Jack and Jill Shoes F -Published Sole Agents Full ;new shipment just arrived in all leathers, styles and sizes. If Yon Have Foot Troubles, See Us A AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Jhe Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. .PRINCE RUPEBT - BRITISH .COLUMBIA Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, iby Prince -Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue ,H. ,F PUIXEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City, delivery, i by, carrier, yearly penodpaid ln advatce $5.00 Paid In advance. per week , .12 Paid In ;advance, per month '. .50 By mall .to ,all .parts of British Coljimbla. the British Empire ' and United States, yearly jperiod. paid ln advance 3.n0 py mall to all other countries, per year ; '9401' AdvertUIng and Cnculation Telephone 9i Member ot Audit Bureau ot Circulations ,PAILY EDITION HEARS MANY VIEWS Friday. May 6, 1938. during the course of its hearings in different parts of Canada the Rowejl Commission had to listen to a great many views in regard to what should be done to improve conditions in Canada. One of these ramp frnm tha Rvif second place. The Boston Bees won 5 to 2 over the St. Louis Cardinals and assumed leadership of the second division, displacing the Brooklyn Dodgers who lost four to two to Pittsburg Pirates. Yesterday's Big League results were as follows: American League Detroit 7, Boston 5. Chicago 10, Philadelphia 4. Cleveland G, Washington 8. St. Louis 10, New York 12. National League Brooklyn 2, Pittsburg 4. New York 2, Cincinnati 5. Philadelphia 2,. Chicago 21: Boston 5, St. Loute 2. National League W New York 13 Chicago 11 Pittsburg 10 Cincinnati 8 ish Israel World Federation which asked for the scran- i Brooklyn -..- 6 ping ot the present economic and governmental systems' B.ostTon, - 5 ?antLthnn!5f f Shme f a national body without legis-'?hiShia TZZZ lative power to administer the affairs of the country on American Leagu the basis of the ten commandments and the Mosaic law. Cleveland 11 These laws, according to Re. It. J. Springott, Dominion New Yor 11 Commissioner for the Federation, provide for a uniform 'f,?5? . ? system of taxation, for the handling of debts, for theiSSa proper management of land and the regulation of pro-' Chicago ZIZ 7 Auction. To put in force tJiis" system, he claimed, was in- Detroit 7 evjtably the only solution of the world's troubles. Under st- 5 .this system the people would pay a tenth of their income i' ' - 10 me state ana trom it would be kept up the services of! .the church, provision for the poor, the fatherless and .the1 Widows. Every person would contribute the tithe, rich' and poor alikerexcepting only the unfortunate or the aged1 interest charges would be abolished and currency and credit woukl be the prerogative of the state. in the preface to the brief, the British Israel Keder-1 ation proclaims what it states is an irrefutable fact" that the Celto-Saxon peoples of the world, that-is the people of the British Empire, the United States and French Canadian people of Canada, are the direct and lineal descendants of Israel and are the present day Israel of the Bible and as such are charged with leading civilization into a .new world order in which government in all its details shall be .administered in accordance with .the Divine constitution and the Divine economic system as.sQt.forihiin the Bible both old and new testaments. JAPANESE JN CANADA Because we happen to disagree with the action. of the Japanese-in invading China does not mean -that .we ore j opposed to Japanese in this country. Most of them are I fine law-abiding people vho came to this .country to bet-' tter their prospects in life. TJhey have undoubtedly, found , better opportunities lor advancement here than'in their, native land. They are energetic, industrious people, good ; fishermen, good boat builders, keen and reliable. The chief objection to them is that they are so keen that they, nose out white people ;from their jobs. They , are so in-; dustrious that they make a living where iwhi.te .people! would starve. They spend their money .chiefly ;amongj jpeqple of thqir own race and the fishermen mostly come: drom the south and take their earnings from the fisheries! ;to A'ancouver .or Steveston to spend .during ithe .winter. It is also charged that their standard of living is 'lower than that of the average Canadian and that, by competition in the labor market, they tend to drag ,down ,the standard af allothers. Objection is rathentoitheir virtues than to their failings. Being of a different race it.is.claim-ed that they do not assimmiate well with Canadians and that the offspring of mixed marriages are under a severe handicap in the battle of life. L 3 6 6 9 10 7 10 11 5 i 8 8 9 7 9 11 Pet. .813 .647 .625 .471 .375 .417 .333 25 for 2Sf? and Pocket . tins of fijty PLAIN OR CORK TIP Reginans After ! Artificial Rink i ramn,y;Bunis former "Isucc ess of Saskatoon Arena v . x-'r . 1 .New Aoik Yankees Threatening weigM bxlng champion of the Movem,nt Goinc Cleveland .Indian s Supremacy . ttnrlrl. pnWttPrf with the Canadian Chicago 7. iBosUn 7 Ulxth Jnn- KITWANGA. May 6: The sports ing). committee at Kitwanga has ar-1 j,- r . , rangements well under way for a. CWLVS KNITTING jTITLE I two-day Victoria Day Celebration! SASKATOON, Sack., May 6: (CP) to take place May 24 and 25. There Ralph Haugbian, .14,, of Ijjla city will be a full program of games thinks he may be the-boys' Jnitting and sports and visitors frpm all1 champion. Twp years ago he made parts of the surrounding district his first. pair of sox apd .since ; then are expected to be on hand. With has turned out 22 pairs of mitts, 18 the co-operation of the Kitwanga pairs of ox.. 12 pairs of.gloves, nine Senior Football Club, a new Erand- iweatpr a ladv's ni. anA.n num. 67 stand "1s-being built. A minstrel ber of baby garments. show will be one of the celebration ' 688 features; OLDEST PARTY SUPPORTER ! .611 The sports committee at Kitwan- REGINA, May 6: (CP) Charles .500 ! ga this year consists of Mathlas Edwards, 98, occupied a place on .529 Bright, president: Joseph Williams, i the platform here during the Con-.400 vice-president; Philip Ryan, fr'ea'c- I sn'ative nominating convention. ' .500 urer; Harry Sinclair, secretary and He is believed to b3 the oldest ac-.437 announcer; Eddie Benson and Da- tlve supporter of any party ln 212 vil Wells; starters, and Moses Talt. Saskatchewan. MHH Drake and Nelson. H There is tradition, too, behind every package of Player's "Mild", the great tradition of English cigarette making . . ."It's the tobacco thai counts". Try Player's VMild" and see how naturally good a cigarette can be. There are coik tipe for thoM who prefer them. . NAVY CUT CIGARETTES United Church Spring Tea And Sale Is Success A Tery successful spring tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Ladles' Aid of First .Uplted Church In the church parlors which had been attractively decora Ad for the .slop .vflth ,pink and whit May iblossomsand daffodils, i The many guests .were received In American League 'military forces in the Great War! REGINA. May 6: CP)-Succesa by Mrs. J. S. Irvine, president or ' '20 years ago this week. Born In, 0f Saskatoon new hockey rink, , the ;Ladles' Aid, and Mrs. J. C. WASHINGTON, May 6: CP HanoveTi Qnt Burns claimed the reported to have operated at a Jackson, wife of the pastor. Cleveland Indians had their mar-tCr-wn after defeating Marvin Hart' profit of $20,000 last winter, has m charge of the tea room were, gin of leadership in the American 1906 and;lost lt two years, later (started a movement sfor .a ne,- ,Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. S. Clapp, Mrs., League reduced to one full game to Ja?k ln Australia.! artificial rink here. ;m. J. NIckerson'and Mrs. H. Klllin. yesterday bv loalne a fre hitting, n . . i-.iMn I nt tmiip .mpitlnn .. .d ,n i4n n w T Ker- contest to the . Washington Sena-1 - plans were made for an ornate gmi Mrs. ,F. M. Dayls and Mrs.iP.j tors Dy a score oi o hj o wnne mc uan.flUDDeji posiea ms ivin ctm--ew building t Cousins Doured and servlteurs runqing-up New York Yankees .secutive victory over a two-year Methods of financing may be "were Mrs. George Ciccone, Mrs. , slugged out a twelve to ten victory stretch just one year ago. equalling Sfmnar to those used In Saskatoon Merrill, SoUows, MLss, Joy .Qreen and over the lowly St. Louis Browns, the mark set by Tim Keere and one;wnen $10 shares were sold to the Mrs O.C.Young. Mrs. E. Wilding .The Senators took over third place less than Rube Marquard, renown-'public and larger blocks to bur,' wa& cashier. " ; :in the league standing over the ed .pitching masters of New Yorkness flrmS. -Total cost Is estimated -Tncnome rooking table was In! uasion.nea sox wno lost seven to -aiants. Althougn pounaea out 01 at $140,000. "chare of .Mrs. J. Clavrlng, Mrs. -. ruve 10 jjeirou ugers ana are now ,tne box, iiuDDeu was creauea wim More than 130,000 people paid Webber and Mrs. G. F. Pavey.j tied for fourth place with the Chi- the 7-6 deUin over .Cincinnati.; to sec hockey games in the new 'Tw,n(T nf,r thp sale of fancv cago White Sox who were winning His-string ended at 21 an all-time saskatoon artificial ice arena last k " Mr? D SanU;rbane, Mrs.1 1 10 to .4 over the Philadelphia Ath-' record. season, Norman Coach, rink mana-j" Petroff and Mlss Dorothy Stiles. t":r:.w": "tr.rrirr . Tv nnhhnWl six hits in six trios KeIvapnrc!.a: Presiding at-the candy booth were m,icuih (June "cww uic i4cia. ' . . . .. A Pe rlnK management uwmi ..... ivispr nnd Mn G L Rorie In the National League the New to the .plate at St. Louis 12 ! years use' f h rink to 30,ooo public rcTbinSuSw r.i. ..f. .uu mm vftstprdav The "Georela Peach.' , v. , -The C.G.I(T. bootn was in cnargc defeat of the season when they who retired from baseball in 1928. skaUn and 244 hours to ol..o the Misses ?J "aSrnvui Mary iwere beaten 5 to 2 by the Cincin- with 90 major-league records to'leglate and pubHc hool student "T.c t pZ Hit nAA nnma rune n . . , a; 1111.11 1 1 uo hBu-j natl;Reds. The ChlcagOiCubs won nis creoii. nu mree nome runs. a;for nockey matches a wild 21 to 2 victory over the eel- double and.two singles m ms teams Cash collected from 132,259 paid lar-dwelling Phillies and are now 14r3 decision over the Browns. three games behind the Giants in St. Louis Cardinals farmed Pep-i per Martin, outfielder on option, to Rochester of the International Baseball League eight years ago today. He rejoined 'the "Gashouse Gang" In 1931 and almost single-1 handedly routed Philadelphia Ath-i letics in the world series, getting 12 hits in 24 times at bat. Kitwanga Will Celebrate For Two Days Soon JODAY'S HASnHALL AmericanLeague j Chicago 3, Washington 3 (going Into tenth. inning). ' 1 Boston 7, St. Louis 3. Cleveland 4Phlladelphla,l (third . straight win for Johnny Alien j. New York-Dstrolt. rained out. t 4ational;Lrague New York 11. Pittsburg H Jflfth win for Melton, with.no dofeats). ' 1 Cincinnati 10, Brooklyn 2. Philadelphia 0, St. .Louis r2 (end of fifth inning). j and Mrs. H. T. Lock. DANDRUFF' mi It U Hw, .u- 1 tin.. ---L . , 4 CAMPACS Si.."" Clii Hod tni 6lu, ty, 1 I Mri.i:rr3 The super constructed summer shoe that has stood every test and can be ,depended(on to give maximum wear .and comfort. Full range of sizes iin men's, ladies', boys' and children's. THEIR LEAD IS REDUCED SPORT CHAT KAIEN TRANSFER Red (iillN, Proprietor DRY WOOD CO.U Furniture Motinr and Central ilanlinr Phone CO Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clem The House Is Wirm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonibli KNOX HOTEL R. Bratell N. M. Brudl admissions to hockey games total- ,iam: V Clymont, Janet Rcc.ic-tc- PJ- of MlfiS M- a - led $71,738. ' Plano PUP,U ,A1 Wa, King. Lois Jud3e zr. J Ire-.? Poci Helen Green, Jean Derry, Pat Mc- Keep Your House FIT 11 wap 1 ir WW' GORDON'S u PHONE 311 Good "housekeeping" includes keeping the house"fit" always in good condition and up-to-date. It pays in health and comfort to have your home fit. for modern living. It pyj in real estate values to keep the house in salable, rentable condition. Consult the manager ,of any of our 300 branches. -who wjll be glad to discuss the matter of obtaining the necessary money unJer the Home Improvement Plan. Atk fot tur foUtr on tbt suhjrrt. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED lip "a bank wbtrt small outunti art utlitmt TENNIS SUPPLIES Dron In at Qordon's Hardware and .Jn- npt. nni 101ft 'fpnnl nttrflU.I Model! to suit every taste and pockt" See the .new tC.fXM. Tenr Smart, exceptionally ,w?ll at low prices. For satisfaction and longer 1 lop Tennis Balls, th;1 lor ipugheM tennis balls made McBI I'OU COMFOKT and SKKVICH PIIONK 1 1 2 NEW CAHS ,ON CAIX DAY apd NIGHT NEW ROYAL ZarelU Proprietor "AJIOME rt WAV FK0M ;UOME" Rate 11.00 op 0 Rooms Hot Sr. Cold Water Prince Kupert, B.O. rnone 281 r.O. Box HI R qufli. u :c I)n" HARDWARE tIDF ST. TAXI .1 Cheaoer Feed .a unlklff Having a surplus . ,Valley wh?at It b n"" to reduce our prices-.Cftll.ap 58 or 558 and S Prince Rupert Feci Companj