rtXri.Y Edition Styles of Distinction See Our Wonderful Variety of Styles in GABARDINE, SUEDES, KIDS and CALFS ... In all the Latest Shades and priced to suit you. 1 AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RDPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per insertion .. News Department Telephor.3 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Membtr ol Audit Burt.au of Circulation 86 9 Rupert .02 .25 Saturday, April 9, 1938. marvellous physique of the young men and women of the surf life-saving teams who took part that he used strong .vwll3 ih cApxessm nis appreciation. He is reported to have said: "I cannot help thinking that if all would follow the example of the Prime Minister in regard to the size of their families, Australia would soon be populated by a race of gods and goddesses." Premier J. A. Lyons, it may be explained, has eleven children. Another visitor to that country from England is quoted as follows: "A European traveller cannot help receiving the impression that here is being evolved a race so much improved on the British that the parent stock has almost lost its identity." HRITISH OPINION Evidently British 01)ininn is still nnnncorl tV.Q PVin, 'i iu nil. uiiaiii- ... . jj,,jv.i, berlain foreign policy as shown by the result of the recent! ujf-ciwiiun m tne west ruinam. division of London. The people there are evidently strong for Anthony Eden and CHANGES IN GAMELAWS Hod and Gun Club Seeking Amendments to Both Fishing and Hunting Regulations Important changes in the ing and hunting regulations in this district were advocated at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club last night. There j was a good attendance and much interest was taken in the proceed- ings. As for trout fishing, it was decided to request that the season be opened throughout the district on May 1. A two-toon th close sea53n for steelhead fishing in streams commencing March 1 is also being asked. There will be the usual planting of trout eggs in Prudhomme and Diana Lakes. 1. A change in the deer hunting j season from September - 15-Novem ' elected as follows: President. G. W. Johnstone. Vice-President, B. J. Bacon. Secretary-Treasurer, F. W. Grlm-ble. Executive Robert Gibson and J. L. Blain. The financial statement showed the club to be in good shape. Old Country Soccer English League First Division Birmingham 2, Bolton Wander ers 0. Charlton Athletic 2, Sunderland Chelsea 4, Leicester City 1. Grimsby Town 3, Manchester City 1. Leeds United 0, Arsenal 1. Llerpool 4, Blackpool 2. Middlesbrough 0, Huddersfleld Town 1. Portsmouth 1, Wolverhampton ) app rw rrwc '.wanderers o. WW-Pnrf-i;"1:".. I Preston North End 4. mu uc m YYctir was visiung Australia lor theiCounty l. anniversary delfebrations he was so impressed with the y st3ke City l Evertn Derby wtsi uromwicn Aioion 4, tjrent-'ford 3, Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen 2 Kilmarnock 1. Arbroath-Queens Park unplayed. Ayr United 3, St. Johnstone 1. Celtic 4, Motherwell 1. Hamilton Academicals 3, Queen of South 1. Hibernians 2, Partick Thistle 1. Morton-Hearts unplayed. Rangers 1, Clyde 0. St. Mirren-Dundee unplayed. Third Lanark 2, Falkirk 2. Man in the Moon All Scotsmen are said to be humorists. Jake says it must be a gift. -j ' i . I iv ri r 4 m j MUKI trlAl A 200 ($1,000 football poo! prize restored a woman's pride in Southend, England. She sent hall of it to relief offices asking then, to deduct the amount given to he' Coached by a nun on the staff of St. Joseph's Villa, a Richmond girl's school, its basketball team won 45 games to one lost in fou; years, taking the Virginia Catholic girl's ' title as well as a city championship. Roller-skating endurance record for women was raised from IS (c 10 hours, two minutes by Doreen c; JWolf, 17, In South' Africa, with a ber 30, as at present, to September; . .' . , . ',. . . . . i. i ..i T minimum speed of six miles an i-uciOQer Ji, is ueiiig aaitcu. Officers for the ensuing year were hour. When the government Lottery Bill was brought before the Iloust of Keys in the Isle of Man it was protested a clause legalizing foot-baL pools had been omitted and the government promised to rectify the oversight. Rookie Joe Kohlman of Washington Senators' pitching staff tossed two perfect games last yeai for Salisbury, Md.. in the Eastern Shore League and also turned In the greatest winning streak In baseball's history 25 In a row. T. P. Campbell, one of the best- known football legislators in Lan cashire and Blackburn Rover play er for 14 years, died recently a?ci 72. He refereed the English Curj final In 1908. U. S. amateur champion Johnn; Goodman's golf philosophy Is "forget what has happened and concentrate ion what is going to happen" and. he thinks mental altitude is at.Jeast half the game who won the United States singln ; championship last year, will part ner with Peggy Scriven, third-ranking English star, in the Wim- Jbledon championships In June. Ted Williams, 19-year Old Boston Red Sox rookie outfielder, has soft fuzzy down on his chin bu; says he won't shave for some time yet. He's tabbed as a second How's this for endurance? TwCi me policy 01 Iirmness m dealing With the European die- Jake s they ca a ship "she-.pinstall says today's athletes aren'i game. tators. .because the sailors think they can i ' handle hpr I - MICCTVn iwinrtn'n ! miooinu i nuaufta j What seems to be bothering a lot) ijo many persons are missing in Austria since the of Pepie who have nothing else to! in on annexation o nnnvnHn tl,l that .'i 1 1 . ilkml, .i . i i , . I berman it has become necessary to set uplthink about ls how in lhe world d0 a separate department of state tn hnvp nhn, rro nf TVioiie hens learn the size of the egg m-Onertv. ThPV hnvo fn,mH If hana 1 l . JCUPS s0 that th(?y always fit? v -y-j - ii, uv.mi iu leave tile ClJUIlHy than to rehiain rehiain under under thp the rnnrliHnnc conditions wVii wh'wh tvQtr thpv t f ; irui f ViQ,-n i One of these people who is at present a political refugee' is a banker who owns considerable Prince Rupert pro-' Pty- He is in Switzerland just now. Presumably he' will have removed some of his money beyond the clutches) of Der Feuhrer. LOOKING FOR A PRESIDENT The United States will spend the next two years in seeking a president. It has been announced that Franklin D. will not again be a candidate and, even if he were, there is. considerable doubt whether or not he could be elected. The opposing party also seems to be without a' leader sn Feed Having: a surplus of Bulklcy Valley wh?at it Is necessary to reduee our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed CompanT NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprltoi "A IIOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate 11.00 up SO Rooms Hot tr. Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19C A good thing to remember And a better thing to do, Is work with the construction gang I And not the wrecking crew. We are a queer people. We sell munition materials to the Japanese and send money to the Chinese Red Cross fund. Visitor: "What a sweet and innocent-looking face your little girl has, Mrs. Brown." Mrs. Brown: "I hadn't notlcid it. Mary, what have you been doing?" fh1?ld hfJlf iffltfl ?e .ff- Mrs.Tenderfoo"t:' Will the opera- year elections this fall will tend to indicate how the wind ! tion be dangerous, doctor? is blowing and almost immediately after that the cam-1 Dr. Slicem : Now don't you worry paign for the presidential contest will commence in a about tnat-You cant buy a danger-quiet wayk working gradually up to the climax in theioUS operatlon for $5-autumn of 1940. too much pict Cheaper TORONTO, April 9: (CP) John I Strong was sentenced to from three i to six months in Jail for possessing land causing to be circulated obscene photographs. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Mock PHONE G58 "'.Trail And Cornwall To Meet In Allan Cup Final; Western Final Has Sensational End SASKATOON, April 9: (CP) Trail Smoke Eaters,1 with a sensational finish in a second overtime period, de-' feated Port Arthur Bear Cats 7 to 3 at the baskatoon Arpnn lnt nifrM for a third straieht victory in the West-' ern Canada Allan Cup hockey semi-finals, thus qualifying! to meet Cornwall Myers next weeK m me nnai iur uw . . - worms senior amateur nutucy ' championship trophy. Cornwell I Davis Cup Selections nounced selection of Bobby 1 entered the final by defeating Que-jbec Aces two to nothing at Ottawa j last night. It is the first time in j smelter' town history that the : Smoke Eaters have advanced to the final V of Stanley VMW-J Cup wmj' competition. 1 . j i Regulation time in last night's ; mmc. Vioro flnttViort u-lt.h the count Hill, ...-"- ' ' MONTREAL, April 9: (CP even at two an. There was no scor- The Canadian Lawn Tennis lng m tne first perlod. The Smoke Association last night an- Raters sank a counter in the Sec ond and another in the third. Then Murray and Laid Watt of Mdn- txe i5oar cats got started and made treal, Ross Wilson of Toronto c equalizers during the last ten Doug Cameron of Vancouver mmutC3. The first overtime period as Canada's Davis Cup team ' was unproductive of scoring. Soon this year. The Canadian team aiter the start of the second over- will meet Japan In North Am- time period, Trail moved into the erican zone play either in Van- lead, port Arthur evening it up couver or Montreal late in i July. Mthin n minute. Then the Smoke All four of Canada's new rep- Esters went wild and. before th? resentatlves are so far tried in cup competition. un- TfljOlLilUliJ I i WIN GAME of 49 to 40 last night in the opening game of an inter-provincial men's senior basketball series, being the first round in Dominion championship play-offs. LAI) fill DIDN'T COUNT LONDON, April 9: (CP) William Broker said he pushed Mike Kos-sack because he thought he was laughing at him but Broker was sentenced to two monUis for girl field hockey teams called it a 1 . I day after a 1-1 six-hour game in any softer than I Cork, Ireland. They started at they are smarter, inoon and with a lunch interva. jwere going strong at dusk. Athletic trainer at Michigan State .College 25 years. Jack Hep- old-th irs and; Summoned before - the London Bankruptcy Court a debtor with :. 33,059 ($165545) liability said he had bet 100 ($500) on a go'f IT BEATS THE BAND ! the way Ogden's satisfies particular owners". Fine Cut roll-your- They'll tell you that this smoother, mellower Fine Cut is a sure bet for the man who wants to drum up a full measure of smoking pleasure. Ogden's FineCut with"Chanfecler" or "Vogue" Papers that's the marching tune to genuine satisfaction in rolling your own cigarettes. 'make had cleared had rapped in 1 three goals to end the series with a , burst of scoring speed, one of the soalp being actually kicked into the jnet he was guarding by the Port 'Arthur goalkeeper. Jimmy Hill, in i the coure of the bombardment. The British 'Columbia team was good Value for Its victory. Only the Rood work of Jimmy Hill, the Bear Cat'' net-minder, prevented even mere scoring. Bcnolt. Duchuk. Dame Vancouver Hoopsters Defeat Ray-. and Woweinak were the goal get-vnond Union Jacks By "a Score iter- for Trail and Gordon and Me-Of ' 1!) to 40 Cormack for Port Arthur. j It was a rough, slashing, wld?- . RAYMOND, Alta., April 9: CP cnen Same with no less than twenty f VOMfAMVAt XT Aft AtHe 4 ftfoi Iftil I lll A t a 1 . 1 . Anita T.izflnn. Phllenn tennlsstn. . . pcnainei-ien againsi eacn siae. - w .- . . LJ, J tt- nn TT. V... UFJ USKD TO WORK LONDON. Ont., April 9: (CP) -Pleading guilty to a charge of refusing to work and maintain Lawrence McKay. 33, was remanded to jail forentence. LOOS RUN EARLY TIMMINS, Ont., April 9: (CP) Mild weather earlier than usual has proved a boon to timber companies . in getting their winter's cut to the . sawmills in record time. FINED FOR OAMINC. WINDSOR. Ont. April 9: (CP) Twenty-nine people were convicted and fled In connection with a raid cn a "tobacco shop" where smokes were all dummy packages and a loudspeaker brought In latest race rpwlts. n PACK TWO THE DAILY NEWS Saturday a 9 in Easter Footwear F hubsonsbi Bad ftwcuhtjjk &0 WHISKY Qood This advrt'.3nwv Ls , ra displayed oy . I.:; Bonra or uy une O: British C ;'.usi!.. Tune-Up For SpriiiR! Winter Has Been Hard on Your Car . harder than . . you think! The strain of cold start, sklddy roads, and uneerto weather has pulled man) parts out of adjustment Now is the time to flash away the winter worn c and sluggish water :yst adjust wheels and brake: tune up the motor Tift advantage of cur specif rate for COMPLETE Ln( spection, clen up a n i tune-up and be sure of trouble-free spring drivitf ROYAL MOMS General Motors Pfalers 3rd Avenue Phone JJ "Service With a Smile-' LUMBER AT .MILL 6-Inch and 8-inch Ci 0 Qf) So. 1 Common 2-inch Rough Cedar Plank LTD. $18.00 For Prince RupeTt I)fliv(i7 Phone fllLLMOIl Billmor Spruce Mills Learn To Play Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass O. C. WALKER, Instructor 212 Fourth Street Ear Test Conducted with the "Resonoscope' Free HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580