if i r Take by i1T k i. r ivar &x to Asorysace , "JSmA y: 'sat: tut tqczuz? iwr Lombardi's Preferred Clothes hmto&Gf 4tc yzt&xitoAf t ike aeat imVai, trtkf v&zi texii izMvetd if Vim vr Hn Warwick BOX CAMERAS Picture the 3 1-4 2 1-4, Price 2 Ormestld. Ofs f; rv I ija. m 14 A MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE All Felt Mattresses i'huun 775 VAVH 7.50 I I XA I . -tec siatBa jk CTt 1 It i I I ( ill II 1 auiiJrt i 'Xi mm iTri I ""B 1 m I a. itzeezr I. s Jnm I ;"SI! umm . w shews tZl THIKO AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. HUmm-th Iare J'rlric Hubert for Vanwuw: T.Hi, CATAM KVWty TIJEH. T,X,H. VAHUV.fi FKIIIAV, OAV, I p n, 1;20 p.m, J)Mfi Vtut'r 7hur, a.m. Due Vamoufrr, Monday .m, If OMVcrilrfil, I'lmM! furcfia Ticket t Office rurthor InfrmftlU Regarding IlMrrvatlon and TkkeU Krom A, W. NEWMAK, fringe Itupert Aiil, Tlilrd Ave, I'hone 561 MISSIONS IN ALASKA! i ( tsz toti aunt a- mkt Its to trtAiMrt) tone tte fet?yJftt iris Klas liVl, PaVr IlsJI Yat UMtkiX vJhfxA Ut trjt aA zM ;lawvr) vS iwj&n, Aisnt the .1 yaf 1) Otiwral EranHliu iYr nofilMTn part of Jirttfcth JSSJ mt K wnft me aw -vat s&ar tuMmm ' tint g7 Str w tfiB! ifat wdt , 9tomi&zm4 Safe a aaAt. . irtrf iiMb . T UK wfer flvl wr vmYAz Print Roperi -and Ketebl-j ttfJpmd fuUlfe M I.Vf. PWt aniI bn ahrtmed afld the fan fUherr tuUrtr work B tf later 'I sore 'Jmi MX O &tfk& s&mt&e to the aU kx bets, gtvca &e rnasaeat. s dte 7laffje4 It bu ts Kurttera Laiiivr v bp the .iV?n MmBAit ttxxHmx the Th .rror vent lV Al&tfca all frsxizl aMteUaee br iav?ac aet M surefeaaU daaj ia lkt Uali&fl market. tine iftbturr itokery. vcrtfe apprsxl-tszfeiy tmM to tfce lkktvxn ajimuUj, ard Mid it ni atarir beoMauK trxrc tsnporUat. In ordr M fctarWi , KrrfBV 1aHfttarc hat Ki I I&srfA so liret wvtev&m & zaU-i IMSi ymaSx oC tilt zxe tvxtZ' Vim'VmI h rrf-.ilt and nrnmnn.' (rrk)n? orrr the paw became In j lreUd In the meeting heJd at In ,S?t "(reaimteitonerdeeiartdtbat j'arly native n-su a man named If. 'tT. Wj,4hen General EranceHnt ! ZT ,lt,f JTtZJEl 'h ,M..h , i.ilnd sympathetic reception wwald, ... ... .... - .... . ..... ... be eiven anv Newfoundland mer- It ha planted the Balvatfcn Arm) chnU w Brttuh. " "nw wUn to th Uland 1th fla n many and did ex- client wrt Lair. when Majoi ;lMrme that out promhe 0t ikmWspidMHh'! territory. he! expandlnz the fUherte. , . d mi lodlwrlmlnately and v;mc BRAMPTON', Ont., July 22-CP) rforitanlzatlon had to be under-1 -peakJn' of farmer co-opera - takrn, tlve as a phlkrtophy "almost a re- At thi ttrnt tim (h Hjlw." Hon, P. U. Dewan. OnUrlo ' ovfr l)lch Major CarruUier haa fharie extends from Prince Oeonr In Hrltlh Columbia to Yakutat In I Alaska. There are about a thou minister of agriculture, said he was convinced the movement would grow. j i and member In all, f home In Alaska for under-prlfc-l Project now under way Include Jeged children and a boat for mis the establishment of a children' (slon work. - . . r les. J X 1 MIT: tit JB Js 3i 2f fine jHiw tor "Ksac E. S. year 9 2aas wms&Bt asms. ate Hedtmrt. Watts & Nickerson 9- FINERIES "WHOIS 1 H Hussar Trylgr " Iffs A Pleasure i i KDUSTRY HUGHES? sac B0V TV asaae? Bat aFf lcsg aap PROBLEMS -u ns aatt 2x IffTr . K J fr" as ta j Ktt 0. BIT Osteite wy Kb- 15 -tf Jicr lax ATrrrna-' " r!;ii-""i nap z i&ut 5- IRczsevc 3be- -Sf Ins tniji in mifirt sS iKL Main Se vhjc Sia - -' ""st mvrrmeg h&ukii a am as, n JU 2sx saac Ssc at i terr icsmna tu2 'KiaMp 8Sft bu Ites JBixabe i3& Jsxac Br z ntrg imic -Sues -tii . ii . ciiaui ec-e Ja "? t sr.:.. - "KIDNAPPED1 ON xnrart Stem Sjs r" B Cwa EKfarr asm: bbs n-, lan sat Sie tr ai Se raOawr fa w t ru-l X IW mem' snC ate j .1 Mm I- s. m HXE 1 s- ... j psfcjf Kimasi Jtr air isoitsf cxdlr i jujb ss mwcuarg r Tvr".isut Jtvo. ZxnBt i f ' . , . rrS KE I. LOGO'S ( SEE wnrrHiS AIL-BRAMP!ash I .A.T f AIL B Ran, macam. N V5 i T-at ooSHTMryo.e MP.MAtCEATS U MW6T BsTGOOT I AlOuBlEOH fE HEAD! - uo(wn& xaLcS ( y ( 1 OP 'EM rTEVEfoAy A ' Oi, aW AS GOOD AS TUSCAN ST I 'C-1- CfrO f make ME -REGULAR) (ooSHrf PEELS CEaW gg . it! xal 5 Lac liMis. i 3aurv- T pan: TTj-aRr Tfj-aRr Baser Bccer af nS 3t - P1 V jiuCdi ami iJ 9iti y,j iunnat 4fcpf Uk wai c '35? Sctfct aastse KWiftjt 6ooses T2xi Crrx Eru r- !! cMwu t eat tf t wajliirl) fctfafew If tfee lafc J 3-s tjc35 tjxi 1 rase? ytrau. aaK: il-1 LttA O-aeyt w - . 2i n tett Ik Tate fe irr? YtArry da fcahw jrt 1 -re aiM liA. . vat itmzl Uttt msA Stub mutimk. I The twrtfsewat irwa1m J 1 Is I yrt m& f siar? feSt. -miaeii is? ""jOi. K-pEaVi ssac M i2f saasai nEst ate sck S&tsS Braoe V 2 fcrJ lf csifi ttU- X tut EiJ?b Jurats t3s H S xtr CAJtXT ITAS5 CaC