merit May o. i 1 8t Peter's Bazaar. May 10.. 1 WHIFFIETS : From The Waterfront c p. R, steamer Princess Ade I lalde- Capi. uenry flnwn, is due in PQrt at P o'Clock .this ..eve rt from the soutn ana jmu s?.u i o m ennnlfl of hours ahead - - - - I u u.. ..-ml time, on her return to t ,rn nvr .inn wavnoinu. Announcements All advertisements la this column charged.for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Tea, .United Sale, May s. Mrs. Lakle's,' A Y P, A. Variety 'Entertaln-i Cambral Splnsters',Spree.iMay13. Moose Hall. Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at COMMUNITY PRIDE NOW A marked imDrovement Hurt ! closing' play. LOCAL NEWS NOTES I Lutheran Missionary Tea at Mrs. mamea implements In Nat In.' Chris Jensen's. 336 6th Ave. E.. Sat. Yi'lages.of This .District are May 7. 2 to 10. (106) ,oicd by School The fire department at midnight last night responded to a false alarm at the corner of Third Av.- the ,past .year or so in Indian vll- enue and ' Sixth street- lorrAO (Vila JLi - . i . ! "s"'M wiu .imiv oi me coast is noted by Rev. F. A.Anfleld super- Mr and Mrs- E- B- Baker nd intendent of the Alert Bay' Indian family who have been on a tr,P to Toronto and elsewhere .invOn-Mr. school, .who ,1s a vl$itor in the city t0 the cltv on last AnHeld came north in company re,tur,ned wlth.Capt. Gerald II. Barry, inspec-1 8 S ' ' tor of Indian Schools, and with '- - - l i him visited a number of the vil-; lages. Mr. An field will sail by the! Cardena tonight on his return to Alert Bay. Community pride and civic con-' jsciousness are gradually becoming' I been built. Civic improvements in the villages have also included installation of light plants, water sys- ... , t..i... . . terns, sidewalks, etc. i inere is also an imDrovement in ! U 1 -.111 . .. a . Canadian Legion Tea May 18. ! r ous vuiases. sas Mr. An- May 20, C YJS. Dance, Oddfellows. I Trial Tin trip fVi ael rf 1 aA aI n nA BLACKHEADS Uon't hh tMirkhead-dl.iwlv.tbwn. Gt XL""!" ' t"dr from anr doth over the blarkhd.. T Imply di. "d dip,r by thl.Yaf. and lur. '-thud. Jlav a Hollywood complexion more.and.more manifest in the na- - tive villages, Mr. Anfleld finds. In ' some, of the villages there has been j Ser8eant E. Gammon, provincial a great deal, of new home building. ' Police' "turned to the city on the Notable among these villages ate Prince Jfhn last night from a two B;1a Bella, where ten fine new week-';' triP to the Queen Charlotte hquses have been built during the Elands on official duties, nast. and Kltimaat. where t have .been nine .built. At Kltkatla ' Douglas, factory Inspector un by laide. this evening on his return to' Vancouver after a brief visit here on official duties. plot for Its use in Falrvlew Ceme-' WVT- kUiO, Vf4.&a9VV.CJU. ICVaUltUj Uhe u-nrirt nrnfoROfvr.!!! cnirprUery. Oscar Sather, the president. Rebekah Tea Mrs. Bert Mor-,A the business A urg,w break ftf of 0 foroH r.uiter session, refresh (tan s May a. Business at a meeting of tht Sons of Norway Lodge last night Included consideration of a proposal that -the lodge should buy a Iments were served. ('f L,, DUTTON WV j MONtHLy "With il mrl toucliet.of j 1 fa gg 3Z: IT; " ' " red and lt fualiionable .pew 1 1 iE i I ( tile ,dein, thla Congoleum ' 1 , , ' I .Ijle-le.der nanner 1. an I if .iniptratln,.lnny Vltcbtii," cjJ crv- jj . j I aaji Gertrude Ihitton, nat- M ' 1 Lj ', .' I'' Unally known authority on wk & the home. "lUtWrful note. T'X 1 5 I '' tll lighten tony huholJ pQ 1 n'. Yet the Wauty of thla rug la j-JZ -'J i," "T- I " only half lhMory. Congo- i ' lumClJSeilllu,MtMy' 1 J to-rlean a damp wop Vp f X-i! 1 tl.rniapotleaa. lliey arecJ- "TCsS 0S003tob 1 lary . . . long 'treating . Lr00 SWa- A and the, lie flat UW.t ' L- g, TSIlLdll fc fattening of anyillnd. Ipi Jp 'S.' "'iiliaaaaB VWt your houaefurniahlnga ' Tn'--. .',"''. ',,'SSawl ,deaItr'aiil.lip;ttlieSwig "W-v rtt?-? V ?v?'''- allowing or rngoleuin Cold T K Z " . -a- .C C'V'T Seal rug.. There are pattern. X- . "-- andcoWuratoiultwryr.m fJf. '. ' "S1 in, our home. But... lr " 'll of.b.tltulea. IoWortl.. IFh 1 (iold Seal how n here. I JifiSK J 1.'" affLed to the ..m-faye .'. 1 Sjii& .genuine Cold SealCoogoIeum LgJS T" XJ and U your ynly .guarautee. kJBferVv 7t jg ' 'j Iu.Utoii aeeliig HKjg. f ' CONGOLEUM CANADA IBJSBfc BHn,auihoriui, tlip ad .M .ayKAWTg BlBaia 1 1 RUGS At r.oi Knur GONGOLEUM Gordon's Hardware Novelty Dance! i Oddfellow's Hall. Friday, May fl. Saunders' Serenades. U06) Mrs. Theo 'Fortune Is leaving on this evening's; traiivfor Vernon, accompanied i by her mother. James Turner, 'Post Office Inspector, after a brief visit -here on official duties, sailed by the Prince n i. .1.1.1 i i . I -Col. J. W. Nlcholls, general man ager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., sailed last night on the iPrince George for a trip tc Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and elsewhere In the south.on business Three new members were we! corned last night at the regulat monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion Mrs. R. T. Anderson, the president was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members. Flna? arrangements ,were made for thf annual spring sale. erian Tea And Sale Is On Affair Being: Held This Afternoon At Home of Mrs. Peter Lakie The ..spacious home of Mrs. Peter Lakie, Fifth Avenue East, Is the scene ;thls afternoon of a tea and sale of (home cooking and fancy Gyro "Maytlme" Dance, May 24. championship by defeating Sidney iwas ln the cnair at he meeting 'work by the Ladles' Aid of First 'smith rv.n.!ictpr -7 frame, ! !There was a good attendance. Afvi presbvterinn rresoyierian rhnrh unurcn. The The rooms rnm have been attractively decorated for the, occasion , with pink carna-Uons and .white narcissi. Mrs.:D. C. Stpart, president of the Ladies' Aid, and Mrs. ,H. G. Funs- top, ,w.ife, of the pastor, are receiv ing'the.guests with little. Peggy LoUj Lakie, daughter of the hostess,! '.opening the. door. (Presiding at the tea tables are Mrs. L. 6. Hope, Miss Jessie Rothwell, Mrs. E. J. Smith and .Mrs. H. N. Brockle$by. Servl- teurs are Misses Helen Valentine, Betty Wood, Thekla -Fulton and Helen Lakie; Cashier will be Mrs. J. G. Steen. Mrs. James Simpson and Mrs. J. A. Teng are ln charge of the home cooking table and Mrs. M. McRob- ,ble, the sewing table. j A musical program includes vocal soios Dy Mrs. j. n. uarson ana Mrs. Garfield McKinley. Sunderwood Studio ; Announces that their new equipment epables them to develop and print apy size of Roll Films at 40r All Work Guaranteed tNext Rupert Hotel) The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Pboqe Blue 389 212 4th St. CEALED Tendws addressed to he u.l-derelfiiied and eairijjrsed "Tender for W'Uait Btpxirs, Queen Charlotte City, B. C." be received until li il(K'k k)(Hu (davllflit sating), KftilJlv, )laj 20. tails, ior wharf repair at Queen Charlotte City, Skemm Dtatrljt. B. O. i T1in,torin, of contract tuna speclflca-i tlon can t wen and forms of tepdrr obtained, at the Office Of the Chief Engineer, Dk:rUnent of Public Wprfcj. Ottawa, at (the offxes of the District En-(Tll.eeir. jPort Office Building, Nw Weetmlnctr, :B. iC ; also .at the .Poet Offices at Vlctonta, B. C , '.Vancouver, fl, C.. PTtac Btipert, B. J iQueen Char lottc Oly, iB. C end lUs&ett, ,B. C. Tenders WW not be coiMldered unlejs made on piiotcd forms supplied by tne Deipartment and ln accordance vmi conditions fet forth therein. sum tender mum, oe jaccompanien by a certified , cheque on a chartered bank In Ctwada, pn.)-B!f to the order (ft tiw Ilonoumble the Mlnlater.of Pu'ii lie Wurkx eaual to 10 rercent of the amount of tve bender, or Bearer BoocM at Uir Dominion ,of Canada or of tlifl Cannddon National ;R4lway Company and lU constituent cpCHtles, .uncondl-Uonally iriiaranteed to principal and lnitereet by the Pomlnipn, of Canada, or the aforemenitlotiecl bonds and a certified Cheque II rcqulnid pa tmXe up an odd amount NOTE: Tlie Departmeni will supply blueprints and sjflftUon of the vork on dejnnlt Of a num. of 10.00, In t!e fimn of a certified tbank.cncque payable to the order ct the Mlnli.ter of Pnbllfl Work The deuortt vill be releaned on Ui return of the blueprint and apet-fjratkai -wlUiln a xnonUi 'from the .date of reception of tenders. If vjjot,rturuoi within that fertod the depoalt will be forfeited. By order. J, M. BOMERVILLE, Bocrabary, Dwiartnwit of PublVo Works, Ot.Uw, AprU 39, 1838. Hotel Arrivals , Savoy George M. Currle, Haysport. Itoyal j Franc Damez. city. j .Prince Rupert iF. Gale, Queen Charlotte City; I F. W. Ililliard, H. C. Gibb and CO.; Pierre, Vancouver. Central Hans Ludvigsen and E. Bell, Stewart; Frank Jciies. Skidegate Mission; S. Peroult, Prince Edward Island; ' R. Johnson, Burns Lake; S. rv8c uu uu return in Gjenst0 clty. P j C-NJl vuncuuver. S. Novak, Edmonton J. McCrea. Billmor. Knox II. W. Hooke. Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. FOUND FOUND--Small child's shoe. Owner) may obtain same at Daily News by paying for this advertisement.. Red cap, apply FOR SALE tf. Dally tf.' 1 611 THIRD AVE. WEST (near Royal', Bank), Lot 8, Block 33, Section 1, Store with dwelling over. This desirable property for sale at a low price and on easy terms. 51 interest on balance as rent. Also Lots 11-and 12, Block 17, Section 7, with house 1140 East 6th Avenue for $700. half cash and balance $20 per month. Geo. H. Munro. 4204 West 11th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. If Interested in property in or near Vancouver communicate with the above. (1091 FOR SALE 10 h.p. gas engine. First class condition. Snap for cash. Apply H. Lund, Digby Island. (106) FOR SALE-;Hou$eheld .FjirnUurc. Phone L. H. Haworth, Green 325 (106) FOR SALE Half-ton Ford Model A truck ln good condition.'iPhone Green 346. (107) 3RICK Currit WORK WANTED WOMAN with two children wishes housekeeping position. Bachelor preferred. Phone 421, Vernon Apts.. Second Ave. '107) FOR RENT house for rent. McBride Street Apply J. (108) Holiday Camp Mrs. Dunn Announces That Her SANGAN RIVER iHOUDAY CAMP Near Massett, tJ.C.I., is open for visitors and advises early booking. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 BLUE stops your clothes from turning Yellow! "C- Without blue, your cottons or. linens (so ij .. t,;.- .u. .... ..t I..... 7 Si To restore their lovely WHITENESS itjjj0' PM just add a swish or two of Kecltitt's Blue afi j to the Aii rinse. No effort. Cost? A cent or two a month! Reckitt's BLUE Out of the Blue Comes the Whitest Wash! other's Day May Remembrance Suggestions Piijje & Shaws, Saipsnnd NdiUons CHOCOLATES YARD LEY'S Lavender Perfume From .Qc Sets From 85c Rath Salts $U(K Bath Cubes 55c and $1.10 Ormes Ltd. "Jittt Pioneer DrtM&ists The ileull Store Phones: 81 & 8X Open Dally Frotn B..m. till. 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays JFrom 12 noon till 2 n.m, 7 D.m.;tlll 9 p.m. MacKENZfS JBPIH1RE SIQIAL CLEARING 10 VEL-FEIjT kugs 9x6' , VtX-.FELTiUUGS 9x10 V2- X .1 ' $4.5 $8.50 These Rugs are Manufactured by Barry and Stains and are, of Good Quality 1 ,rhone ,;75 Ve,I)ellvr 327 THIHD AVETJE Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For iLunch ;on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator