: : t : a PAOB TWO Onyx Arch Grip Shoes THE NEW SPRING MODELS IN.... OnyxSkoes By J BLACHFOKD ONYX! The very name suggests the brilliance and elegance of Onyx Shoe styles for Spring! The dainty tie (sketched above) is typical of the luxurious footwear we are showing to harmo The Home of, Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 nize with your new suit or afternoon u 7 ensemble. But, a word to the wise, come KM in early while size ranges are complete ! if if If You Are Having: Trouble With Your Feet D Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, toy Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce Paid in advance, per week Paid In advance, per month ; 'By .mall 'to all parts of British Columbia, ihe British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per insertion . News Department Telephor.s Advertising and Oiculation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations 86 94 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Monday, February 28, 1938 LACK OF BALANCE Rev. Dr. Hugh Dobson, addressing ihe Prince Rupert Rotary Club kM week, urged the cultivation of "balance" or "equity" in all our dealings both public and private, The idea was that it did not pay to go to extremes. Not long after he spoke we came across a reference to Harry Oakes, the discoverer of Kirkland Lake gold-fields, who made millions out of gold and left with his family for the Bahama Islands where he is now living in the same colonv with Sir HerWr HnH Ri- liams-Taylor, Mrs. Sidney ,, Small . and others who have been 1 i n i luiceci oui oi uamuia by the income tax collector and the succession duties nrosnect. Theoretically it would seem as if it would be quite jigm to xane tne largest part ot their incomes from the extremely rich. But here is the case of a man who underwent .hardships to find a gold mine. He found it and struck it rich and in doing so benefitted Canada "and particularly the nrovince of Ontsirin. TTip rrnVPvnniontc nf Canada and Ontario would have taken all his wealth away irom mm out lie decided it would be better to leave the country than give up everything to the tax collector so he left and Canada loses another good citizen who might have used his enormous energy and wealth in developing the country. He now pays no income tax ,and his heirs will pay no sucession duty. In addition he has a wonderful climate and fertile soil at his new home. Had the combined governments, Dominion and provincial, been satisfied with fifty per cent of Oakes' and Holt's and Williams-Taylor's incomes and inheritances they might have continued to collect it. But they wanted it practically all, so .they get none. There was a lack of balance and equity. The man was surely entitled to the use of ;at least a part of his money. ANOTHER APPLICATION Another application of this equity business is seen in trie man who is born into the world under unfavorable conditions, handicapped from childhood until death. He is entitled to consideration. Every thing is loaded against him, he has little chance to rise above his surroundings. What.right have we to impose such a condition on any man or to allow any person to impose sucli a condition on him? What right have we to imprison him when he goes astray if we took no step to keep him out of jail? We have much to learn about equity and its application to life. It is no more right to keep a child in sordid. surroundings and then punish him for being vicious than we have to take away from Harry .Oakes all the gold he discovered in the wilds of Ontario. There is a lack of balance in each case and one is as worthy ofconsideration as the other, Biologists Won Over Electrical Men In Bowling In a deferred Commercial Bowl ing League fixture played yester- day, Biological Station won two james to one over Electrical Workers. As a result the Biological Station moved into a tie with North Star for fifth place, leaving Gyro Club In the cellar. Electrical Work ' ers are tied with Rupert Motors for second place. High average scorer was Jock Little of the Electrical Workers with 153. The scores were as follows: 1 2 3 1 Biological Station C29 606 5Gfi 1 Electrical Workers .623 586 624 POPE BACK FROM DEATH Holiness, Though Frail, Busy Hays Has 1 VATICAN CITY, Feb. 28: (CP) Pope Pius VI today is a: stooped man, 80 years old. with .face .darkly ashen, steps slow and gestures pathetically weak. ThpTP 1s still firoln Vile nunc nnA V.I. tators but the real wonder is that I he sits at all on the throne of St. ; Peter. On Sunday, February 6, the pontificial flag flew over the Vatican buildlncs to mnrlr thn Ifith side over dozens of meetings of the Congregation of Rites. Perhaps he I Will give final anDroval for the I; beatification of his favorite nre- THX DAJLT NEWB Monday. Februar 2t PROBLEM OFCITIES Speaker Suggests It is Very Important to Hold On To The .Unities Speaking at the Prince Rupert1 Rotary Club luncheon last wees. Rev. Dr. Hugh Dobson, secretary of evangelism and social service fori the United Church in British; Columbia, referred to -the; modern tendency toward ur-i banizatlon. People were flocking to' the cities, this being the result ot, the development of manufacturing industries. This was the outstanding feature of industrialization Cities were built around ware- 'houses, factories and railway de pots. This trend toward urbanism had not ceased. London was an outstanding example of this and, if the present rate or development rantiniuKl. that citv would soon Thourht N.ar F.n.i n vMr a iiic ave nau the population oi urea- i. 41.1- -A anniversary of his accession. (France. Italy. Russia and Japan . . Idecessor, Pope Pius X. whose name Ihe took and whose case for saint- .uy nE P?werf the Pralries - was 5 00 hood already has been filed. ,TV 7 ,,WaS T ble ,,,. ... tO Send lumber and nthpr nrnrlnerc wiiii menial vigor surprising in 1U , . r , one who had been so ill the Pope m"rtg prov n.ce, Il has tackled three major problems!- f the, ?e Ult the soread of hnkheviJn th Ho. f0 had faIled and- " not velopment of neopaganism in Ger- 'Ittv V ff many and the suppression of Cath- Si ChU y' ,there Would ""y starving. No fewer olic activities by the Nazi govern- ment and the religious situation in -? SSBS1S POr!!v , vMP o p, n,. haIf of lheni belng bv the goverr.;: near death in h? sparsely-fumlsh'- s "hat'pr ed apartment at the VaUcan pal- lnce before. problerns ace. Newspapers in every land car- being nlaced before th n17ii ried bulletins on his condition and rT auiuuMy. or ?reat production and this -wm Pope r,, Plus himself has thanked to be expected again God for his almost .miraculous re- when there was a lack of bal-covery and has aked all Catholics the ance, strength of the nation to join In the thanks. His personal was weakened. Strength deDcndpd physician, Dr. Aminta Milani, says, largely upon the character of th' the Pope's own will to live was the (People. Business existed for hi!-' best medicine. Although His Hol-?manitv nnrt nnt ,mu.. r- u...,. iness vas unafraid of death andiness. Business, the speaker said said repsatedly h had reslened could nnt h fr,hiii, ..i himself to God, he declared also human factor was considered on. a luut, in- was a-iermineci 10 live ana oasis or equity. The unities were work for the church. ;in danger the mommf r0r.io A comnlication of ailments en. oran tn fhinu r,f v. i -- ......... u, ijicjijacives oniv dangered the Pope principally .Unity with Britain was important hardening of the arteries, weakness All unities were to ,bc cultivated of the heart, asthma and varicose The value of freedom of worship veins which partially paralyzed his i freedom of the .press, freedom nl leg? for many wecki. To meet neech were based on security these threats. Dr. Milani ordered To have a contented people there lest. For the hardening of the ar- rnilst be a healthy people. Health teries, he admitted there was no employment and housing were cure. But he sought to cur-lU'frblenis to be .dealt with. Brllalrr progress. Thi? Illness, togetherlliad rehoused thirteen million with an uncertain heart condition, -"eople since the war. Low cos! still afflicts the Pope and his fullthusing was very Important under work program ;of ten makes Dr. Mi-!modern conditions. British housing lanl look askance. had been keeping some of the Bri- Audiences Restricted ;J tlsh Columbia mills running. TVin Tnnao ltfn l,ft,.U 1 I '' ConrlllH in rr f- rAUnnM 'in . .,v. iujb0 biiuuii jjuay, 13 .v.v..4,&, mi. uiu mat somewhat different from the pro-' lf tnere was to be a strong Ca-gram he followed before his illness.1nada 14 m"st lay well the founda At least half of his time will be.tlons whlch made for strength. spent at Castelgandolfo, his summer retreat 17 miles from Rome. He passed six months there last year than before. The Pope will receive J LONDON GOLD 'PRICE IONDON. Feb 20: rCPi ti. London T" bar uar gold B,a price Pnce was was "P up 3c and has d6clded to do the same thlsItT year-f rom May 1 to. October 31. I " Tne ""C r!,? Unce' d 0t $35 7 Audiences both there and In the(P Vatican City will be more restricted i , In 'general audience only two days Phones 18 and 84 a week instead of dally and will ascend St. Peter's throne and talk to the throngs instead nf passing from person to nerson so that thev may kiss his Fisherman's Ring, He rises early, has a frugal' breakfast while his two secretaries P.O. i Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSAU.F.M'S ECONOMY STORE JJ0 - -Vesetables - Fruits notpri vLs.lt.nrs tican officials, then privately, and receives 500 to .1500 J persons in public audience on Wed nesdays and Saturdays. On other days, he receives a large group of tellgious pilgrims any way. About 2 o'clock or later he has lunch, then rests a while or takes a drive or even a brief walk In the gardens. Late In the afternoon he dictates correspondence or works on papal documents. He eats" spar ingly again about 10 p.m., then reads himself to sleep. Confectionery Tobaccos '317-19 THIRD. AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange? Block PHONE 658 GROTTO IN LEAD NOW Moose, -who had been tied for the cellar, also met last night and the5 Taxi Men advanced by winning two games to one. High average scorer was Jimmy Ciccone of Three Five Taxi with 184. Individual .scoring was as follows: 35 Taxi 1 Ciccone 229 Gurvich ,152 Wendle .130 KJnslor ,165 Paul :181 " -" u. , iu mi ' V . Total 83" u was today no problem so senou as this urbanization. It produced rMoose 1 effects which were the cause of Gunderson 144 wars. Every big city had to have Russel 11? a rural area catering to it and so stiles 154 every industrial country had tojRoyer 124 have a less developed country to j Assemissen 147 provide raw material and buy tlu 'Total ... ...68 I lips brave the ire of the great dic-'surPlus products . . .... . i TAi-AsY,. i i - i I 1 Grotto being heard Dr. Dobson said Af- Comadi-rica was asking why she should zieman oe ownea Dy turope. Belgium, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Britain His Holiness plans at Easter to naa eacn m ium auempiea to get control of other countries. Hierf. "ya iioiei r-Mi iic a ujjui lHuaH III ns. in-i-.i. .1 U7flC n m1r Cif 'rt n 1 fnlA w ,,nvauasu t .Iff . w Irian onization will require him to pre ideas of value. falss Turns to Canada Turning again t0 Canada, the speaker mentioned the rrreat spread In the price of grain on tht'Zarelli 1 108 - 108 157 Bury 100 Moran ., 210 . ...... 803 1 Shriaber 170 J. Comadina 142 M. Young .170 D. Donald 174 Smitlii .158 prairies. T - The Tsu result of r the poor poor Total -o 2 -1G3 120 185 136 154 7C7 2 136 153 112 144 153 C98 2 160 139 126 174 137 741 2 150 178 180 139 146 793 The league standings to date: 3 148 125 C83 3 158 126 134 180 107 705 3 146 180 165 759 15 9 15 14 .10 14 ' .10 14 10 9 15 9 Interior Weather Cold But Winter Tobacconists Assume First Place in ' tiA V riV Qflr lUOOO TOr OlOCK City Ten Pin Bowling League Grotto, deeatlng Royal Hotel two' Harry Silverthorne sr., well games to one last night, took ex- j known pi,:i2dr Houston rancher, elusive possession of first place in 1 who more recently has been inter- the City Ten Pin Bowling League, estintr himself in minlne at Car- The two teams had been tied for I :roz-. in the Yukon, arrived first place. Three Five Taxi and 'in the city last week af ter pcndine the past fsw weeks on the ranch. He will beiln town for a few days before returning to the interior. He reports that there was some severely cold weather of late ln the Bulklcy Valley but, on the whole, it lias been a good winter particularly for stock. The low price uf (t for (timothy seed has been dls-anuointintr ami as manv farmers 159 as can are holding on to their seed 122 ' rather than sell at such a price. 129' Also coming with Mr. Sllvcr- 'thorne was Miss Kathcrine Nichol-chuk of Savory who Is soon to be married to Harold Silverthorne, Mr. Sllverthorne's son. After the wedding next month, the couple will probably proceed to the "Yukon with Mr. Silverthorne sr. 1'AUCl'X POST 'KKCIUTACI.ICS Parcel post receptacles, capable ot taking good sized narcels nnd 130 papers for pick-up at the same time 177 as .letters are gathered, have been 169 put In at three convenient down- 124 town locations Third Avenue and 194 sixth Street, Third Avenue and "91 Fulton Street and Third Avenue 3 and Second Street. 131 137 Earthly Heaven By IIOHART PAUKOTT Yes. 'twill be a glorious day When wc throw the Self;away, Uniting all in one harmonious throng Vith equal claims to food, And to every. othar good. With Right as highest tenure of our song. "-Why ask him? tft't the wont dancer in college." "Maybe but he'll bring plenty of Sweet Capil" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tht purtst form in wh'uh tobacco can be smoHeJ." D. A. BURNETT and H. C. RENSVOLD Have Taken Over The Royal Mo And Will Re Open for Business Tuesday, March 1 COAL TO ri.KABE r.VEKVUODi Sattaftvetlcm auanui4 Famous r:1on Albert Coal llulkley Valle; Cieal .Vancouver Iilund cial Prince Rupert Feed Com pan PHONE; M and 8M NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelK Propri-tor "A UOME AWAY FROM 'HOME" Rate fl.OO up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Wnter Prince Rupert, B.C. Phne 281 p.o. Box 111 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bd Morning Rarin'to Co The ller should pour out rwc wmi. liquid bile into your bowHi d.l : Iftn, ,? Is not flowing freely . your food ' iVO? U Just decays In the bowels, o., isu I rour stomach. You B-etemistfi,i u. VI ulsou KO into the body, auul yuu t?Li sunk and th world look n mb AmfrchnwrlmovemrntdoMr.'ttlwtnr. I at the cause. Vou need someUiin.thsi.HT I on th. liver as well It takes th-TI carter l.uu uer rills to get ttmt7 pounds of flowing reerr and nukeZ! feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle tU make the hUe flow free)) Tbe on UVrt nf calomel but bavenoealonMlarneepnni. them. Ask for Carter's Little IJ. naoM I StuLLornly refuse aaytaliuj tit, jj I Prices of Raw Furs Up 30 X Ship Your Goods To GOLDBLO0M The Old Reliable And Re Sure To Get The 30 per cent for Your,selfJ Back In Business! i Re-enterint the transfer ki.J iness equipped with a hmrl duty truck, stake body, hy nratilic dump. Prompt andl4 Iicient service. Any Patronage Appreciate j Also equipped to do any form! of excavation work qr building wrecking Can supply any amount real first class garden earttJ no muskeg WOOD and COAL Casey Transfer Phone GREEN 527 THE SEAL QUALITY Hi GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only aalmon canning company witn an the year round payroll iPrince Rupert Hyde Transfer WOOD COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE.