'CP. Four miners are believed e been killed Instantly yes- "o'wunu jvaiviuay. t win tQ days at least before the Toduy'a Weather (Oovenmient -lifm.pt l 'trace 31. Cloudy, calm, tempera- .vnnrh it, . ; -rutJgy, caim, 40. L .inu- Aiouay. caim. m. ---wii t-arr ciout v. ca m. 31. i-nrLiv sifiiir u pnim Jrns Lake Snowing, calm, 30. Coalition Unlikely I L0NDoNi March 16: (CP) - -ai circles have been dls- uss'ng the nn.ulhlllla. f o Vij, " government, in- t uu ng representatives of all r oelng formed in view "e grave European sltua- . ' It 1 nnM..li.. i. ti i fcborandOppo- , "Dai5 would not enter rrerMDm,?u:llhPrlme Mln' . .- """leunamberlaln un- - ' MIOUld hp In h t,,t JL -"sency f war miles from the Mcauerrauuu" coast. . . Premier Juan Negrln travelled to Paris yesterday by airplane and announced there that the government of Spain could not hold out much longer unless given immediate and .iihetnnUal ft d. TOO 1' iriitu G AINST DEMOCRACY INSURGENTS ABOUT TO WIN SPANISH WAR, IT NOW SEEMS APPARENT Government Forces Are in Full Retreat as Rebels Near Mediterranean Coast Premier Negrin Seeks Aid From France REBELS HALTED TODAY HENDAYE, France, March 16: (CP) Stubborn resistance by the government brought General Francisco's swift drive to the Mediterranean Sea to an abrupt halt today. Earlier the insurgents had pushed beyond Alcaniz to a point only thirty-five miles from the Mediterranean in their drive to divide loyalist Spam in two. LONDON, March 16: (CP)-It seems evident that the' insurgent forces will soon have won the Spanish civil b t ,... ?n fn retreat last niirht war. oovernmuiit The insurgents were in ! before 100,000 rebel soldiers. L...,.i fi,n ,nin hiirhwav between Barcelona and Val- i encia. After having advanced sixty miles during the past j. wrek. thev were less than thirty BRITISH AIR STRENGTH LONDON, March 1C: (CP) Un- councll later went Into session with!dcr secretary for Air, giving statls-Premler Leon Blum and Minister , Ucs of British air strength in Par- L .iii :.RY VICTORIA, B.C I Today's Weather Tom orrow s (g AM.) prince Rupert - Overcast, rain High 1:50 a m. 22.3 It. wind. 16 miles southeast .hoirers, 14:15 p.m. 21.4 ft. 5no. . . Mmmotpr. 29.32 (fall- r USUI Low 8:14 p.m 2.6 It. . .iri 3V sen. chonnv inn iemHc'""" ' r" 20:25 p.m. 3.8 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVII.. NO. 63. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1938. PRICE: S CEN'IS i I S CZt ,OVAKIA DEFIES NAZI THREATS ; etting Ready For War Czecho-Slovakia, the "lone wolf" democracy of Central Europe, is swiftly becoming surrounded by Fascist countries as Chancellor Hitter and Premier Mussolini extend domination of the Central European nations. The president of Czecho-SfoV4kfti Unset) is strongly opposing Fascist dictators. Above map shows the perilous position of Czechoslovakia in relation the Fascist countries. To meet this this threat these sturdy Czecho-Slovaklan warriors (above) stand back of their countrle's announced purpose of remaining a democracy in face of the rising tide of Fascism In Europe. One of the reasons for this countries Importance in Europe's shaking politics is the huge Skota munitions plant at Pllsen. Lower right, the Czech government controls the plant, which In the last year exended $500,000,000 credit to embattled China. K h A 11 KILLS FOUR ! V. m t at 1 Mint at Klrkland Lake, Ontario ITALIANS ALARMED .Mussolini Assures Chamber of Deputies He Can Defend Their Frontiers ROME, March 16. Benito sollnl promised his people today that Pan-German expansion never would penetrate Italian frontiers but at the same time he pronounc- ed his benediction on Hitler's absorption of Austria. "Our frontiers are sacred." he told the Chamber of Deputies. "We will not discuss them, We will defend them." It was the Premier's reply to doubts of his own people who were alarmed over extension of the German state to the Brenner Pass gateway between Austria and Italy. SITS IN VICTORIA Rowcll Royal Commission Opens its British Columbia Sessions Today VICTORIA, March 16: (CP) The Rowell Royal Commission on federal-provincial relations arrived here yesterday and opened its sessions today. It has been recessed since sessions In the Maritime Province in February. Premier T. D. Pattullo will take the lead In pre senting Important representations of War Paul Boncour. j llament yesterday, said that the alr!for the province of British Colum- Ocrman and Italian troops, J0" ! strength of Great Drltaln now con-lbla. lug Into Spain during ir.e p. " slsted of 109 squadrons of which 123 j Unify Prairies days, are far in exess or wsre at home. The first line air1 CALGARY. March 16: (CP) The gents' requirements, It is saia. consisted of from 1500 to 1750 : Young Men's Section of the Calgary is fcar.j they might be usea bk pianCs. Sir Thomas Insklp, minis-1 Board of Trade will present a mem-France in the event or a . ter of defense co-ordination, said . orandum to the Rowell Royal Com-Czecho-Slovaklan . encroacnm " next Britain mission - at lU Alberta Session urg- Spain And Czecho-Slovakia Are Considered Sparks Which May Kindle European War Explosion BULLETINS would eo about giving aid to Cicclio-Slovakia in the event of an attack by Hitler on that country, a Soviet official said that the Soviet would make a path through Poland if necessary. Czecho-Slovakia does not atually border on Russia. MUSSOLINI'S SPEECH HOME Premier Benito Mussolini, who has been ominously silent in regard to developments of the last few days in Central Europe, is expected to make some i statement in regard to the German-Austrian union and other matters In an address he is about to deliver before the Fascist Chamber of Deputies today BRITAIN WORRIED J LONDON Great Britain is definitely worried about military alliance between Italy anfl Cer many and its' consequences. Such an agreement may have already been reached, it is thought by some. Moscow And Paris Make Joint Plans For Line of Action in Event of Hitler Making Another Move German and Italian Attack From South Envisioned ......o ... ,v ..wctim t PARIS. March 16: (CP) France and Russia agreed Moscow Asked how Russia today that both would fight to defend Czecho-Slovakia if .... . t i T r n u ci.. sne is auacKeci. incorporation ui weiuu-aiuvaMaB 3,500,000 Germans may be the next move in Chancellor Adolf Hitler's Pan-Germanism drive, it is feared. Poth France and the Soviet plan to rush fighting and bombing , ' planes to Czecho-Slovakia if Hitler Czechs To Be Left Alone? . . . . , Ti Mil. . i ... . . (hnl vin 1 utl . . J , . ... Th miriy rtv inousiiii" .. ', .i. tu. .. .tnrm tmnns arc WHY HITLER RETURNED BERLIN' A German army source said today that Adolf Hitler returned hurriedly to Berlin because he had received word that Poland had presented an ultimatum to Lithuania expiring today. Details of the ultimatum are not known but it is believed to be based on a fron. tier clash on March 11 for which Poland is demanding: satisfaction. There have been reports that Poland wants to annex Lithuania but official circles in Warsaw emphasize that Poland rejects any such' idea. B. C.'s CASE VICTORIA Enlargement of provincial financial powers, notably predominance in the income tax field, and blanket re venue raisins' authority were proposed by the British Colum bia government today at the opening session of the Rowell royal commission on Dominion -provincial financial relations Tlie government advocated that the Dominion assume full res nonsibllity for unemployment relief, old age pensions and mother's allowances as well ar power to enact wages and hours and unemployment insurance legislation. The government brief said the. Canadian National oi Canadian Pacific should absorb the Pacific Great Eastern. FREIGHTER IS SAFE VANCOUVER The British freighter Queen Adelaide messages that she has reached vlicl-ter in Trevor Channel on the west coast of Vancouver Island after battling an easterly gale for two hours with crippled steering gear. Bound from San Francsico to Port Albcrni, the vessel earlier wirelessed an MS. O. S." saying she was unmanagc able, five miles southwest of Cape Bcale and was being driven shoreward. The Pacific Salvage tugs Snohomish and Salvage King have rctumned to Victoria Thor Sclvig returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning LONDON, March 16: (CP) Any active steps by Germany in connection with the Nazi minority in Czecho-Slovakia is considered unlikely until such time as the Reich has consolidated her extended po- sltlon in Austria. Meantime, Czecho-Slovakia has received Measure to Make Divorce tasici In Canada Not Favored By All Senators OTTAWA, March 16: (CP) The bill introduced in the Senate by lenator Lendrum McMeans of 'lnnipeg to widen the grounds of 'Ivorcc Is meeting with consider-;ble opposition. Some senators leaking yesterday, expressr: themselves as being opposed to di-"orcc altogether. Others lookcu 'ith disfavor upon making it cas: r to obtain divorces. Senator McMeans' bill would extend the grounds for divorce I.; Canada to cruelty, desertion, Inanity and moral depravity on th'. part of the man. Tornado Sveeps Southern States Sixteen Arc Killed and Widespread Damage is Done as Result of High Wind j ATLANTA, Geoigla, March 16: i (CPi Seven southern states were 1 swept by a tornado last night. Widespread damage was done and at least sixteen are reported killed. Illinois. Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, (Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia jwcre affected. Funeral Notice The funeral of Thora Marie from Vancouver where he went In Johnson will take place tomorrow Thursday, Thursday, . . at at . 2 i . p.m. p.m. .. I Germany, ,. 'have '1750 new fighting ins unification of the three prairie company with the remains of his irom mc u, Ollll. vvi E rWt ardved in SPai". provinces under one government. Infant son, Rol, for cremation. undertakers cnapci. resorts to force to achieve this ob jective, informed sources say. Meanwhile Premier Leon Blum dispatched an urgent appeal to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to join him in Immediate attempts to bring about a Spanish armistice. At the same time Blum requested Britain to take concerted action with France to ward off the danger which he declared a great number of Italian and German troops in Insurgent ranks constituted for British and French communications In the Mediterranean. The European situation is con sidered In French official circles to- fresh assurances from -France day to be deflnitely-dahscrousL-. . and' Russia that she may "the uVmost 'cairTlw Jnecery' If ' pect military assistance from an explosion Is to be'avpldecl, Am- both those countries in the ev- bassadors to. various European ar)- ent of any enroachment by itals have been recalled' to dlscuis Germany. France will resist the situation. even peaceful Nazlflcatlon of , While the Czechd-Slovakian queS- Czecho-Slovakia. The Nazi tlon still causes deep concern, more leader startled the Czecho- immediate interest today crystal- Slovaklan Parliament yester- lized on Spain where the Insurgents day with a virtual demand that ' are trying to divide the government the Praha government comply portion of the country Into two with German demands In re- gard to rights of the German minority In that country. BILL IS OPPOSED parts. So serious is the situation considered that France has mobilized 70,000 troops on the Spanish border j as a precaution against possible at-. tempt of Germany and Italy to in-'vade France from that quarter hi the event of trouble over Czechoslovakia. The supreme national defense council has been called to meet in a few days. The possibility of France having to occupy a large portion of Spain until Italy leaves the Balearic Islands Is also bellng considered. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. March 16: (CP) Wheat was trading today at $1.29 's -n the local exchange. FUNERAL TODAY Funeral' of the late James Malrs, igcd 89, who died earlier in the veck, took place this afternoon Jrom the chapel of B. C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery with nternatlonal Bible Students' As-ociatlon rites. There was quite a arge assemblage of friends. Is Suicide In Vienna VIENNA, Mar. 16: (CP) Maj. Dr. Emll Fey, one time vice- chancellor of Austria during the regime of the assassinated Chancellor EnglebeH Dolfuss, was found dead today together with his wife and son. He Is , believed to have killed his wife i and son and then taken his own life. Despair at recent cv- ents In Austria is believed to have been the cause of the rash act. '