Adelaide from Vancouver. Mf Song had gone there to meet X De-Jons and son -who have in on a trip W nonana. inty fcsed the Auanut wum niu j, Jo to New York on the steamei ' T.a nnA hnd an excebtlbn-1 tjinw" ,i fme ydyage. . Announcements 'a11 advertisements In this column will be charged for a fail 'month at '25c a word. jalvation Army Sale April 13. jueen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 iaptlst Tea, April 20. jathedral Easter Sale, April 21. )ancing Display, Oddfellows' tall, April 21. Irinre Rurjert Operatic Society irtsent the "Pirates of Penzance" f ibapltol Theatre, April 27 arid 1 Missionary Tea, May 2. Saptlst nlted Sale, May 5. a Y P A. Variety Entcrtaln- nt Mav 0. ;t Peter's Bazaar, May 10. INLY 5 MORE DAYS ITo Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed For RASTER ! One of the most Important dress-up occasions of the rear Easter . . . requires that you lake extra care In hiving your clothing cleaned l and pressed In the finest Banner Send them here . . . i every garment will be re? .tamed fresh and clean . . . perfectly pressed with not i trace of Odor. Call this f reek avoid the last mln- h utt Eaiter rush. Phone 858 We Call and Deliver IDEAL CLEANERS ORDER Easter Lillies Now Special Sale Of House Plants WILLIAM OAIR Florist and Seedsman Phone BLUE 974 P.O. Box 20 Local Hospital Board Hears How It Is Intended to Clear 'Out Such Cases 'Correspondence from Percy Ward, inspector or hospitals for the prov Ince, explained to the hospital board at its meeting last night some of the procedure in connection with the removal from hospitals of "pr6b!em cases," namely Indigents Who have been in hospital for over three hundred days and who do not require active hospital treatment but are unable financially to main tain themselves. For this type of patient, the provincial government Is withdrawing its per diem grant. However, the services of the local welfare visitors are being put at the Hospital Finances For March Reference Made to Low Per Diem Cost In Comparison With Else where In Province F. A. MacCallum, chairman of the finance committee, reported at last night's meeting of the hospital board that hospital days In the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the month of March had totalled 1578 at a cost per hospital day of $2.83. disbursements for the month amounting to $4,538.72. Prank bibb nolnted out that the per diem hos- nltal cost here was much lower than In' the most of other hospitals. Mr. MacCallum mentioned that no allowance was made for deprecia tion or building rental In computing the monthly cost. Telephone Bridge Party Held Affair Held To Assist Roy Scouts To " Co T6 Camp The newly formed Boy ScOut Parents' committee held a veiy hriiiTO drive recently. Mrs L. C Eby acted as general convener, the prize-winners belm; Mrs A H. Silve'rsldes, Mrs. ri. Skattebol, F. M. Crosby and L Weaver. , the proceeds 'will be used k to assist the boys to go to camp. HURGH NOTICES t ST, ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. D: Gibson, Dean Preacher The Dean Palm SundaV 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning rrayer and SenVion 12:30 Sunday School 7 30 p m.-The choir will render -The Crucifixion by Sir John Stainer FOR COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAX 2 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY ar-d 'NIGHT V ....... I THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your hornt erery Jr throufih THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An lnttrmtitntl Diilf Neiifftr Tt r'cortfi for rou th. porld't el.'.-onitruetl. dolnil. TM omwr om not tipioit emu. er Mniitlon; nutlitr dj 'lJ2;5f iff,; lot bm in na m w Jut dul corrreilTtlr with thm. nuattt mur, including th wtiUr Mlk Btciion. ......, Tht Chrlitltn Sclenct publlhlr tocittj ' On, NarwiT fitrttt, Botton, MtchU"" . M,H'' re' Mm., tntn mt nbcrtptlon U nt-mrHM'' ..i?"f" M month. M M. .SjnM li,ttlrirt , " " WttMidtf ton. Mclndlni Mtftilni ctln: 1 mr II Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, Miss D. R. Carmlchael sailed last night on the Prince John foi Queen Charlotte City. Mrs. Altha Green, who arrived Thursday afternoon from Ketchl kan, left on last evening's train for Chicago. On behalf of the lady superln tendent. It was reported at the hos deavouring to dispose of. W. M. Brown had no report to present as chairman of the house committee at last night's meeting of the hospital board. Nothing had yet been done In the matter of hos pital laundry following application .tQ Terrace last evenlng. 01 tne new uaunary lor Business WANTED WANTED Capable girl, general housework, Anyox, B.C. Apply Immediately, 1215 Second Ave. West. (84) FUR S A life' (n Canada. PRIVATE HOME KINDERGAR TENS PAY. We start you. -ine Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. tf ' MEN I BEWARE LOW VITALITY If I easily exhausted. Try New OST-REX Tonic of raw oyster lnvlgor- ators and other stimulants. Get vim, vigor, vitality. If not delighted rnaker refunds price, $1.25. Sold by. all' good drug stores. . tf I.AM) ACT otlT of Intcntlnn lo npply to l.ear I 1.11ml m Prtndo Rupert IAnl Rocordlni WlliLIAM TRANUia MALliiW February 8U1, X038. to Klemtu. ..rdny ,ApjUJl. V?.3-. PAOJS THREa irr and Mrs. Peter DeJqng .and I II 11 . to 1 - -- MA All li IIUl ' i - . , J L0GAL NEWS N0TES JL m. m mm m Mill I At the United Church tomorrow, 11 a.m., reception of new members and communion. 7:30 p.m. special music by the senior choir. (84) Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKeown who have been visiting here with In the city on the Princess North , their son, Charles McKeown, re turned to Vancouver ton the Prin cess Adelaide last night. A decided improvement was re Satisfactory progress is being, Dortd today in the condition of In- made by A. o. Frames wno is a pa-isp-ector Jonn A. Fraser, who has tlent in the Prince Rupert General 'been in at hJs home for the past Hospital suffering from pneumonia. He has passed the crisis pltal board meeting last night that is attending school, to spend the ' the hospital was oulte busv at this Easter holiday season with his hospitals in making arrangements! tIme- parents, Col. and Mrs. J. W for the handling of these "problem -, Nlcholls. cases under the hospital clearance problem. Before any action can be taken, the attending physicians must be consulted. The government holds the municipalities definitely responsible for such cases. Henceforth the hospitals are required to turn In certificates covering each hospital Inmate coming under this classification. . POWDER N C UlANl 4 rousHts UNDCm. Mfltaotl 1AM KAAKM The provincial department of couple of weeks following a stroke. John Nlcholls arrived In the citj on the Princess Adelaide last night from Vancouver Island, where lie Mrs. George White, who has been In hospltaL is nov at her home on Fourth Avenue East and is planning to leave for San Fran- I Cisco with her. son, Julius G. Whlte; on Thursday of next week. While away she will probably also visit with her other son, Isaac C. Whit'! of Los Angeles. Howard Chambers, manager of Klemtu Cannery, arrived In thi city on the Cardena this morning from Victoria where he spent the! Mrs. Edward Schuman was brought to the city seriously IL' from Terrace on Thursday night'f train and Is now receiving treat ment at Prince Rupert General Hospital. She was accompanied to the city bv Mrs. Stanley Mills and Mrs. Nigel Sherwood who returned Copy f j of a " questionairre from - ... the j British Columbia Hospital Assoc-' monthly report on inspection oi tne ilatlon seeking Information regard-local hospital buildings before thelng hospitals was presented at last hosDltal board at Its regular meet-i night's meeting of the local board, lng last night. The report showed i the managing secretary stating that the fire alarm systems to be in gooa tne local nospitai was one oi mne- , order as were furnace rooms ahd ( Wen In the province which had an- JlUU2clwcpi5 V W . v.. w. I 1 The regular monthly -meeting of Ihe board or directors bf the Prince , Rupert General Hospital Assocla-) Hon was held last night in the hos- pltal. President G. P. Tinker was In the chair and others present were Mrs. H. L. Landry. W. D. Ful- 'ton, F. A. MacCallum, Frank Dibb, W. M. Brown and G. V. Wilkinson, directors and H. W. Birch, manag ing secretary. Reference was made to the absence through Illness of Norman A. Watt, a member of the board, and Miss Jean Harrison R.N., ladv superintendent. Business was largely of routine nature. FOR SALE Modern 2-storey nouse, .- f , - 4 concrete piling, 7 rooms and bath . NllfCgS bradUatlOn lia am nvc. imw- Rorie, Trustee. '88) FOR SALE Furnished cabin. Ap ply Seal Cove Post Orilce. iboi LOST Exercises To Be Held Next Month I lost Black and white male cat.l The hospital board, at Its meeting Phone Green 994. yo last nignt, jeu arrangements ur PEKSONAL WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as i.ei- Stenographers, etc., and can-help you. Write us for proof, free information. M.C.C.I RMinnlB Ltd.. Winnipeg. Oldest If. the forthcoming nurses graduation exercises in the hands of the lady superintendent, Miss Jean Harrison R.N. The eraduatlon will take place ' next month. Registered Nurses' ex- PAY TO MAKE CAMP POINT PELEE, Ont., April 9: (CP) Following the policy applicable to all national parks in Canada, a toll charge Is now being collected tor all camDers In the Point Pelee gov eminent reserve. Picnickers and Sunday tourists are exempt from the fee. o1. on Doinw Island on the it ule 113. of Lftina PBae Take notice that I, William Fnmcla !' Mirtln of Campbell Island, bccup.T Men t merchant intenid to apply for it lwe of the following dicrl!ted lamds: Oonuneitvrtng at a joct piauwn vn RED CROSS ACTIVE TORONTO, April 9: (CP) Work rtf the Canadian Red Cross Society in 1937 was the heaviest since the Great War years, Col. A. L. Bishop honorary treasurer, told the an nual meeting here. Receipts were $1,273,781 and (expenditures $1,279, ARCHER WALLACE STAYS TOttrtNrfrV Anrll '9: YcP) Rev AvrWVr WMHrK nssbntate editor of I shone w Alarm cove uiic ix cbtiM : .. .,v . uhurcll Sunday School nub- fiouthi inence iwive cnaiiia ummk - . , BlX cnaimi norwi; viia. rjicaiiOIlo, uciiicu u m.w wvm.w . a nrtl . . r.f itnm m IttmMI . mil I ... . 1 , . tbv i . retire soon to newiuunaianu. ne is rOlVuainillB ' WK4 UllcniUHlW w.ivn. I .... . , .a. nl" 1 tuiU vacations, he said, Soldiers' Grave Tag .Day Is Helb! Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Or der, Daughters of Empire, 'Is 'Conducting Annual Canvass The annual tag day by Quefrv Mary "Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, to ralss funds for the maintenance of soldiers' graves Is being held today Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. William Brass are In charge at headquar-1 ters In the Canadian Legion club-rooms. Taggers are Miss Jean Ayres, Miss Eleanor Carr, Mrs. J A. Teng, Mrs. William Brass, Miss Margaret Carr, Miss Hilda Bond Jummy Stuart and Maurice Teng. Engagement The engagement Is announced of Evelyn May, younger daughter of F. W. Dalby and the late Mrs. Dal-by, Prince Rupert, to William Balagno, Seattle, Wash., youngest son of Joseph Balagno and the late Mrs. Balagno, Victoria, B.C. The wedding will take place quietly on Saturday, April 30, In Seattle, Wash. HOTEL ARRIVALS winter. He will spend the week- Jr.; E. S. Wadsworth, Montreal; H public works had a letter before the end at Inverness and proceed jW. Chambers, Klemtu local hospital board last night in- uuesaay anernoon on me uataia dlcating that it was not Interested in a boiler which the hospital Is en Royal S. T. Magnusson, city. Prince Rupert H. C. Brunyer and E. E. Bohney: N. R. DesBrlsay, assistant pas senger traffic manager, western lines, Canadian Pacific Railway, Winnipeg, and Mrs. DeBrlsay were here aboard the Princess Adelaide last evening making the round trip north, Mr. DesBrlsay was formerly general passenger agent foi the company at Vancouver. Why Buy Sliced Bread? Customers Say They Like It Because It's Sanitary -k Economical tt Convenient -k Good For toast It's Wrapped It Is Supplied in Prince Rupert By Van's Bakery I WANT TO WORK FOR I I I I I I I I YOU am a salesman. am considered the greatest salesman in the wbrld. Visit thousands of your customers and prospects every day. am always available to tell them about jour products or service. offer Information and (rufd-ance on what to buy, and where to buy it. have made a great tieal of money for those who employ me steadily. am well knoVn to you, for yVu see hie every day. am your newspaper. THE DAUA' NEWS N ovv on Display Smiies'n Chuckles EASTER Novelties Priced From 5c to $1.00 We Will Hold Any Article Until Easier PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Ormes Ltd. Uiift Pioneer Druggists The klexiU Store Phones: 81 & 81 Open 'Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 a.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Satin-Glo Finish Satin-Glo Enamel SATIN-GLO WEEK The annual Satin-Glo Sale is on this week. With a wide Tange of beautiful lints from which to choose, rooms that may be tiull and dingy can quickly be transformed Into bright and cheerful surroundings. 25c 50c 81.00- Off Pints Off Quarts Off i:-"f Gallons Coupons Supplied Upon Request THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE Phone 101 Satin-GIo Varnish De Luxe- Wall Tints MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Rubber Door Mats Ideal for this SI 00 climate . P.edroomMat $1.00 27x54 -- Stools Covered In tapestry. Splendid value. 350 Each Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T. S. S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 P - Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. Doe Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleas purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservatldns and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 1 be per Package For Lunch oh toaster!' Sandwiches or Ilors d'ocuvre One Packagfe Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator ft 1 1 urn