Friday, July 22,1938. Cool dud deliciousl "SALADa Interior Still Needs Moisture Weather Warm and Summery Hut Change Would Be Welcome DMITlIEnS, July .22: The last fpw davs have been of the real summery variety and Ideal vacation wcathef but not so good fcr the grain crops which are in need of moisture that still seems a long: way off. Hay Is being harvested under ideal conditions and, while tho Plione Green 910 ELIO FREE DELIVERY IN CITY. 715 crop will be light, it should all be of an excellent quality. A continuation of this weather for a short time will create a very dangerous condition for forest fires. There has been so little rain this year that the forests are In shape for rapid spread of fire if one should start at any place. To date the district has been very free of forest fires this year only one or two of any consequence having got started and these wert soon brought under control. Another outbreak would not be so easily handled. Dc wise. Head tn want ads. FLOOR COVERING DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM QtZtt Square Yard Otfl DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM Q-fl ft bquare Yard DOMINION "liATTLESHII' LINOLEUM Of) A .'Square Yard ju - OtJLU DOMINION CORK LINOLEUM O -j ft Square Yard : ViAW MAT RF.XQLLUM MATS Size 18x36. Each,. i-j. -'i,.. FELTOL MATS Size 27 X 51. .. - CONOOLLUM MATS Size 48x30." ...... 4k1i bacu CONUIM.EVM MATS Size 36x36. Earn -,.. ' CONUOLEUM MATS Size 33x54. Earn T - ' TAIH.E CLOTH 45 Inches wide, iaiu ....,... US SEAMLLSS CARPETS Size ?X9. Each ........ -' 23c 75c 45c SL00 50c SEAMLESS AXMINSIER CARI'17fSff.6x 7.6. gjggg AX3HNSTER MATS Size 15X27: Each AXSIINSTER MATS Size 27x54; Each , 81.40 SEAMLESS IIAURVMOHE WILTON RUG S(7.50 Size 6.9 x 9. Each 5 Chesterfield Suites Prices Slashed for Speedy Clearance Trade in Your Used Furniture and Stoves, on New Get Our Prices and Valuation FURNITURE EXCHANGE 6 THIRD AVEM'E Phones 18 & '8l I'.O. ! 575 Money-saving Values Every Duy At MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality The Ilesi Ser.vicc.Thtf Hcst ' Opposite Canadian Legion Clean, Ctnifotlalile Rooms, with llutamt Cold Water Home booked Meals HcautifipHaruor View Hoard & R" ?' B,- aml Vv "All VliHc Help" KNOX HOTEL Presbyterian Sunday School tomorrow, July 23 at Digby It float leaves Armour Salvage Dock 1:30 sharp. Adults 50c. Children not members of Sunday School 25o Phone G2 (170) Provincial Constable and Mrs. A J. Dlllabough of Anyox,.who have been on a vacation trip south, art passengers aboard the Prince Ru pert today returning north from Vancouver. Capt. and Mrs. George Black were ' passengers aboard the Princess 'Louise this morning going through from Vancouver to Daw son. Capt. Black was formerly speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, Mrs. Black is the sitting member of Parliament for the Yukon. P. W. Burns, Inspector of customs, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise this morning go- inr throuch from Vancouver to Dawson and other northern points He is making the trip on official duties. Dr. R. C. Bamford of Smlthers arrived in the city from the Interior on last night's train and is sailing tills afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Stewart where for the next few months he will take over the practice of Dr. O. E. Kvale who Is on a trip to Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Sallandcr of San Francisco arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning froi.i (he south and proceeded by the .morning train to Jasper Park. Mr iSallander is manager of the Mat-. . i -i it i. son wnc wnicn i hilts uc-twecn California and Hawaii. Forln Campbell. Inspector unde: the provincial department of tabor, came In last nliiht from Haz elton where he left his car and nlans to be In the city at the , Prince Rupert Hotel for a week or jmore. He says that 'In the Quesnel district things are very busy but as ho came nearer the" coast there ' was less activity. Phone G3 Sterling Suggestions BUTTER 3 Lbs 93C Oven Koast Ueef Lb. . Rolled Pot ltoastg Shoulder Lamb Trimmed. 99tf Lb "2 1bs.Lam,25C Rolled Koast 2C! Veal Lb. . . . 17 Shoulder Veal Lb EGGS Grade 'A' Large 7Jifi a 2 dozen Ayrshire Uacon Lb Diamond "A" Bacon 1.21b. 20c package Bakeasy 2 ,s- 25c For Sausage Meat- 2 lbs K-!) Dog Food 95C 2 tins New Potatoes Otf AOK 8 lbs Remember You Can (Set it at The Sterling th daily news PAGE THRES LOCAL NEWS NOTES W. H. Tobcy. C. N. II. dlvlsionrl) ;uperlntcndent, left on this morn ings train for a trip along uc line as far as Prince (Jodrge oil of ficial inspection duties Clarence Thomson, son of S. q. Thomson of this city, arrived on the Prince Ilupert this morning from San Francisco to pay a Visit here. Mrs. D. Hall Sutherland of Van couver arrived on the Prince Ru pert this morning and is a guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mrs. W. Skinner. Mrs. O. W. Nlckerson and her mother, Mrs. W. H. Klnkade, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere In the south. served and dancing followed. During the afternoon and evening there was a bean quessing contest for an electric iron. The closing of the contest will be on July 19. Sister of Ocean Falls Man Dies Mrs. Martena M. Waterman Passes Away In Vancouver-Funeral On Wednesday VANCOUVER. July 22. The took place here on Wednesday afternoon of Mrs. Martena M. Waterman, widow of the late Ernest Waterman and sister of H. L. Mc Gill of Ocean Falls. Another brother is J. M. McGill of Abbotsford and Mr3. Irene Gadd of Vancouver is a sister. Try a Dally neww cJastltifd vertlsemcnt for best resulM TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY- 'Native Congress At Cassiar To Open Tomorrow ad WANTED to rent furnished cabin Rn i f T.ikrs Auir. 1 to 15. Phone 71. ("!)! I.ANl ACT Notice of Intention to apply to I nisp Land tn Priruv. Ittincrt Land Becordlne Dlstrkst of British Columbia, end Mtu? at an Whit ftvnd Ialiuiid. Take notice that i'TanK wawrnwn oi rrtrice Rupert, B. O., aoourfttlcn Miner, Ititciida to wpply for txf the following denartbott lante: All of White Saawl I&land commencing nit a post plan,tl an dllf 300 fet rrrn Mi R. v. mrnw on the East BM of White Band Island thence 800 fee, S. W.; thenoo 800 foot N. W. thence 600 fet N. E.; Umwo boo Teet a is, and , coivtatii-Lns 12 eucres. more or less. FRANK WATERMAN Doted May 5. 1038. IN THE SITHKMF. COIllT OF IllllTISII COLUMBIA IN I'KOIIATF. Ill the Matter of the "Administration e. Art" 2i And III the Matter of the Estate of James Ijirwn, Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor, W. E. Fisher mnrte on the lTth day of June. A. D. 1038, I wra appoint-1 ed Aniamfstnwrix ra itne trane oi jmik-s llMroen, deceawd, and all partlos- havln? .clHllmii iftgalnt tho undd estate are here, 'by irqulitxl ito furnish Btvme. properly to mc on or before the 20th Iverlrind, dn.y of August. A. D. 1038, and all parties lmidrtl to the entato are required ito pay the amount of their Indobtodneai DATED the 13th day of July, A. D. 103C. ANNA MARIE BENSON, C Administratrix of Estate of James Larsen, Deoonscd, 1 Ocean Falls, B.C. Brigadier Walter J. Carruthers of the Salvation Army Is leaving thl evening for Cassiar to attend the annual Salvation Army Con gress tomorrow and Sunday, celebrating the golden Jubilee of the commencement of Salvation-Army work on the Skeeha River. Chief Mark McKay of Kltselas seems to be the only survivor of the HttK band which commenced Salvation Army activities Jn 1838. ... . . . 11 Adjutant uaivarsen in uaieiwu will En out with the Brigadier and there will be native representatives Sicmund Elnstoss, well known' from all over the district taking fish dealer and marketing repres- Ipart. Through the courtesy of man entative. of the local flshcrmen'3 ager James Lamb a building has co-operative, arrived In -the cly been set apart for the use of thi on the Prince Rupert this morning natives for this big annual event (from Seattle and will be here fo: the next day or so on business. Affair For Spanish Relief Is Success Tea and Bridge Sale in Party 1 Rupert Afternoon nEvening East And At For the purpose of raising funds to assist In the relief of afflicted orphans of the Spanish civil war, a successful tea and sale of noma cooking was held last night In Rupert East Hall followed by a bridge and whist party in the evening. The committee In charge consist d of Mrs. A. Gomez, Mrs. J. Cook Miss M. Bacshaw, Mrs. C. Wallace and Mrs. J. Bond. There were nine tables of bridge and three tables of whist. The prizewinners at bridge were: ladies first, Mrs. H. Anderson; second Mrs. A. E. Dickens; consolation Miss Kay Jensen; men's first, Mrs S. E. Alexander; second, Joseph Howe; consolation, Mrs. R. Mur ray. At whist the prize-winners were: ladies' first, Mrs. C. Inter mela; second, Mrs. Zabudny; con solatlon. Mrs. R. Wagner; men first, Robert Kydd; second. II Jit BtlltVE Itching tf Inmt Bit En a Ike neat ttubbora itcluoi of ftwet lite. atb-lata 'a foot, kirn, atalea, aroma, ind otber ntentallv ettiMd akia iffiietiona gntt-klr y'MM eonliDg. aotv-wrtK, liquid O. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, luj to an. Dm fart. Clear, graatttaa and ataialeaa. Sooth tha irrrtatioa ana quickly stem Iba moat ialraaa itcbinf. AI5atnalbottla.atalldnjaitora.Tro?ait--ormMUfk. Aak far fX D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Missionary Society Is Holding Its Tea And Sale The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church is hold ing its annual tea and sale of home cooking at the home of Mrs. D McRae Fourth avenue East, this afternoon. The rooms are tastefully decorated with a profusion of sum mer flowers. The guests received by Mrs. D Stuart, president of the society, and Mrs. D. C. McRae. Presiding over the tea table are Mrs. II. O. Funston and Mrs. J. ni.l vv. Aicrkiiney wimc iviij. m. j. rvcajj W 1 and Misses Muriel Eby. Margaret . . I ...! T Pakchuk; consolation. Mrv Corney I mcmcvkui, ratn.nuumm, After cards, refreshments were ! bel McKrlmmon. Flora Leslie and Helen Leslie are acting as serviteurs Mrs. J. A. Teng and Miss Mary Sievert are generally in chrge of the tea-room and Mrs. II. Calder- wood is supervising the homecook-ine table. Mrs. W. D. Chrlstlson Is cashier. Hotel Arrivals Trince Rupert James Charron, Blllmor; E. M Havnes. Victoria: Dr. A. L. Mc- Quarrie, J. O. Connor, Vic R. Gam- ham, F. Hunter and II. T. Mitchell, Vancouver; Forin Campbell, Prince George; Mrs. J. E. Wilks. BelU Bella; Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Owen. Jackson, Miss.; Dr. R. C. Bamforcl, Smlthers. Central ' F. Fielding, Edmonton; Gin Leiehton and Mrs. R. Matliesoit. city; L. Garfln, II. Jerome and W. O. Cromwell, C. N. R. Royal R. deKergommeaux, Vancouver; Miss Chase, Telkwa. Announcements All advertisements In this col-nmn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tet-, Mrs. July 28. F. M. Good, First annual Port Day Ball, Thursday, August 25. Moose Hall. 1938 39 Kadio Licences Due and Payable G. CLAVKING For Appointment Phone Red 787 or niack 733 PERMANENT WAYES Mrs. Crlttall formerly of the Hudson Bay Beauty Parlor of Vancouver will be glad to have you call at the Rose Marie Beauty Salon and give you advice for your next Permanent Wave. Specializing In all textures of hair. For Appointment Phone 915 Upstairs over the Cut Rate Shoe Store Twenty -Five Years Ago n.i- July 22, 1913 Japan Is now forging ahead with her mercantile marine. There are 230 yards for shipbuilding In the country and many large vessels are under construction to be oper ated In the trade lanes of the world. Dr. Scharschmldt, party organizer, was the city yesterday. Conservative a visitor In The Silver Standard mine at Hazelton has broken Into a fine body of ore on the upper vein. The tunnel Is now In 425 feet. OFF TO ENGLAND SMITHERS, July 22: Fred Evitt son of A. L. Evltt of Smlthers, who has been visiting' his parents for several w.eeks, left here on Satur day enroute to England where he1 will enter the Royal Air Force as radio technician. His many friends throught this district where he has grown up feel sure that he will make good In his chosen vacation and they wish him every uccess. If you wisn to swap somethlng-ry a classified. & t 111 HI M liiaajaj KEN RAYNER F'or Your RADIO SERVICE MODERN EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES PHONE I'.LACK 712 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Kaw And Pasteurized Milk . VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 BLUE Stops Your Clothes from Turning Yelloiv . When you come to the last rinse remember to add Reckitt's Blue for whiteness. No extra effort. Cost? A cent or two a month.. Reckitt's BLUE Out of the blue comes the whitest wash! , Ease the Strain . On The Family Budget Is it hard going to finance the last of the month? Try the Singer Plan Sew your way through. Make practical savings "New Fashions For You and Your Home" Your Singer summer booklet tells yoii how. Call for a copy here it's free. Own a Modern Singer and Save Money We will be pleased to explain the Singer Plan of Domestic Economy and how it , works $8.00 a month will do the trick. Phone fi Or Call. No Obligation The Singer Shop ! 4-'-'( m t t 4' z t a t a Ms 1 l 4 'flit 5 jji 1 IS '' n i . f I ll f HI t uA ' III HI ll"JI f