arch 1C 1038 wrfn-wtoy, Bernice Palfiier say$ . and today It has in a rather amu in-; Wanner no less than having parties laieiy anu snr evidently tired of waiting and 1 MONKS IK and 81 EMPRESS APRICOT JAM- -4-lb. tin I.B.C HANDY SODAS 40-oz. wood box EXTRACTS- All flavors. 2-oz. bottle 4 -oz. bottle PRINCE RUPERT doz. SMALL- WHITE BEANS- -3 lbs. WGELUS MA'RSlt- fclALLOWS 1 -lb. bag SWEET MIXED BISCUITS- Per. lb. 0VALTINE--tln Medium tin Small tin Phone Large 45c 49 c 19c 3Tc FRES H 35c 19c 23c it decided to force the issue. Once upon a time( I can ve member very distinctly going tc our front door up there and beins greeted by no less than a dozeii eager youngsters, each with a nice ly Wrapped gilt and shining face, calling to see my own younge brother I was then in the midst 29c 98 c 58c 37c of Saturday cleaning irid far front overjoyed. K seemed that all his friends had also Been going in fot parties id a big Way and I guess Peddy was afraid the gifts would run out before his birthday rolled j uu, miu, .w uie young mans dU-Uh f!ntal vt,rri0v hftprnr fnr gust we DID send the children Ur, " " . 'I.f"; n" IVinrrSft Urlili MioU l rt ,. nHj isitt. four mothers h:-.d cxnlanati6nl At lPnst t w0 i V asked me u Bcnurc abie to nip my o'wn.VoUhg 'daugh- birthday was on J-ie coming Sat' ter$ party ln lhe bud and saye urday When I explained that sht hat embarrassment! stii) had several mourns iu wan they said the young lady had bech! Oakland inviting their children to "lui birthday party on Saturday." You I see all her little menus nave omc, the Terms Can He Arranced 1 The New Halo Permanent Pur hair styles must change to suit the 1938 spring bonnets. Let us create for you a more charming and stylish lf f ure. Only genuine oil solutions used on all permanents. i CHEERIO Am MAIL grows WINNIPEQ, March 16: (CP) Air mall service out of Winnipeg has grown greatly and how 19 post of flees In northern Manitoba and On tario are served from here by air W. F. Lough, district director of postal services, said in an address here. i. o. nox 57.1 Miissallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" SUPER SUDS Giant package" PALMOLIVE SOAP-4 bars ROYAL CROWN SOAP Per pkg. NONSUCH STOVE POLISH-Per bottle LILY WHITE SYRUP-2-lb. tin LIBBY'S SAEUR KRAUT 2V2's. SPLIT PEAS 3 lbs. SOUP Per MIX lb. PITTED DATES-2 lbs QUALITY SERVICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Tun Tpinliones For Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt Tin 19c 23c OATMEAL 29c 17c 17c 16c 19c 10c 19c PRICE and Careful Attention MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE HKDROOM SUITES 4-niece Suite 4-piece Suits , ;; 4-piece Suite Jt 4-piecc Suite $76.50 $83.50 00 $13-1.50 327 THIRD AVENUE Modem Beauty Shop Thone947 SSOTlimnAvWfc UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Liave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUBS DAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, ThurS. p.m. T.S.S. CARnEINA r...-. 9:6o p.m. . . , . Sun. Midnight uuf '""y ' t..A tickets at office i convenient pieaso purcnuac i From and TOKu further Information Regarding Reservations A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert ASent, Thira . - LOCAL NEWS NOTES Tea and homecooklns tomorrov.' ru"U ' usl. Pul " Dacic a afternoon. Catholic Hall. Social in ,ICW '"'iiu, we uvea a uu:t evening (63) Well, another old maxim has .too far out for me to do anything I ' come home to roost. I have; always but accept children the situation and serve Mr. and Mrs. wllllam Patm6re( heard that "History repeats ltseir jr " a PO0 e j after a ten-day visit here, sailed by new mining camp on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Leslie J. Martin, sales manager of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd., arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancou ver, being here on company J. G. Nelson, accompanied by th2 minister at Greenville, Rev. W. S. Cooper, arrived In town yesterday afternoon on a brief business trip. They returned to Greenville this afternoon. J. J. Little, general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., was the speaker 'at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today, his subject being "Water Power Re sources." President D. G. Borland was In the chair. Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary In Annual Banquet The fifth annual banquet of tht Canadian Legion Women's Auxill ary last evening was a very er nvable affair, a good turn out o nembers being present. Knmrs bv Mrs. J. A, Teng. Mis: M.iv Rnnd and W. Ranee wert 'ery much enjoyed, also communi y sln-r and bridge, the prize win ners being Mrs. J. Murray. A dance brought the evening to a close. The men of the Canadian Legion waited on tables. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Croxford were pianists for the evening. Miss May Bond was general convener assisted by Mrs. L. Wide. Mrs. H Smith Jr.. Mrs. Nesbltt, Mrs. Law--le and Mrs. Barber. Announcements All advertisements In thL column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. Patricks tea and social evfc iilng, Catholic Hall, March 17. S. X). N. Fishermen's Farewei; Oaiice, March 17. Members ant! escorts. C. V.. S. March 18. Band Pdrents' March 23. Dance, Oddfellow Association Tea, Anglican Tea, Mrs. S. C. Thorn son, Marcn i Recreation Centra. Boxing, .Uaotf Hall, Thursday, March 24. Orange Spring Sale March 25. March 25. and United Church. 26, CIRCUS, S.O.N. Masquerade, March 28. Basketball Dance, April 1, Bos ton Hall. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 6 Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 28. Prince Rupert Operatic Society present the "Pirates of Penzance" Capitol Theatre, April 27 ana United Sale, May 5. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 5. rhones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion E. Thurber, who has been spending some time In the south, returned to the city on the Prince' Rupert this morning. Charles Adam of Stewart, who has been on a trip south, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north from Van couver. v Special Attraction at S.O.N. Fishermen's Farewell Dance, movies "Glimpses of Norway" by P. Myr-vold. Tomorrow night, 8:30. Adm. 50c. Members Free. Everybody welcome. 63) Dr. A. S .Lamb, of Vancouver provincial chest specialist, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Ocean Falls to hold a week's tuberculosis clinic here. He was accompanied by the llnic nurse. Miss Florence M. Er ckson R. N. Helps PREVENT COLDS Specially designed for the nose and upper throat, where 3 out of 4 colds start. Use it at the first sneeze. VlCKS Va-tronol T. D. Johnston, who has been for several weeks in bsquiman taking a course at the Hoya School of Artillery, returned horn from the south- on the Prince Ru pert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cook returned to the city on last night's train from Calgary where 'they accompanied the remains of Mrs. Cook's son, John Crawford, who died here re cently and whose funeral took place In the Alberta city. The Women's Auxiliary to iht Prince Rupert General Hospital met last night In the hospital with the president, Mrs. J. R. Morlson in the chair. Plans were made fot a telephone bridge to be held Mai 6 with Mrs. J. W. Kirkpatrick as convener. Appreciation was expressed to the Christian Youth So ciety for a donation of $24.60, be ing part of the proceeds of a recent play. The drawing for a round trip to Vancouver will take place April 18. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert F. C. Freeman, Dr. C. A. Armstrong and K. T. Vidler, Port Simpson; N. Morrison, H. M. Stevenson, G. W. Fowler, A. Farrow, Lelslie J. Martin, H. A. Muirhead, R. Knox, Miss Florence M. Erlckson and Dr. A. S. Lamb, Vancouver; R. Moore, Smlthers; P. My word, Mrs. C. Fleck, Victoria. Central W. Allen, Skeena; F. J. Hipp, Ter race; Mrs: ii. iauisop, uuimor; Howard Keeke, 'PrinceVkupert, V Knox ? -.if J. W. Hansen and ,0, Soderberg, Terrace; S. Sorenson, Prince Geor ge; R. W. McLebd, city; William M. Wright, Vancouver. Royal R. Weeks and A. S. Zeluk, city; A. S. Frew, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Con don and R. W. Jenkins, Vancouver ' Savoy J. Mclntyre. and Edward Syl varnes, Port Edward. Sliced Bread We are now in a position to supply wrapped sliced bread, all varieties at 10c a Loaf Sold by all grocers or to out of town customers by express Sliced bread Is economical, con venient, makes neat sandwiches, good toast and Is sanitary, Housewives Are Asking For it jVanVJJakery Prince Rupert, B. C. SUCCEEDED SlumGetBW IN MUSICi 1Ul Candidates Who Passed In. Recert Toronto Conservatory Tests The following Is a list of sue- J VANCOUVER, March 16: cessful candidates in exanilnatlonij slums are blamed by tr. hMrt rpp.entlv bv the Toronto Con-l-- .-v. ... servatory of Music in Prince Ru pert. The names are arranged in order of merit: THEORY Associatesliip Piano Written Honors Ruth Nelson; Jean Mae Lean; Mary bell Stiles. GRADE V w Counterpoint, History Honors, Ruth Nelson. Counterpoint First Class Honors, Jean Lean. History Honors, Edith L. Smith. GRADE IV , Counterpoint, History Honors Helen Green J. tlanklnson. Counterpoint Honors, Ethel Cousins. Pass, Joy Green. History Honors, Jean M. Derry. GRADE III J ac- Harmony Pass Ada Brown; Ralph Mo'rin. GRADE II First Class Honors, Maureen Xirkpatrick. ...... Honors Hugh MacKenzle; Wil-Jam Ilunter. GRADE 1 First Class Honors, Anne Wins-'ow. THEORY Grade V Counterpoint, Form Pass, Venetia ,Feero. GRADE IV Counterpoint I Lack I une i ( First Class Honors, Marie Ama- -lio, I Honors-Emily Yamanaka;. Mary Pustuk; Frances Moore; Phyllis Hamblln. en. GRADE. Ill Harmony 1 First Class Honors Annie Peter-1 Stewart Moose Erect Building Lodge in Mining Camp Decides to Put up Structure For Its Own Use The Stewart Modse Lodge has de- Mdpd to nroceed with the erection I GRADE II I First Class Honors, Alex Balllie. : Honors, Elizabeth Borland. I GRADE 1 First Class Honors Margaret Large: Bernice Eastwood, Joan Squire (equal). Honors, Audrey Haworth. f building at Stewart this spring to' house its lodge quarters. The site Is at the corner of Columbia and Brlghtwell Streets. M. P. Murphy has been re-elected dictator of the Stewart Lodge for the coming year, ether 1937 officers also being FOR SALE FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, block 20, section 6. Attractive building site (6th Ave. East) all cleared and basement dug to rock. Will Bell 1, IVi or 2 lots on terms to suit purchaser. You cannot find anything to equal this so Investigate quickly. Apply 608 6th Ave. East (adjoining lots). (63) UPRIGHT Piano for sale. Cheap. Also 8 volumes of "Elson Music and Musicians." Apply Mrs. De Carlo. Phone 567. (65) FOR RENT MODERN House, 229 7th Ave. E, Ann'lv Room 29. Inlander. (68) WANTED Wanted Small furnished house or apartment. Apply City Com mlssloner.t . . .... Uf ) 1ERS0NA1 WOMEN Address hnd nialf hdver Using material for us at homo We sunnly everything. Ootid rati nf nav. No selling. No exper: ehce necessary. Klercihhndiit? Mitt, Box 523 Milwaukee, Wis consln. W of Fresh Air. Sunshine and Exercise Held Responsible SERVE E Hi E RGY ecohio (CP) I Harold ANADIAN Fish and Shellfish ci ' served in delicious dishes that children will love. Fish Is the best food for growing youngsters . i . grand for grown-ups, too. It is easily digested, contains more nourish ment for every penny expended than any other food, and is rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts that promote glowing health. It is the great source of Vita-min"D",the sunshine vitamin that builds sound bones, good teeth, sturdy healthy bodies. Over 60 kinds of Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish are available to you, either fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickled. Every one of them can be served in tasty, appetizing recipes that the whole family will enjoy. Serve fish more often. Vou will find it economical and it will provide new mealtime treats. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. ANY DAY Attention 1 I A61threj. Whlte Vancouver director of school j health services, f6r Ill-health among Vancouver children. "Actual lack of food Is responsible for4 Very few cases. Bad homo con ' aitl6n, causing l&ck of sleep, with absence of fresh air, sunshine and j'efceercise, cause most of the 111-Health." he said. Be wise. Read m want ads. LTH WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Department of Fisheries, OttlWl. . jf. PImm senJ me yoiir free )2-p8 Booklet, "Anj Day i, fu,li . Day", containing 100 delightful and economical Fish Recipes. Nmt. .Wfil DJI A FISH D XV Fishermen! With the FisHTftg Season Opening in a Few Short Weeks Remember Your First Aid Supplies We Carry a Complete Stock of First Aid Cabinets and Supplies Call today and let us help you compute your requirements. Ve RespecYfuliy-KolicTtYour Business Ormes Ltd. TTiih hohleer 'Druqjfists Vheitu stir t rtotiMl il iM Open DHy Prom I .m. till II j.m. Sundays and HoWaiVi rr6m U ..66a till I 1 .m. till t p.m.