujyed by te !. x rer-.xcr ANTIMO WHITE It Goes Further Lasts Longer Stays Whiter Made only by the Canadian Industries Ltd, Accept n Substitute. Sold Only By Silversides Bro Paints. Stain Wallpaper Class, 31 Possible Prices s. All at Lowest Calling all Sourdoughs and Chechakos Back To ITHERS SILVER BIRTHDAY CARNIVAL and Gathering of Early Day Residents FOUR BIG DAYS OF ENTERTAINMENT August 4, 5 6 and 7, 1938 HORSE RACES-3 Fast Events for Saturday Afternoon BASEBALL -Two games. Prince Rupert vs. Smithers PARADE TO CROUDS LED BY SMITHERS RAND Decorated Cars and Floats With Prize AwardV TWO BIG DANCES In Town Hall Friday. At Lake KathlvK Pav. Saturday FIELD and .TRACK SP0RTS-A1I kinds rf athletic events forng and old. OLD TIMERS CONCERT : Iopcrsonatinir Earb- Residents and Re-entin Scene and -Incidents of Earlv Days in Smitlers PICNIC AT LAKE KATHLYN Sports for Children. Free Ice Cream, Hot Dogs, Etc. to Children NEW MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS; REFRESHMENT BOOTHS ON GROUNDS CfnJJonofAsaxiated Boards of Trade of nw Central B C Deliberations of Thursday Open to Public Banket Friday Night OPEN TUG OF WAE COMPETITION GOLF COMPETITION FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF NORTHERN B C EXCEPTIONALLY LOW FARES ON RAILWAY