PAOE FOUR MM MOTHER'S DAY At MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Moderate Prices Call In and See' for Yourself ' Open from 8 ajn. till 11 pjn. for your convenience Skidegate Social Club Season Ends Prizes Presented at Recent Gath ering By Charles Valley Dr. W. T. Kerjin Much Struck By job Spencer Dies at Kitkatla-Was isit to halt Lake City Tells one 0f Few Remaining Links About it to notary Club with Olden Times Speaking before the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club at luncheon yesterday, Dr.W.T. Kergln, who madea trip through the United States during the winter, spending part of the time in California, said all ad mitted that California had a fine country. The people admitted It themselves and, Indeed, they con stantly reminded you of it. While he was there rain and wind storms reminded him of Prince Rupert. In the summer it was so hot that the Palm Springs hotel closed down. Boxed Chocolates in All Sires at However, California had both coast and mountain climate. He hoped that some day people would be able to live here in the summer and like the birds fly south for the winter. Dr. Kergin went on to tell of a recent visit to Salt Lake City. The weather was fine and the city had a fine setting wth keen bracing air. The city was about one hundred years old, had fine broad streets, large and Imposing store3 and as many churches as any other city of its size. The visitor was narticularlv SKIDEGATE, May 6.-The Sklde- struck with the TemDle Square gate Social Club held its final ev- where most of the Mormon build-enlng of the season recently when ings were including the Temple and court whist was played Instead of the huge Tabernacle. Every half bridge. There were seven tables In hour a guide takes around a party play and the prize-winners were: 'of tourists, explaining about the ladies' first, Mrs". A. Jones; men's ( buildings and the history of the first, V. Douglas; consolation, Miss (founders .of the city. Elsie Molita. it seems that in 1930 it was re- Season's prizes for bridge were vealed to Joseph Smith where to presented, by Charles Valley. The find the golden tablets and he ladies' first prize, a silver cake dish, was also given the interpretation j was presented to Mrs. V. Douglas, by divine Inspiration. It gave th: who held the highest score. The history of the early Inhabitants of men's first iprize, a shaving set, this continent, they being, accord-went 'to J. Molitor while Mrs. O. inS to the story, the lost ten tribes Chastenay re'ceTved "the consolation Th3 Book" of Mormon is looked prize. In presenting the prizes, Mr.-uPn 35 sacred and inspired. Valley thanked all those who had! rhe mormonites increased in contributed to making the season's activities so successful. Games were played and delicious refreshments served. number rapidly and, due to perse-. cution, they left for the west., travelling three months and seventeen days from the Missouri River DoES jour child fuss at breakfast have to be coaxed to eat? Kellogg's Mice Krispies Mill put an end to that! Because children just can't resist that ,'snap-crackle-)op" sound, Ihat tells how super-crisp and crunchy those toasted rice bubbles ore. Rice Krispies is the only cereal so crisp it crackles out loud in milk or cream! Let the hole family join the crispness chorus! They'll love this nholesome food, light and cosily digested. And there's nothing better for the children's supper. Kice ivrispies never disturb rctitful sleep. At all grocers, oven-fresh and ready to perve. .Made bj- Kellogg in London, Ont. Job Spencer, well known and venerable resident of Kitkatla, passed away at his home in the native village down the coast on Wednesday after a brief illness. He was one of the gradually diminish ing links with the past when the natives we heathens. He had lived to see numerous changes and improvements among the nativt people. Mr. Spencer's passing came as a shock to the entire villaje of Ki'; katla and all joined In paying theli tributes of sympathy to the widow and surviving relatives. The funeral takes place today under the auspices of the Excel sior Club. to the present site of Salt Lake City where they decided to remain, They arrived in July and laid out the city. They plowed 1600 acre: of land and seeded It in the spring. Then came a Dlaeue of crickets which threatened to destroy the whole crop. The peoplt assembled and prayed for deliverance. Almost immediately thert appeared great flocks of sea birds which settled down on the grain fields and ate the crickets and sc the crop was saved. The Mormoni erected a monument to the seagull in their Temple Square. The speaker said he was much struck with some of the Mormon work. They had a great mam churches, all of which were of ir, Institutional character, being used every evening. In the Templf members were baptized and maf- nacle was a larger building 25C f feet long and 150 feet wide with out any supporting columns. It seated 8,000 people and its acous tic properties were so excellent that it was possible to hear a p'n drop. The great organ was sometimes heard over the radio in Prince Rupert. KELLOGG'S for EXTRA FLAVOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE Presentation Made Last Xight To Shirley Temple Ticture Showing I Head of R. C. X. V. H. Prior i At Capitol Theatre Here This , To Leaving City Week-end liverlng the gift. Lieut. Commandei Haworth responded appropriately C, H. Orme presided and Lieut G, H. Greenwood said Grace. The toast to "The King" was observed in the usual manner. Following the dinner, those present proceeded to the wharf to bid adieu to Sub-Lieutenant Orme Stuart or. his departure for Esquimau to take a course of training. Those present at the dinnei were: Lieut.-Commander and Mrs Haworth, Sub-Lieut. Orme Stuart Sub-Lieut. William Elkins, Lieut Commander Walter. Hume R. C, K V. R. retired. Major and Mrs. L VV. Kergin, Lieut. P. M. Ray R. N R. retired. Lieut. F-A. MacCallum D. S. C. R. N. V. R. retired and Mrs. MacCallum, Lieut. G. K Greenwood D. S. C. R. C. N. V. R retired and Mrs. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tobey. C. H. Orme, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. WInslow and! Mrs. Norah Arnold. j SCALPIXG XOT ILLEGAL I SASKATOON, May 6: (CP) City authorities have no power to prevent scalping of hockey tickets, said City Solicitor R. D. Phillips re- plying to an enquiry by Alderman' a. M. Eddy. Since the tickets are transferable, persons reselling them are merely selling personal property, the solicitor stated. We like it better than a whistle!77 the romance. Jack Haley and Slim Summerville make merry. Bill Robinson assists Shir-lev in the dancing numbers while other favorites in the cast include Phyllis Brooks. Helen Westley. Alan Dinehart and J. Edwin Blomberp Six new song hits are Introduced "An Old Straw Hat." "Alonr With You." "Happy Ending,-"Crackly Grain Flakes." "Come and Get Your Happiness" and "Tov Trumpet." DR. MILLS GOES EAST TFRRACE. May 6: Dr. Stanley Mills will leave on this evenine's train for Toronto, having received! news from his Toronto home that his mother. Mrs, Gordon Mills, 's seriously ill. During his absence, which is expected to be for three weeks, his practice at Terrace will be in the care of Dr. Kirkpatrick of Hazelton. Phone 62 Phone 63 Sterling Suggestions EGGS Grade large g5c Pork Butts Per lb Butt Chops Per lb 25c 27c Pork Shoulder OA n Per lb Vt BUTTER First Grade, 3 lbs 99c Pot Boast Beef -t Per lb Oven Boast i Beef Per lb. Shoulder Lamb OCn Per lb Mutton Chops OC!n Per lb AVI' K-9 Dog Food-2 tins mw Dr. Ballard's Cat Food tins 25C BAKEASY 2lbs 25c Remember! You can get It at the Sterling THE SEAL of QUALITY wan, IS GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ttlmaa canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Gardening on Rather Extensive Scale at His Place on Skeena River I Officers and members of the1 A modernized version of "Re- Qeorap p..-,.,, , . 'wardroom mess of te Royal Ca- becca of Sunnybrook Farm," the rJfh2 " . nadian Volunteer Reserve and their famous Kate Douglas Wiggin - story. , f " . "ten,s,ve " at h hot wives held a farewell party last with popular little Shirley Temp sPrlngs r.t. in Jt.e far u th u-PPk-enrt fpaturo . teson on the Skeena River. He has . .... .i. - iu. i iu acias ui iana ciearpn nnn tin. Vintinr nf T tauf r.mminHsr T. H nffprlno' on the screen u . 1 v. v. b . v . . m - Hnu-nrth nffWr rnrntTifinriinir nf Canitol Theatre, here and arrance Ul - W1C I . . . " . der cultivation. This year he Is1 trying trying 0ut 0ut tomatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers cucumbers and and! thP nri nhn is ipnvir ments are belnir made to handle' shortiv fnr Mnnirpni tn reside The capacity audiences. such IIne with a view to ascertain- fpntnrp nf iY otpninir's nmrpprt. When radio and nther modern ' 'nK if they can be successfully ma : ings was the presentation to Lieut devices appear down by the o'd I tured: An Interesting Innovation 1 Commander Haworth and Mrs. millstream, it raises a bumper crop i Haworth of a handsome silver of song and fun. With Shirley 1 hors-d'oeuvre dish, suitably en- Temple as the centre of th'ines, i graved. The Dresentation was made Randolph Scott and Gloria Stu- oy Major ii. vv. jiergin u. a. m. u., "e piuviue wno made suitable comment in de is the use of natural warm water on the ground for forcing growth. Mr. Frizzell Is also trying out a patch of wheat. If you wish to sway a classified i THB Mtt.t X3W8 MORMON DEATH OF lHAWORTH !"REBECCA" ifrizzell I I ! I I HISTORY PATRIARCH HONORED UP-TO-DATE FARMING TOMGUi and SiSJ i Shirley Temple In "KEBECCA With Randolph Scott, GWu Sii?a?u,,ey's,i merville (At 7:U and j., ADDED TREATS -"..autmy Award Winner) "Daffy Duck and Er.h,,, Community Sing rn 4 Begins at Saturday Mliint. Only For The Kldj CHAPTER L "FLASH GORDON'S TRIP FOR RENT II) MARS" Good Books In Our Rental Library You can enjoy the books of your choice for the low price of 75c a month Some New Additions For April Action at .Aquiila O Absolam . .. Ends and Means : Mr. Underhill's Progress The Divine Folly , L Mystery ol the Girl In Blue Bronze Angel At Last the Island Pepita ;....... Tiger of the Night Sound of Rowlocks ....... Three Furies Light of Other Days .... Desert Sand '. Great Argument Secret Information I -;-t'-Ju-Vv-- v- ' AI!ea Bprbi Huxlr Corbt!' Orcr; Pcrr; L:.ln? Uns SackYUe-Wea Va!;h SUcIe Che:ttr Corbe't Peifr Oibhs HLhta Hundreds of the Most Recent Books to Choose From JOIN NOW ELIO'S FURNITURE Trade in Your Old Spring and Mattress for New-Standard Equipment Third Avenue. Prlnce Rupert, BC. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8teamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.8.S. TAROENA FKIOAf. DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M- m If convenient pleas purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. rhone 56S GRADE A MILK Give Your Baby Fresh Milk Daily Our milk is produced twice daily from our own Government tested cows. Rli K DOMINION DAIRY Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk' VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFl Phone CI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK