ifALY-F successful candidate at the recent civic elections, Langlie takes office on June 0. Halibut Sales Summary American 52,500 pounds, 7c and 6c Canadian 17.300, pounds, 6c and 5c and 6.1c and 5c. American Arcade, 12,000, Cold Storage, 7c and 6c. 1 ! Howard B., 14.500, Pacific, 7c; , and 6c, I Brothers, 17,500, Cold Storage i j 7c nnd 6c. ' Rcvllla, 8,500, Pacific. 7c ami, 6c 1 Canadian R W 3,000, Atlln, 6c and 5c Viking II, 3,800, Pacific, 6.1c and 5c Tramp. 3,500, Atlin, 6c and 5c Southend. 4.000. Cold Storage, 6.1c and 5c. i- Polnt May, 3,000, Atlln, Gctfnnd 5c. i GANDHI SMILES ANCIENT AMITY OF PARIS AND ROME RESUMES Czeclio-Slovakia is Latest Nation to Recognize II Duce's Conquest of Ethiopia, It Is Announced ROME, April 19: (CP) Italy and France will begin conversations immediately to re-establish the traditional friendship which was shattered by the Italo-Ethiopian war. France has taken the initiative, informed quarters say. because of a desire to have something concrete in progress before Great Britain presses her to support the British resolution at Geneva next month to clear the way for recog- rift 7 1 nrrTHnn nltlon of the Italian conquest of A 1 4(8 A Wi U M ft V Ethiopia. It Is officially announced rLlZltrkl,LLjX 1 k U that Czecho-Slovakla has recog- "i 4 T 4 TV 4 nlzcd the Ethiopian conquest. IftJ I ANAIA PASSING OF MAYOR DORE Htart. Attack After, Serious Illness ftom Fatal For Chief Magistrate of I'uget Sound City SEATTLE, April 19: (CP) Mayor John I Dore of Seattle died last msh at the age of flfty-slx. A heap attack was given as the immediate cause of death. During the mayoralty primary campaign last (all in which he was defeated for renominatlon by Lient.-Gover-nor Victor Meyers and Arthur Langlie. Mayor Dore suffered a col apse and had been 111 periodically since then. He went to Phoenix, Arizona, In the hope that the change would prove beneficial. On the way back from there he contracted bronchial pneumonia and had to enter hospital In Los Ang-ele; ADparently restored to health, he returned to Seattle a week or so agn but collapsed again a couple of day ago with weakened heart and kidney complications. Mayor Dore was for years a col-orful figure In the life of Seattle He was prominent as a criminal lawyer and a public speaker. He was first elected mayor of Seattle in 1032 at the depth of the depression on an economy platform. Mayor Dore's successor as head of the civic government is Councillor Arthur n. Lanelie who was the British Experts Coming; Over to In-vestisate Possibility To Buy Planes From, United States LONDON. Anril 19: (CP) Bri tish government representatives, will visit Canada soon to Investigate thepo4abllitr-0f-hawngarm- aments manufactured in .that) Dominion. Such an undertaking, would involve large expenditures, in remodelling of existing buildings j or erection of new ones and installation of machinery. It would also, of course, provide a great deal. of new employment. It Is also revealed that air ministry officials are about to leave foe the United State in connection with negoiations whereby th-2 Imperial government may purchase up to 500 bombing planes of latest type for 'he Roval Air Forces. Canada may also share In this aircraft business. Rarely seen to smile, the Ma hatma Gandhi, famous Indian leader, is pictured at Harlpura. India, enjoying a jose crawu by one of the speakers at the 51st Indian National uongrcao Two vessels were In from Ketchikan yesterday with shipments i of fresh halibut for the United States over Canadian National , Railways from here. Each had one carload. One boat was the Bclo 'Capt. Knapland, which was In j..-,., vi nftrnnon and the !other the Tonga, Capt. Eldrod Hansen, which was In last night. J Seamen On Great lakes Work Again w One Thousand Men Back On Job Following Brief Tie-Up i TORONTO. April 19: (CP) An agreement between seven shipping companies and the Canadian Seamen's Union went into effect yesterday sending an estimated one thousand men back to work aboard sea smooth. B.C. - , Todav'i Weathn Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Overcast, northerly High 4:10, a.nv 18.4 ft. wind two miles per hour 17:35 p.m. 16.2 ft. barometer, 30.36 (rising); temperature. Low 11:04 a.m. 5.9 ft. 38; sea smooth. 23:12 p.m: 9.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol VP- 91. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1938. ritlCE .? ckn-ih LOYALISTS CONFER NEWLY MOBILIZED TROOPS BRITISH OFFICERS VISIT PUERTO RICO H. M. S. Vindictive from the Bntish West Indies fleet recently called at San Juan, Puerto Rico during a training cruise and its commander. Captain E. J. Spooler, D. S, O. Meftand Arthur H. Noble fright i, British Consul-Oeneral of Puerto Rico, called on San Juan's Governor Blanton Winshlp (centred TO SURVEY ' IN ALASKA Swiss Expert at Jasper Enroute to Valdez JASPER, April 19. In view of unprecedented enthusiasm in skiing throughout North America, Canadian clubs should concentrate In securing the services of only experienced instructors is the opinion of Norman Dyrenfurth, Swiss expert and New Hampshire professional, who arrived here today for three days skiing enroute to Alaska to take part in a mapping and exploration survey of the National Geographic Society. With cameraman Peter Gabriel, Dyen-furth Is making for Valdez, Alaska, headquarters of the expedition under Brad Washburn of Harvard University. Commenting on the rapid pro-cms of American and Canadian I Skiing, Dyrenfurth warned that instructors should be chosen care- I fully. jpean and capable on his skis does not hold that he would be competent In an Instructing role. Rec-I ords of applicants, he stressed, 'should be Investigated thoroughly. 1 Photographic survey from the air 1 will form a major portion of the j 1938 expedition In Alaska. Pers6n- ' 1 f Vn nilrtv will Inflllrfp Nor- I in k"v t.j , , man orignb. wvu miuwu athlete. HIS FATE GHASTLY Vancouver Man Terribly Crushed On Hurling Himself Under Heavy Steam Roller VANCOUVER, April 19: (CP) Terribly crushed when he fled from the saving arms of a taxi driver, Val Marshall hurled himself under the wheels of a fourteen-ton steam roller on Monday afternoon andi died in hospital five hours later. Today's Weather fOov-rnment "lenih' Triple Island Showery, northwest wind, eight miles per hour, light chop. Langara Island Overcast, westerly wind, five miles per hour; barometer, 30.02; temperature. 41: light swell. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; Just because a skier Is Euro-barometer. 30.25; temperature. 38 Bull Harbor Overcast, wind, ten miles per hour; ba rometer, 30.20; temperature, 38 sea smooth. Alert Bay Showery, calm; barometer. 30.20; temperature, 3C sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northerly wina, miles per hour; barometer. 30.08. Victoria Fair, westerly wind, ten miles per hour: barometer, 30.34 Vancouver Clear, southerly wind,, four miles per hour; barom eter, 30.28. nee George Clear, southwest eight miles per hour; baro meter, 30.12. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, temperature 43. Smlthers Part.' cloudy, strong wind, 45. Burns Lake Bright, windy, 35. Stewarts-Cloudy, south wind, 39. Terrace Clear, calm, 34. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 38. ' fifty shins after Canada's first ma- west wind. 41 jor strikeion the Great Lakes. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 40 REFUSE TO OBEY ORDERS; FIRE. UPON THEIR SUPERIORS i I Calgary Has First Clash CALGARY, April 19: CP)- The first clash of Calgary re tacked eight workers. Several were injured before the police restored order. .y v TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .18 Big Missouri, :42. ' Bralorne. 8.60 i Aztec. JB7Wi., Cariboo. Quartz, 2.03 Dentonia, .08Va. Golconda. .05. Mlnto. .02,$- , t nl , t Noble TTVetTjzC Pend Orielle. 1.70. Pioneer. 3.00 Porter Idaho. A2. Premier, 2.00 ( Reeves McDonald. .28. ' Reno, .52 Relief Arlington, .17. ; , Reward. .04 " Salmon Gold. .05. Premier Border, .0114. Congress, .OO'i. Home Gold, .01. Grandvlew, .06. Indian, .02 . Quatsino Copper, .02V's. Haida. .08 Oils A. P. Con., .23?2. v -V Calmont, .44. C. & E., 2.40. Freehold, .06. ..' McDougal Segur, .21. Okalta, 1.75 Pacalta, .09V-.. Home Oil, 1.27. Toronto Beattle, 1.09. Central Patricia, 2.61. Gods Lake, .43. Little Long Lac, 4.10. McKenzie Red Lake, .95. Pickle Crow. 4.30. Red Lake Gold Shore, .19. San Antonio, 1.28. Sherritt Gordon, 1.15. Smelters Gold, .01 2. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.25 Oklend, .15. Mosher, .29. . .' Madsen Red Lake, .33. Stadaccna, .63 Vi. Franqpeur. .35. Bourcadillac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .27. Bankfield, .85. East Malartlc, 1.58. Preston East Dome, .91. Hutchison Lake, .062. Dawson White, .03. Aldermac, .55. Kerr Addison, 1.85. Uchl Gold, 1.42. Int. Nickel 47.50. Noranda, 57.00. Con. Smelters, 58.00. . Athona, .08 V2. Hardrock, 2.00. Barber Larder, .38. Rand Malartlc, .40. Reports of Serious Defections at Barcelona Arc Brought To France By Travellers, Confirmation fsTot Being Immediately Available PERPIGNAN, France, April 19: (CP) Travellers reaching France say that mutiiiyhas broken out among Spanish government troops in Barcelona barracks. The reports cannot be confirmed at once. It is said that part lief strjkers'and non-strikers of newly mobilized troops quartered m Barcelona Sem- occurredTtoday when fifty pick- inary and Barceloneta and Vergara barracks refused to ets are reported to have at- g0 to the front. Nearly eight nun- Is 111 Again POPE PIUS ROME, April 19: (CP) It was dred officers and soldiers occupying several buildings were under machine gun fire from loyalist troops, It is said. WAS SHOT BY POLICE One Vancouver Bandit is in Hospital and Officers are Combing City Fox Another VANCOUVER, April 19.:,. (CP)-With a police bullet In his back, a Jtwenty-seven-year-old bandit suspect lies in hospital .here asvde- tectives comb the city for a second suspect. The shooting was the result of an abortive attempt to hold up an east end cafe last night. The wounded man is known as Tom Cobbledick. Interior Lakes Still Have Ice Bishop Coudert's Plane Leaves For Frascr Lake to Have Skis Removed EMTTHERS, April 19: Ice stil? cpvcts th lakes of the district and1 a few days ago the airplane of YZ l iZ r pnVpV. Bishop Coudert used Lake Kath-night that t the aged h Pope Pius h, has lyn landing field,- ,,aM. making Qn become quite seriously ill again. UNCLE SAM'S as a a number of short flights from that base The plane left here recently for Lejac on Fraser Lake where ,lt will have the skis removed and replaced by pontoons for work In Bishop "EnnPFl'n the xne nr"i- north, being Deing used usea by oy u ij Q?nnrf i?Q filiiiCij oudert in cvering ws neid Two American Destroyers To Visit rrincc Kupsrt Parly This Summer City Commissioner W. J. Aider has been rdvlsed that two Unitu New Electric Light Plant At Kitkatla KITKATLA, April 19: Matthey States destroyers will visit Prince Hill. Joe Innls and Henry Brown Runert carlv durhiK the coming have presented to the people of summer. U. S. S. Barry, Lieut Commander J. R. Lannnm, will be hcra from June 25 to 27 and U. S S. Ho"k'ns. Lieut. Commander J S. Crensha'v from will be cru!slng north orth 'side passage. Kitkatla their report on the new Kitkatla electric lighting system .which has Just been put into op- eration. The plant has been turned Z over t0 the 8htlnB committee -of Tttiv 2 Th via the fin fhe, vll!ae of which John s ItAIi SILVUIt N'KW YOKK: iCV) -Rar vcr was unchanged at 42c Hi) fine ounce r,.i thi New 'nrk. metal market today. is in ciiurc. Weather Forecast j .Piinihi through the courtfy of Domfnlon MrteoroloRlcnl Buru ftt per "'"'irii ri mnce Rupert. Thta 1 i "ompuea trom oovorsaiionn ib- .t .m. today .nd covers the 33 hour period ending S p.m. tomorrowV. General Synopsis The pressure Is high with generally fair weather I Jack Rcid, for supplying liquor orf the British Columbia coast and Mrs. B. F. Stewart of Smlthers is to Indians, was fined $50, with op- js clearing with moderate tern spending a week In the city visiting , tlon of thirty days' imprisonment, peratures in the Interior, with her son and daughter-in-law, in city police court this morning. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- Alice Arm Part cloudy, south- Mr. and Mrs. O. F Stewart, White, Connie Moody, Indian, for drunk- lotte Islands Light southwest Apartments. She arrived from the ennc?s, was fined sio, with seven winds, mostly fair with moderate Interior on Saturday night's train, days' option. temperatures,