PAOE fOUR OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.I). HOVAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR 49-Lb. sack ."McCoirs Peanut Butter 4 OU Op 4-lb. tin Pure Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin .Manitoba Honey zlQr XJlx iU-lb. tin Classic Cleanscr-Per tin tartlet Pears In syrup. 2 tins Royal, City Pork and Beans 3 tail tins Golden Bantam Corn 2 tins Royal City toes 2'2 Ovaltine 4-oZ. 58c Toma- s. 2 tins lG-oz. 55c 5c 23c 25c 23c 25c 38c 98c Grape Fruit Juiee Tall 13-oz. tins Libby's Ripe Olives 16-oz. Per tin Happy vale Pickles mixed. 32-oz. Jar Ti;cr Olive Oil Per gallon Pearl Barley 3 lbs. Split Peas 4 lbs Bunch Carrots 2 bunches Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over PhoneS 13 $2.39 10c 18 c Sweet 29c 2.39 25c 25c Ready Cut .Macaroni OQn 3 lbs Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 23c 15c A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FKIIJAY. DAY, 1:30 pjn. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleao purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 ELIO WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The conference of Seattle. British Columbia and Alaska halibut boat owners and fishermen, tn session here last week, recommended that no lower price for halibu. livers than in 1937 be accepted this year. On the last of three voyages she has been making on the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stewart run In place of the Catala which has been off at Vancouver for annual overhaul. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. James Findlay, arrived in port at 7 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 9 psn. for j northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning southbound. The Catala will be back on the run next Sunday even-ling northbound and the Cardena twill go back to her regular route 'cn which the Venture has been relieving for several weeks. ther for fishing has been favorable on the North Atlantic. after having undergone a serious operation yesterday According to advice received in the city at1 week-end. the bunghouse 3f Louis Locker, well known logging operator, at Kumeleon Inlet In Grenville Channel had broken loose and was In danger of being lost. Mr. Locker Is at present at Chls-morc Inlet. The well known local halibut boats Takla and Pair of Jacks were i both ashore in a fog near Calamity Point, Vancouver Harbor, on Friday. Neither were seriously damaged, both refloating on a rising tide. Reach the most people iu cn uid district with au novertisement n toe Dallv Nr-w Buys Used Furniture Outright For Cash No Bother! No Worries Over The Disposal Of Your Furniture See Us First Nothing Too Small. Nothing Too Big. THIRD AVENUE WEST Phone GREEN 916 ELIO PRINCE RUPERT THJt DAILT NSWH Mcnday. Februa: HE ROSE RAPIDLY Canadian Archbishop Was Elevated From Parish Priestship to High Catholic Rank KINGSTON, Ont.. Feb. 28: CP Most Rev. Michael Joseph Spratt. Archbishop of Kingston, who died last week, was a native of the township of Ops, born near Lindsay, Ontario, In 1854. Educated in the Lindsay schools, later going tc St. Michael's College. Toronto, he took his course In philosophy and theology at Pointe Levis and the Orand Seminary, Montreal, and was ordained In June, 1882, by the late Archbishop Cleary. The late Archbishop McEvoy of Toronto, was ordained at the .same time. After his ordination Father Spratt assisted his brother. Rev. Thomas J. Spratt, at Wolfe Island for a time and was appointed curate at Prescott and later parish priest at Kltley. He built the presbytery at Toledo and a splendid church and priest's abode at Elgin I Fishing Gazette of New York and succeeded the late Father Two- . which has just come to hand shows mey as pastor at Trenton. Two ( the enormous amount of fresh At- years later he was appointed pastor ilantlc fish which has been 0f St. Michael's Church, Belvllle. (landed on the east coast and which' in 191 1 he was named Archbish- is, undoubtedly, having it effect on 0d of Kineston. a rather unusual the movement of frozen halibut, j appointment as up to that time his in January at Boston atone, not highest post was parish priest. It taking New York into account, 234 j was apparent the talent and ability trips aggregating no less than 21,-j0f Father Spratt was recognized by 613.000 pounds, were landed. Wea-the Holy See in the appointment. Dr. Spratt whs consecrated Archbishop of Kingston, November 30, 1Q11 Kt- t I r rvnnllnr..... rrtn,tnnA. f-nr,t Pin! Artnnnr nnra,l,r won J 1Att""'' "6"" ager of the Armour Salvage Co.. 'Stagni, at that time apostolic del-Tho has been a patient In theiegate. The late Right Rev. M. J. ilnce .Rupert General Hospital for Fallon, Bishop of London, preached he past week, was reported this I the sermon. ' morning to be doing nicely! DETARTMEMT Of MINT ...Synopses of Mining i Laws MINrKAL ACT Tttt f lnn' Crrlifirstts , Aar person ortr ih lie of f ifMs-n. anr an; Joint Stork Companj i entitled to enter upon all mutt laadx of th Crown and upon an other lands whereon the mineral other than coal are reserved to the- Crown and lu lltensfes iwlth specific reoersatlonsi. for the purpose of prospecting for mineral! loeatint claims and mln-tn The fee to an Individual for a Pre Miners" Certificate t H.M for one tear To a Joint Stock Company hasint; a eapttal ol JIM 000 00 or lest the fee lor a sear is 50 0i: if canltalfrrd berond this the fee is S10 nfl The Free Miners' Certificates run from dsle of Issne and expire on the 31st of Ms? neit afler Ha date or seme subsequent 31st of May Certificates mar be obtained for anr part of a Tear termuiatint, on Jut of Mae for a prooortlonatelr les fee iPree Miners Certificates ar- also applicable ta the Placer Mining Aeti Mineral Claims Sire- 5I.SJ5 acres. Recording fee: tt M per claim. Representation: Assessment work1' to the extent of SlOti.OO mast be done eacb rear and reeorJed on or before the anniversary dale of record of the claim Cash tn the sum of I1MM may he paid m lieu of mrh assessment work. Tee for recording atessmert work IS.M. If the reotlred aemnt wrtt has been performed within the rest, mil not recorded within that time, a free miner mar within thirty da?t hereafter record siieh assessment work non nsyment of an additional fee of 110 M The actual cost of the survey of a mineral ela'ra to an -mount not evrw-dmt tlM no may also he recorded as aseemeM work . As soon as assessment work to the extent of IIM 00 (or eh psld of a like amount Is recorded and a survey made of the claim, the owner of aiirh claim Is entitled to a Crown Orsnt en payment of a fee e.f iJVoo. and clvlne the necessary notices required by the Act. rt.rm mining act four types of placer clalma: Creek durrlngs. bar dilnts: dry dle tints: and precious atone llertntt. iTor details see Part n. placer Mlnlnt Art.i Representation: A placer claim mnst he worked by the owner or someone on his behalf continuously aa far aa practicable during worklnf hours. Lav.overi and leaves of absence may be declared bv the Gold Commissioner under certain conditions. To hold a placer claim for more than one year tt must be re-recoMed before the expiration of the record or rt-record. Plaeee MInfag Leases lire and method of staklnr. etc KifMy aeres ta extent, staked alone a "location line not more than one-half mil n tenfth la this line one bend or chance of direction la permitted. Where a straight line Is followed two posts only are necessary, le. an "Initial post'' and a "final post." Where there Is a chanre of direction a leral post must be placed to mark the point of the said chance. The leasehold tt allowed a width not in excess of one-ouarter mile The locator la required within thirty days afler the date of the location Co post a notice In the office of the Mining Recorder aettlnr out the name of the applicant: the number of hla free miner's certificate: the date of location: the number of feet lylni to the rtpht and left of the location l:ne: and the approximate area or alse of the ground. Drrdrlng leases on rivers for five miles below low-water mark art also granted Feet: Annual rental on placer nrnmr leaae. 130 M: annual development work required to be expended. 12400: annual rental en dredflnt lease. tlS.Ofl per mile-annual development work -eoulred to be expended. 11.000 00 per mile: the value ol any new plant or machinery emplo-ed t' count aa money expended In development Pee for rerordlnt certificate of work. J.SO Lease fee. 15 00. Provisional Pree Miners' Cerllfleatea. trtarer) Art rteaarlmrat af Mines Art Among other things, these Acta provide for the staking and representing of placer rlalma without payment of fees and tuialanet u prospectors by free asssyt. tta. a detailed synopsis of the above Acta, also lb 'Mines Development Act". "Mineral Survey and Oettlopmcul Act" "Iron and Steel Bounties Act": ane "Phosphate-mining Aot": are available ai the Department of nines. Victoria Cm-plett copies af the Acta may be oblaWed lea uw fjafi Priettr, Tleiorla. FILM IS COLORFUL Beautiful Skatins Star, Sonja Ilcnie, in "Thin Ice" at Capitol Theatre A gay, musical romance with Al pine slopes as Its shimmering locale, "Thin Ice." with Sonja Henle, beautiful Norwegian skating star, and Tyrone Power, handsome male luminary, heading the cast, comes for a three-day run to the Capitol Theatre here opening tonight. A delightful romance of mistak-n identity affords many hilariously funny situations. There is also Jazzllng spectacle, riotous fun and breathtaking thrills. The story Is that of a beautiful young skating star who falls In love with a man she believes to be a reporter but who really turns out to be a prince. Three elaborate skating numbers tlliSEO FOR SALE FOR SALE House and furniture Including piano, radio, etc. Apply 625 8th Avenue East. (45) FOR SALE 1 ,300,000 all told. Spruce, Hemlock, Larch and Yellow Cedar on 112 acres at Hartley Bay. Apply H. B. T., 1138 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C. (51) TOR SALE Bedroom Suite, almost new. Household goods. Apply Apt. 4, Angus Apts. Phone Black 977. (52) FOR KENT FOUR Room flat. Newly decorated. Angus Apartments. (52! FOR RENT 3-room furnished su'te n e wly decorated, downtown Phone Red 241. (51 FOUR-ROOM furnished house. Fourth Ave. W., March 15. M. M. Stephens. (50) WORK WANTED RELIABLE Woman wishes hour or day work. Phone 552. (52) MALE HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS for the positions of. Camp-men will be received until March 15. State experience and qualifications. Signed: Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Ass'n. (50) NOTICK TO tllUllTOItS III I lie rlnlr uf ll.irrv llrutk llurlmlrr. Iietrasctl All ptroutui having claims ftgaliuvt tuc Estate of Harry Brock Rochester, Deceased, late of the City of Prince Ru-)xTt. British Columbia, who died r.t Victoria, British Cohimbu on the 23th day of July 1037, are required to tend the some with particulars of security held. If any, and verified by Satutoiy Dcclarutkni. to iiw under-signed on or before the 3 1st day of March, 1838. after which date the assets of the Estate may be distributed among the parVcs entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the under-signed shall then have notice. DATED at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 1st day of February. 1038. AGNES A. ROClIESTEn, Administratrix. Send cLaims to Messrs. Brown & Harvey, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, solicitors for the Administratrix. iOVi:KN.Mi:NT 1 l((l t)U ACT" (Mt'lloll 28) INodre of .)illialiin for Cimim-iiI to : Traiifrr r IWr I. Urine I NOTICE is hereby given tha,t on the ! 25th day of March next, the undersigned lntcr-ds to apply to the Liquor Control Board for conxeut to transfer of beer licence No. 4374, Issued In respect of premises being pan of a building known as Spruce Creek Hotel, situate on Spruce Creek, eight miles from Atlin Townsltc. upon lands described as Placer Claim "Sally" n,t Spruce CrecV. British Columbia, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Provlnc) of British Columbia, from MlLford dor. i Don Caswell to Spruce Creek Hotel Limited, of Spruce Creek, British Cd lumbla, the Transferee I Dated this 18th day of February, ' 11938. ! SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL LTMTTEU I Applicant and Transferee, IX TIIK M'I'HK.MK f)l UT III' HltlTIMI (Ol.t'MlllV Iii The Mailer of Clint tjuen. oilier-Im Known ai flion juen. Otherwise Known a Chun tjuen. Hex-eased. And In the .Mailer of the "AUmlnletrallun At" TAKE NOTICE that I was, by U. Order of His Honor Judge Fisher, Loccl Judge of the Snpreme Court ol Brltlih Columbia, appointed Administrator with the Will annexed of the Estate of the late' Chen Own, otherwise knoan u Chun Qucii, Dcceufcd. of Prince Rupert. B. C on the 24tn day of February 1938. and that all persons HidcV.-ed to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, and that all persons. iiuviuv ciuuii ntaujust xnej sauj Eaavs are requred to file them with me before tile 31st. day of March, 1938. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. th's 20th. day of February. 1938. NORMAN A. WATT. Official AdoUntorator. Iltatv Rujxrt. B. C. with hundreds of pretty girls tak-, lng part in spectacufar ice revels intersperse the romantic story. In these numbers Miss Henle executes many difficult skating routines. I The supporting cast Includes such favorites as Alan Hale, Maurice Cass, Sig Rumann, Arthur Treach- er, Leah Ray. Melville Cooper. Ray- j mond Walburn, Joan Davis and, George Givot. i Song hits of the picture are "My Secret Love Affair." "Over Night" and "My Swiss Hill Billy." ciiuiu .memuek honored At morning service in First Presbyterian Church yesterday,) presentation was made to Elmer Perkins of a handsome book In recognition of his faithful service for several years as a member of he Junior choir. The presentation was made on behalf of one of the 1 ladles of the congregation by the astor. Rev J S. Patterson. TONIGHT, TIES, and Wed. Evening Shows at 7:00 & 9.00 Its A Hit ! SONJA HENIE "THIN ICE" With TYRONE POWKR (At 7:11 and 9U1) ADDED Ford Sterling in "MANY HAPPY RETCUNS" NEWS and CARTOON COMING! Paul Muni, Louise Rainer In -THE GOOD EARTH' CLEARING the DECKS As KCA Victor representatives wc arc pleased to announce a NEW DEAL for Victor and Hluebrrd records to brinf you "The .Music You Want When You Want It." The First Step A Gigantic Clearano Of Accumulated Old Stock .J00 Victor and Hluebird Records at the Amazing Low Price Of 15c Each 2 for 25c NOTE -This Is not a sale of old recordr but of records that luvi passed their peak in popularity by not law than 90 days mi: arp therefore removed from manufacturers stock and currc 3 vertlsins lists. Duplicates cannot be procured nor can wn nnicc any specific selection from catalogs. Get Your Tick While- They Last See Our Kero'rd Table Wc have also a very limited number of Victor Red records (withdrawn to cliar at 33c and 50c. WATCH I OU NEXT ANNOUNCEMENT eMaMvsMd MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 7 Chesterfield Suites Covpred in Tapestry. Mohair and Crushed Mohair Priced from 12 full-tip Chairs- Walnut frumtv Covered in Tapestry. At l'lionc "75 Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONL C37 S98.00 S12.50 TEKMS CAN ItE AllKAMiEI) The Central Hotel KOOMS and CAFE I'bone 51 for Dest Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. -