PAOB TWO Don't Forget Our ANNUAL earn sice Sale Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL ADVERTISING KATES Classified advertising, per wort), per insertion local readers, per line, per Insertion News Department Telepiiocs Advertising, and Ciicuiation Telephone . Member ot Audit Bureau ot Circulation! PATLY EJJITipN EMPIRE DAY ELECTION IN DFVDNEY 86 98 SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid to. advance, per week Paid in advance, per month ;. By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance .... . By mall to all other countries, per year r .02 .26 $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 Monday, May 23, 1938. This is Empire Day in the schools of Canada. It was inaugurated by the Dominion Teachers' Association at their annual convention at Halifax in 1898 and has been celebrated each year since that time. In other parts of the British Empire the celebration takes place on May 24. Fifty million school children will this year take part in the celebration. Though many of us may often be critical of the actions of Empire statesmen or of the policies carried out in India, Australia, or some other section of the Empire, ve are all proud of being members of that wonderful organization, the like of which was never seen before in any part of the world or at any period. The policies of Premier Pattullo have been endorsed by a constituency that at the past election gave a majority to a Conservative. Doubtless, the plans of the government for building the highway to Alaska entered a good deal into the election and influenced the result. It seems evident that the people generally favor "the work being done somewhat on the terms outlined by the Premier- jn his recent address at Mission. ENCOURAGING MINING The Department of Mines is making an offer to young men to get a course of training in practical mining while at the same time being paid enough to clothe them and give them something over at the end of the term. The young men will get a dollar a day over and above their board. rlhey will be expected to learn camp cooking 111 addition to practical mining. At the end of six weeks, those who pass satisfactory examinations will be eligible to apply for a post graduate course in field training for three months. At the conclusion of the period an effort will be made by the department to place the graduates in the mining industry where they will get still more ex perience. This seems like a good oportunity for young men between the ages of 18 and 25 to get a grounding in mining work which would help to fit them for either prospecting pr- practical mining work. NOT ALWAYS RIGHT The difficulties of statesmen are added to greatly by the fact that many of the improvements asked by local cpmmunities are of no real value and, if granted would )e of no. practical value to the country. Local communities ask for roads which lead nowhere and cost a lot of money. They ask for buildjngs or othqr improvements Hyhjch arp not needed. Pressure is often brought to War so that wqrk is (Jpne which proves to be a popr investment for the country as a whole. . ' If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. In the regularly scheduled Jun-i lor Football Association game of Saturday last King School (first year) Memorial School by The lpague standing: W High '...;.'...... 2 Borden .... 1 Booth 0 D 1 1 0 L 0 1 2 Football At Ocean Falls F 15 7 4 McKeown turned a past own goalie and later msklcked to let Smith through for a second Its full share of attacking, scored through Simundsen. Gomez made; a mess of a penalty shot and generally was very weak at centre for-: ward. The second half proved a much better game. Gomez played, well at full back and the whole team put more vigor Into Its play. Simund- isen added a second and upland a 1 third to make the score four to three in favor of High School. Mah A Pts 8 10 8 league Activities Well Under Way Teams Visiting Bella Coola This Week-end OCEAN FALLS, May 23: The soccer season Is now well undei way at Ocean Falls with the Rangers and Shamrocks tied for first, either team haying won tvo games. One Ocean Falls team was at Bella Coola yesterday to play for tv e Mackenzie Cup. On Sunday an exhibition game was played at Bella Coola by two. Ocean Falls teams. TUB DAH.T NEWS Monday May j PORT' HIGH WINS FAVORITE FOOTBALL' m r iiTiiiiTnn Toronto Track TORONTO, May. 23: (CP) Willie Cincinnati jnj:lnnatl Corinthians Win Over Winniflegers Touring British Soccer Team Had Hard Fought Victory On Saturday was frequently called on and saved! WINNIPEG, May. 23: (CP) The two. dangerous shots. Wilson forcr I touring Islington Corinthian soe-ed a goal for High and Cameron 'per "team'won a . hard fought game added a sixth to finish the scoring, from Winnipeg All Stars by a Simundsen missed a penalty V(hen. score of 2 to 1 on Saturday, he shot at Mah. High' School A. Mah; Nelson, McCrimmon; J. McLean, Cameron, 6. Keays; Schubert, Bill, A. Smith, Postulo, L. Keays, J. Wilson, Pierce Booth Memorial School Zbura McKeown, Sunberg; Leland, Strand, Hodgson; Clccone, Baker, Gomez, simundsen, Pierce, Wood. Pete Doherty refereed well and before the game called the teams together and gave them some very ; sound advice. For High School MaH Nelson, Mc- land beat an English team 2 to Crlmmon and Cameron were sound. The forwards were fast and kept the ball moving well. Booth backs were very weak In the first half. Zbura was safe. Strand played his usual strong game although he was Inclined to wander. Leland was good. Simundsen put up a splendid game and Baker was a big Improvement on his last game. Pierce tried hard. Wednesday brings Borden and Booth together. Scots Beat Dutch; j Switzerland Wins Over British Team AMSTERDAM, May 23: (CP) -A Scottish team defeated Holland 3 to. 1 here on Saturday. Swizer- . i ' National League W L New York 20 8 Chicago. 18 J3 Bostorr 14 U Cincinnati. 1C .M Pittsburg 14 14 St. Louis 12 15 Brooklyn 12 20 Philadelphia 7 18 American League Cleveland 2G 10 New York 16 10 Boston 17 11 Washington 18 15 Detroit 13 15 Chicago 10 12 Philadelphia 9. 18 St, Louis 8 20 GAME CAUS.ES DEATII "Waiting hrt It a poln ' , "SmoU a Sweat Cap and malt It a pltavtl" ';' fr n " .r'T" " " i"xwl' SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES ... " "Tlit putttt form In nhkh tobacto tan bt tmoktd." 1 Baseball Standings GIANTS IN UMPIRE DAY WIN AGAIN OBSERVED Shook Losine Streak by Uownlns , Pittsburg l'ir3ies Yesterday In nooth and Honlen Street School llsavy, 'iil'ias Aft3i J niLh. UsciM ' NEW YORK, May 23: ipP)--Newj vnrif niants shook their losing streak t WIIMNhK place this ,nfi smothering smothering lenng Pet. .711 .581! .5P .533, .500, .4441 .375 .200 from which the Chicago White Box TODAY'S SCORES National League Pittsburg 4, New York 3. Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 4. Chicago 4, Boston 1. fAl Lopez, Boston, suffered compound froc-ture of thumb.) St. Louis 0, Philadelphia 7. American League All games fxvstponed on account of rain. 37 Recovery Bill .00' .015 .Mi1 15 a Gets Approval .5,15 .401 455 Three Hillion Dollar Measure To! 333 Go Before United Stales Senate . .2S0 BIGGER THAN NIAGARA 1 ASUNSIDN, Paraguay,. May 23: (CP) Government of this South Iguanzu Falls reputed 200 feet high, 40 feet higher than Niagara and wider by oner-half. 1 This Week WASIIINGTQN, D. C.. May 23:- tv; The administration's $3,000,000,0,00' nuif-iicorrpn 1 1 nn raiCHETER, May 23: England, recoyery blll was a ir0VC(1 by s .n. (CP)-Fal ng on her head during ate committee - f,n Saturday and Bay, Sussex, Mrs. Marcelle Balles- week ter, 38, suffered spinal' Injuries ' i which' later caused her death. TRAILS TO BE BUILT American republic Is planning a . highway through dens jungle, to Oominion Gomernment Puts up $210,001 and Province, $120,0Q0 VICTORIA, May 23: (CP) The Fmnirp nnv observance at Booth at the fQlo grounds ny Mmorlai sclidol and Dordtjn. .Hie .uik Pittsburg Ptraigs ? street $reVschoQ spnqg Itook, 11005 M i 1 with a llUlng spree yst-f relax, aim tempo.,' under lh$ auspices of lull . . . .7TT ' . . . " held iieieaiea uoniu hcnooi u 111 i in miniy Lawless rakes nine riair. ,. .. r. . t.. iAArlAfdi n It. -' ' . . . A.. T" ' rjieir maiRiii pi 'jei' -2j' F Sixty Chapter,, imperial, Rational Jatlonal League at three-ano- n.ulPhters of the Umpire, with' Junior Football 1 Without Any Difficulty on -half names over the Chlra?o . Mfmsnn . reeent. and Queen - ' Cubs who dropped a close decision Mar"y 'Cnapter, Mrs, a, T. Parkin tp the- Boston Bees at Boston. Thfr rt!ge,lt( rf.Srvcrllvely, prt, J(s' Reds, whose wiin jig E A MercPJf aii'cl.W. W. C. Ct'NelU: tvet aiornssev s con umiiy L.awir.v, 1 q ureai; its now iruMtnig ""l""" ipciippt vo nriiicinais r won from Booth outstanding favorite, romped across proportions, went across the river a. at aiA B" hip line an easv winner oaiuruay 10 urnoKivii wj uuh '""' ihs fn nw nv items: three. in the Kine's Plate, classic of the and' move Intp. first division In Booth got off to a bad start when; rnnnViinn tiirf at Woodbine Park, niace of the Pittsburg Pirates, n MorttfA centre nnpf his Ule! - - ' ., ' Tj -'. ' ' 1 1U. AmaUfltl T t1 (Til P til P Aiona tseue was secuuu uiiu wuni m uie n'"'""' nl 11.1 I I nln.iln 11 ft Til inti tnnlt ft series ..... ...... Vi" Salute to the Flag. uai, iniru, i'cicianu - v",- Mercer t niiotr mHn nnnt v i.nwlpss. The nnpnpr from the New You: - . hiriner goats were aauea oy bih Cosgrave horse Mona. geyf QhP vangees. oy a uu-jiyj .' mPTo full two-panu marcln nrr vinvA n a imi i o- Cabin Qal owned by H. Glddings. Tnlft "Hip Orlcln Luldbergh up. T. passcuma. roae now nave -6v Mar(laret Rrnlth ald Efiy. i; esifled. TVc Mlihril InrlnrlPil: ' ' "O Canada." - Introductory remarks, Miss fe. A -"Land of qur Birth." of Empire in the vaawr ft Pi VPS asa he School-"Land of Hope: and race over the Yanks whose leaa over the third aiace Boston Red oJ- ' C ion ws- In Po1 Detroit Tigers won a tight game Jhool from the Red Sox and continued '""-(," l,u,ZvI Pfre Builders," Charleston; "The ' Empire ot Today," piga Lewis; "The Empire Qf the Future," w nn n, thp scores were as follows: SATURDAY'S GA51F.S National League Cincinnati, 4; New York, 1. Pittsburg, 5; Brooklyn, 4. St. Louis. 1; Boston, 5. ' Chicago, 10; Philadelphia, 1. ; American League New York, 1; Chicago, 0. Philadelphia, 5; Detroit, 7. Washington. 5; Cleveland, 4. ' Boston, 3; St. Louis, 5. SUNDAY SCORES American League Philadelphia,' 8; St. Louis, 5. Washington, 2; Chicago, 9. i New York, 3; Cleveland, 8. Boston, 3:Detrolt, 4. National League St. Louis, 1; Philadelphia. 2. . Pittsburgh, 2; New York, 18. Chicago, 1; Boston, 2. Cincinnati. 8; Brooklyn, 3. Don Dramatization. Making. t';e Flow " Chorus "The Empire U Oan Country. Closing Remarks aits, jpnn Mahson. ""(ipd Save tjie Klnt" W?n trefJi Wool ; At Bprden Street School program, was as fojjpvs: Qpeylns- ''p Canada,.'' Address-w w. c. owiii. Sonjj by pupils-"Fsher'men Epniand." 'Adresv Mrs, A. T. Parkin. SoiiR by piiplls- "The Land WAKE UP LIKE A CAVE MAN Feel Full of Life-No More Tired, Dull, Heary, Morning jut liter httlthy mi jmI fttl ptU iimj mominf. When ;4 vikt up Itelinf "rottm" ;mv lim it ut l wdtr. Yur. lifer cltwi th kWJ ,( fVuwu, KpuaUt tU nouruhini fui U ;w Imh) km tht'viit. Suppliti toern t nutcUi, tillUHMxl IWHU-riTII wii bil, lU Mr'i UutiTt, hlp tlomicb. kidntu" ui b ttttinet U rk fritAj." A air Uwtl MTtownt ito'l tnoufL Tnat-tit" ad (rwa fraiU and btrba, wilt (trttiftbra and build up jtur lifr llaWblni ttaa wQl. Ywi'U'U amutd haw wall ytu art tittj aswnuii. Ttj Fnut-i-tirM. IB Vrwiiat. FRUIT A TI VESiSi'n Holiday Camp Mrs. Dunn Announces That tier SANGAN RJYER HOLIDAY CAMP Near Massett, Q.C,I., is open for visitors and advises early booking. Dominion government wll nrovide'iic auouon at noon an, ttm aiat. d of of Freedom." Patriotic plav. under direction of Miss Taylor "A Wrpath for Britannia." Soup: by pupils "Brahmn Cradl" SonK " "God Save the King." $240,000 for mining road construe- IT J8 n Wh) :pffic) .01 tha 'du-i,- ' K10 Frw,'. Ctourt Rouse. " i , Vancouver, tlon In n-iH-v. British n-fi ui Columbia, Premier the uctaus xsw.'to cut 7,is8.oxvf "x. T. D, Pattulfo announced on Sat- I"- of P"ic, txAar arm hemlock n uraay. This will be matched with win Bound, adjolam TtnJUctntei $120,000 to be put up by the Dro- ,,207p- ,208P ,Cfl9p- Char-ylncp, making SZotSflS. J ',. . niovai of ttimibft. Groceries STORK novidd noviaea ai any otv unabl to atteni W eather T . hovecast 1 - M- W.?.f. 0 auction 1 r r 1 1 , i ' it nor, n, ri.. - ni W person mav ubmU a to be opened, at tti hour an and. treojtnl cui u hiA ' Further Tirtloulam"tnfl.v .be ntvbe.liil lotte Islands- Moderate Wfrh r'R.SS, 2ZSL' ntor,LB. O, southeast winds, moderately warm B- c- - . . , with Increasing cloudiness. . Try MUSSALLEM'S TI.MHER ..r. Tliere will be offered for sole at puV Phones 18 and W P.O. Box 5M "193 . tJat SWT XWliSi i vii uuou SERVICE tflct Pomiter, oourt 'TtouM, 'yancouver, tlie Llceeice r. 0. m. 1. of pf on im X20897 to out I9.000.bO0 fruoe. cedar and. hemlock aii iJtuiyted on the"eoa hor or loiiiw Island ibetween' Bkedana ta Mid Belwyn Inlwt, adtolnUig "Ttajber . .j ' " I provided any one unable to itteju YetableS . Fruits th uctkjn'dn lierHoa BAay iubmlt ' "1 Jh 8f W uonreciloncry itloncry - Tobacco Tobaccos' 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST opposite Canadian Legion woeaicew 1197P, neSP. and I8MP1 Queen Cliaj1qtjt LJaaida tmvl District. . Tlnwe yeart will ibe allowed fat removal ox umber. f ujui imiHi hji rail? ma. ' 1 a Further particulars may be obtain el ITan th chief Itorwiier, Victoria, B, O, or tlue Dlatjrlot Foreater, Prtoci ftupart, OLD . and proud of if TJiU advert lmen,: n n lie ipit r r 1... WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY 20 12 oz. $3.25- -10 oz $1,115 WAH mo lorruo IN The finest PIANQTUWNfi In the country can be )0Uri, as done with the "Itesonoscnpe" by C. C. WALKER Phone nine 389 212 4th St KA1EN TRANSFER Red Cillli. Proprietor DRY WOOD COAl Furniture .Moving and General Hauling PJione CO Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Ropraj Are pew The ilouae Ii Warm The Service Friendlj The Rates Are Keasonibli KNOX HOTEL K. Brasell N. M. Brtsd NEW ROYfi HOTEL J. Zarelli. Propri'toi "A HOME Aim FROM DOME" Rate i ... 90 Rooms Hot 4t Cold WiUt . Prbce Kurwrt, B.C. Phone 281 f.O. Box W Cheaper Feel Halnr a surplus of BuMj Valley wheat It Is necessirj to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Savi Money. Prince Rupert Fl HYDE Transfer 315, SECOND AY?; FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580