itiaeiaaaatitititititttititititiKn........ OWtHKHCHKrtt "SEZ O'REILLY to MacNAB" . . Read This Page Carefully - Scz O'Reilly To McNab" Rose, Cowan & Latta Ltd.. Have the new "Scottic" writing tablet, the distinctive notcpapcr to use , when writing your friends. PRINTING STATIONERY OFFICE SUPPLIES Phone 234 it Scz O'Reilly To McNab" "Why not treat yourself to a new spring outfit." The Rupert People's Store Ltd A complete line of Mens', Women's and Children's Wear "Scz O'Reilly To McNab" Vance's Home Arts (Capitol Theatre Hide.) Is where you "Say It With Flowers" Phone Green 428 "Scz O'Reilly To McNab"- 32 TAXI Gives you 24-hour service with free liability Insurance "Scz O'Reilly To McNab" Van's Bakery Sliced Bread is the talk of the town . . . You should try it! "Scz O'Reilly To McNab" Be Sure To Gel Your Tickets Early For 'Pirates of Penzance' At The Capitol Theatre APRIL 27th and 28lh It's Going To Be A Real Show! Tickets may be obtained from members of the notary Club, any member of the cast, or at the Capitol Theatre "Scz O'Reilly To McNab" "Why not take you car to the Royal Motors and sign up with their Lubrication Contract?" "They thoroughly lubricate Chassis. Spray Springs, Check oen-erator, Distributor and Starting Motor ?r ""-SjS for check . Rear End i m1 grease, Change Oil In Motor, for water, six con for check Radiator grease, clean all windows, secutive times all for the sum of $5 00. ROYAL MOTORS -52 Great Irish - Scottish Comedy Team Featured-Pilgrimage To Vimy Depicted In Epic Film "Scz O'Kcilly to BlacNab," one of the outstanding: film comedies of the year coming from the (rtiumont-Britisli studios in Lngl&nd and featuring the two noted comedians, Irish Will Mahoncy and Scottisli Will Fyffc, is one of two exceptional attractions coming to the Capitol Theatre here on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The other is the remarkable "Salute to Valour," depicting the Canadian veterans' pilgrimage to Vimy in the summer of 193G to participate in the great memorial ceremonies held there. The two features contrive to make the bill one of most unusual interest. The two genial comedians, Mahoncy and Fyffc, make perfect foils for each other in "Sc O'Kcilly to McNab." Mahoncy is cast as an impecunious stock salesman, floater of questionable mining stock, whose blarney keeps him one step ahead of disaster. lie meets his match, however, Beginning Wednesday For Two ,days laughttr for tkt wholt family) in the canny Edinburgh business man, played by Fyffc. The efforts of these two shrewd rascals to outwit each other furnish the basis of the riotous comedy. Jean Winstanlcy and-James Carney have the leading romantic roles and an outstanding member of the cast Is Robert Gall as MacNab's pesky son. "Salute to Valour," sponsored by the Canadian Legion, is splendidly produced and has proven a most successful film offering appealing as it docs not only to ex-service men but to all Canadians. The story begins with the departure of Canadian troops for overseas in 1914, shows battle action on the ground about the memorial and depicts cemetery scenes, culminating in the impressive and historic ceremonies at the dedication by King Edward. While the main theme is treated with a dignity that amounts to pathos, other scenes show how the Canadians enjoyed themselves on the pilgrimage. O'REILLY jftMI. WILL MAHONEY k WILL FYFFE y drtettd by WILLIAM BEAUDINE ' i, U ' Story by Howard Irvloo: Yoooa , Y? Sertoli Pkiy by Loilio Arliit - . V l A Gl rCTlM i J Ig,' Mitt ihot gravity .defying JE X funittrs, Will Mahoncy and Will Fyff . . and try to 4. j kp your own gravity! Thty fought Ilk. th. cat! Ml. mtd , , konny whIU Romanct bloi . ,. r im tomtd under very n.itil ytar And . . . On The Same Program AT LAST A page from Canada's glorious history can be read ... A page that gives birth to a priceless record of Canadian hero ism . . . The Pilgrimage ta Uimy EtaVniOHR ... in which more than 6000 Canadians paid homage to fallen comrades in the most impressive and never-to-be-forgotten scenes ever recorded by camera . . . LAST SHOWINGS TONIGHT Last Show 9:05 Its Happy! Its Romantic! Judy Garland in "EVERYBODY SING" WithA" Special Matinees Wed. and Thurs. at 2:30 p.m. te Great Britain Triumphs Over Hollywood fe pj Out of a British studio comes the grandest piece of laugh provoking merchandise you've seen in many a long day. ... and featuring Bon nie bcotJand s present clay King of Comedians . . . Will Fyffe .... WHEN THE POWER OF O'REILLY BLARNEY MEETS THE GIFT OF MacNAB GAB thtrn't . . . roaring J - an Jones, Fanny Brice (7:33 and 9:38) OOCHenKnXHOCrtnCHWiiWn 1 ' V "Sez O'Reilly To McNab" Drop in for the best cup of Tea or Coffee at . . . MACEVS (Third Avenue near Capitol Theatre) Our Hamburgers and Hot Dogs are Del icious! Home of good Candies, Chocolates and Palm Ice Cream! LIGHT LUNCHES A SPECIALTY "Scz O'Reilly To McNab" Get Your Hat At WATTS & NICKERSON "Scz O'Reilly To McNab" The CUT RATE SHOE STORE Have a complete range of footwear for the entire family, with all the latest styles and shades for spring. "Sez O'Reilly To McNab" Phone 3 For """" Hardware Paint Sporting Goods Kaien Hardware Company "Sez O'Reilly To McNab" "Begorra. what makes you feel so gay?" "I bought a Beauty Rest and Slumber King. They sure make you like to hum and sing." A grand place to get your bedding mon! MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 327 Third Avenue, Phone 775 A Personal Endorsation! No One Should Miss Seeing The Vimy Pilgrimage Picture "Salute to Valour" Sponsored By the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League I had the opportunity of attending the official showing of the film In Ottawa, when the Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King and Lord Tweedsmulr were present. The picture depicts the outstanding events of the pilgrimage. The visit to the unknown soldier's tomb In Paris. The unveiling of the Vimy Memorial by King Edward VIII. The Cenotaph Service In Whitehall, London, England, and the unique and noteworthy democratic garden party at Buckingham Palace, London which was attended by the King and the Duke of Gloucester. The events that took place during the Vimy Pilgrimage have become of historical interest, because the unveiling of the Vimy Memorial was the last Important act preformed by king Edward before his abdication a few months later. As A Document the Film Is A Priceless Kecord Of Canadian History . . . All Should Sec It! ROBT. MACNICOL, Secy. 1J.C. Command, Canadian Legion, Vancouver, B.C. Sez O'Reilly To McNab The New Laundry Does laundry work, cleaning and pressing clothes to your satisfaction ... a trial will convince you . . . Phone 746