February, THRIFT VALUES Prices In Effect Until Saturday CHOUTENING- Swifts Jewel. 2 lbs. EfifiS- -C" rale. Per doz. 3 doien SOAP ...i . vMniha. 3 bars RICEKKISPIES Graham Wafers til l,ktl' IMP Ti W OViLTINE Jim Tin LEMONS Urjt, Juicy. Per dox Hothouse Rhuharh- Per lb. ORANGES Fimily Size. Doz. J doien Medium. Doztn J doien Large Siie Down J dozen LETTUCE Per head FRESH CARROTS Phone 119 AH Makes 25c Wool --5 for 27c 22c C3e 20c SODA lSCUITS-.35C V W Ktd Arrow. 2 pkBs. COFFER- JELLO DEAL Jello for 20c. 1 iik j Pks. jello Chocolate Pud- 21C dine lc-The 4 for Campbell's Soup J 7f ..,(n 2 tins " VfjeUble. Oxtail. Scotch Broth l'er tin raisins 25c SPfUir. . OLIVE OIL $1.98 iian. nure. '2 gal. SWANSDOWN- QQp Pfr nkc APRICOT JAM Impress Pure. 4-lb. tin Crepe de Laine Down .... Jumbo 49c SPECIAI Royal City Foods ! tins Tomatoes, 2 tins Teas, wive 1, 2 tins White fiQr Com. The C tins for its Above arc Choice Quality. Packed in No. 2 Tall Tins 12c 19c 98c Isrlish Pottery Tumbler Free EC, NOODLES A Ho Mb. cello MTX DRIED PEACHES OOn FRUIT and VEGETABLES 27c 5c 18c 52c 21c COc 30c We Deliver REGAL SHOP Annual Sale Mon., Tues., Wed. Monarch, Dove, Butterfly, Sll- vertwist- 6 for $1.00 $1.00 29c ,bM '35c $1.00 purple Heather 8 for .... 20 Off Fancywork Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Arc Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R- Brasell !. Read tn want ads. Stewart Pastor Is Coming Here Rev. il. C. I'unstofl to Supply For March at First Tresbyteriati Church 85c . . 7c ZbunrhM JLJs CELKHY 10C&15C Rev. II. O. Funston of Stewart Mill arrive In the city this week :rom the north to supply for the nonth of March In the pulpit of ?irst Presbyterian Church here. ttev. J. S. Patterson of North Van- :ouver, who has been here for the last couule of months, will leave jy the Cardena. tomorrow afternoon m his return south. Mr. Funston. who Is expected to k here throughout March except .or the second Sunday, is said to be me of the coming younger men of lie Presbyterian ministry. MCBRIDE DISGUSTED AOcs That nteal 'Effort Be Made To Connect Them With I'rince Geurje McBRlDE, Feb. ,20 At-. .nv, '.t; ing of members of McBrlde Far mers' Institute the following re enlutinn arns rnrrlpd unanlmOUSlvS -Resolved that having waited for 25 years for even a farm wagon road, which could be lm-Droved Into a hlihway, along the valley east and west, members of McBrlde Farmers' Institute here bv express their disgust at the, treatment received by the people here and ask that a real effort be made to extend the' work so that connection by road may be available with the City of Prince, Oeorge and the Cariboo Highway Further. If generally unknown ar rangements with any railway com pany or private Individuals prevent this extension being made under he Drcsent government, we would isk that a plain statement on this be given us, so that an active ef fort may be made, in conjunction with nnints north and west, tc seek the formation of a new r rov ince of British Columbia, to in elude territory along this line to Prince Runert. the Peace Rivet district and the Yukon, It beinr, believed that the North Country is being bled to supply funds for use in the south." C.TR. Trains Kor the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 P From the East Tnesdavs. Thursdays and Satur- rinra - 11 P"1' Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. David's Tea March 1. Women's Canadian Legion Bridge, March 2, 4. C. N. R- A. Annual Dance, March Presbyterian March 3. Shamrock Tea, n..Moiinna! Centre Dance March 11, Oddfellows' Hall. C. Y. 8. March 18. Dance, Oddfellows Amriicnn Tea, Mrs. S. C son, March 24. phone 12 Thom- Sale March 25. Orange Spring . c 2fi. CIRCUS, Marcn United Churchy I inrinn Easter Sale. April 6- n"uJ." Salvation Army Sale April 13. . . . . TTTu Tea April 18 Oueen Mary N LOCAL NEWS NOTES Miss E. M. Earl returned to the, city on the Cardena last evening from a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Steohen King re turned to the city on the Cardena last evening from a ten-day trip to Vancouver. Joan Wilson Is anoearlng In city police court this afternoon before Maalstrate Thomas McClymont on i charge of being the Inmate of a disorderly house. Dr. Huch Morrison, Inspector of ichools, sailed last evening on th Cardena for a brief trip to Port Simpson on official duties. He will return to the city on the same ves sel tomorrow morning. A brldee nartv. orcinally sched uled to have been held Friday night by the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Leulon. was postponed until this Wednesday night owing to other affairs being on. The remains of WiUiam Bell, 25- year-old Massett native, who died earlier in the week, at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, were for warded Friday night on the Prince John to Massett where Interment will take place. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fitzpatrlck who where married here recently the bride having formerly been Miss Marearet Stalker, returned to the cltv on the Cardena last evening from a honeymoon trip to Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere In the south. The fire denartment was called out to three crass fires Sunday af ternoon. The first was at l ociock io the corner of Fifth Avenue and Acnew Place, the second at 5 p.m to McClvmont Park and the last one of the day at 7:30 In the even inn tn Seventh Avenue and Thomp on Street The ground and the old dead grass Is very dry Just now on account of the clew, warm weather icht Coughs jc to colds... checked without "dosing", ViCKS VA PO R U B .i.i.iMj..t-MHa.n;tni'i,n Timely Recipes CHOCOLATE COCONVT PIE j one and one-third cups .1 caiH sweetened condensed nu.N, squares unsweetened cip water, tup redded coco nut, teaspoon salt, Daeu -( wafer pie crust rs-lnch) or vanilla j Melt chocolate In top of double boiler Add sweetened condensed milk and stir five minutes ovei boiling water or until mixture thickens. Remove irom water, coconut and salt and blenc, ::.Wu, Pmir into a baked pie Ishell ,,r a rpl. opiate n.with vanilla wafer pie crusv. . ' At v,ia with whipped cream pir through 'pastry tube. Chill before serving. t Vanilla Wafer rie urusv enough .vanilla wafers to make cup oi crunioa. aui, - wafers In halves to siana ,.n xnrrh ' f r,iP nlate. Cover bottom Barn Dance, Moose -h-crumbs and nu m 11. ;l..JL swwpmi wafers. Pour In - 5jjm.uo St. Patricks tea and social eve- niang as usual. nlng, Catholic Hall. Maren ... HOCKEY SCORES NATIONAL LEAGUE Saturday 4; Toronto, 2 New York Rangers, New Americans, 5; Montreal, 1. Sunday Montreal, 4; New York Americans, CU THIRD AVENUE j. H. BULGER Optometrist . 1 New York Rangers, -i; uiucubu, Canadlens, 1; Detroit, l over t!me PACIFIC COAST LEAGU E Portland, 1; Spokane. Q. St. David's Day Tomorrow. Tea and Homeccoking at Mrs. Brt Morgan's, Leeds Apts. S to C. Al welcome. '49' W. H. Tobey, C.N.R. dlvislona: superintendent, returned to the :lty on Saturday night's tram from i trln over the -line on official tutles. Provincial Constable L. E. Requt )f Stewart, who has been on a trir x Vancouver on escort duty, was a jassenger returning north on th lardena last evening. Common Sense About Constipation If you knew that your constipation was caused by something lett out of your food, wouldn't It be just common sense to put that gbmething back? Your trouble may be caused by nothing more than this. For the most common kind ot constipation is due to lack of "bulk" in the bowls-you need some food that passes on through the stomach without being digested. Kellogg's All-Bran supplies this. It gives the bowels the bulky mass they need to work properly. And All-Bran also gives them the intestinal-tonic, vitamin B which helps restore their tone. Eat All-Bran as a cereal or baked in muffins. But however you eat it, be sure you get some tvery iay. And drink plenty of water. All-Bran is made by Kellogg In London, Ont. Sold by every grocer. Hotel Arrivals J Rev. J. C. Jackson, pastor of First Jnlted Church, will .be the speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Prince Rupert tGyro Club this Wednesday. Savoy A. Haugland, Oona River; O. 01- sen, C. N. R. Royal J. E. J. Challfoux,.C. N. R Prince.iUupcrt J. McGrath and- Mr. and Mrft A G. Burrill. Prince- George; P H. Dawson and T. A. Nelson, Vancouver. Central Eric Llnney. Northman Smith, Poppy Bolton, T. II. Turner and Walter Jones, Terrace; H. Jerome, C. N. R.: J. McCrea, Bilumorl. Axel S, Hanson. Oona River. Knox D. Roche, city Taylor Street House Is Sold II. A. Duhamel Purchasesllouseand Lot From Peter Florin tr a nnhnmpl has purchased i from Peter Florin, formerly of this city and now at Stewart, an eight-1 v. ...... trtt nn Tnvlnr Street luuni iiuuac w v... near Seventh Avenue. The deal was handled through H. G. Helger-son Ltd. The description of the property is lot 43, block 15, section 5. Excavation Work Nearly Finished on rin s of Concrete for New Federal Building to he Soon Under Way Forms Going In Next 'Week Excavation for the new federal building here is expected to be completed by this week by John Gur- vich. Forms for the concrete wans below the first floor will then be put in and it will not be long before pouring of concrete is "fully unaer way. Eighty-three tons of relnforc- inir steel to be used throughout tne building arrived on Friday from1 Hamilton, Ontario. If you wish to swap something-Try a classified. MILK tuild It. C. Payrolls" PUDDINGS I ,tAWMTt, a lnriv who makes milk pud ding, among other dishes, at a! private school, and says her little boarders are keen critics, ' writes that since she has used Pacific Milk there have been no complaints. It was not so once. After the children got to know of Pacific Milk they insisted upon it. Pacific Milk Irradiated of Course Save Your Vision This week Is being observed throughout the country In the Interests of better sight. See Your Local Optometrist Before you have chronic headaches, fatigue, blurred vision, and many deeper symptoms of Impaired eyesighthave your Optometrist give your eyes a thorough examination and have it done this week, If possible. Feb. 28 Buy a l ton ion oi of the me coal cuui we're winter Co burn w,mlVs selling and send W "y4 Mar. 5 Don't let the cold, aus- We'fdsfon f& tWo. month of February ffiR? ' - v- jMPniny annoy you. tfiebest- mm NANAIMO BULKLEY VALLEY FOOTHILLS PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. ,051 PHONES G52 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical JFertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- ' phatca, Complete Fertillxers , Producers &'I(cfincrs of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold. Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. Says Father: "I find that IJetter Vision means greater safety, better work, faster progress and more -en joyable leisure !" Says Mother: "l find my children doibetter, think quicker, are more active and obedient when their eyeshave been properly attended to." The Simple Precaution: Take Care of Your Eyes Strain-free eyes make you look better, feel better, work and play and study with more ease, comfort and efficiency. More than half the people of all ages,, today, are ilowed down by defective eyesight. These defects easily conquered when cared for early enough grow at an alarming pace as eyes grow older. Whatever your major occupation or pleasure, fully 85 of your movements are directed by your eyes 801 of your knowledge enters your brain by the same eye route. There is a long spring and summer many of them ahead of you. Why not have a scientifically thorough Optometric examination this week. Few eyes are perfectly normal. Tind out about your eyes and if they need a correction your Optometrist is fully qualified to take care of it Tor you. " Have YOUR Eyes Examined by Your OPTOMETRIST This advertisement is made possible by members of the British Columbia Optometric Association. For the Woman who Knows Boudoir Rouge Lentheric 'The French Rouge of Distinction In Fancy Containers ' 75c - Remember Those Snapshots at Night With Selo Hypersensitive Panchromatic Film fastest film on : ,the market. Sizes wfttir(siin!6ras. Standard prices. Ormes Ltd. 3tit Pioneer Drtu&tsts The iteTtU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From B a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 n.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. TheNew Halo Permanent Our .hair styles must change to suit the 1938 spring bonnets. Ik :Let us create for you a more charming and stylish lff ure. Only genuine oh" solutions used on all permanents. 530 THIRD AVENUE Modern Beauty Shop If you lose anytliing, advertise for it. Phone 917 .Or