Today's Weather prince Rupert Raining, routh-ea?t wind, 12 miles per h' 29.38; temper .a moderate. XXVII.. No. 81. 4 . t Vs. 1 . TTitlr venture in iu nurrnqn man In th in 1. Lilt: utiiiiw" ---- fhe Piieh- r will renew with increased vigor insistence on return ui ucr Tho r.orman npnnie ueueicuiy IUV w V I w 1 I 4V.AVM lllfUf i .Li 1 . A nAnnrA1 i t f nT . Aim towards any objecti ve hlle the chancellories of Eur- , . , . Military efficiency and thorough- Nazi reirlme Rpfflmentatlon nn mtii i ... u i i i .-. i t n ni r y into every lorm oi me, ai nine, at work and at play. The 're-birth" of the nation .3 1 17fn ll n L A V. L. mnif fft nil rllnn rt M it-i or TTU1aHih i i . - ium J W WW.."" Mm. . , . . - . .it ia ,t ueim-Boa, nis uuu:c w everybody's lips throughout day in the salutation. "Hell -- ma pitiure is annual, ua Pmmonplace a the swastika em- rm and every factorv and public 'Uildlntr rtlsnlou. V,lo Vnct In j-v..M. in a prominent place. "ut. the German believes Hitler's irn Dtrn . ... ... a wi.-in. uerman minorities in tfler lands will always remain a Vl" concern ot the Reich and the government Is keeping close watch 11 the treatment of German na "onals in Czechoslovakia the new Powder keg of Europe. A RprmnM n ... .. i ri i 1 . . w. -"...un ujiuy uiiicer ulceus Jf'B the ne subject subject said: said: "A "A power - v. vuitittic iii-vieuuiieuii ui vv riaim. i r.Ai..n.f rh - "ins rjermnmi u..n Kf0 -'V...J iltUOw J1U.VC ilUVCO Continued on Page 4) v ESULT OF PLEBISCITE Ills Aim She WILL ENDORSE HITLER; NEXT MOVE INTRIGUES n.. Q.rno. Kvnorts Dor Fuehrer Will Start Fresh Campaign For uclurn oi l'ormcr rosscssions i npDi.TM AnriH)' (C,P Thp nntpnm'p. nf tomorrow's rliKcitc in regard to Chancellor Hitler's recent action in 1 ..w - t i ncri'ni m L" 11 uii u 'iiirii'iii w 1 1 1 in :i l .r in n I 1 1 1 .1 1 1 v . Aiini 1 in -n .- it 1:11 ti.c uui uiii 11 111 kj s it ,ost unanimous. Word was received last night of the re-jlts of the plebiscite as conducted aboard a German Peru for . L.t.1 UA? vv ' onH Austrian resident In m. mmn w-k "" 7 7 uii. inlJUL IIIIIL Pmiih Ampnran riMiuuni.. ai .rr. n at ri r nterest centres not so much In . result of the plebiscite as to 1 XL .LC A DECISIVE atDer Fuhrers ; nexi: move w Agreement With Italy To titer the vote. Many brieve that Re Coy,lcludcd SoonKciteratcs will be followed by further def In-. Compromise As I. MAM i1TIOC 1 BIHMINGIIAM, April 9: (CP) ) Speaking here last night, Prime Minister Neville Cham berlain announced that a friendly agreement between Great Britain and Italy would be concluded and published within a short time. Premier Chamberlain explained why he had refused to definitely guarantee aid to Czechoslovakia in the event of at-tempted. jiaiifjcatioju. He. had been actuated, he said, more by desire to save lives of men and women than to save money in uairlne war. He was determined, said, to sec the govern- mcnt's rearmament program 1 ucunauy ruiei'iu unci nnwu" .... t ...... . . I 41.rn.oh hl hlst mP.THS 01 in- . .... i i tnr nv iniprnai iiii ncaic. nn nmnn.,Mw rt-iM Ahui Ann nii ou...... . . . . . - ..;z . . . r v. . . ' Lxisiun must De preparea vo in,"" VILLAGE IS FLOOD HIT No Less Than Thirteen I)sc Their Lives in Whltestonc, Georgia ATLANTA, April 9: (CP)-Thir-drowned In iCHALLENGE FOR JAPAN Nipponese Minister of Navy Sees 'X liis as Result of Britain and France Abandoning: Tonnage Limit KOBE, Japan. April 9: (CP) Ad nounced decision of Great Britain and the Un ted States to abondon the C'.OOO-ton battleship limits of the London naval treaty "must be Interpreted as evidence of their In tention to oppose Japan." Yonal said that Japan was not building "bigger ships at present" but that the British programs might compel revamping of her na val program. Princeton Having Small Gold Rush Rotten Quartz on Copper Creel; Towards Hope Mountains Found To Contain Free Gold PRINCETON, April 9: (CP) A smau goia rusn up supper iccj toward Hope Mountains has de-1 veloped following the discovery ol free gold in rotten quartz. OPPOSED TO CONCESSION Reduction of Lead and Zinc Tariff Would Only Benefit B. C. Mine, Washington Hearing Is Told WASHINGTON, D. C April 9: (CP) Representatives of base metal mines In the southern statet yesterday told the public hearing on the proposed new trade agreement with Canada that a reduc tion in lead and zinc tariff would oenen henefit onlv oniy the ne Sullivan (British t' flood waters which swept away a Bombings in Spain and China In-general store at Whltcstone, Oeor-1 spire Increased Order for Anti-vntir hnHiPs wore recovered. J. Aircraft Armaments u t-w-vi Kit ii i it i . t r TMiWtnir at anin .niiiiiiui tui i -.. as in economic eclipse, In a stato respondent, sent this report to his WASHINGTON, D. C, Apr! 9. 'bankruptcy, with unemployment j paper from Jasper, Georgia yester-, (CP.)-The aerial bombardments in ie irfnv t tne opanisii umu-vp..... ... t , 1 1 I . I 1 (kn tnn- the southeast. Halibut Sales Canadian Covenant, 21,000, Cold Storage 7.3c 'and 5c. D. ' S. T., 3,500, liooui. u.vv. " 4c. Weather Forecast .Furnished through the A Bureau l at tl.i Dominion Meteorological Victoria and Prince Jtupert J. power- t u 'VdVe,. the so self -reliant nation of 70,000,000 oTendTng's Tm. tomorrow). Z l General Synopsls-The pressure -ct i ,"LW1 ." is been mild with light showers ...v. necessity ucvessity arises arises. .. bju.v r.i.,mh n ana I'ok Far Ahead Restoration of her former col- possessions, however, re- an ViPriYinnv'e malni. fTrlav- in Southern JurHiaii vu.....-... the North Coast rain .ill on uii v..v -- to strong' lotte Islands-Fresh south and southwest wmos, cloudy with occasional iigni "west Coast of Vancouver Island r . ..v,fnsf tn south winds mostly' fair today, more unsettled late tonight. I program for the year. THREE IN CONTEST Liberal Choice for Dcwdncy Al ready Made Conservative aim C. C. F. Conventions Next Week mtrston CITY. April 9: (CP) C. Fi will Thursday. name i . . . ... it.- A thrce-corncrea contest in u-provincial by-election for Dewdney scat to fill the vacancy in the Legislature caused by the recent death of Dr. Frank P. Patterson, Lcadex of the Opposition; is assured, Wlth D. W. Strachan, former member, already chosen by the Liberals, Conservatives have next AUesuay iur tucu uum- Prince Rupert and Queen unai rhar-'Set , c nUon whUe & TPrAcvi in anuiifc. , ... its candidate on LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDOON, April 9: (CP) The London gold price was down lc at $34.98 per fine ounce. ' tin no Lonnaence In President I WASHINGTON, D.C., April 9 (CP) President Franklin D. Roosevelt received what might be construed as a lack of con- ildence firipnpo vote vote vesterdav yesteraay when wnen EDMONTON, April 9: (CP) De- (..tlnir n mntlnn tn plve a Six . Ai.nv n a nn ninor i iim i i ih r h.vm- i They were promised an immediate investigation Into their complaints. Tomorrow Premier William Aber- hart will visit Calgary. In connection with his visit there, a demon stration of unemployed is planned. The workless will assemble at the j Prophetic Bible Institute where the : Premier is scheduled to speak in the 1 afternoon. i Simpson Child Is Dead Today Herbert Frederick Morrison, two year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morrison, formerly of Hazel-fnn TVio funeral will take nlaee at 5e iPitWS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1938. ove To Abolish London If.lRl. IS HEROINE Twelve Year Old Alice Rogers Rode Bareback To Get Aid For Injured Fliers in Alberta MILLET, Alta., April 9: (CP) Alice Rogers, a twelve-year old giri elrl. was was the the heroine heroine of 01 an an air- air- zatlon committee the admms- Pnnee Coune. aeed 28. was serlous- jl troHnn1. irnvdrnmpnf reorean- l inlnreH nrhllo Mpnrv Knpnpn v. u v.u.. o O - (J J ...J UIVU - - . - - - i j Eagle Co. I ONDON. lruJyi April linn i7 9: . ' (CP) wells. "Inherently unjustified is the -' - British view of the expropri cabl.lg c ...ww.w.. -v rt- ( v,h uict in the nrodnc.tion tax.iation The company stated it was v v - - luuiitii Jiuiuw i--- the sixth session of the present Al- ready to discuss the labor question UoiumDiai mine oi wie iuusumw-,-- - prorogued ,h w ted Mining & Smelting Co. UNCLE SAM IMRESSED berta Legislature was by ion an equitable basis. the Lieutenant Governor. The house j had been in session since February 10 and royal assent was given to 102 bills. Following prorogation, Social Credit members of the Legislature are in caucus today and will return to their homes at the first of next week. A sneclal committee will Investi gate relief conditions In the prov- lnce, the unemployea situation De-comlng increasingly serious. One thousand unemployed marched to the legislative buildings u that has been swept away by! Reports last nigni raueu "- wars nave so imprcu w d delegation of ten death list loiai io 101 gressioiiai uuuaijr - - ortmittert tn interview members admiuea TO interview memueia ... ... ,ih .inrf n .uf it v.,s rforlHefi tn recom- ' was oi tne rain, onuw lVB jk ...w uv.,.- OBJECTION IS VOICED Libcral Association Opposed To Votes for Doukhobors SafreTorm the franchise to the Doukhobors. SCOTLAND I The! . . , , . , . British government yesterday call- Jobs Open For 0 Lakchead Lads, . to ,et restore tn to the ihJ Trained To Do Many Things cd upon Mexico i Mexican Eagle Co., a British- owned concern, its expropriated oil GRAND FORKS. April O: (CP)- Tlie Grand Forks Board of Trade and Liberal Association have passed resolutions protesting to Ot tawa at the move In proposed el- WINS OUT I Defeated England One to Nil International Soccer Game Today In LONDON. April -9: (CP) A first' half coal bv Tommy Walker, Heart , of Midlothian forward, gave Scot- ; land its twenty-ninth victory ovci I . . .. u . . . Enttland in the concluding interna- Two-Year-Old Herbert Frederick BnjJ soccer match of the season Morrison Passed Avvay Early od SCore was one tc This Morning leaylng ScoUand and Jn, . land tied one point behind Eng land in the final International The death occurred at 6 o'clock ' nmnptninn staridintt. (ui MAt-nlnrr of Pfirt. Rlmncfin nf i WINNIPEG WHEAT i ,..u.o wheat fntnrns futures were were nn up 2V4C 215P.' Port Simpson. Besides the parents, nipeg there art three children In the to 3c yesteraay wim way cios... family. .. , . . at $1.26y8. Well FORT WILLIAM, Ont, April 9: (CP) Ontario's first comprehensive forestry school has finished its first season's operations and 30 youth have graduated as real bush- men with Jobs open for every one , oi mem. The stuaents, between 19 and 23 ft. nnrt pntirelv in- they would come out to civilization all right,'' said Sol. J. Cowan, their Instructor. Training was under the Dominion-Provincial training scheme. Ship Broke Up In Ocean After Blast LONDON. April 0: CP T.tnvrU tnrlav iennrt?d that : the 5000-ton Greek steamer ! a. lvnnt tfvllene which was bro- , .UUUll. J ..v..-. ken in tw6 by an 1 hiinrtrerl milps I north" north" Of Of omorrow s Tid es High 10:05 a-m. 18.7 ft. 22:41 p.m. 19.5 ft. Low 3:51 a.m. 7.8 It. I 16:20 p.m. 5.5 ft. i 1 u w -w- 1 1 'Agreed on Supreme Court As Last Is Taken Resort i( (rm,n Vn,i miirf; nt-v t . . , .. miral Mitsumai lona, minister of, it-nresmtatlvea w.v m Tmnnrfnnt Jiirl r al Pleasure S Before Parliament na!y,J. .e.ar6S. I (' sent sent back back to to special special reorgani- reorgani- whlch which Reeinald Reeinald Huttenpotts Huttenpotts of of! , Sornnrl Tienrliiur as Adjournment for Easter RCCCSS ization Dili wnicn naa aireauv t owner ana mioi. aeea was less' .. , for been amended In various ways seriously hurt. After the crash, I OTTAWA, April 9: (Cr ) With a move lor aDOlltlon in the effort to compromise Alice rode bareback for a distance ' nf anneals to the PHw Council front decisions of Can- with the insurgent Democrats. of six miles to the nearest tele- J a(jjan COurtS now Under Way, Parliament stands adjOUrn- action of the House means phone t0 call an ambulance which , . The Fn-;rpr YesterdaV Rt. Hon. fni-rnio-Vit'? ed for a f Oltnight S 51 recess recess. "Sruay Ht nun. virtual virtual rejection rejection of of the the bill bill took took Huttenpotts Huttenpotts and ana Koenen Koenen to 10 --- -. . to the : . which would have given the hospital in Edmonton. Millet is Ernest Lapointe, minister of justice, came support n-jj- to -.,., 'reorganize J. thirty Vilrt miles miles south smith nf of Frfmnntin Edmonton I of Unn Hon. P C. IT H. Pnhnn Cahan as 95 tVlP the fnrmpr former Conservative Conservative Secre beCrC- President power government bureaus by re- shuffling or abolishing agen- cies. It was considered an as- tnnsViintr defeat, for the admin- w - kUMUiutitj istratlon. It thrusts, upon the White House the threat of a party rebellion against key proposals of President Roose- velt In his second term. HOUSE HAS Alberta Session, in Prcss Since February 10, Comes to Close Workless Restless Jemonstrations of Unemployed Take Tlace in Edmonton and Calgary Crop Outlook On Prairie Brighter March Rains Have Provided Generous Reserve For Spring Seeding distorted the constitution of Cana- WINNIPEG, April 9: CP)-Crop the fee Fath. prospects on all parts of the pralr- Confederation had intended ies are much brighter than tney . Parllament to exercise were a year ago. March rains have , provided a generous moisture re serve for spring seeding. PROROGUEDiBRrnsH reouest;p ii r m..!.. 4a itfn Fir - (jail IIP'"! ... iv. i ii. . tary of State moved the second reading of a bill making the Su- ' preme Court of Canada tribunal of 'last resort for Canadian liti-I gants. Mr. Lapointe, however, fav- ored full investigation before any final action was taken. The seventy-slx-year-old Mr. Cahan charged that the Privy Council and had political and legislative as well as Judicial power which was never intended. 1 Chief opposition to the bill, which now stands for second reading, came from the Social Creditors. Forestry Grads proprlated Oil Wells to Mexican A Snlf.KPIianf DALADIER PREMIER Promises New Strong Government For France By Tomorrow Following Blum's Resignation PARIS, April 9: (CP) Edouard Daladier, minister of defense and as such chief of French defense forces since the first Topular Front government took office in June 1936, today promised the Radical Socialist group in the Chamber of Deputies that he i. would ha. yer 9, strong, government, forirted by tomorrow." iialadier, himself a Radical Socialist, tends to have all parties sented in the ministry which will be known as a national union government. Daladier was called upon yesterday to form a government following the resignation of Premier Leon Blum. INTEREST IN BONDS Applications For Hospital Issue Already Amount to $7100 To Open Tenders in Private Although wwu0 there - - has been no per- jrcaio -t n"v - experienced when they set out xor ronal canvassing so iar, mere nas their headquarters at wnueiisn been good response to tne Donas Forks Board of Trade Ann Lake 50 miles west of hers, where ing offered by the Prince Rupert they trained unaer actual Dusn cuu- ineqai xiospuau Auocinpn xui ditions. It- new building project. Appll- Durlng three months they studied cations for. bands already received forestry work, tanning leather, re- total $7100, it was reported by F. pairing snowshoes, cruising timber, a. MacCallum at the meeting of the drafting and mapping and hun- board last night, while there is an- dreds of other subjects. other $4000 in sight. The board has "Drop any of them out of an air- little doubt now that it will be eas- required to make up the $100,000 building fund. Tenders for the new hospital unit are closing today and the board will hold a special meeting shortly to open and consider the bids. It was decided at last night's meeting of the board that the opening of the tenders will be conducted In private. Correspondence In regard to the 'new building was received at the meeting last night from Boultbee, Sweet & Co. Ltd., Vancouver; Lemon, Gonnason Co. Ltd., Victoria; Dominion Sound Equipment Co.; Rolefson Elevator Co.; Dominion Building & Construction Exchange; P. W. Graham Contracting Co. of Valentla station had picked up Moose Jaw, and the provincial de- distress signals reported irom partment oi puouc wu.k.j. Weather rennrls showintr more explosion favorable conditions down the coast than here Knunrlmn Leader R. L. the Azores. "The ship has been McLcod and his two Royal Canad- . . . . . i X - i t ...iiu. jr. kmlfAn In wrt hv nn pvnlosiOn. f , ian Air f orce uying routs, wiwi both parts are separate," the ' party of eleven In all on board, message said, rne uerman t noppea oil tnis morning on tne re- WINNIPEG, April 9: (CD Win- liner Europa Is steaming to the turn trip of a routine service flight J. rosene Un the ooast from VanCOUVer but found it too thick outside here ana . t returned later to Seal Cove.