I m t. x c s u 4; a ii C it it I! S3 1: 11 it l 11 1: PAGE TWO THE DAILY .NEWS CLARIDGE SHOE For Style and Durability this line of Men's Oxfords are the tops In medium priced shoes. Six styles to choose from and evety one a lfiner. Priced at $5.50 "na $6.00 The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. frliliiCB BUPEET - BBiriSU COLUMBIA Published iSvery Alterndoh, Except Sunday, by prfnee Rapert Dally News. Limited, Thlfd Avtnue U. F PULLEN Managlng-Edlioi SUBSCB1PTION KATES dty delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paio In advance Paid In ldvance, per we;t . , Paid In advance, per month Member of Abdli Bureau ol Olrculationi BAJly raifioa Family shoe store ltD. $5.00 .12 Monday, July 18, 1938. RIVALRY IN PAINTING there seems to be keen rivalry in the city in the of paintine up business Dremises and mak-ino- thm 1m " A coining uneasy ana tne result should be that most of the stores will be brightened up with paint before snow falls. A UNITED CANADA outstanding plea was for Canadian unity. Coming as it did from a convention of French Canadians when they1 chose a French Canadian leader, Adelard Godbout, it was an outstanding event. It is many years since a platform of unity has been so badly needed as it is today. It may also be" noted that the convention went on record as favoring votes for women in the last province of the Dominidn to refuse them the vote. It also favored a national scheme of unemployment insurance. Evidently there is a large sectibn of the French-speaking people of this country that is ready to keep pace with the rest of the countiy and Co-orterate in all forward movements. Perhaps we have not-been right in looking upon our fellow citizens in Quebec as conservative in their general .attitude tnwnrrt .life; Godbout has a great opportunity to bring the pro- aMsA L A. A 1 ' iT a ii a . vim.e ne represents into nine so mat tne wnole country may move steadily forward, keeping the Dominion we'll to the front among Empire Nations. 'y VISITORS INTERESTED The visitors in the city on H. M. S. York have been interested in seeing a city such as we have at Prince Rupert. Some thought it might have been better and others evidently expected to see a wild west cow town. M&y ve tell these visitors that thirty years ago there was nothing here but mossy swamps and jutting rocks. The trees had beeii slashed off and preparations made foi4 laying out the city. The building up process has seemed 6 many of us rather slow but it has really been very rapid. We have now, as the visitors are ready to admit a number of excellent shops housed in good buildings We have a considerable number of permanent structures that WOllld he a rrpdit t rinv nitv Wp n-o Vicxiflrmit.nvo . WW... .v mmj vvn irw 11VUU14 U(U J a? . for a large fishing business and our waterfront is de- : veloping rapidly, Even today we. have several cood build ihgs in cburse of construction which will add greatly to the nnriTlaheM:e of the citV. Visitors from older countries often l6ok upon otlr efforts as crude and unfinished. We admit that there is yet milch to be done in Prince Rupert. With the development, of the surrounding country we expect to (rroW rapidlv arid become an important seaport designed to ' serve Canada and the rest df'the world in connection with the channels of World trade. In the process of de- Dizzy Dean Wins Game Chrcagd Cubs ("orae Through Witli Doable Victory ftrer Boutin Bees CHICAGO, July 18: (CPJ- victory put the Cubs into thlr li Art In (ha WiflrtMol I on fn 114 i r. who lost a double header to Brook lyn Dodgers. Dean has substituted control for his old "Devil may care" mound Kite Flying At Gyro Grounds Wind Came Up In Afternoon Ahi , Variety Was Considerable 1 to ue neia on rnaay 01 tasi wt-rv one and only Dizzy Dean and the has been postponed until Wednes- rest of the Chicago Cubs canu day when all the parks will net through In spectacular style oh Judged In the afterndoh f&r the de- r a a a if a. 1. . i . 1 k . . - - . , , : a i standing ahead of Cincinnati Reds- I pn MIC I llin tactics He was tricky. He thre-v Resu,t, oyer the ln the five balls since that only curve S,Pr,nce R n Tennls chlb.s an. the pitch he always said hurt him nual tournament were as follows: most but his semi-fast ball had A .Men's Singles hop the Bees couldn't solve. defeatM Barry. 6-1, Yesterday s Big League scores: N,alln, UaSU,e . I Taylor defeated Gordon, 6-1. 6-1 S05' f' 3"4', , , Ocelli defeated Brown, 6-3. 8-6. Z2LS?!?fl2?J BrtKklesby defeated Landry. 10- tmiu gcuiic uiiicu ab CilU ui 1111 1 .11 g Dy cunewi. Brooklyn, 5-7: Cincinnati, 3-4. Philadelphia-St. Louis double header, postponed by rain. American League Detroit, 3; New York. 16. St. LLouIs, 5-4; Boston, 11-14. Chicago, 12; Washington, 1. Cleveland, 7; Philadelphia, 6. Close Shooting Oman, tiiu piujeruus. xuuen nas aireauy oeen done f V n and it fs understood that more is planned. People whosejln JUlg S THZe T.. . . uegimmig- to jook unuay ny contrast are ' iTtt. j i , itupi (CP) In m total total points, points, 280, zbo, Sergeant sergeant . ine Liberal party convention in Quebec held last e. s. m. wade of oxford university . month was not looked upon as big news in the west but!1 Aircraftsman t. w. Gregorj it was particularly important to the countrv in that its Canadians Did Well at Bisley Although Failing to Capture Coveted Honor BISLEY CAMP, Eng., July 18: Prince Rupert Tourney Play Stamford, defeated Wlllett, Vance. 6-0. 6-1, 10-8. StttmfOTd and YOUH"? mnnr.nn t Pant J A Partr". V u w.cf vri.i,irL twf ;wllding and Lambie, 6 ui vv vov v. l King's Prize winner, on Saturday, but second place was given toj Wade in view of his having out-1 . . ' I a n n n I 1 1 scorea oregory iw 10 no in int final stage. j Other Canadian scores were: Ser- geant L. S. Valnes, Montreal, 278; Capt. T. E. Hayhurst, Windsor, 273. Lieut. G. A. Molecey, Vancouver 272, and Lieut. C. F. Kennedy of H . vm, " . ,. v I v . Hilden, Nova Scotia, 209. 0 1.1) EST CLUBS MEET ETTrfAM. Eng.. July 18: CP)- j Britain's two oldest golf clubs met. here recently, Royal Burgess, Edln LAND ACT Notice of Intrntlon to apply in !.' Land Til Range S, Court. Dlatrtct, Land R- oottflng dlatrtct of Prlncfe Rupert, and situate on a reef off Aranzazu Point be ing a point on the went side of Zaya Island. Take notice that Frank Waterman of IS. Tilt Sl PllfiMt OOt'KT P imlTIll COLl'MHIA in ritoattE In the Matter at the "Administration i- i i.il a nr. i n .ito rnle forthwith. In the Mil Iff of the EMate of Jahir 2-6 6-1. 6-3. Young defeated, Townsend, 6-0, 6-1. Norrington defeated Comadina, J4-6, 6-4, 6-1. j Stamford defeated Young, 6-2. 6-4. I Tyler defeated O'Neill. 11-9, 3-6. .6-2. Ladies' Doubles I Mrs. Tinker and Mrs. Mitchell d NAVY WINS IN OPENER OF SOCCER T . Fine Display ol Football Ends n end box contest, which w, was, M s (of 5 o 3 yitory York Over Prince Kupert I between H. M. S. York and a, aunaay. m uie cru.ruaua 01 1111 piciion 01 a iropicai island. i-. , n.,, MM.(tlv Hmml career, the pitcher, for whom the Last Saturday theGyro Cnbs paid $185 000 and three play- grounds held a kite day at Aero-, fo a kM.. sore arm since May 3 ent to the boys showed tip with mUte a vari igSS!? oTthV seT with, "lL" iZ fty ?' J? ? th? visitors winning by five goals 1111, gaiuu wj vwiijj nic uuiwu ucro vcn jtrri III lenglil. linric liui 3 to 1 in the opener of a double enough wind, however, to fly them bill. .until the afternoon when most of Chicago won again In the night- the kites were up. cap four to nothing behind uiu Lee's five hit hurling. The doubU 16 three. The game was only wm ln the last ten minutes, the dii-j play of the local team being very. graUfying. The ship's band pro-J vlded music before the game andj also at intervals to the great delight of the large crowd. In the opening exchanges, Morgan sated from Kelso and Eveleigh from McMeekln. Chrlstlson had a chance but failed to control the ball and then Gould opened the xorb. Bryant had an opening from McMeekln's cross but shot part weakly.. Tong drove brer. ChHsU- soh had hard luck with a grand drive that hit the upright And Henfy Dickens' hard shot was laaily blocked. At last Armslron? got the equalizer. The locals were Eveleigh had to save from Bryant and also from A. Dickens. Navy went very close but Longbohe and Lakeland were Just wide. Chrlstlson had a good chance but Phil-pott cleared. , Morgan punched away ft hl?h shot and Lakeland was too hlell. Prlnte Rupert combined cleverly to feet close hi until Norman came 16 the rescue. Longbone put the Navy ahead and, Just after, M6r Mrs Barry and Miss Davis de j0ou,d ln a way tnat we deserTed feated Miss Thomson and Miss , . n. .Judgment by Morgan later gav tii.it Vrt.t- iUii V,li4' rrtt Anil nlot' I kl 1C iUiA 11111 kl li 1 CI UIIU . . . - ,., j gUill P J feated Miss Ellison and Miss Mor- lslackened otL Albert Dickens shot i ai . e- -i la second goal on a free kick from Miss Davis defeated Mrs. Barry, 6-0, 6-1. Men's Doubles 1 Tyler and O'Neill defeated Mini on and Landry, 7-5, 6-2. Barry and Willett defeated Brock- 4 A . 1 A 1- va tltAH f Ml 1 t " rn1' ' , ' Jand a little hesitation b Murray 45 years, has been ppolnted chair- throtigh In the closlnan of the English Rugby League Mitchell and Ms MUcheU de- 'uldf for the "fth and feated Davis and Miss Davis, 6-4 mln,utes nal( , 3-6.6-3. EL. -immi J Lamen, I)rreoied t TAKE NOTICE that by order of His I Honor. W. E. Fisher nWe on the iTUi ! day of June, A. D. 1938, I was appotn;-ed AdmlnlntratrU bt the estate of Jame ! i Isxren, deceased, and all parties having clastms against Uve aald tfltate are here by required to furnish same, properly verified. ti rti oh rr before the 20th (Mr of August, A. D. 1938. and all par-. J i ties rriaeotea .to tnfe rotatfe are rerulr',a jit .1, i , i velopment tnere are boilnd to ne crudities; All ... we ask ih arnount erf ur niebtfdnej is nine miu a lair nem lur our eiiuris. vre none me SlX-1 dated i latu m jui. a. n. hundred visitors on the British ship will return and see us a quarter of a century from now by which time, we feel sure they will not know the place, 4 . t 1B3S' ANNA MARIE BENSON .Administratrix of Estate of ' , JaiiuW' tiarKen, Deceased, Ocean Falls, B.C. neieree Mact-nerson u ei win. a t j..... nanaiea whist,e ,n 4 shwed hist ed Oorrirm and Ml. Van,- W j.! ' ' complete control of the game. Tvler and Ml. Thnmsrm Hofsof. , Teams: TI Uf a Vnrlr VvololfrVl- Mnr. 1 -t. ....... .V.U11), V , I "J Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell ri- mastered the horse. WANT STRONG TEAM BRDIGETOWN, Bafbadoes, July pnnce R.upt, B.C., occupation miner. 16: (CP) Efforts are being made Ida T-. l? 'ndu W EniR criclcft All of the reef off Aranzazu Point iud, io release A. Marllnaale commiCTietng at , a pa planted on a noted Barbadoes DlaVe'r.' for tT- high grasBy point on tlie south mi. T aj i 7 of it he mf, Wienoe 1800 f t north est; iu'cs vjiu uumry tour nexi thence looo feet north went; thence vcir. Martlndaie. is a professional 1800 feet south went: thencfe 1500 feet mlih n,.iu south east, to point of begliuung; and contain kng thirty-five acres, more or lefts. FRANK WATERMAN ' Daited June 16th. 1938. outside the penalty area and the game became livelier. Rupert threatened, both Armstrong and McMeekln going close. Evelelgn caved on the line and Armstrong ,ot through to equalize with a good , goal following a grand centre from . .UViriCWIllli. A.UUVll, IlllUlU 114. 1 V man, Phllpott; Post, CharvWe feated Landry and Miss Ellison 6-3, Pyle;T Lakeland I5cl,so; ,Tong' Oould' " 6-0. ATTACKED BY HORSE WINDSOR, Eng., July 18: CP)-Parading before a race here, a burgh, defeating Royal Blackheath, horse seized a stableman by the London, 9'2 points to 8vi. bone, Prince Rupert Morgan; W. Murray, Parsons; Ferguson, A. Dickens, Ronalds; Bryant, H. Dickens Chrlstlson, Armstrong, McMeekln Navy Played Neatly The Navy played neater bootball 'k!0"!0031 8le5ve" anJ than the locals although they ae C a ti . , nt as gofxl as the teams the Dra attempts to kneel on him, finally gon or Danae fielded, Eveleigh had no chance with any of the goals' Football rtirice Ilnperi vs. Ii. M. S. York, 6:45. Admission 25c CENTRAL HOTEL j Frf4Locf,"d Pasteurlaed Milk rooms and cafe I'lione 51 For Best Household y at 4 RT'f 4 J DAIRY Coal .. MltS. .. ... CE. .-.' ftUfcK -t : . - Pn0NE-S? , . (HIliMMMM THfc CONS0LIDAT fcb MMm & SMfcLf Mi COMPANY OP CANAbAj LIMITED TtlAL BrtiTIHII COLUMBIA Mahtifacturdrs it? ElcpHaht Hrartd ChdiHtcaf . . PcHliMtr Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate. of Xmnidiila, phates, Cbmplete Fertilliers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Oold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. MotuJay, July ig tJJ ferrsoME TODAY AT ANY r f STORE Dcntliti recommend It hrlpi kttp teeth strong and white, liitt thtm needed etercie. Cleante by removal foodparticleiremainlngbetweentttth after eating . . . Aldt dlgeulon too. Aimplealdtohealthl.n)oYiiitft dally millions do! SCOiea. ne low juoic man wui I.X act Hops when Clearing at Umes Notice ol inirntion u apply u i, IknnoVi Nnrmin nnrt Phltrxilt V&er -" two sound backs who tackled ef- Strtt of Prim r, fectively. The halves were reliable iuit ,oi f'rtnce Ujco with ability to feed their forward?, gf0' S!w All the forwards showed nice ball aepaetim m uxu control and their heading was nfcni . ti ctt t v oru s, i good. They found the bounce a felTa little difficult to Judge at times Iprinc Bupt. Bt? I Pnr Prinrf. RnOprt Mflrtran T1S ntnds to apply Xcr a We or far OoaunDr4nK at a pout c uftdil Murray and Parsons wers gry rock tytn apprnxunatwy ia and resourceful backs "5. w mvMit playing a wide open game ana; , v : , cicuoiu r; uo coo & - ... k uam. oa Arr 1 - and Was the best player on the coo fm north t tn - field. Ronalds gave a display thai "JET V ?vl stamped him as a classy half back. . McMeekln and Armstrong were .the) Jun, ie ms best forwards. Chrlstlson was not as good as usual. H. Dickens play ed a poor game. He was out of position and gave Bryant little' help. The latter did not get much chance. ( Tonight's game will provide another Interesting match. There are to be a few changes In the local line-up that will make them stronger. There will undoubtedly be a large attendance. ; The following players have been selected to represent the city this evening: Herble Morgan; W. MUr-, ray and Parsons; L. Gillls. A. Da-1 vies and A. Rbnalds; b. Cameron. Alan Smith. Albert Dickens, R.i Armstrong, D. McMeekln. HEADS RUGBY LEAGUE aeieateoi ... nt,.iii. BLACKPonr. Pnw t.,i io. J i IKUUC UilCUU UUb Villll V111C LiCdl I u..,., auil , U . I I. 0-. I r, .il.i j-.t. t fl V llntAkln. nuu. .. i rfir.i.i jjiiif.j . linen uouia aanca a lourui wnenj uiunaiu, wuu na Sa ,7t 1 : c , the local defence slackened a bit I been associated with the game 'of Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 Stop In At MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY For a Dish Of FROSTKIST ICE CREAM "A Delight In Every Bite" Ice Cream Sundaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes Opposite Canadian Legion HON. W. J. ASSELST1NE, ."Minister of Mlne If you wun u swsii wml fry a elauMed. HYDE Transfe 315 SECOND AVI FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES NOTICE It is the Intention to cancel 'the siirvevs fleidnotes and of; I i plans of UTVt at a11 Verted fcrbNvn-granted mln claims appearipg on the printed list of such reverted claims, except those ln respect of tihleh an appcati6rt 16 lease has wen received pursuant to Sectl0n'lQi,"TaaUon Act." Ho application for a lease of a rfcverted claifri will be accepted after the 25th of August, 193S. w,.Af'Y..?f ibk pmkA of Said -reverted Crown-grnted 2,iVlc,a,,M "ay been 8ee" I" the office of any Oold Com-nUssloner or Mining Reiiortfer. , miiu V WALKER Deputy Minister of Mi"rt