PACT FOOT I s rirst tar Over IV 4 1 iMonkmanPass Amas vjreeung waras The Finest Selections Ever offered in highest quality. Liberal discount and cabinet of initial notepapcr if order over 18 cards. ISLANDS WEDDING Gertrude Blount Becomes -Bride of Lawrence Rennie of Port Clements at Tlell An event of much interest on the : morry was performed by Rev. W. J ;selder, United - Church pastor ,:wueen Charlotte City. The bride looked charming in an 'ankle length gown of. old rose peb-' ble crepe with pleated skirt and Cards That Arc New and Different .Expressing Holiday Greetings in a New and Friendly Way Visit Our China Basement HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist ! puff sleeves completed the ensem- bride. iCTiii13iaa.tnBiww.1111. - ' 9x12 . 9xl0i $12.00 9x9... ?au o-riece Chesterfield Suite A modern suite built with genuine Kay , 130.00 Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 " w p.m. . 0 0 o 0 8 o 0 0 0, 0 0 o 0 0 5- . . ' g draped bodice. A bolero jacket with cake which was duly cut by the ble. In her hair, the bride wore a I Later In the evening many friends j wream oi orange oiossoms and she of the bride and groom gathered In i carried a bouquet of white chrysan- the Port Clements community hall themums, rose carnations and to extend their felicitations t0 the maiden hair fern. couple. An enjoyable evening of The brine iv fttfenifent m. Qancing iouowea witn music by F. K. Richardson, wore a long dress of yellow organdie with a wide brown sash. She carried a bouquet , Queen Charlotte Islands t0ok PelZ J! ,,' Wlth malden hair fern- recently at the home of Mr. andjmUmS ;Mrs. F. K. Richardson, Tlell, when Francis Richardson acted as Miss Gertrude Grace Blount, eldest! groomsman. "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.' ,, . iBlount of Vancouver, became the! ng thc ceremony. a de-brlde of Lawrence James Rennie j "htful wedding supper was serv-"only son of Mr. and Mrs W Jied- Those Present- addition to :Re'nnie of Port ciemnts Th. ine weaamg - party, - included Mr. - ...u.u. iJlc lame was cenireu with a lovely four-tier s GHW m I u needn't grin and bear a cough due to a cold. Get Smith I I Brothers .Cough Drops! (Black or Menthol,) only 10((. 3, I I SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS I James Denholme. Hubert Husband. ! and Mrs. Rennie, the parents of the snow viua ..iB'uom, groom, and ana Mrs. Airs. J. J. L. L. Luske Luske. Pat Locker and SM1THERS The first fall of snow to arrive In Smlthers came down throuEh- out Saturday night and, by Sunday morning, there was four inches of snow on the ground. The weather I remained mild, however, and thf has practically Thp .min . 1 . w w..., j.iu. a. .z . t . . . in tne Bulkley Vallev While thpr? wedding has been some lack of moisture making their own firecrackers re-l . Ja" he gather has beer suited In nalnful injuries for both.! lumerwise iaeai rrom the farmersiThpv snffomrt disanriflarp-: oi , ., . uic miuw is mreaieninn. 111?!. Blyat"land ca" be expected at timel any tired tired in In , , a gown of dove wing. grey, as it Is considerably overdue when! 6age 01 compared with the rZaT. JriT.'Lu. , ordinary season TransAtlantic Air Mail Will Start In 1939 Ol 2' LONDON. Nov. !: CP) LONDON, of a Royal ?Sin!,i0f.VieW.anw'a gr6at deal of.Pwder exploded and one of theml .fall Tail plowing nlnu;inr hoe has Viaa. been ,1 1 ... . ... I done. r.k Price of Barrett and Pet? White of Telkwa have left for Vancouver with Several rar-lnnrU of cattle for sale in that mnri-of Tommy Heslip arrived home at Telkwa on Saturday morning after having gone to Vancouver with a shipment of cattle. There have been a lot of cattle sold In Vancouver from the Bulkley Vallev this fall, probably more than at any other time. LINOLEUMS - AXM INSTERS -CONGOLEUMS Linoleum Rugs Size C-1 O F5f- Axminster Rugs- Conoleum Rugs- Size Qehft c?n 9x10.1 , . . $9.00 a-. rr.' 8-Piece Berlrnnm PnentvLln QQA cn Odd Pieces $6.50 Tea WagonSolid Walnut with drop handle. Lined cutlery drawer way wan glass Mr rj(Z jocihuic po4.JU sk:ks?: SpriE, anA End Table Solid Walnut I'illUWO. . w 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite I $79.50 Bed CompIete-$25.5e rwl "I.. 1.1 .. r-i . Phone (irecn DIG 3rd Avenue centre Ain 'K M,,u "on ret w T : - Mattress, size 4-0. 4-fi. A (Jood Place to Huv Rul's ' You'll Always .'IDo IRcttcr At ELIO'S m B - - i i . .. . ! .iii..,;,,,,,,,! THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday g PRINCE GEORGE. Nov. 9: 0 Prince Georee is Dlannlne will lose at least one finger. Socialists Warn (CP) a nt- ting reception for next Monday in . j connection with the arrival of the 5 first car to be driven from the ' o reace itiver over tne new AionK lixcxiuii uii iiiuii service ucruoo tne " u. io a Atlantic Ocean will be inaugurated' and Louls Hayward is Fairbanks' O - . . .. - . . . . ilirn1 iicAt spring Dy tne imperial Air-'41"4 - ii. ns. 1 l TVlA cfn le Vl f nt r 111 g ways as soon as the Botwood base o in Newfoundland is clear of ice. it t ... was announced yesterday. ' 'Shin Smlrinnr I iff IBekian Coast Is Officially Denied Nov. 9: CP Report Air Force plane ves- cially denied. What was seen wa3 tne wreck of a Swedish ship which stranded two months ago from which salvage ODerations are In progress. Boys Injured In Making Of Their Own Firecrackers Daladier Against Fascist Movement TiMiint s.i.t; Bcaled Venders -will t received by the MlULer Of L ll. At Vlrtnrla n r net latr ttwn nocn on the 28th day iiuiraiKT. iao. zar the purchase ui uaiict to cut 2.706.000 feet of jrucc. cedar and hemlock on an area situated an the portion ot Talunlcwiin Island. Queen Charlotte Lslanls Land DlBtrlot Two (2) yearn will' be allowed fcr re-nvjtal or timber. Further particulars of the Chief For-aBter. Victoria. B. C or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B. C. I.N Tilt ti KXMf; COURT OU ItlClTISII COI.U.MIIIA IN I'ltOIt.VTK In the Matter of the ".Vilmlnstratlun Act" And In the Matter of the Kttale of Jem "" lteaeil. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of hU Honor. W E. Ftaher, the 28th day of October A. D. 1938. -I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Jens Bene, deceased, and all parties havln olaimo against the said estate are hereby required to furnish some, proper'? rJ Ht'r? on or the I' Partly Indebted to the estate are re-1"' ,to pa the amount of their ln-Oebtednofle to nv forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Offlotai AdmlnUtrator. r.,.. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 038 3Ut ot ObW. A.D IN THE HUI'llKMh ,;ot;UT OF IIUITISi, , COLUMBIA in the .Matter of the "AdmlnUtratloii Act" . .. A,ld i in the Matter of the E.tate of Manuel t . uui oy oraer or Ilia made thc uS day oSmtV EZteTi'S.T1 AruitraJor of iu'tj Estate within British Columbia of the Jbove-named deceased, la of Mavo 1 All DeraonA inrf.Kij ..... . T-1 r. .. 7-" . w wwmju estate (,.u , . wie amount ox tneir nutMt- against tne sad efttobe are required to xu the sams 'm,,iv, " . witmin one the aoM Utrmi.uZ "Sou" lul0U regard thereto. Doiterl nt th-i.. itupen, jj. o. thin l&th i iv.,. j . day of October. 1938 NORMAN A. WATT. . Official AdmlnUtrator, Prince Rupert, B. o NEW STAR I IS SHOWN I PARIS, Nov. 9: CPt- With ru-j mors spreading of a nationalist up-' rising in France on Friday. Com-1 munists and Socialists have called! upon Premier Edouard Daladier to! guard the present democratic re-j elme against a Fascist movement. 1 Danielle Darrieux, French Actress, Featured in "Rage of Paris" This .Mid-Week Introducing the beautiful inter - i i n 1 -. n.t.u. . ... ,wuu'"" "a'e"e waxneux, in u,u n t.,.c. Z sTr her lnitll American role screen ,r , 7 day the car will be welcomed at .. . D. . . , ' Parls' a Ashing roman-to Quesnel whence It will go through t(Rage Vancouver. " , le ?omei? CTS s the mldw?fk icaiuic piciuie iu uie screen oi me Capitol Theatre here. Douglas j Fairbanks jr. is co-starred with the versatile French actress who ap-j peared in a number of leading Eur-jopean films before being taken to .Hollywood. Among the featured players, Mlscha Auer has the comedy role of a bewildered waiter Expert- Helen Broderlck plays the part of it. n hitmnrnnc tirnrMlw tirlca n nirace French girl who lands hungry and j broke In New York and has to take a job modelling In the nude for a i famous artist. In her excitement ' at getting the Job, she gets the ad- dress wrong and begins disrobing j In the office of Fairbanks, an advertising executive. Then starts a ! fast-moving series of events com-jblnlng comedy, drama, laughter and love. j T T1 . - T- I terday that a carco steamer had tr r. t.jj 4 of Belgium with a Spanish insui- S . . . .. . ... "ui vantuuvcr, ruwcu rwver unu beni cruiser standing by are offl- n..,. pn. nnri will snll al 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening Whatever Soup you make or buy ALWAYS a ADD little BOVRIL It will greatly improve the richness, the flavor and goodness and make them as nearly perfect as they can be. -17 A Hot Time Is What You Want This " Winter You can get it by usinc our famous Etlson, nulklcy Valley or Nanalmo-Wellington coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE TIHItD AVENUE EAST Phone UEI) 392 INTERNATIONAL TKUCKS IIILUIAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service RAW FUR SEASON Commencing Must Unload Larce Stock 25 Off for Cash Come in and see our goods. Easy Terms Arranged Goldbl oom s New Starlight For Your Eyes . . n imc rorevcr ner . . . rirsi ricture a The meomporefce beauty . . . lf mori btfoyj star in ali Europe . . . who won world octbm in "MAYERUNC, in a comccy-romanc. you'll never forgeil Slazenger's I DURRIIIIX THE RRGE OF PUBIS DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. MISCHA AUER HELEN BRODEMCK LOUIS HAYWARD ADDED "MIRACLE MONEY" NEWS and MUSICAL 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 & 9:00 (At 7 13 and 3 13) TONIGHT and THUKSDAI RULES - BADMINT1 FREE! Get a Copy of the New Slazcnger 'Booklet with Complete Rules, Etc. Ask for One Play With a Slazcnucr Iladminton Racket for Constant (uilit; Every racket made by Slazcngers Is perfectly balanced made o finest selested materials and strung v.1th quality gut Slaienger Is the Highest Standard for Successful Badminton. Sec the Slazcngcr Catalog and Price List for Slazcnger Values Just Arrived A new low price Badminton Racket for beginners The Monarch . . . $3.0! Campbell's Fine Shuttlecocks "Volley" Each "Blue Goose" . . , I RAILWAY I LINES :i3c . :i for . 25. Sl.0 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT November 7th, 17th. 28th, December 8lh, 19th SS. PRINCESS NORAII" Winter Excursion Pare Vancouver and Return-Tien-els on Sale Nov. 1st, 1938 to Feb. 28th, 1939. I'inf Return Limit March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, (icncral Acent Prince Rupert, B.C If you lose anything, advertise for it.