PAOl TWO TEE DAILT NTCWa Men! If You Need Oxfords SEE US Our range of Men's Oxfords is excep- i tionall large. Latest styles and sized to fit evej foot. Priced From $11.00 to $2.95 Yon Have Foot Troubles, See Us FIf AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKLNC ttUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue a F PULLEN. - - - Managing-Editor ADVEK11SLNG BATES Claasified advertising, per word,, per insertion local readers, pe line,, per. insertion. News Oepartment Telephpna, DAILY EDITION kk AaTertiing and Cuculatuia TeJephone . Member of Audit Bureau, ot Circulations thousands of persons have been either shofc or- imprisoned or sent to concentration camps during the past two vears' wiiile the mass of the people looked on and wondered what Jt was all about The reason for the trouble, the correspondent says, is not quite apparent It seems to be either ' that Joseph Stalin deliberately set out to destroy all possible rivals or that there was an organized movement in high communist quarters to get rid of Stalin and this purpose has been defeated. At any rate the under-cover war has had the effect of weakening Russia to such an! extent that neighboring countries have been taking advantage of the opportunit yto make moves which prior to two years ago would not have been tolerated, such as the! threatened invasion of Lithuania hv,i - uiuiiu,. During the early days of the Communist movement in Russia an effort was made to spread Communism to on cuuumes oi me wonu and especially to European countries. Of late this effort has practically ceased and Russia is now turning her attention to China. She has wunurawn irom spam and turned her . mmcu iici back uuen upon uiiun the me and other countries. Tin international Red move mem nas neen almost destrovwl hu Mhsonw THE ORIENTAL MINI) In studying Jlussia it must be remembered that the country is more Oriental than Occidental. In some communities in, European Russia they had a form of self-government many years ago but it was not quite the same as we understand self-government. There was always a restraining hand either visible or invisible. Much of the country knew nothing of self-government, until after'the revolution and today they have no real knowledge of it. The powerful political police and other restraining influences are even stronger than, ever. The Oriental mind works differently from ours. Possibly the Oriental may understands but we have not tried to understand him so find it difficult to realize what is going on in Russia, Japan and China. If today China and Russia are drawn together they may prove to be a very powerful world influence but the disintegration that is constantly in process in Russia is having a weakening effect. It is still going on. Garden - Mass in the lawn is cnc of th? rifficultjes tc be 3ver;omi in the gardens aft?r Jjt. ih planting Prince Rupert. I have before sat - r. leaflet dealing with this oondl- I have teacm of recjite askn xn whxh suggest: th& aces is fn advice and. then i rmd they -.3t nseeuarily a iea at soar bT n?wtf always tail to take it T!f r athes taopoverfchea sag. Lack of: ahrayt more er.trarja--.- ! linage i- also & cause. If the or more deaoristra Live ;ero.. iiOUnd r. weii d.a'ned air! rlt !: '..'(-::'4j'.fc n: has nt murh r.hatve. This -ti what shuu-.: c .a.i- SKtietr suggests the follow inc Flrti lock tc the drainage t - 1 d r.d th- rt- Summer Beut LesJt of Spring Uork An example of the latest type of Alpine rockery -:. ir. sua: ?ve: y -jr Thit picture shows what may be auiiA-ved by .A ?. effort. ! if Ii.m : ...f Vim PnuUtlt: T mv Kuaut&. tto l.hft tie. icuicu lb as iuc i njij.uNt 1 1 m " mm ' wrong. Then improve the fertility son with a small garden that it is 1 nomniptp halanrd nlant food Rake seediinKS Instead of trying to raise Warring nations of Etirnnp vuith tho vocilt fU.,f : 1 sow seeds or buy Dlants?" N.ibndv n"'0" annual r:un be crown success Which formerly looked to hr for sunnm-t ;cf k can answer these questions Each 1.ull bl" 1 a ,10t recommend phlox ginning to realize that no such support will bo forthcom- owner a 8arden muEt work them ing. out according to his personal taste. One effect of the internal struggle in Russia has been A" (lepw,d5 u,K)n tht klnd of gar" t.llP 5llmplt inn mrmnnfliu r, f n tt dell he Wtahfit to hin Alan mnnh arunim.tnai. ageratum, zinnias or any oi the flowers that need a lot of sun-lane. Many of these may be sown o .t !.f dears but better re-....t.. . . i .... ... ojiiijititn iui vouununism inline unitecl . . M " wic States Ctntm . .1 ,.1 I i mi . . . Horvonrl. i UA j j CliAAA ill filrnnir t-aortllnne nknni 4U uvpv-nuft tijjuii UIC aiw; UilU UCSKlUC ! "w-"'t vuuMga auuuk of cultivation of the garden. TomWdle of Maj- Violas and pansles Another intuwetimr tv,n .... r . those who have not cultivated a year. It is an all season job and' success depends to a large extent on the amount of attention given1 do extremely well. the cutting off of the nation from all neighbors bv re- earden bcfore' 1 8Ugge8t that hftdo rhte 48 a d Ume to think moving all Russian inhabitants far from the hnrrlpve nnrl ml &iletI too much the first ; about window boxes. Maby people strengthening of the border defense. This will isolate the country more than ever. Already it had been learned that many of the foreign legations had been closed and immigration from Europe discouraged. Even tourists are no longer welcomed as they were. The country is being deliberately cut off from Europe and converted into a hermit country and in the meantime aid is being extended to China where the Chinese troops are being drilled by German, officers. who canno;, nave a garden, can have a suc::!s?ful window box. ir.artment dwellert might well give this aUcrit on H.F.P. NOTICE Dominion Government Board Of Review IMMIGRATION will hold sessions from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.. on Wednesday, the 20th of April and from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, the 21st of April In the Court House, Prince Rupert. All persons having: information concerning the Illegal entry to Canada of alien immigrants are Invited to Submit it to. the Board in person or by letter. ALL COMMUNICATIONS, HOWEVER MADE, WILL BE TREATED AS CONFIDENTIAL H. L. KEENLEYSIDE, Chairman of the Board. TO RECEIVE S25.000 PER YEAR FROM WIFE left, iisu-i iii U.dy l ..u.v- Muum of $.OOS a year on ncf mw....... -uMkuiO. ningham-reid. ricat Mrs Cunn inteair -ReW I IThe Markets (thoroughly and apply Ue plant them. PewuaLb may be secured. tge, 1 food at the rate of four pounds to from 0&tbm or root pur- g c Fresh Extras. Grade A the hundred square feet. Reseed cha&ed fTo the florist. Dahlia ( Large, cartoned, dot 2 5 . the bare spots if any and, if the tubers can be purchased now and LocaL new laid, doz lawn is shaded, use a seed mixture should be planted soon. Gladioli i, 'especially adapted to shade. Re- balbe should go in as soon as the w Newtons, fancy wrap- ' peat the operation every ax. weefcs weather a auow. unrysantne- - - Q untU the lawn is in good condition mjuns do not usually succeed out-1 Beauties . . $23 zirzzrzzzzr , : : " : win-, fane, tppl erad when fall I have Monday. April. 18. 1938. . "What shall I plant this year?' corner. de- ' .. .ruiimcnt Alexander Cun- has already with-. drawn her demand fur an accounting of a previous amount entrusted to her husbano' and has agreed to forgivr- and forget thr not-so-mce iljuigs --he has .said about him. However her divorce afUoa uU peuumg ugainst the captain KITSEGUKLA Mr. and Mxs Arthur Sam part -aiKi Uxiir dauKliUir and .soa-lu-law I Mr. awl Mrs. Hurbert Wctiley. hav. 31 laft for Carlisle Cannery when .40 Mr. 8am pare will be engaged in .'carpentry work during Uie extend ing of the cannery. Fred 9ampare sfvmaored a fim i ' . : . MnM hM Ion R4rM4o a TWo fn the constant of the novice, cided to give planung mums. is query up . Dz. 25c to - 40 Dm HaH was full to capacity i"How How can can I I get get a a succession succession of of To To get gel best best result- result? a a greenhouse greennouse is. ls.npanoM nOM in in with the whole community in at- r r 7 "'J-wiA m ciiitree Dfe&s, MOSCOW Correspondent of the Gbrist-1 bloom to my garden without too necessary in this climate. Stocks. 0rapr:frult Cal 3 for 10 tendance as well a several friends ian bcience Monitor, describes the purging! vJlich have' Breat 60,17 What plants will glvo asters, snapdragons, marigolds, i Bananas ' 'lb ' ' 12Vt from Kitwanga. During the lnter been going on in Russia as a "civil war. Him,Wlc ,.f me the moat Ior m money? Shall Shiaant)Mss and most of the com- Avacadf eh v4 at midnight delicious refresh- Beauty in the Rock Garden nnuuarD, id. .ug "" wv.jw.ic iuh. Butter I Fancy, cartoned, lb No. 2 Creamery, lb. No. 1 Creamery, ' tjtrd 'Pure, lb. j Vegetable ! Sweet Potaloea, 3 lbs B. C: Potatoes, 10 lbs. , New Potatoes, 3 lbc. B. C. Onions. 5 lbs. i Smlther Qraan Onion:, bunnh a wKKlerfttl Ume! M .44 .45 Him Brown and family arrived at Kttaagucia from Carnaby las J Monday and wUl remain here prioi to leaving for the oanntrlefi. 3S 24 If VOIl Illlth tn aum, ,mttilnn .25 j -w..i'..i6 , Smithers Radishes bunch .08 Umon and Orange Pr-el iiirhc. imported, per lb 'iu citron peel Cauliflower, Cal.. 16c U I Parsley, ban ah, ; B.C. (Jo rrttba. & lbs Bunch Uarrsta, 2 far B. C. Beeta, 0 lbs. Mexican TomaUxM, lb. Cal. Lettuce, head , Green Cabbage, lb. Celery, head. 10c U Spinach, Walla Walia, lb. Green Peas. lb. ri-.-i.. Hay. Hulkley Valltjy 'fttntiy 100 lbs. Wheat Ham, first grade, lb, Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Pork, shoulder, lb. Pork, loin, lb. Pork, leg. lb. Pork, dry salt, lb Veal, loin, lb Veal shoulder, lb. 18c to Beef Steak, lb., 25c to 30 Lamb, leg, lb, , 95 .Lamb, leg, lb 40 Lamb chops, lb 40 Halibut, lb. i 3moket! Kippers, lb. Nuts Walnuts, broken, shelled Walnuts, shelled halves, lb Almonds, shelled, lb Dried Fruits White FIks. lb. -30 Prunes, 30-40. lb. UT Prunes, 40-60, lb. Prunes, 00-70. lb. Raisins, Australian seedless, lb, Rautina, Cal., seedless lb. .15 and 23 Currants, lb. . . , , .15 15c. and 50 r-iour, vn s, no. 1 hard wheat ... 2.C0 alack Cooking Figs, lb o ! Dates, bulk, lb., . . .8c to ,15 ' Apricots. Jb. more or lea. I;l I'VbriMiry i.i;..m: 10th. 1038, MOUE8BV 18I.AND PI8HERIEa JEDWAY. LIMITED Fred Naiih, Amt. 2 Daffodil Tea And Sale Is Success The Daffodil Tea and FaIe . Queen Mary Chapter im, ! der. Daughters or tne E: : terday afternoon was , " 'cessful affair, many a "i? Uddfelbwa Hv the inlement weather The program, 'by Mr H. H. Hodu- ir, Mrs J S. Blark a , wa;. very entertainm" ting numbers were I Iri'h Jig. Paf Mu.i. Steven -. 5 1 .12 .11 .00 .14 .If. .U. 25 Apples, ' dried, 18 .w- f Heaclies. peeled, lCc to Smyrna Figs, 2 lbs. J" MiKiir W&ile. 100 lbs. U5 Yultow. Kit) It 9)7! lionet Bran a15 Bxtructed Honey, per Jar 22c to. Middlings 2.50 Joint. Honey Shorts 2.20 Cheese Oats 2.80 Ontario solids, new, Fine Oat Chops. 2.95 Edam. lb. . Barley 2.G0 Ontario, mature, lb. Laying Mash 3,10 'Stilton, lb Oyster Sheir U5 KoquKfort, lb Vlfiiu Fowl, No. 1. lb .25 Roasting Chicken, lb, .35 lb. .20 . .25 C.35 5 85 .30 .25 .50 .39 .33 .80 .35 tdif'ii Clmrloltp. IslmiiU ItUlrkt. en UmoiiIIiir ItUlrlt-t uf frim ltiiHTt. Tk ikiU that Mureby Island rin.- .20 edas Jotlwuy, UmHd. tkli salient of 30 Vancouver, b. C. linUaHl to apply fur . a imm' at the foHiwlu Hr;rli.l ' .30 lamfci: 25 Oonvmenotng at Jxsk about 1 mil' n J4. on Uu eeutb ahoi of U SklneuUJa In lot; Uicnce. Kaat 10 ohalnv .20 uWi 30 oluUis: ttienc Wtt Beef, pot roast, lb.. 12c to is ")6..wh L h iiurni uieiuoe wortnwiy ana . Beef, r m boiling, lb. 8c to 10 loUowing high wur mark to tha point roast nrinii r 1. II.. . .Sfi .T-Jl . ,..B IK si; lnecn ciiurlottp Mundo KUIrlcl. UMunlins DWrl.t .r ITIikp Kiiiie.rt. TaXe notkx Uuu Moresby bilond FWi 1 Salmorr oaimun, red rea unrlnv spnng. trnh fresh, lb, v, .30' n. erws jtoy, bimtui. At vnmvir. riout r" oaiiern, mina to amily lor follorlnt! locrlbed for. Second Patent 2.40 Cwnrmmclng mt a post planted about Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 1 imm wwiv 01 jiway antl on the aouth .uu slicre of Bklncuttle Inlet; thenoa Wwt 150 ltH; Uiatce South 400 feet; tlwwe Boat 100- letc ttui Kixith loon .40.Iwik Wtt 375 feet; thence South' .45: 1 1.1 itot to tdi high water mark ounouHic idji; tloe EMlerly " nonneny lOUowing said high wa mark to the point of ootrunenormon Mint oml containing 15 acres mor or lew 7 Dated rV'bruarv lnnH MOllESBY ISLAND FI8HERIES JEDWAY. LIMITED rted Naali, Ant oft Walt Ctog, Rom. Nina Youngman Gav Nineiiofi t' .f i BouJtrr 8wunnee River Tri ne Christensej Adagio, Harry fj,,. and MUg June Butt There were also . Miss Barbara Terir . ' ' by Mrs. T. A. M W W. M. AVatU. inc. M 'At. 'lit. Three Rythms. Muvir b-"' Broadway Babies M p. by MarUa Windi' a::' j Thompson. Military Tap, J- c.;' .-, I .111. Jlr", :r It I'hones. 18 and 84 RO.Boxra FOR GOOD SERVICE Tr, MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables - frit Confectionery Tobawoi 317-19 TUIR1I AVENl'E WESt Opposite Canadian Lfiion SEAL QUALITY mm n m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only nlmoo canning company with tc B the year round payroll la Prince Rupert I WANT TO WORK FOR YOU n H 1 Bl am. a. .salesman. ain-conUdered the grcatwt salesman in the world. ylslt thousands of ) our customers and proierts evrrf day, available to t'" am always them about your nnidiKls or service. offer Information and on what to ly, nffl where to buy IL d"1 of have made a great monay, for those, lio.flU' ploy me steadily. am well known to jo" you see me every day. am your newspaper. THE DAILY NEWS for