PAGE TOUR TAK'A PEG O JOHN BECC J M PORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY HORSE SHORTAGE i hfl & ffi i This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia only six survived a hard winter and of thpsft nnlv threp, rrnilrl hp Fresh Local Kaw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnONE 657 Copious Rainfall At Ocean Falls So Far This Year There Ha Been Sixty-Three Inches of Precipitation at Paper Town OCEAN FALLS, May 23: So fir this year there has been an, aggregate of 63.05 inches of rain at Ocean Falls. Since the start of tne month of May precipitation at the paper town has amounted to 7.29 Inches. Thursday was tr.e warmest day so far this year at Ocean Falls. FINE FILM N0WJH0WS "In Old Chicago" Is Feature Presentation at Capitol For First of Week "In Old Chicago," an ambltloui .:. H.uju . . . . government ... of Ens- . American City which has beeni, . , ' u,land to assist In the settlement of . . . , , , j i widely wiaeiv acclaimed acciaimeu as us one uiic ! outstanding pictures of the year I comes to the Capitol Theatre here las the first of the week feature offering Including a special matt 'nee for the holiday tomorrow. One of the big undertakings of the picture was the screening of a depiction of the great fire which ne-'cessltated the reconstruction of two Chlcagos one in 1854 just a the start of the city's growth and the other the city In Its glory Just before the blazhvj ruin descended The picture parallels the life 'of a weaves a romance which Is said to be quite gripping. ; Don Ameche plays the part of an honest, sturggling lawyer, TyV ? i rone Power Is a brother who sees th city simply as a place to ex; 'plolt and get rich in. Tom Brown WEYBURN, Sask., May 23: (CP) (is another brother whose simpH It was tough sledding on the J. asolratlon Is to live his own life' H. Newman farm In this south- 'taking care of his bride and baby eastern Saskatchewan district this Alice Brady Is the mother of the spring. Instead of having 22 horses three straDnintr bovs. Alice Fave Andy Devlne, Brian Donlevy, Phyl worked. Six were killed by a train. lis Brooks- stanlev Blackmer and nine others died from spinal men- Berton- Churchill are other import-lngltls and one ran away. ant members of the cast. Goin Fishin1 We Can Supply Your Every Need And Tell You Where To Get The Fish Headquarters For Sport Fishing Tackle Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFI Phone 11 rot Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos-.. phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Rrand Metals Gold, Silver. Electrolytic Lend, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. ACTIVE TO LASTDAYS Dr. Joseph Boomer Walkcm, Canada's Oldest Practising Barrister, Passes Away J TE3 DAILY MJEWB KINGSTON, Ont., May 23: (CP) Recognized as the oldest active lawyer In Ontario and perhaps la Canada, Dr. Joseph Boomer Walk- em K. C, LL. D. died here at the age or ninety-nve saturoay. re practiced law in the city of Kingston for the past 56 years. Despite the many years of service "v th? law profession, he was as active and keen as many years younger. Dr. Walkem was born in Pres ton, Lancashire, England, on November 24, 1842, and on that date In 1932 was the recipient of many felicitations on his 90th birthday It was significant of the man that I he should have spent his 90th j Throughout his long practice In Kingston, Dr. Walkem has besn recognized by all other members of the legal profession In Kingston as their advisor and wise counsel and won much respect for his wide knowledge of the law, his sympathetic ear which was always ready to listen to the problems of his brother-lawyers and his won-.derful sense of humor and fund of wit. STAYS WITH NOTTS NOTTINGHAM, England, May 23: (CP) Notts County, third division R. (Dixie) Dean, noted centre-for ward who recently underwent an ankle operation. OLD CRICKETER DIES LEEDS, England, May 23: (CP) William Mitchell, professional cricketer who played several years with East Lancashire, the Blackburn club, died at his home here, ' aged 62. BLAZE WITH SPEECH PAEROA, N. Z., May 23: (CP) , While Internal Affairs Minister W. Parry was declaring a new grandstand open at Ohlnemurl Jockey Club, the structure caught fire, Spectators quickly extinguished the blaze. ; , WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bed In tna Morning Rarin to Co Th llwr should pour oat two pound of liquid hU Into four bowr li Uilr. If thU bll li not flowing f rly. your food donn t dlmt It jut dtan In U bowlt. Cm bloU up four .tommch. You gttconttlpttfd. lUrmfuI polnoni ro Into the body, nd you fel tour, sunk and th world looki punk. A mrbowfl rnorfmfntdonn ttlwtrif M ttherue.YounMd iomthlntthitwork; on tho liw M well. It Uk(t thot food, old Crtr, LlttU Urrr PUli to art thwe two pound! of bll flowing- frly nd mk you ffl"up nd up", Htrmlwt nd ffnUe, thfy mk the bUe flow frwly. Thy do th work of etlomtl but h no cloml or aweary la thm. Aik for CarKr'i Little Llvtr PU1 by nuni I Stubbornly rtfuii mythlm b. If. Lord Nuffield Gives Support British Automobile Macnate Now Reach- To Co-operate In Air Rearmament Program birthday, working as usual In hlsi law office. In 1845 he came to Ca- LONDON, May 23: Lord Nufield, nada with his family and they British automobile manufacturer, settled In the city of Quebec. Dr. (has now pledged his support to Walkem's father had been sent to the British air armaments pro gram of Sir Klngsley Wood, the new Air Minister. Lord Nufield had ui mci;. . , , , , . , .uu i me pounaary line Deiween uanana 'reiusea 10 co-operate wiui uic uiu and the United States. He had air ministry by fitting his auto- been the engineer In charge of mobile plants out for the manu-the topographical survey of Ire-facture of fighting planes. land which took 12 years and as-i soclated with him in his work, as assistant, was the late John Tyn-dall. . Dr. Walkem attended school In the city of Quebec and later at tended McGlll University at Montreal. After graduation from McGlll, Man in the Moon Jake says he hears the Horti cultural Society Is coming to life Dr. walkem was private secretary after a long period of coma. In to General Orde. He came to King-'other words, the patient has been family with the life of a city and,51011 on January L 1869, to recup- exercising patience, a rather un- claw iiuHi a severe uuiess. ms usual- experience, brother, Richard, who was a part-1 ner in the law firm of Gilder-sleeye and Walkem, suggested to Joseph that he study law. When Dr. Walkem passed his bar examinations in 1876, James B. Glldersleeve retired from the firm and Walkem and Walkem members of the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club and had always con tinued as an active member to be "How Is It that Aberdeen Jokes seem better than any others?" "Sure and it's the kfnd of face ye make when ye tell them that counts," says Pat. Jake remarks that, since the new hung up their sign which still .hosnltal has received the blessing adorns the front door of the pres- 0f Uncle Duff,, it is. sure to go ent office on Clarence Street here. I ahead and be a success. Since that time Dr. Walkem has . continued the practice of law In Bv the bv. Jake is an asnirant the city continuously. for tne DOsition of Conservative Oldest Golfer leader. He says If Mr. Benijett or any of the other millionaire leaders Dr. walkem was one of the first i will clve him about fiftv thousand recognized as the oldest golfer in Ontario. Dr. Walkem one time pointed out that he has followed faith fully In the footsteps of his brother. Richard Walkem was chancellor of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario, a Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada, president of the LaW Society and held the degree of LL. D., from the University of Toronto. Dr. Joseph Boomer Walkem was Chancellor of the Diocese of Ontario, had been for years a Bencher of the Law Society, had been president of the Law Society and se'veral years ago was given the degree of LL.D., from Queen's University. In 1905 he was appointed Local he'll take on the Job. Two farm hands wanted a holiday and one of them approach .-d 'heir employer, "Hoots." said the farmer. "A holiday why, It's no' many weeks since ye had silence!" What I like about frost is tie sunshine that almost always, fol lows It. world whsre they had gales was In Prince Rupert but now I hear a number of boats were blown on the rocks near Vancouver ard Victoria last week. To hear the local grousers, ycu would imagine this was the only Master In Chancery and was made Place m tne world where It rained a King's Counsel In 1908. land yet 73 inches in a year Is not very much. Jake says he wishes he was an air base. Then somebody would be willing to spend money on him J Two small boys marched Into the dining room where their parents were entertaining friends. Neither had a stitch of clothes on. The parents were horror-stricken, But the gupsti, being very polite, pretended not to notice the child-1 ren. They went on talking whUe the boys paraded around the room and departed. At the first chance the furious father slipped away and dashed, ,.n t. tu. . . . u" " ",u ""ery. ueiore ne coma Enellsh snrrer Mnhu retaining ur . snpnlf lin elder boy burst out with: I "Daddy, isn't It wonderful? John and I covered ourselves all over with mummy's vanishing cream and when we went Into the dining-room Just now nobody could sea us." An engagement may be a Joke but doubtless the Victoria Times did not so intend it when it announced the engagement of the' third laughter qf a local citizen. I FROM SOUTH TO WEST CROYDON, England, May 23: (CP) . Imperial Airways has announced transfer of" Its headquarters from this town south of Lon-1 don to Heston, the ar centre directly west of the metropolis. J ONE FLAG ONE THRONE ONE EMPIRE! By WINIFRED O. BRASS Blest In Her gracious monarch, valiant sons, The deathless fame of her Immortal ones, Mother of nations, hall! A song of praise on youthful, Joy ous Hps, 0, never may thy glory know eclipse, Thy flag one Instant fall! Empire, sublime amid the menaced years Of storm and stress, of bitterness and fears, Mighty, far-flung and free! Welder anew In this beginning reign, From sea to sea through all thy wide domain, One flag, one throne shall be. BOTH BORN HERE; WED Miss Elsie Franks Becomes Bride of Bert Cameron A wedding of much local interest took place Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock when Elsie Kathleen, second daughter of A. O. Franks and the late Mrs. Franks, became the bride of Albert Charles, third son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cameron. The ceremony was performed at khe Deanery by Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean of St. Andrew's Cath edral with only Immediate relatives present. The bride, given in mar riage by her father, was charmingly gowned In white sheer with white hat, veil, gloves and had a corsage bouquet of white carnations. Mrs. Fred Rush, who attended the bride as matron of honor, wore grey with blue accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Fred Rush was the groomsman. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's father on Eleventh Avenue East for a reception at which many friends gathered to extend congratulations and good wishes to the happy couple. The bride's table, which was In the centre of the at- tractlvely decorated room, was the two meenlts covered w'tn a lace cotn and cen tered witn a two-tier weaaing cake with pink tapers In cut glass holders on either side. The toast to the bride was proposed by Fred Rush l and suitably responded to by the r T .groom. A delicious buffet supper uiuuui, uiv-uniy piacc in u-. was served at which time the bride cut the wedding cake. The couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. The reception was brought to a close by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, who were both born and raised In this city, will take up residence on Seventh Avenue East. ITRl T SOUTH! to VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves Prince Rupert , Every i THURSDAY, 11:5 P.M. CANADIAN N AT I Q NAT STEAMSHIPS WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Fishery Plant Changes on Queen Charlotte Islands Halibut Business at Seattle Yachting Season Starts. Armour Salvage Co.'s service boat Daly, Capt. Reg. Green, left last night for the Queen Charlotte Islands where It will spend the next month dismantling the B. C. Packers cannery at Watun River In Mas- sett Inlet and the old reduction plant at Ailford Bay In Skldcgate Inlet. To be used In connection with the work, the Daly took with her to the Islands, the company's big scow. Some of the equipment will be taken from Watun River and Aliford Bay to Pacofl where B.C. Packers Is establishing a can nery and reduction plant which is to be In operation this season. On Wednesday the Pachena and plle-drlve of the Armour Salvage Co. will be taken to Pacofl where a Wharf Is to be built. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, arrived In port at 8:45 last night from the south and sailed at 10 p.m. for Stewart, Any- ox and other northern points whence she will return here on Tuesday southbound. The vessel Drougnt norm a gooa-sizea iwi passengers. A total of 800.000 pounds of hal lbut was sold at Seattle last week, the average price for the week be ing slightly upwards of 7c. On 8at urday, a total of 178,000 pounds was sold at Seattle by the following boats: Alten, 40,000 pounds, San Juan, Wbc and 6bc: Celtic, 38.500 Whiz. 7?sc and 6V2c; La Paloma 20,000, Booth, 7V2c and 6c; Presi dent, 18,000, San Juan, 7c and 6c: Irene J.. 15.000, Whiz, 738c and 6c: Restitution 15,500, Sebastian, 7"8c and 6c; Sonla. 17,500, McCallum 7V'4C and 6c; E. C. Hergert, 10,000, Washington. 7 Vic and 6c: Ivanho- 000, San Juan, 7c and 6c. The Irene J, sold 5,000 pounds of ling cod: the Restitution, 1500 pounds, and the F. C. Hergert, 7,000. at 3Vic. Frank Waterhouse freighter USE A KODAK for real snapshot pleasure Priced from $5 at our store Good mphot the eisieit possible way Is the reason why the Kodaks we're showing at our camera counter are amazingly popular. They're smart to carry along, too, for style and convenience have played an im portant role in their design. Come In and tell us your picture needs, then let ui show you the Kodak equipped to fulfill them. A wide camera assortment brings many models within your price range; 1 m I art TONIC.IlT and TVk? Two Shows, 7:00 and 9:ij Holiday Matincc Tuesday 2:.,0 The most spectacular pictur. since "San Francisco"! 6 "IN OLD CHICAGO" With Tyrone Power Alice Fay, Don Ameche (7.21 and 9:33 WORLD NEWS and CARTOON Northholm, Capt. A. W Ogden, af. ici waving maae calls at Our, Charlotte Island points. Stewart and Alice Arm, arrived In port at 3:30 last night and Is discharge cargo here today, she will iail i0f uic sou in lomgni. Fisheries patrol steamer Ma'.a.. pina arrived In port yesterday and saiiea mis morning lor the Queen Charlotte Islands. She hai on boirj dam Mackle, former inspector of lisheries here and now in i irjeof the Vancouver district for the de partment. Mrs. Mackle a!-o came north and Is staying over In town while Mr. Mackay Is on the Island! Yesterday's warm, summer? weather drew numben ol Prince Rupert people to the water. Many of the boats of t' Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club fleet were out on cruiaej aid picnics. Charter baits were a!' in demand and, Indeed, th-re t a shortage. It was on of t tdeal days to be outside parfa. tarly on the water Bringing In a carload of talnn for transshipment Eaft over Canadian National Railway the freighter Chatham 13 due In port tonight from Ketchikan, Any camera Is better when loaded with KODAK VERICHROME FILM When we load vour cam era with Kodak Verichrome Film you're ready for better picturMr Verichroroe's two emulsion rollings make the most of dull or bright light, and give you snapshots with all the detail you dtiire;, Give your camera a treat todir W itopping here for this line film- CAMERAS - FILMS - ALBUMS and Quality Photo Finishing AT GREAT CASH RAISING SALE 3-Piccc Mohair Chesterfield Suite CI 03.AO Regular $135.00. Sale Price . . . . ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Ave. West Trlncc If you lose anything, advertise for it. Ituprl