Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I A-M.) Rupert-Clear, northerly High . 0:59 a.m. 19:6ft. .Tfour Prmcc miles per hour; baro-tr 12:56 p.m. 20.7 ft. 29-92 ,stcady,; tcmpcra- Low 7:01 a.m. 5.9 ft. 19:21 p.m. 3.6 ft. ;'ure, 49; seajmooin. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BIUTISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVH. No. 49. Wb0m. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1938. PRICE: 5 CRMS d, aps wirein l'lii in v i 1 a i ii ivi v a i a n v n a i . nn A'l' ii. iif L. ij a i j b m m m mm mm mm -m i m i m J w r m mm mwj m mm m -mm. mm mm uu mm mm mm m n ill 1 1 v l m r- i i i . 1 11 j-a - iiii'.i.i ' . i mv. mm, m m. mm, mm, mm m-tr m, m. - & a a l ibhi .v j e ii a i m m m m ii mi i m x r-i ft ij ii ili n r i n ii il iu ini n am . . . m . . m i v - i x i m am i m i aam w mm flNDON: DEMAND ELECTION x i .... h! ,r t.. ..: .... i..i:.. ".. .. .1: uacKs up isrinsli Labor 1'arty -.v ,.. ; dlan chiefs of Eastern Canada, in federal government, there were 29,- L0ND0N, February 28: (CP) In protest at Prime! a pow-wow on a reservation near 000 less persons employed In Can- 1-..:11 nV... .... ...! 1 Ti.,1: Mnntnnl in,l.,)i. amonrlnH Iho (tj nn FphrimrV 1 this VCIT than tctPn thousand British enmmunsts narar ed n "gww govern meir reservaugn oy on January . r"" " ICUL-I v... IKol 1..... .tU. .V.n tVia (onnrh tl lnlth tl1r VMM 111ST. rn mniKtration in Trafalirar Suuare vesterdav and inarch- t.ji.. IALli MV v - - fAM n-ltVtfn cry n tVio rth. ax Lie Itcre was another anti-Cham-, likliJ UViilU.-' -v j - . rai plpptlon on the Issue forei-a policy , Cmberlaln, slstcr-ln-law t ptee Minister, had actually i . I i liaiv ii was aiso as- . . - i -..: I. t 11... .nn ip iu uownine aireci dui IU. Sends Message OmrA. Feb. 28: CP The wiuiift.aiwtl rcuciavivu, . I(t!s vptprHnv rtpHdpn to ( Pirtv mnnnrtlna Its fttnnrt In fc-i at the foreign policy of m miu.iier rtevuie unamut-r- ChauteniDS Endorsed PARIS. Feb. 28: (CP) The rf . ... "bto rrcmier camllle Chauiemps Trl fit " n f i In.vnn V. 1 f nral fTl viiiii.tii.(; uil lU4Vtft U (t..ift.. U. .. U v. .em that iVia .,11 i . v. ..Mn... ..... Liir lltJIII-V 111 LlltT U IIL'111 uiiiam in euons 10 secure jpcawment In Europe. ISIS Ittawn fAWA, Feb. 28: (CP) Prc-w Thane A Campbell of Prince ,3ward Island Interviewed Prime William Lyon Mackenzie ""S Wday on the question of un-"Poment relief and other mat-x H was meetlne other mem- f the federal cabinet Satur- leather Y orecast al Synopsis The pressure nip,h off the coast and "father hn h-n L "'-nsn uoiumoia. ST? RuPt and Queen Char- viands- Frpsh I . mostly fair and mild with Jes' Coast Of Vanpnnvpr TelnnH in,, sutheast winds. Dart and mild, Tuesdav hprom- s t,i -v.vitu Winnin ... ,, Model City 28: (CP) annual reurvrt tn tho M,,.. vwl"nSSlon on Saturdnv. . , - w 01 Of Pnll pnlp n - TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnrton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .14. Big Missouri, .44. Bralorne. 8.90. Aztec, .09. j Cariboo Quartz, Dentonla, .1154. Oolconda, .05. Mlnto, .03 2. Falrview, .04 Vi Noble Five, .03. Pcnd Orlellc, 2.00 Pioneer, 3.00. 2.15. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 2.30. Reeves McDonald, .42. Reno, .61. Relief Arlington, .22V'2. Bcwai;dl05.w .... Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .05. Hedley Amalgamated, .05. Premier Border, ,01 ii. Sllbak Premier, 2.10. Home Oold, .01,2. Grand view, .08. Indian, .02 ,2. " Quatslno Copper. .04TIV Halda Oold, .OO'j. Oils , A. P. Con.. .26. j - i Calmont, .44. C. & E., 2.77. Frehold, .05Vj. Hargal, .20!i. : ' A McDougal Segur, .21 Vi Mercury, .15. Okalta, 1.95. Pacalta. .11. Home Oil, 1.20. Toronto Bcattic, 1.35. Central Patricia, 2.65. Gods Lake, 51. Little Long Lac, 4.95. McKenzle Red Lake, .94. Pickle Crow. 4.60. Red Lake Oold Shore, .26!;.. San Antonio, 1.39. Sherrit Gordon, 1.50. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.45. Oklend, .37. Mosher. .28. Madsen Red Lake, .39. Stadacona, .25. Frontier Red Lake. .05. Francocur, .45. Moncta, 2.30. Thompson Cadillac, .26. Bankfleld, .92. East Malartlc, 1.60. Preston East Dome, Hutchison Lake, .11. Dawson White, .02. Aldermac. .56. Kerr Addison, 2.10. Uchl Gold, 1.72. Martin Bird, .50. Hardrock, 2.45. Int. Nickel, 50.50. Noranda, 60.00. Con. Smelters, 61.00 1.24. Fuel Control Board Planned Indian Chief at Montreal i'bw-Wov Urges Natives Not to Accept Citizenship Tribal Laws Demanded ."The white men have made a mess (of the country.' he declared. "If we accepted cuizensnip now. we would have to assume their debts." Armed Nazis Postpone Their Plan To Take Austria City; Gratz Is Strongly Guarded GRATZ, Austria, February 28: (CP) Following a Nazi uprising, Austrian Army forces swung into action yesterday to guard this city of . 160,000 people 99 miles south of the capital of Vienna. Army and artillery units were rushed to the city wJiHe -air-phufes "soared brhead ahd sixteen tank's Weiifirito the centre of the city. Meantime, Nazi leaders said that they had temporarily abandoned the plan to sieze control of Gratz and march on Vienna. Instead they will wait for two days in order to negotiate with Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg for freedom of action being granted by the government to which Nazis were admitted U There are 'said to be fully 60,000 Nazis in uniform and ready to fight to gain control of the country and unite with Germany. All schools have been closed until danger of uprising is over. . DISTURBER IS SOUGHT rolicc WatchinE Mcctincs and (James For Many Willi Loud Whistle WINNIPEG. Feb. 23: (CD-Winnipeg police have promised to keep tch at hockey games. meetings and other gatherings for a man with a loud whistle who has assemones aurjuB been been mien interrupting upwo the past week. Among other places dcr ciose mintary guard at the he made his appearance at a sitting weck.end following an Investlga of the Manitoba Legislature. tion by Federal Bureau of Invest'. STARTING BUILDING British Seapla Trend of Employment In Canada So FarThis Year Is Unfavorable (CP) In- ing to reports of employers to the when there has usually been -iuv- u v ' IMUlaLl ALL. cently v-j . i i i a r ivi. j 1 . . ..iha r- a i pm ssv ; r itn svprnr m avp n v rwn a - v.i f, dohi. 1 UU I V -.-.--7 - w . "-M v. v . k LiUl.liliCllb Uilli iiUUl UWM lllCir I CP cavJiiuo to niiV) nu -, jjtt tu ajj- b"--"-""'-'"- "v"'v-- ...v ..t.i...iii Na amKiccv Thore Trtprp urn x'irn-i nn ------ nntlvpR npvpr m apppnt rltl7.pnsnlD. OTTAWA. Feb. 28: (CP) Accord a small increase in inis period. Ten thousand reporting firms showed 1.052.551 persons employed this February 1. The British Columbia seasonal decline of employment was smaller than usual. SELLING SECRETS OF ARMY United States Air Field Tut Undrt Ti;ht Guard Following Arrest Of German Woman and Two Men NEW YORK. Feb. 28: (CP) A., here was placed un un air field ucw i near m.. .- ration detectives wnicn resuitea in the arrest of a 76-year old derman woman and two United State- Army soldiers on esp-ona charges. Sale of secrets pertalnln-.' to Atlantic seaboard and Panama Canal Zone defences is aliened. As T. S .rS .SS' united Stita W, I ase,,,., Slruciure t haye spread oUt ocr0ss the COUP- try In quest for a score or more driving to pile Work WorK prep preparatory j . SUsoects in the highly or- !? -rirrt Avoiiue across, ionized spy ring which has been, crecieu v nrvtmr into Amcr can armv the Federal ihock uy . ; - - , - from h f ; 2993. VICTORIA, Feb. 28: , -tp hnildlntr itself will be two ..1 ...tnt-iriQ no miii-ri dc naa Dcen "".govcrnmeiH iu"- of n( . a a H.,.u and no bank rnh. nttPntlnn to the appointment h- ln WlnnlDeR durln. L,i nnd nctroleum control oo.u " tUor the Province l.i about t . nmnih's time. Premier i. - - tullo said at the weck-enr. ; . i Nipponese Destroyers Outside Of Hong Kong Attack Clearly Marked Plane Off China Coast BULLETINS SPLIT WITH EMPLOYEES MONTREAL Participating in thi- company's prosperity durin; 1937, approximately 4000 employees of the Imperial Tobacco Co of Canada Limited will receive five-and-a-half per cent of their rarnings during 19S7 as a serv'c dividend. This makes the thlri consecutive year in which this dividend has been paid with ai. Increase in percentage, each year. Th- total of the. service dividend Is about $230,000. AIR MAIL STARTING VANCOUVER Trans-Canada I lr ilni hf-in tomorrow a new phase of pilot training pro gram when limited quantities of postal matter will be flown between Vancouver and Winnipeg, Tills will be picked at random from. ordinary mail, by the-Post Office authorities. KILLED IN1 OIL BLAST CALGARY E. S. Bowden and his thirty-year old son. Louis were fatally burned Saturday when a still exploded at a new refinery in the Turner Valley oil field. J. A. Mjolsness, anothei worker at the plant which was headed by the Bowdcns, is In hospital suffering from burns Cause of the blast is unknown. BUSY WEEK COMING UP OTTAWA With the Senate resuming its sittings, this is et pected to be a busy week in rai liamcnt with a number of ii.' portant and contentious matters coming up Including the second reading of Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King's Mil which would confine the sale of rlrctrlc power for export to the federal authority. Today's Weather (Onvprnincnt "Hfirrii.ijh. Triple Island Part cloudy, nor therlv wind. 14 miles per hour. U'jht chop. Ianeara Island Cloudy, easterly 29.92; temperature 35; sea smooth Estevan Clear, northeast wind and 'four miles per hour; barometer. Christensen was commencea to- Eurooean'uower. Victoria-Clear, easterly wind Machine Was Not Hit Although Shells Came Perilously Close to Their Mark Machine Guns and Other Ordnance Used SHANGHAI, Feb. 28: (CP)-Japanese warships fir-nl on a British Imperial Airways seaplane flying from Bangkok, Siam, to Hong Kong with passengers and mail, reports reaching here today said. The plane was not hit. The warships, reportedly destroyers, were operating outride British territorial waters near Hong Kong. They v I nnj MKa nrH. i -y"' use a maciuiic, suns aim u.u Red Treason lnal Lommg ' MOSCOWj Feb. 28: (CP) : Twentv-one Dromlnent Rus- accused. Indicated today that death awaited him and the others going to trial In the OTTAWA, Feb. 28: (CP)-. The latest episode of Stalin's National Council of the Co-Opcra- pourge of enemies of his re- tlve Commonwealth eaerauon es- glme. Treason and murder are terday passed a resolution protcst- the main charges against the ins at the Quebec antl-communlst defendants and Pravda. Com- ws. rrem.ei muntst party organ, said they of Quelle arid Premier Mitchell would pay dearly for the lives Hepburn of Ontario were named as of Maxim Gorky, famous writ- .the chief leaders of reaction In , ..ut -i... j. Canada. s' er: vyaciieaiaii mcni.iiuioi.. once secret police head, and i Valerian Kulblsheff, .ulbisheff, first first Five Five Year Plan wind, 25 miles per hour; baro-'T7 , rv meter. 29.90: temperature, 44 Y lClOHa Urattia moderate chop. 'ill Dead Tree Polnt-Fo'iiy. llshl ( lllh ( "il nOSeil . , v wvrw i .!. - on no. souineasi wum; uaiumcici, 3.o, temperature, 42; light swell. I day by John curne fton a.u . c,am d four mllcs pcr hour. baromcter S" "'E at'thU down on the apparently fast-grow- 30.00. U C nnAftnn wiH deep at this Poin ooint . p piles lies w HIS .LOnOlllOn v"y ramlflcatlons of the plot Oeorec-Glear. calm: ba- b ""r, ,t rcret and th "No statement of any kind can Wter. 3M.oT anu ... hn mnrip unt l the case is com-' i. I. i.iinni ninrorl theron In a ilUUliuanv..- manner similar i to that which was employed In the building of the The Capitol Theatre several years uS 10 lu"' . i., t,i,t oiift nf rrlnforced Storeys m iit'rb" - I , concrete. It, will measure 80 by 30 feet. On the ground floor will be a bakery and shop. The second floor will be used "for storage purposes. . . .7 . . , i i .. . lerrace Viear, lainii iciiipiiuiuj': said today. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Feb. 28: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.38'u on the Vancouver market Saturdayydrop-ping " to $1.37?i today." Alyansh Foggy, calm, 31. Alice , Arm Clear, calm, 29. Anyox Clear, calm, 26. Hazelton Foggy, calm, 27. Smlthers Clear, calm, 28. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 17. Stewart Clear, calm, 26. nance and several shells exploded dangerously near to the plane. The Imperial . Airways machine, flying on a regular route, was clearly marked with a Union Jack. Japs Are Resisted Operations of the revitalized Chinese air force were successful yesterday In breaking up a Japan ese troop concentration north of f.slans, Including a former the Yellow Kiver. ine Japanese aic '..Premier and a noted editor, still meeting with effective reslst- will face treason trials this ance from tne tninese in meir Wednesday' It Is announced. tempts to cross the .Yellow River Most of the defendants have and gain control of the Lungnai A hian fini-lor orrpttt. slnrp .trip KaUWaV. . . blood. putgeXof.i;aeax -go. fTb.e, Chlo.esialr lorcersUuck. They re alleged to have In other sectors, aiding operations plotted the assassination of of ground forces. the late Nikolai Lenin and Die- tator JoseDh Stalin. Their . names are linked with the exiled Leon Trotsky and It Is said they were to have received large land grants after the overthrow of the present gov- 1 : PROTEST BY C.C.F. newspapers, Pravda and Izves- Do jot Like Quebec Anti-Commun- T im, UUlll CUlLCU ill U11C 1111. & wj - Nikolai Buckarin, one of the i , chief. Deaths of improvement m attrlbu- these three, :, previously previously : ted to natural causes, are In Dart the basis of charges on 1 which the twenty-one will be . .. tried before a military trmun al. ti,rl,nrriMf sniithpasf VJiiumn, rcu. a. tor; n..n Bull Harbor Clear, southeast best men's performance. Still Critical . TORONTO. Feb. 2S: (CP)- -The' condltlon of Sir James MacBrlen,1 1st Law Duplfssis and Hepburn Leaders of Keactlon Condition been General Pershing Is Much Heller And Has Rallied So Strongly That Hope is Held TUCSON, Arizona, Feb. 28: (CP) Much Improvement is reported In ' the condition of General John J. Pershing, wartime commander-ln-. chief of the United States Army In ! France. Although physicians of the 77-year-old soldier doubted if he wumu uc amc 5 wind three miles per hour; barn- conclusion or the British Columbia much longer, the Improvement was meter 29 82; ' temperature, 43; sea Drama Festival, the Victoria Dra- continued today and General Pcr- smooth , matlc Society was chascn to rep- jhlng's heart was stronger and he ' resent Brltlsh ColumWa at the was able to take nourishment nor- Alert Aiert Bav-Clear Bay wear, souincasi southeast wind wmn DomInlon Drama Festival In Win- m,iiv tv,p latest bulletin todav five miles per hour; Darometer . . --... , .V: ..T...I..,.. . nipi; in .viaj. ividjr i itu,iici ui saiu lie vias ueiiuiicijr uui,bvi Vnnrniivpr wn nfthnpri t.h host nnl y.i-ir.t-Mnnc mnt nf thp tlmp " woman actress while Fiascr Lister indeed, he has rallied so strongly of Victoria was credited with the that Dr. Roland Davidson finds the ; outlook "nulte Dromlslri?" General Pershing was sufficiently Improved yesterday to greet one j of his doctors by name and to rcc-iognlze his sister. I For the ast week he had been 1 kept alive by oxygen and intravcn-i ous. IIAIt SILVER commissioner of the Royal Canad- lan Mounted Police, who has been JKW YORK: (UP) -rlJur all-in hospital since before Christmas, ver was unchanged ut dl'ic per was reported last night to be still fine ounce' on Uio New York met. ' critical. al marked today.