PAOE TWO MEN Here Is Real Value Men's Work Boots in Bolivian Calf and Mennonite Calf. Guaranteed Solid Throughout. With leather or Panco soles, (ircb make Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. P PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In -... $5 CO Paid In advance, per week 12 Paid in advance, per month ! ZZZZZ'IZLZIZ'Z .50 By mall to all parts ot British Columbia, the Brulsir&nplreTnd United States, yearly period, paid In advance ....... 3 00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9,0c ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion , .02 iocai readers, per line, per Insertion , News Department Telephor.s " gg Advertising and Ciiculation Telephone 94 Merhbtr of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Friday, March 25, 193F WHO WINS WARS? '1, PrLm'(; Chamberlain is right when he said that nobody wins in war. In the last war after all the suffering and strain of weary years during which British boys were killed and wounded and gassed and after all the enthusiams of victory it seems that, in the long run, it is the losers who won and that the British and Canadian people are still paying taxes and nursing their invalids for a victory they are still supposed to have won. Neither J ranee, Germany or Italy taxed themselves so highlv as (lid Great Britain to pay the war costs. That is the great reason why our statesmen refuse to commit themselves Jigntly to any cause unless it is found to be absolutely necessary. Doubtless, that is the reason Prime Minister Mackenzie King refuses to commit Canada to any interference in European politics. Possibly the older heads "have in this case been the wiser. e t The other side of the picture is that the nation which is imbued with this depire not rn fin-lit i liuiiv posed upon and in the end brings about that which it was intended to avoid. Had the League of Nations taken instant action in Manchuria when war first threatened, it is quite possiDie mat tne desire lor expansion would have been nipped in the bud. China was victimized and then followed Abyssinia, then China again and Austria and others possibly pending. We agree with the plausibility of the Chamberlain policy but its effect when carried out in practice is often quite the opposite of what was expected. We want peace. We all want peace, But a vacillating policy usually leads to war, it seems. MAY RAISE ORCHIDS . The story is going the rounds in Ottawa that Prime Minister Bennett, vyhen he retires from public life, will retire to England where he has an option to purchase a beautiful home in Surrey with an orchid garden as one of its main features. We hope this is true,- not because we, would like to get rid of Mr. Bennett, who is an excellent citizen, but because there is nothing so restful to frayed nerves as growing flowers, and orchids are flowers which require skilled treatment. This treatment Mr. Bennett could purchase with his millions. Mr. Bennett, says he has not purchased this or any other home but the story is not that he has purchased it but that he has it picked out. He may even yet marry and enjoy conjugal felicity in his new home wherever it may be. Motors, l'he on6 game point, how ever, put the Rupert Motors into at least a ectricians who played their end of the second fixture of the evenine. play by the GyrO Club, which wss unable to make the date and had to defer play. High average scorer was Walter Vance of Printers with 178. Individual scoring lows: PRINTERS R. Franks .134 134 Vance .185 185 O. Franks .141 141 D. Houston .128 123 McCallum .146 146 Handicap 7 Totals .741 741 RUP. MOTORS Taylor .134 134 Menzies .107 107 Jack was as fOl- 1 2 3 128 176 186 162 145 163 161 178 135 131 .777 762 822 1 2 3 147 14C 133 162 .193 143 152 162 19? 148 2:5 17 17 750 886 1 2 3 165 138 222 146 122 94 127 137 117 120 58 58 811 693 Hibbard .122 122 Houston .167 167 Handicap . 17 17 Totals .740 740 ELECTROS Little .114 114 Pottinger 152 152 McAuley . 98 98 McRae .168 168 Format! .175 175 Handicap . 58 58 Totals 865 865 The Commercial League standing to date is as follows: Won Lost Pt.. Printers ,.24 11 24 Electrical Workers ... 21 12 21 Rupert Motors 21 15 21 C.N.R.A. No. 1 18 18 18 1 North . Star J4 , ,16 14 I Gyro Club ..' ,...,..14 16 i4 Biological Station 13 17 13 C.N.R.A. No. 2 12 21 12 TREATMENT EFFECTIVE Glandular Injections Are Given Credit For Wolverhampton's Showing LONDON. March 25: (CPi M Wolverhampton Wanderers win the English football league championship this year and they still have a good chance of doing so rotund Manager Frank Buckley Is ready to give a lot of credit to' gland Injection treatments. These treatments have become a recoenized and valued feature of the Wolves' training since last Oc tober. "As far as it is possible to produce a tireless football squad, the Wolves are that team. We take hard matches In our stride," said Manager Buckley who also takes the treatment. He credits Injections some of his players received with placing the team In the league running and Is collecting statistics for presentation to the Football Association at the end of the season. The report will include comparisons between players who have received gland treatment and those who refused It. Before and after a number of selected matches each player's blood pressure Is taken and his nervous reflexes tested. After a particularly hard game with the then-leading Brentford team on heavy grbund, Majoi Buckley tested his players. Two were not In condition to play another 90 minutes. These two had not taken gland treatment. Latest convert to glandular treatment Is Coventry City, now fighting for promotion to the first division. PROPHECY COSIES TRUE SUNDERLAND, Eng., March 25' ICP) An old-timer here recalls a gypsy's prophecy in 1892 that this city's football team would not win the English Cup until a Scottish Queen came to the throne. Sunderland won the cup last year ami Queen Elizabeth presented the trophy. TEBTMUVT NEWS Jrlday. Maroh - CUPS ARE PRESENTED PRINTERS iRING SHOW I. WIN AGAIN! ENTERTAINS Improve Their Margin of Leadership in Commercial Howling By Defeating Hupert Motors Printers confirmed their leader ship of the Commercial Bowling Tiinmip Inct nioht hu xrlnnlno1 twn ' .Fans Got Generous Serving Of I Pugilism and Gymnastic Team ! Helped to Make Trip A big crowd of local fight fan one" the !Bt ot a a generous generous sming serving of of pugilLsm pugilism garm to over RUpea and a substantial sum was realized to help finance the trip of local thlcteS he Prov'clal eymna temporary tie with the El- tic competition and mass display In Vancouver next week as a result of the boxing tournament staged last night In the Moose Hall under the auspices of the Prince Rupert physical education and recreational centre. No less than- sixty-six rounds of spirited boxing was dished up with wrestling as well as blindfold and barrel boxing being thrown In for good measure. All those present were satisfied that l hey had got their money's worth and there were quite a few who felt that such shows might w?il bear repitition at intervals. Con gratulations were extended to Harry Gordon-Cooper, director of tio recreational centre, and hfs assistants who had worked hard to make the affair the success it was. The main event of the evenln? was a six-rounder between Pat Berry, 180 pounds, and Frank Gomez, 190, the decision being given to Berry after a lively content. Berry, although giving ten pounds, was the cleaner boxer and, no doubt, landed the most although his punches were lighter. Had the stocky, slugging Gomez been able to connect it might have been dif ferent but Berry was able to keep out of trouble throughout. On occasion they mixed it ud fairiv freely but to a large extent It con sisted of sparring and neither of the boys. were hurt. Darrow Gomez, 148 pounds, and George Ferguson, 150. did the semi final, Gomez gaining an easy and unquestionable decision. Had some nf "Darrow's Wings landed, it night have been too bad for George. Excitable Steve Frost, lfiC lounds, put everything he had in- three two-minute rounds to get 'he call over Dan Healy, 107. Steve lumped and jabbed and got pretty wild before it was over. He would not have been able to keerj un the oace much longer. Everybody but the referee and one of the judges saw that Bill Long, 140 pounds, had the best of Don McCouver, 143, 'but the arbiters called It a draw and that was the way It had to go down on the records. Long built up an early lead, driving McCouver around the ring and landing plenty. Albert Mah, who is more experienced, landed enough solid punches on Stan Scherk to win the decision. Mah weighed 135 and Scherk, 145. Peter Byrne, 135 pounds, and Steve Mentenko. 120, aroused the crowd with real lively action; This pair; evidently, meant business. Little Mentenko, for whom fifteen pounds was quite a handicap, spun around like a top. Byrne was entitled to the decision though. Kosta Killas. 138 pounds, got a clean decision over Alex Bill, 143 on points. He got his lead in the first round and Bill spent too much time leaning on the ropes to have any chance to even the score. The referee did not have to con-suit with the judges to call in favor of Bill Barker, 145, over Norman Hebb, 155. TJoyd Keays, 130 pounds, sparred well enough in the first and third rounds to win the decision over Frank M:Keown, 138, who seemed pretty puzzled. Bob Rudderham, 110 pounds, and Marcel Blaln, 120, provided a pleasing curtain raiser. Blain's weifht advantage was too much for the game little Rudderham and Marce. got the call. All boxing events, except the main one. were .three, two-minute rounders, Benny vVindle was referee and J J. Judge and A. W. Newman, Judges, with Ma Heiibroner as timekeeper. Wrest ling Bout In Graeco-Roman style wrestling, Emll Blain defeated Georg Pierce with two straight fall . Jimmy Brvant was referee. I f Waller Bird got (wo falls out of three over Peter Byrne in barrel boxing. Tlie blindfold boxing by Frank! SPORT CHAT York City's form-upsetting march in the 1937-8 English football cup tournament has ended but Its bid has found a place In the records coveted by northern section clubs since formation of the circuit in 1921. Made up of electricians, chocolate workers, laborers and railway-men, the third division entry hit record books when they reached the fifth round. They bowed out of the funning in the next stage, beaten 2 to 1 by Huddersfleld Town, first division candidate. The cost of this team was about 50 ($250). paid for Feter Spooner, said to be the shyest man in football. The rest were obtained by Manager Tom Mitchell for practically nothing. Their week ly wage bill is 75 ($375), contrasted with the 200 ($1,000) paid weekly by most first division clubs. In Its great cup run York defeated Halifax Town, Clapton Orient, Coventry City, West Bromwlch Albion and Middlesbrough. Coventry, the Albion and Middlesbrough are leading English teams. After York had successfully passed the fifth round with a 1 to 0 victory over Middlesbrough; major loop representatives, h players went to church en masse the next day. Reg Baines, pivot of the attack, read the lesson and Norm Wharton. goilKeeper, played the organ. Rev. G. C. Beach, vicar and former player, said: "We congratulate the York team. I do not see why we should not do so In. God's house. Those of you who Join me In congratulating them say 'Aye.' His sentiments were endorsed. These footballers deserve the plaudits of the football world. They met and conquered high-class clubs and they are consoling themselves that their sixth-round victor was also from their home county Yorkshire. Terrace Looking Forward To Good Season In Tennis j TERRACE. March 25: - The' Terrace tennis club held a meet-' ing under the chairmanship of' Rev. C. A. Hihehliff. Duss were set at the same figure, as .last yea' I as there is still indebtedness Ir Connection with the fine new ten nls court which was constructed in 1937. There Is a good member, ship list and it is expected that the sport will flourish here to an Increasing degree. HOOP GAME STALEMATE Victoria Dominoes Refuse to Accept Association Decision Against Them and Will Not Play j Further VICTORIA, March 25: ICP The' Provincial Basketball Association has rul2d that Wednesday's second , game of the British Columbia men's' ; final series was a draw Instead of a 34 to 32 win for the Victoria Dominoes over Vancouver Westerns. The Dominoes had won the first game. The Dominoes said today that they would not accept the ruling and refused to resume the scries at Vancouver tonight. ( The situation is stalemated. I Iodsklnson, Jack Christopher, Bob' Long, Ted Arney. Ray Hougan, Ian urimsson and Buster Joy, a floe j of youngsters, provided lots of fun and kept the crowd in an uproar 1 Annual Social Gathering of Prince Itnnerf ltr!rle I.nme f ast ! Night The annual gathering of the Prince Rupert Bridge League for the presentation of season's trophies took plac last night in the Canadian Legion club rooms with a good-sized crowd in attendance. Robert McKay, president, was in the chair and Bert Morgan made presentation of the season's trophies as follows: Leaeue championship, Johnson ! Cup Musketeers, received by A. A. McEwen. ' League runner-up, Tip Top Tailors Cup Canadian National Rer-reaticn Association, received by F. M. Davis. Tip Top Tailors' challenge trophy Grotto, received by George Howe. High Individual score A. A. Mc-i ewen, Musketeers. I A bridge tournament preceded the! dinner, turkeys being won by A.I A. McEwen, high scorer, and D. A. MacPhee, runner-up. ; The usual speeches were made during the evening. CHAMPION FED UP MELBOURNE. March 25: CP- Fd up with constant strain of championship play and the relent-1 less publicity It brings, 22-year-old i Harry Williams, Australian amateur J golf champion and a great left-1 handed player, says he feels like; playing only for fun In future. Reach the most people citj and district with ai advertisement in the Daily Nwt FOR KENT HOUSEKEEPING Room with electric range Phone Red 414. G3) KOIt SAW?' FOR SALE -Pontiac Sedan, Radio heater, excellent condition, Phon 842 after 5:30. (75 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelK Propn-tor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate 11.00 up iO Rooms Hot At Cold Water Prince Rupert, a.C Phvine 281 P.O. Boi 191 THE SEAL "f QUALITY ill!? GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by trie only aJmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver) T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TCES- T.S.S. CAHDENA Fit II) AY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticketa Fr6m A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Aeent, Third Ave. Phone 568 1 mm XmKSi Nobody Knocks The KNOX The lYiod I (Jood I'hc Rouim. tr Clean The House f Warm Th Service Friendly The- Kates Are ltiaonaf,e KNOX HOTEL R. Brazil N. si. Unstil REX BOWLING ALLEY ISasement of Exchange, uio rUONE 658 HYDE Transfer 31 S SECOND AVE. Itf SUMMER Hl'RX Dry Wool BIRCH JACK.P1NE CEDAR Satisfaction fiu a ran teed Phone 580 1 j PhoriM 18 and 81 P.O.Boifl FOR fiOOI) SERVICE Try MIISSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables - f" Confectionery - 'iooa 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WBt Opposite Canadian i-H' aOVKKNMr.NT 1.10.1 K cr (Section jnj , f Notion of Application tot Transfer t l lV NOTICE U hereby given tW 25th m Of March next tn signed intends K PP'y Control Board for consent w of beer licence No. 4374, lMU ln known Spruce Of H ate on Spruce Creole, eight Atlln Townslt. upon lnd5r Crt Plawr Claim 'Sally" 8Prt vli BrltUh Columbia, Prince WJi Reglitratlon District, In tne r o.m., from M1U?"BJM Ul ( UUJlt W - " Don Caswell to Spruce t c Limited, of Spfuce Cre, umbl, th Trannftree. , TMV)fl Dated tihU 18tn day : ,038bPROCK CREEK IlOTEt lg in Tin: MTicEMfc rorut of p lOl.tlMIIIA In (lie Mailer of f!' mW Mi" . And " . pjo1 In Ine Mailer of the Archie, Iiwm-1! rf P TAKE NOTICE that oy vp lrooior, W. E fisher, , 1 itoy erf March, A. 0. wtt ' Minted AdimnwMwwT.1" nH Tfl F1:, s hnvdns claims na!nrt . or hereby rnui ', properly verified, to me ? j, J the 18th day of April, A:h7 " all partJC IndcMrtl Jfn t of m,uirl to y the . ww v, IfiKlebtMnesB to me forth t, DATED thda 15th day 1D38' NORMAN A. WATTtf, Official Ad,B.t