1 PAGE FOUR CAMERAS K n T A V THE BIGGEST CAMERA VALUE SIX- SB 20 S1., Jl7 j jj&omj jw what this efficient camera does be interested In sec YOU'LL iog Kodak Six-20 at our Store. Especially the model with I the fait f.6.3 lens. Makes 2'4rx ' 'j nirfnrM at nivht nniler T I O photo lamps just as easily as outdoor snapshots. Unique refinements provide a wide picture-taking range always zt your finger-tips. Priced at $18. civilization is In suspense. S.S. BIIMEN fi.ct csptsi tf lis UaJUg tUpi sf esr ( rsaf Ossfi Cssarrf mitt Iftr, Casarflas f clc, Frssci Us 4 Nsrti Carinas Usyrf. Mrl BABY BROWNIE IMAGINE a real Eastman-made cam-era at such a price. And you're c for a further pleasant surprise when you see some of the sample pictures at our store. Baby Brownie loads with Kodak , "Vest Pocket"FiIm,makeseii?htlHJ x 2 Vi" pictures per roll. It's light, compact, smart in appearance. A real buy iq every sense of the word; Rabbi Attacks German Nazis Civilization Is In Suspense, Declares Joseph Hertz LONDON, July 18: Chief Rabb Joseph Hertz ,of the United Hebrew congregation of the British Empire Sunday attacked the Nazi regime in Germany where he said Bomb Thrown Into Dublin Mail Office BELFAST. July 18: A bomb thrown Into the offices of the Daily Mail early Sunday shattered the entrance and damaged stone work of the building but no one was injured. GET THIS MODEL LINER WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Upwards of seven hundred tourists were In port this morning on three crowded liners. First came the Prince Robert from the sou'h at 7:15 ajn. with more than three hundred aboard, sailing at 1 pjn for Alaska. The Prince Rupert steamed in at 8 ajn. from Alaska with 211 on board of whom tuo disembarked at this port. At 8:15 the Princess Charlotte arrived from Vancouver with 230 Alaska bound passengers. Constable E. E. Kinney of Port Albeml has been appointed to take charge of the provincial police boat P. M. L. 8 operating out of Prince Rupert. Constable Kinney, who succeeds Corp. Harold Raybone, transferred from here to Victoria. Is due shortly. Miss Ruth Nelson, dauehtpr of. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Nelson, has; ' rftmnlpffW-1 oil rAmitramAnte fn 4 Vi m Associateship of the Toronto Con-1 . I I- n -.". I : "wir oi music as soio rjerior- mer arid teacher. She Is from the studio of Miss Way and' Miss Olaf- son. TENNIS FINALS Annual C. N.. It. A Club Tourna ment Concludes Sunday The following finals matcho. were played on Sunday in the Ca nadian National Recreation Association annual club tennis tourna ment: Ladies' Doubles Mrs. F. Miller and Mrs. R. Morrison beat Miss E. Rivett and Miss A. Skaland, 12-10. 7-5. Mixed Doubles Miss Thelma Davis and F. M Meadows, 6-4, 7-5. Men's Singles F. M, Davis beat P. Mcintosh, 6-3, 6-3, 6-2. mrm n tt v t m i e WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed la ta. Morniof Ruin' to Co Th Dm should poor out tw vomit t liquid Ml tats roar bowrU UUr.If tkU D b aot flowing f rvety. roar food doatdlf st. It Jut dean In th bowels. Gu Moats roar stomach. Yon. gri eoattipstsd. Harmful poieoes r into th bodr. uJ jejl feel soar, soak sod tbe world kmks paak. A roert bowel morement doest srwsn t t tlx cause. Yea need somethlac tbst works om the IWer ss weu. It takes those rood, old Carter's Little Llier Puis to ret thes two pounds of bue flowtsr f reetr ssd nakt roq feel "op sad BP. Hsnnless sad reatls. ther make the bue flow freely. Tber do the work of calomel bat baee ao calomel or merearr la them. Aik for Carter's Little Llrer Fills br asms 1 8tabboruIr rcioM aatala aba. Its. E. M. Haynes, Postoffice Inspector, was here aboard the Catala last evening on his way to Port Simpson. He will return to the city tomorrow and leave at the end of the week for Stewart. C. W. Lester, Vancouver newspaper and magazine writer, was a passenger aboard the Catala last; evening through to Stewart. He will return here at the end of the week to stay 'over for a few days. Mrs. Evan Baker and family arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver to pay a visit with Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Worsfold at Seal Cove. Baseball Standings Including Yesterday's Scores National League W L Pet. Pittsburg 46 28 .622 New York 49 30 .620 Chicago 44 35 .557 Cincinnati 42 35 .545 Boston 34 38 .472 Brooklyn ...36 43 .456 St. Louis -...30 44 .405 Philadelphia 25 50 .3?6 American League New York 49 27 .645 Cleveland . .. 47 28 .627 Boston ...46 31 397 Washington 42 40 312 Detroit 38 43 .469 Chicago 33 33 .4C3 Philadelphia 29 48 .388 St. Louis 23 54 .299 WITH THE PURCHASE OF THREE PACKAGES OF 4&i&jtff CORN FLAKES . . . AT YOUR GROCER'S aa i i i i aaa ami m m mmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi rum J j. aaa a i .1 B ( a aaV.a - -1 S.M :I ammaaal i I -fc'afaL-V.l I aB I i '4-ma ! -f .1 bbW-4 I l-I-dl You (an get the whole m-K$ KELLOGG MODEL FLEET 1 S. S. EMPRESS OF BRITAIN 'VVvy zzg sr cwl r xSU ?J l -rRCr?-v, W Children and adults will have a barrel of fun assembling one or all of these exact copies of the Queen Mary, Empress of Britain, Normandie, Bremen! The finiihed models are 16 inches long, printed in full color orra pecial waterproofed cardboard, all ready to assemble and tcaier-tignil They really, float. Bathtub sailors, choose your boat and go to work no cutting or pasting. It's just grand sport building them up from stem to stern, from hull to radio masts a bridge fore and aft, wbeelhouse, main cabin, lounge deck, funnels and even life boatsl YouH like, too, the, crisp goodness of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. These golden flakes are delicious at any time of the day. In cool milk or cream, they're refreshing and nourishing. . Go to your grocer's. Buy three packages of KelloggV Corn Flakes and Jrou can have your choice of these model liners. You'll find, after you get one of them, that you'll want all four I : ' MADE BETTER . PACKED BETTER TASTE BETTER SUCCEEDED IN MUSIC! Official list of Toronto Conservatory of Music Results. The following is an official list cf successful candidates in examinations held recently by the Toronto Conservatory of Music in Prince Rupert The names are arranged in order of merit: PIANO (Associateship (A.T.CJM.) Solo performer's Conditioned In performance, Marybelle Stiles. Teacher's Honors Ruth Nelson. Pas Marybelle Stiles. Conditioned in performance Jean MjicLean. Grade X. Pass Helen M. Green, Lois E. Judge (equal). Grade IX. Pass Itu Kanaya. Grade VIII. Pass Audrey S. Session!. Grade VII. Pass Anne Winslow. Grade VI. Pass Bernice Eastwood, William Bond, Suml Hayashi (equal). Grade V. Honors Lillian Hill. PassJean McAfee, Robert Bart-lett, Kathleen Shrubsall, Joan Grade IV. Honors Ruth Walton. Pass Joyce Oawthorne. Grade III. Honors Charlie W. Agar. Grade II. Pass David Smith, Oeorge McAfee, Allan J. Dubeau. Grade I. Honors Edith Murvold. VIOLIN Grade V. Pass Elmore Hanklnson. Grade III. Pass Beverly B. Nelson. Grade II. Honors Arllne M. Fitzgerald, j John Chrlstensen. Pass Stanley C. Wozney. Grade I. First Class Honors Frank O. James. Honors Walter Morgan. THEORY. Grade V. HARMONY, FORM Pass Ruth Nelson. FORM First Class Honors Jean Mac-Lean. Honors Marybelle Stiles. Grade IV. COUNTERPOINT, HISTORY First Class Honors Eva E. Cavalier. HARMONY Pass Bernadette J. Hanklnson, Lois E. Judge (equal). Grade III. (W?!ifO FOK KENT FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Lakelse. Good strawberry patch and row boat included to July 29. $20.00. Phone Green 402 for particulars. (16") CLEAN, well - furnished modern apartments. Rhone Red- 444. (166) HELP WANTED WANTED-Maid. Apply stating full particulars and wages required to Mrs. Olof Hanson. Drawer L Smlthers, B. C. (166) FOK SALE j Rose Cottage, Salt Lakes, for ' ..VI, v VIA, 11. THE SEAL of QUALITY IfltMBP GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only tilmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert HARMONY Pass Elmore Hanklnson. Grade II. rirct ria&s Honor Faith King, Irene Foote, Phyllis Jenner. Grade L First Class Honors Bessie Chandler. Arllne K Fitzgerald, Stanley C. Wozney, Jean Thompson, Beverley B. Nelson. PIANO Grade IX. Honors Emily Yamanaka. Grade VII. Grade VI. Pass Phylis Hamblln. Pass Marie Nlckerson, Alestalr Crerar. Grade III. Flrlslt Class Honors Dorothy Kergln. Grade II. Honors Barbara Hope, Lois Nlckerson. THEORY (A.T.OM, Pino Written) Honors Venetla Feero. Grade V. HISTORY First Class Honors Venejli Feero. Grade IV. COUNTERPOINT. Honors Itu Kanaya, Annie Petersen. Grade III. HARMONY Honors Itu Kanaya. HISTORY Pass Frances Moore, Mary Pu stak (equal), Emily Yamanaka. Grade II. First Class Honors Suml Haya-shl, Bernice Eastwood, Jessie Gib- TONIGHT AND TUESDAV Two Show. Nlrhtlr, 7 9 a It's July's Sweetheart Sho. Now soa'i , Allctl (at 7:30 and 0:35) ADDED "ISLE OF PINGO PONGO- "Goinr Places" World News son. Honors David Baillle. Pass-V'ernon Clccone. Grade I. First Class HonoriWoyce Gu. thorn. THESE MODERN CHILDREN' BURLINOTON BEACH, Out July 18: CP) Tommy and Ann Bourne picketed their parent! home here with signs: We werj promised a sailboat" and 'Unfit to tjielr children." The rhildrea got their sailboat next week FLOOR COVERING DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM Qff0 Square Yard Out DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM Q4 f Square Yard .;. tJl4U DOMINION BATTLESHIP LINOLEUM CO 4 A Square Yard J..jJLiu.t 1... ' ' ' DOMINION CORK LINOLEUM ' ' 'i- ' CO Ifl 'Square Yard , ViStlv MATS REXOLEUM MATS Size 18x36. 4 Each v.: :...!,... "" V FELTOL MATS Size 27x54. Each : I, CONGOLEUM MATS Size 18x36. 4 ! Each CONGOLEUM MATS Size 36x36. Each ... . CONGOLEUM MATS Size 36 x 54. Each .'. TAIILE CLATII 45 Inches wide. Yard j. SEAMLESS AXMjNSTER CARPETS-Slze 9x9. Each Phone Green 916 FREE DELIVERY IN CITYj 25c 75c 45c . S1.00 S1.25 50c $32.00 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER CARPETS Size 4.6x7.6. 4JJg gQ AMINSTElt MATS 8lie 15x27. Each AXMINSTER MATS 8lz 27 X 54. Each .. SEASILESS BARRYMORE WILTON RUG Size 6.9 x 9. Each j -t t - . $1.40 $4.00 $67.50 5 Chesterfield Suites Prices Slashed for Spfeedy Clearance Trade in Your Used Furniture and Stoves, on New-Get Our Prices and Valuation D ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE THIRD AVENUE If you lose anyihins:, adverluie (ur