PAOE TWO THE DAILT NEWS . L. IRELAND ! Onyx Arch Grip Shoes WINS GAME ISP THE NEW SP R Nh urr MODELS IN ... . OnyxSkoes BY- BLACHfORD ONYX ! The very name suggests the brilliance and elegance of Onyx Shoe styles for Spring! The dainty tie (sketched above) is typical of the luxurious footwear we are showing to harmonize with your new suit or afternoon ensemble. But, a word to the wise, come in early while size ranges are complete! THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA K, SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month Jful If You Are Having Trouble With Your Feet We Can Help You TV F AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avnue H. P PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and umueu amies, yeany period, paid in advance News Department Telephocs Advertising and I'nculititm Telephone j Member of Audit Bartau ot Orrulatium DAILY EDillON 15.00 .12 .50 3.00 Wednesday, March 16, 1938. FACE DREADFUL MENACE wri?ng irJ. MacLean's Magazine, Beverley Baxter, British journalist and member of the British House of .Commons, visualizes the president of the United States making a speech to the people of his country in which he draw's attention to the debt the United States owes td ft n5n-ln sta,ndin y her against Germany when the. Phi llipine Islands were taken, for British capital vhich flowed in and built up the country following the pivil war, for her navy defending her before she was in a position to defend herself, for the right of open trading ?n British ports, for the building up of Shanghai and laying the foundation of American trade in the Orienf for the Use Of thfe British fWf whnU annYrA TTIt.l Pi.i.j to make money during the war, for signing the guarantee ot the independence of France where the American signature should have been, for cancelling her debts to European countries when at the same time the United States refused to cancel hers, for keeping open the decencies of civilization in the face of the onslaught of the tyrants and for her general spirit of friendliness and co-operation. To quote further from the article. . "America and Britain face a dreadful menace in the fa,V fa,st- JaPan Soes on from outrage to outrage in the belief that America will not take her stand with Britain So does Mussolini. So, to a lesser extent, does Hitler. V "Jet America and Britain could restore peace to the Far East without firing a gun. Britain and France together could clear the Mediterranean of every Italian ship iri 24 hours and lock the German navy in the Baltic. . "Does America, in spite of Roosevelt's warning, still believe that she can live on her own flesh and keep the evils of the world outside her borders? I "The most half-witted Babbitt in the smallest town in Illinois knows that such a policy .is impossible. Then is America still willing to live and trade and prosper because Britain makes it possible for her to do so? Or conversely is fclie willing to see all that go rather than support Britain? " "I believe that Americans would like to krt6w th'dse ( ;ruths. The idealism of America is not a myth. There is a passion for freedom inherent in American citizeriship ;hat is wholly admirable. "They fought the mother country to establish1 that iedom. They fought their civil war oh the slogan that ydu "can't have a nation half slave and half free. They came into the Great War because freedom had its back to the wall in Europe. "It would not be just to assume that self-interest is lie only factor in American development, the "tragedy Of .the great republic is not its soul but its lack of vision, its inability to realize that no nation can guard itself against. the destiny of humanity at large." I . REDWINGS DANGERS BEATEN OUT Detroit Definitely Eliminated Trorn Play-offs, Black Hawks Qualifying Detroit, 2; Canadiens, 3. Chicago, I; New York Americans, Montreal, 4; Boston, 4. MONTREAL, March IP: CPl-- The world champion Detroit Red n!ht. The league standings to date: International Division Toronto 22 9 14 134 118 Canadiens 17 12 17 116 124 Americans 18 11 16 98 96 Maroons 13 7 28 104 155 American Division Boston Rangers Chicago Detroit 29 .26 13 11 7 5 9 11 11 136 83 14 140 88 25 DO 139 24 92 122 SCYTHIANS iakatla Monday Night Rr F. MOVTFSAVn B. Roma, B. Postuk. Metlakatla Tigers J. Auckland, D. Prevost, II. Ryan, A. Prevost, B. Nelson, J. Ryan, H. Leighton, D. Leighton. Umpires were A. Leask and D. Montesano; scorekeeper E. A. Leighton, and time keeper,P. Montesano. The trip was made on the Dicky Bay, Captain Pete Leighton. Those accompanying the teams as supporters included W. Beyhon and J. Garon. Old Country Soccer MID-WEEK SOCCER English League West Bromwich Albion 1, Manchester City i. Huddersfleld Town 1, Preslnri North End 3. Scottish League Clyde 7, Morton 1. KEEP UP Scored Clean Sweep Victory In Ladies' Bowling Last Night Vo Retain League Leadership "Rangers Von a clear! sweep three games to nil victory over Telephone Girls last night td retal their unquestioned leadership ir. the Ladies" Bowling League. A frill r tin fnp conn rl rt u : lMA nAT MV ivi k..saau uvb nu Wings were definitely eliminated completely broken up with Blu: from the 1938 National Hockey Birds taking the ruhrier-up posl-teagde play-offs last night whinjtion by taking three games they lost by a score of 3 to 2 to straight from the Merchantettcs Montreal Canadiens, the san-.ejan extra frame being required to team whom a year ago they them- settle the issue In the third game, selves eliminated. The Wirifes st'll! Annette's won over Knox Hotel have a chance to tie Chicago (two games to one and are in Black Hawks for third place buij third place. Big Sisters Idst tr,o the Hawks would have won more; games to one to Our Gang and are games. in fourth place. High average The Black Hawks were defeated! scorer last night was Miss Leah 2 to 1 by New York Americans who Basso-Bert of AHnette's with 212. thus moved into second place in, individual scoring was as fol-the International Division, one lows: game ahead of Canadiens. j RANGERS i Boston Bruins and Montreal Ma- Raybone 24& roons played a four all draw In Berg 139 the third scheduled came last vnr isn illallberg ,115 ... - . iiainnger uy Handicap 26 53 TEL. QIRLS 1 45 Nelson 181 47 McLeod 106 31 Eastman 127 'Peachy 113 05 Anderson 70 57 Handicap 131 35 . Totals .728 33' BLUE BIRDS 1, . Pierce 173 .Ilartwl? 123 'Boulter 113 'Croxford 174 EKeron 183 Handicap ,36 Totals .-.. 807 j let.j Merchantettes-1 Colussl 160 iMadlll ..... 120 Holden 85 The Scythian basketball team McCutchedh ., .117 won two games Monday night when .LaBelle it again invaded Metlakatla. Spectators witnessed two of the snappiest games played so far this sea son at the village. The first game between the Panthers and Scythians got away In fine style. The play was close throughout the first half and, when thu half.f Imo trhlctlo Won' Vio itore stood 12 to 12. In the second ' half the Scythians pulled aWeii and were never in difficulty. The ,-h ff final ?core was 32 to 22 for thejj Scythlans- Eerier . ,. second liame ; In the second game Metlakalla Handicap 79 Totals 674 ANNETTE'S 1 Johnson 232 Dickens V74 Skattebol 202 Davis 153 Basso-Bert 207 Totals 968 1. 120 140 170 ub 143 Handicap 60 Totals 749 was icpre&eiueu ay a luuuiy new OUR GANG 1 string of players Under the name of ciccone 183 Tigers. The boys opened up with a ich 168 fine display of passing and ball Qurvich 123 handling but the Rupert boys, un- Ingram 156 der Ihe leadership of Morgan, scor- Smith 203 ed three baskets In a row and took Totals 833 the lead which they kept through- b, Dickens 172 but the first half. Half-time score fi. Dickens jgg was 19 to 12. The second period of M. Bond lot the game was well balanced. The fi, Rothwell 181 Tigers checked closely and twice y; Alexander 92 threatened to win the game. With Mrs. Dickens three minutes of play left and the Handicap 100 score tied at 34, Rupert scored on a Totals 838 penalty and then managed to. sink a basket thus winning the game 37 to 34. The line-ups were as follows: Metlakatla Panthers D. Leigh- ton, H. Leask, W. Leighton, B, Nel son, A. Prevost, H. Leighton, Rupert Scythians H. Morgan, S. Beynon, J. Campbell, A. Letourneau, 2 164 150 179 176 157 26 2 187 115 105 104 138 131 780 2 181 172 192 134 160 36 875 2 224 178 129 81 151 79 842 2 139 162 146 153 250 850 2 152 204 143 1G5 164 60 888 2 176 246 152 177 194 945 113 161 106 .117 112 107 710 3 198 213 148 238 185 26 Totals 807 852 1003 3 176 225 118 114 110 131 874 3 I3i 201 21G 169 140 36 893 3 181 166 125 160 182 79 3 152 161 157 148 200 818 3 172 162 148 144 105 60 791 3 225 183 150 173 161 892 113 104 83 114 115 107 641 "GOVERNMENT.' MQl'OR ACT" (Kftlon 28) Notice hf Appllraflon far CoiiM-ht T. 511 446 35C 331 311 T 485 496 523 477 486 T 565 45 339 353 T 521 49" 51 45 65' T 45' 50' 41 1 5.T sr, 42? 5CK 55t 39E 454 29f 4K 9? 22: The league standing to date is as follows: .Won Lost Pts Rangers .....21 12 21 Annette's '......l8 15 18 Merchantettes 16 It 16 Big Sisters ;17 16 17 Blue Birds 19 14 19 Knox Hotel 10 17 14 Our Gang 15 18 15 Telephone Girls 10 23 id Reach the mosc peopit In cicj and district with tu Advertisement tn the Dally New. -I to irantfi-r f Itrer Mcriuc ,.E5mcE 18 Mr! 6lvi that on thi 25th 'day 'of March next, the under-slRWd intends to apply to th Uqvut Uontrol Board for consent to tranMei ot ber licence No. 4374, Issued In res-("ct of premteea bejng part of a building known es Spruce Creek Hotel, situ-Me on Spruce Creek, eight miles from AUJn Towmlte, upon lsruto deacrlbed Plsyer CUlm "Bally" ,a Spruce Creek, British Columbia. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Provlnci of British Columbia, from Mllford Qfr- m CaawMl to Spruce Creek Hotel! Limited, of , Spruce fcreek, British Col-i umbla..the Transferee., I Dated this 18th day of February, 1938. SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL LIMITED Applicant and Transferee. SEASON IS ; WINDING W nrioor Snorts Activities Brought To Clo at Booth Memorial School i As a wind-up of the series of in - door eames at the Booth Memorial . School, competitions in mixed' doubles in table tennis and bad- .ninlon were run off yesterday, i Christine Petersen and Bruce S!-' miindsen won the table tennis' and Reidun Klldal and Waiter Col-j ussl. the badminton. ! There we're thirteen teams In Uie table tennis. Semi-finalists were Margaret Lamb and Tsuya Hirano who won from Joan Squire and Donald McDonald, and Chris-( tine Petersen and Bruce Slmund-sen who Von from May Leach and . Ray Haugan. Tne rmai was a keenly contested match with Christine Petersen and Bruce Si-mundsen winning by two games to nne. In the badminton there were CllUwcnty-flvc tenms. The semi-finals 502 523 521 were won by Thclma Doiron and IllJy Gomez who boat Margaret ramb and Teddy CapsUck, and Heidun Kildal and Walter Colussi who won from Doreen Croxford ind Bruce SImundsen. The final produced two very close games Mth Reidun Kildal and Walter "olussi winners. Small silver trophies are being mgraved with the winners' names and will be presented shortly. This brings to a close Indoor 'ames for the season. Other games ilayed were vollev-ball and ;ood- minton but no competitions weit run off. Basketball Is still being played 'here being four teams that play wice weekly. With better weather, other outdoor games wilt be played. Already ortball for both girls and boys has started and football Is also gettlnn inder way. SPORT CHAT Manitoba, home of hockey play ers who have won fame the world! over, has no senior league registered with the Manitoba Amateur Hockey Association this winter but" it will not be without representation In Ailan Cup dompetitidn. Internationals of the Winnipeg Commercial league are the lone senior team affiliated with the M.A.H.A. and will playofr with the Provincial intermediate champions, still to be decided, and with two northwestern Ontario teams, Red Lake and Keh-ora, for the right to enter the western senior semi-final with the Thunder Bay winners. Departure of many ranking plays ers and increased Interest In the junior game In Manitoba have been largely responsible for failure to form a senior division. Opportunity for players In England's National league started a trek to the 'old Jountry several years ago and more ecently senior hockey in other Vcstern Canada leagues proved an ttractlon to Manitoba products. A i'ecrsase in the calibre of the senior game resulted but supporters urned to booming Junior compe tltion. With two Dominion crowns In the last three campaigns inter esi nas-been at play-off pitch mrougnout the present season and the younger players are enjoying me nest attendances in years. Ten Junior clubs operate under the M. A.H.A. banner. C. N. R. trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday3 8 p.m. From the East-. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ; n jpja. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block P II ONE 658 Beats Wales in International Soccer One fioal to Nil i BELFAST, March 16 A second half goal gave Ireland a 1 to 0 victory over Wales In the International tournament aoccbr match played here today. The game concluded the .series for the two countries. England has cinched the eha'hip-ioasiiip. , Farewell Social To Fishermen Is Enjoyable Event Some one hundred persons were In attendance at an enjoyable fishermen's farewell social held Monday night in the Metropoie Hall by the LadW Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran I Church. The proceedings Included a program consisting of an address by Rev. B. E. Bergesen of Minneapolis, readings by Mrs. A. Johansen, piano selections by Peter Lien, vocal .'olos by Miss May Bond, Miss Sigrid Skogmo and Mrs. L. C. Jensen laccampanled by Mrs. H. O. Johnson i and anthems by the church choir. Serving of refreshments and a social hour brought the affair to a close. The committee In charge consisted of Mrs. Sven Skog. Mrs Chris Jensen Mrs P L Peterson and Mrs A. Johan !en " "u I Don't ., ... t f"" tMumtl p trM I .altr MM r. jim! HYDE I Transfer i MU SKCDM) AVE. Dry Woo BIRCH JACKPINE CEDAR Satisfaciion (iiinranlccd Ph one A New Telephone Number i 456 Tax! AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and 0 Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestibk palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Cheaper Feed Having: a surplus of Hulkley Valley wlioat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed ("omiiiitlj Fresh l.ocal Raw And Pasteurized Millt VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 NEW HOTEL , ,j. ZarelU Proprietor -A HOME AWAf FB0M UOME" tui.; 1 AA n SOIioomS Hot Cold ffl Prince Kupirt, Bf j .rnone zai the Central Hotf ROOMS and CAF Phone 81 .., for Best household MRS. O. E. BLACK