Monday, May 23, 1933. If- Hotel Arrivals Central K Hardy. North Pacific Cannery; Sunnyslde Cannery. Savoy J, B. Gendron and O. Skagen, Se atUe "Build I!, C. Payrolls" Just Plain Housekeeping Recently we asked women to tell u.' why they like Pacific Milk. One writes us now to say her reasons are so commonplace she PHONE 311 I en. 0f Battery i To City . I T- S M T A n Am. 1 J 1 .1 ( I m . . . imi . '. F Cyr Junn rerMMi uiiH.r.rr,avvfi. Sjjprjt Two WfH$ Taking Course A- uieu sauuu hhm. iurui .ajwa, vteprge u, we wu sail on Vancouver, Dan Mcvonvme,, Efl,- monton; W. Currle. Kamlqops; Paul The annual Empire Day service ,for members of Imperial Order. t)aiifrhUrs' of th" . Emnlre. took M. R. Szydlowskl, Chicago; nlac. lat rilqht ln TTnltPfi William J. Butler and Paul Hoklnga, church; Under Mrs. II. L. Landry, Detroit; D. L. Nickerson, ;John municipal regent, some thirty Hartlln and A. Hausen, city; P members of the order assembled Fulton, Hazelton; C. A. Wrenshall, tne parlors of the church Saskatoon. (and took their places in a body in UJD, the auditorium A special sermon, suitable to the occasion was. IL ' 1 preached by the pastor. Hey. J. C, JacbDn. The; choir sang the ar-jthem "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes-ylth a solo part, by Dr. R. a Large and duet by Mrs. Large and Mrs. IL T. Lock. There was also a solo by iliss Muriel Hicks of j Vancouver, whq is her selection behiff My Shepherd," . PAINT BOVAI. COUIi.E WINDSOR. England, May 23 (CP1 Ograld Kelly, Irishman and regular exhibitor at the Royal Academy, has been commissioned OWL noi.lty. ur,H,lnu.c. ; ... .. ,hv , . ... quauues llltleS King irl and orlH On'onn 0ueen ane uys inai 11s Keeping It richness and the way It whips " Jiut puts It In the place where , UA'vN)Yp sue uan v ust; uiiyuiuiu cue We like practical people. Pacific Milk Irradiated of Course HARDWARE McBRIDE ST. Smoked (RiprBrand' Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Pack Fpr Lunch on Toaster) gandw'i prllQrsYFf, One Pacaj9 Seryes four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator S. J. Jabour, who has been In the. city for the' past ten days from Vancouver, sailed on th Catala last night for Anyqx and Stewart. A. E4 Lawson of Sunnyslde, who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver, returned to Ihe city on the Catala last night enroute back to the Skeena River. Owen McFadden, well known pioneer Portland Canal mining man, who has been on a trip south, was a passenger aboard the Catala las( evening returning from Vancouver to Stewart. After having been off duty for several weeks as a result of serious illness with pneumonia, A. O Franks, local newspaperman, -was sufficiently recovered today to be able to resume work. Rev. J. C. Jackson, pastor of First United Church, returned to the city at the "end of the week from Vancouver where he attended the annual British Columbia Con ference of the United Church of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Irish, who recently arrived from central China visiting here (where they have been engaged for The Lord is' tnlrty years In United Church mis I FRgM, England. May 23: (CPJ iTw'fl j paintings, bejleved to be by Vandyck aai wdjth more than 2,-CPO i,$ip,Qppr have been discovered (a the' cottage home, of Mrs,. Alice Vowell, ia-year-pld widow. MakeaNewBbine With Branilram-Ilendersgn's Painty Nothing so enhances a home as palnt Nothing gives a home such a "run-down at thc-heel" appearance as the lack of IMI Paint. Highest Quality Covers better Spreads betterand tAsts .longer, paint For beauty and. protection use See us for your paint rfijulrementsj Y'oul are assured of souijd fvl; ajiufc be'4, values. GORDON'S sionary work, are leaving Hazelton on tonight's train for Toronto. They I are on a year's furlough and have been snendlng the past week at I I Hazelton with their son, Dr. Robert ! Irish. In the course of a tour of Western Canada with a view to extending the functions of the federal Home Improvement Plan and Dominion Housing Act. F. W. Nlcholls, director of housing. Department of Finance. Ottawa, Is expected to arrive in Prince Rupert about June 6 from Vancouver. Word to this effect has been received by City Commissioner W. J. Alder. NO PAPER TUESDAY Tomorrow, being Victoria Day and a public holiday, the Dally riassiFlEO FOR KENT FOR RENT Modern five' roomVrJi partment with range. Close In. Phone Green 698. (1211 FOR SALE FOR SALE H6uses. Phone Green 317. (128) FOR SALE 26-foot pleasure boat Phone Red 182. (121 1 FINE sail boat with all rigging, mainsail and Jib, 26 feet long, 9-foot beam, very reasonable. CaU Pioneer Laundry. Uf) PERSONAL BE A CIVIL SERVICE CLERK. EX AMINATIONS for Clerk, Grades! Dominion uiyu seryipe, are 10 do 733 DAIL7- SSF1 PAQX THSW L - - -W-EIL'UJ1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES I - " - ;f tI .' r v- f - - ui training at lorl Macaulav " nr M tfat'ri W'.yr. h5iWHB ,ur Near Koulmait' .to Stewart. a visit In Vancouver. t -;v I Prince rru.c nporpp- nuv i. r .. - . onerry rrizzen sanea rnuav ... . yw . au y iw umm Thomas.. hsv. . UCW "ne, .i. a party or thei """li T"..T - trri; iv Brooks, Port Simpson; u. Jerome, local, lp2nd Battery, Roya.1 Cana-:'"B'Jl on iqe rnnce Jonn loc " ? :r";' .7 ' ' r CNR C Closterfqigby Island; C, dljr & ffir&S has been at A' P- A,llson camp at Yancouyer ani WJoria, j Duncan, W. Hale . and . A. . U. Schji- ifQrt japaulay. Esflulmalt, for thf pumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotts i -Toll n t o lei- Wales Island; f), HKaeen, tip-. CQMPIC weeks for a courst MMM,U attle p. Prevnst, Metlakatla, ' .p. pf training, rtuTnfd to the clt Marr city. t on the Catala last nlcht Those- Ernest Meadows, who nas been Knox Tft"("ll9 wfrE ltUU. . T. Ilarr uu u wiiiis vucuhuii uiu . .. . ... : . vey, Second Lieut', t. D. Johnston I80"1"- returned to the city on. ti e Fo.x' t?A!?rJ-SW-fent Ma or James Catala last night from Vancouver." r, i-eei. ww. wj M".f -jv Haddn, Serfiants Alex Mitchell Kyal anfl Wlzner Bryant. Bombardlei n s. I-oen, P. S. Dannhauer ai)d Anjis "itacdonald and Qiinners II p Wezck, C.M.n.; Edward Sylvarnfs AJtreei vTlTlam. Olltch, "jaeV Oar J, Mclntyre, 8. WlTllamson, J. Mp- relj vy, cT Plpver, Walter John-Ivor a, 11. Mowat and C. Dohl, city; soil', q". ELyn?, A. Mcarlane, C. B, b. Mitchell, Sunnyslde; 4. r.' piihcan Mllfer, Pete Peter-Thompson, Cedarvale, J, N. McAyox- s9"' anA P- Saabe. Red Pass; A. Q. Mil, Claxton; I. . m" . .Church Service F Waterman, Seattle; II.C. Halll,- R Cv-.! nr day C.N.R.; D. J. Mulr. Mrs. Mac'klf f UJT JUUiprc ' U.j and Mr and Mrs, It. A. Denny, Vanr . . couver; Mrs, E. T. Kenny and Mr.-. jbout jy ijembers of I. O. I), II. King, Terrace; D. Crltchley, Inr j rXti Vpjtfd Chuj-cli Iist verness; A. k. Lniwson ana u. oou- Eveninc a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. M. McRobble Is sailing to morrow afternoon on the Catala Kltlmaat and Butedale. Don't forget the Gyro Mavtlme 7 CY Card The annual meeting of the Horticultural Society on Thursday night was a really successful event. Not only wits the attendance large but those attending seemed to be keenly Interested, particularly in Mrs. W. J. McCutcheon and Miss the Pictures that were shown by' Violet McCufcheon' are '&alflnK to-lDr- and Mrs. Mandy. Mrs. Mandy's morrow afternoon on the Catala for address was a particularly happy' one tind seemed to Rive pleasurc'tp; everyone. The warmer weather has brought for a trip, tof Vancouver and lse-' out l,he garden enthusiasts in full j where In the south.' ' ' ' j force and there is much digging' - ' land hoeing and talking over gar-! William Ooldbloom returned to !'den problems. The first full day of I the city on the Catala last night ' sunshine the Bowers hardly knew from a week-end ' business- trip to whether to grow or wilt. Some of them wilted. Then down to business. they all go Frolic Tuesday, May 24, Moose Hall. Sport enthusiasts at Powell River Music by Sauhder's' Sereriaders and complain that all their ma'rrie'd the Capltollans. Refreshments, spprfemeh are too busy converting Adm. 75c?" (120) their places into miniature Kew . gardens to give any attention to Mrs. E. T. Kehneyand Mrs. Harry go'lf, baseball, or any such irlvlali-Klng of Terraced are' visitors in the ties. They say they have no time city, having arrived, from the Inter- for anything but gardening ust lor on Saturdayfnlght's train. They 'now. Possibly later when the edge are returning, to -Terrace on this is off "their enthusiasm they majj evening's-train. condescend to wrangle with pitch a ball or His Majesty the Mrs. J. C. Dunn and daughter fUmps. Mrs". McCorrlsTonT who arrived in the city this week, from Massett,- The increased greenhouse ac-salled on the Catala Sunday night j commodation at the back of the for Stewart. Mrs. Dunn will vLslt court House has proven a very val-at Stewart where Mrs. McCorTiston j uable adjunct to the garden pos-resides. i sibllltles' there, "it is providing not It's jo Surprise That You're Cpnstipated! If constipation has you bogged down so you (eel tired, sunk. aU played out-It's time you asked yourself some questions I , ' What harevou hoi to eat lately; Just meat, bread, eggs, potatoes? If no surprise youte constipated! Tbe chances are you don't get enough "bulk." And ''bulk" doesn't rpean a lot of food. ICS a rkfnd of food tn&t lsnt consumed in tbe body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass In' the Intestines and helps a bowel movement. " U this is what you lack, your ticket Is crisp- crunchy Keilogg's AU-Brah for breakfast ?vf ry day. It contains tbe "bulk" you need plus Nature's great latestinal tonlcv vitamin S,. Eat All-Bran every day, drink plenty of water, and take a new lease on life! All-Bran is made by KeUogg in London, Ontario, sold by every grocer. News will published. Thef. a. J. Jephcott of London, Eng- next regular edition will appear land, who Is inaklng a trip around Wednesday afternoon. the' world and has been here for . the Past two pz three days, leaves Park where he will, be Joined by hlsl wife. Mr. J.jfj)hcott arrived at the end of th? week from Vancouver, having come to this coast from Australia via San Francisco. Sundefwood ibdio Anicef tja'ti ither eulp ment enables' them to develop' and print any :slze of ;Rbll "Fiims at 40c All ork C'oaranteed (Next' p'upfft" Hofel)' Announcements All ttdyertlsenents'lh thU col-omn will be. charged for a full month at 35c a word! Gyro "May time" Dancp, May 24. Rebekah Tealrs. Ber Mor-? gan's. May 2$ " I only sufficient, plants for the beds in the front, wnicn are aireaqy planted but also for 'the sunken garden, whichfhas been much im proved, "visitors to these gardens have, been remarking on the wonderful chansre there of late. The new lawn, at the back, .the new j greenhouse and the general lm-proyenieni Is a credit teethe, whole iqlstltutlpn and to the, city. Led by William Crulckshank and Ellis 'Morris, residents of the Currle ; Bungalow Court above McBride ! Street at the corner of Fifth Avenue are developing a fine rock gar den on rather ambitious scale, and should majce, quit? a s,howlng tnls year. The ground is consiaerapiy j apqye the street frpm fhljth i can- i not be fully seen. Tne oeas nave been attractively arranged amid flagstone walks and bff over an In cline. H.P. On Victoria Day, tomorrow, the . The Dally News Las an audited registration' and general delivery I circulation. Play safe I wicketf will be, open from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Money Orders may be TTTT . TTTTTT purchased at registration wicket. The publc' lobby will be open from 6 to 6 'p.m. AUCTION SALE r i. Presbyterian Tea , Mrs. J, R.' held In Prince Rupert. Appllca-1 S T"E B,r?g3ff ov Wfl'lj tjpns to. reach Qttawq, by. Jmel in probate 1 4th, 1938. We have helped hupd-,'" " Hatr V "T "Afiilntolratlon AcW reds to obtain Civil Service posi tions and can help you. Proof of this statement and fuV information about tHe"- examina tions, etc., free. M. C, Ltd.. Winnipeg. WANTEfi And 1 In the flatter of Mie Estate ot Clifford milard, I)erasel, Intestate TAES NOTICE ithat by order of U'j Honor,' yy. I. ' Tlsnetr, made on" tbe r ft-honls1" Cilr 01 May a. v. itob. i was p- ' otlu"" poiatod. AdmlalU-atpr- of ti eptat of U Clifford WlllaKl,"Kocapd, slid all pw- I tie n&ving cuim agauiBt' tui said , estate are hereby roqiUred to furnlso .aajrie-properly 'Vertned. to me on oe txtor aath day oT June. A. D. 19?. wild all partlea inMted .to th estate WANTED-Young Lady to work hi'S? rWaunTof restaurant, experience hot neces-' iirindei)ittns to' me fortnwitii. sary. write Y.T, For further particulars, laSTEy :.uar7A. eTTmb. ' v" Model Cafe, Whltehorse, (120) Deputy OfflcUi Administrator, Pimc!:Ruprt, B. o. Household Goods On Thursday, May 26 at 2:15 p.m. Exchange Block, earner 3rd Ave. 6th Street Instructed by the owner, Mr. Good- rick who Is leaving' town, I will sell! by auction' at the above premises the following: Chesterfield, Dining Room Suite; China. "Cabinet, McClary Ranee", iltaler: Floor Xamb. 4 smaU Tables. 2 Arm Chairs.Z DreTers,BedfHoW plate, 2 Chiffoneers, Carpet, Edison Disc' Phonograph and' Records, Dishes, etc. Terms Cash' Geo. Dawes Auctionfer w THE SEAL QUALITY 6 9 GOjLp SPAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only talmpn canning company with an an the year round payroll ln Prince Rupert ruuiic (j WtmkmtmWk Maintain that charming smile and pleasing personality with Wrlgley's Gum millions do! A 'simple aid to health! Keep a supply In purse or pocket ... and in the home for the children! Small In cost but bi& In benefits! an Specials Vellum Finish Writing Pad Letter Size 80 Sheets and Envelopes Package of 25 Roth for- 25c FOR MEN Gardenia Shaving Cream and Lotion 85c Value Roth for 59c Ormes ltd. TZfia Pioneer Druggists The tleTiU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2, 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE BABY CARRIAGE AND CART COMBINED This year's model is suspended like a cradle on flexible springs, will do for baby from four months to four years C1Q l7'l and thft -nrlcft is onlv ...... r VlOiltl We Deliver 327 THIRD AVENUE' GRADE A MILK Give Your Baby Fresh Milk Daily Our rnilk is produced twice daily from our own Government tested cows. DOMINION DAIRY UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUF.S. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 If you lose anything, advertise for it.