LONDON. May 6: (CP) The Duke of Devonshire pleading guilty to a charge of G. who was Governor General of Canada during the cashln? a worthless check He had IIHT VCdia Ul tilt vjiv-cK nuii uii-u iwuai oiii.i a, luiit, , i t on oo j , tUo ai TT !..!. ; r T-V.i.l- .I-"- - I npss. ne was sixiy-nine years 01 age. ueain came at Bank of Montreal at Nelson. Shaw ' l T 1 . T T 1 "I 1 - . . r - :1 : . . . . t I . i ...nvtt Hi i--i ritcr i n i lornvcnirw mo nan naan in tqi inn1 io a ronv tinner conronnp ni kit. c v mnntrns A nlnsp friprul nf thP Rnvnl Fam v. montns irom Stewart on a simuar tT 1.1 1 C 17 kill, XafAWMV " l Duke of Devonshire visited : n..A nm4 nf Vi ft ilmA "f it n..itl-U h Mtnth rliilro rtf DpvnnchlfP III H III (111 IlllLLillUl 1U1 lillL. UU1U i I- - t ..-.-J 1. Un Af.1nl(nn n I If" Illrl ITU 111 L11C 1 C IllUblUJl n -i 1 - I - U. n..,n was tu cu.ra uiu waicii. i iw r ft on! ocon min n e nnpru 1. . . n 1 to rT Tnp npai.n ni hii iiricic- ate:t estates in the British Em- but In common with many At.. I . t . uie years ioiiowing wic wowu . . . 111 1L. arnw lis vaiue awinaie uiuu tiAc y.Vp tt-? fArrprf tn rpII Devonshire Hn Picadlllyt Lcindon, and ij a lui ut a vivit vw ---- That corporation, the Chatsworth Aiaio? i svi r b i iiriiirii 111 with a capital of $11,520,000. took over Carlton Gardens, uon- (in rhaKamrfh Mnusp and Hard- ...... . , i i i i 'ate Ldo'.uouriif , iinu ijionv." 3ct id ti. .nH Tho annpn iKja- mons totalled 186,000 acres and the height of their prosperity the '80s the dukedom enjoyed rim mow nnnna i inriiiiir ui V..VI11 fin i i r ri m inn i inn tt i .i i u i i ,i i liii ; Interests in Lancashire and the torexiffht. nf thp rtukp's prandfather - ..WW UlilU uc pv ww reviewing on successive days armed through wat.prs thai wpre much mubled by the hundred and one Issues dnvpirmprf nut nf ihp. war. H,e - .'ii(ta arrived In in Canada uanaaa at at a a time 'urt as his predecessor, the Duke - "-onnaught, had done, he never-rxerted himself to the ut-m0st In stimulating the social and Inte Passes Away DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE Battalions of French chasseurs who . U AnVfti .ppc h-prp nf AmPri-1 v lea. anH ITtiHr. Cnln nfatif TV PTl rni. . . j-vuvc overseas, rnese eveiius uw- idL ,c r n a v marK 1 1 m liic mat armed soldiers or tne States had entered the Domln- lUn Elna 4U 1tT - . 1011 Effective ViceRoy Dictatorship ALL THAT GLITTERS "Gold" Found in Gravel at Toint Roberts Turns Out to Be Only Yellow Mica Y.A frni,.ij u ri.vnriHichps as VAKrmilVFJt. Mav 6: (CPt A nHin.j- i ii.. 4v. nrVinin nf innMiiuor nKuvpr vesterday an- ho fi.i.ri.hi roenrt. m nnnpori thnt. wnat was DClieVCU KJ Thinks Roosevelt Administration is Treading Dangerous Path nvi AimMA CITY, May zer. OLD SPINNING WHEEL SASKATOONi Sask., May . 6. .charge the province for similar offences !or of the responsibilities the from fall to spring eau. - r nlght. assumed In the conflict, and 'spinning wheel sne wuuBu ;cre assessing these responslbill , her from Norway m utS in sll v,.l- VoW,flaMnn.! WhUft 1- . . .... re ne rnnirt nnt infinpnrp ine . , ... nn Sftary side of Canada's war ef- economic ta hto a whole-hearted sympathl- BIG ORDER FOR GUNS Business Received by Toronto Man ufacturing Concern Amounts to $5,000,000 TORONTO. Mav 6. Contracts for manufacture of Bren light machine guns amount to $5,000,000, it was reported here yesterday. Seven thousand guns will be made for the Canadian government and 5,000 for the British government. Indians To Honor King George With Fine Totem Pole VANCOUVER. May 6: (CP) In dians of Klngcome Inlet, up the, coast Just south of Queen Char-j lotte Sound, ;will unveil a fine newj i totem pole next Thursday in honor ; of King George VI. At the same time a fine new church, built by the natives themselves, will be Again President Of Peace Body Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler Heads Carnegie Foundation for International Peace NEW YORK, May 6: (CP) Dr. "atixnirne. rneir iortune cuu- dc boi" " (,"- - - - ...i .uv .w ; . - . . , , , of r on1,,mh Columbia Tin University, verxitv. was was yester- vester- WV- w"'-' It .Great Britain and one time presi dential candidate, is Weather Forecast (Furnished through the oourtrey of the Dominion Meteorological Bureau at Victoria and rrlnce Rupert. This fore-cH&t is compiled Irom tibservations ta-vn at 5 a m. today amd covers the 35 ,. vpctprdav. Former hour. period ending 3 p.m The activities of the Duke oi PrpSiri0nt Herbert Hoover declared General Synopsis A moderate Devonshire durin.3 his sojourn at tnat tne prcSent United- States ad- dlsturbanc'e Is approaching the maeau Hall as Governor-General miniStratlon was taking steps iu6 Queen cnanotte lsianas causing 01 leading to Fas-!jlght and off the Br- Canada were not spectacular. the dangerous path sriowers fog u tney were quietly effective in cism and dlctatorsmp. tlsh coiumDia coast, ine weauici wt ne pursued an even course, -r mas Deen une w uie mraiui Prince Rupert and Queen Char- ilotte Islands Southeast winds, be- LONDON GOLD PRICE iiY VICTORIA, B.C 1 - Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Ik High 7:15 am. 17.1 ft. prince Rupert Cloudy, northerly. 20:20 p.m. 17.9 ft. wind tr lle Per hour; barom" Low 1:00 ajtn. 82 ft. rtslne); .temperature, ete' 13:33 p.m. 5.3 ft. i-VV NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER xxvii.. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS r j o d4 j Being Driven Further Back HE DEVONSHIRE fVrL- At fUc GOVERNOR GENERAL OF hve Months Here CANADA IN WAR, DIES 1 flun I S ..4 I... 1 1 111111 II.., -I A 4 Chatsworth I louse in Derbyshire Today After Long Illness Is Already Under Sentence From Stewart And Is Wanted Elsewhere In Province I'. David Sydney Shaw alias O. M.f Rozek, no fixed address, was sentenced by Magistrate McClymont, in city police court this morning i to five months' Imprisonment after BULLETINS LABOR WINS ELECTION LONDON Labor won the crucial Lichfield by-election yesterday, C. C. Poole, railway clerk, captured the seat which had been held by the government for seven years. M. P. IS MISSING OTTAWA Police are investigating the disappearance of Fred C. Beatty, Conservative M. P. for London, Ontario, who has not been seen by Ottawa friends since Tuesday when he rented a roadster and drove into Quebec province. APPEAL TO CZECHS PARIS A joint Franco-British appeal to Czecho-Slovakia to make the utmost concessions to her German minority and a warning to Berlin against committing any "action of violence-will be made within 21 hours, sources close to the Foreign Office declared. RELEASED IN JAPAN VANCOUVER II. Nemichi, awarded to the John In glis Co. Ltd.' Japanese consul general here, said that Joe Gilbertson, Van couver ship's engineer, held at Osaka since April 17 for taking photographs of Japanese fortified areas, had been fined thirty yen, about $8.73, in Osaka police court yesterday. Nemichi said that ifGilbertsan psUiihe fine, he would by now have been, re leased. If not he would be committed to a higher court. HITLER IS BARGAINING Offers Trade Concessions to Mussolini Trieste Privileges Asked ranean wnicn Italy wouia ootam by alliance with Britain. Local Battery Go In Summer Training Camp Two officers and twenty-eight other ranks of the 102nd Batte leave on the Princess Adelaide this D. Johnston second in command. The successful candidates who passed through the school held LONDON, May 6: (CP) The here the past winter will complete London gold price was up 9c yester-, the practical portion of their course day, closing at $35.07 per fine ounce, by putting in extra time during Copper, lead and zinc prices were' camp and will write final examln-als0 up. ' atlonsjwhlle there. ISSUE IS English League Ends Tomorrow With Wolves and Gunners Vying For title LOCAL BOYS GRADUATING Roy Thomas and Kenwood Win Their Degrees at University of Alberta ' EDMONTON, May 6: (CP) Roy Thomas and Kenwood Green of Prince Rupert will receive Bachelor of Science in Arts degrees at the convocation of the. University of Alberta to be held May 13, it was announced yesterday. Local Housing Committee Is Getting Busy With a view to taking active steps towards having loaning fv j cillties of the new federal home building assistance scheme extended to Prince Rupert, the local coir- mlttee held a meeting last evening in the office of City Commissioner W. J. Alder. J. J. Little was chosen chairman of the committee and C. V. Evltt, secretary. Other member of the ROME, May o: (CP)-Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany was re- m""tee "eJtore5 ?Vdm: . Elklns M P. McCa fery, John ported yesterday to have promised frade &t Commissloner W' concessions to Italy which f.! will compensate for any losses ' which may have been incurred as . a result of the annexation of Aus- Prinrp AlCXlS trla by the Reich. Hitler Is reported to have asked T FnrfllTIA Mussolini for privileges at the Ad- LiCdVCo 1 UI llillC riatlc port of Trieste which form- erly was In the hands of Austria. That such privileges will be granted appears doubtful. Der Feuhrer Is understood to have suggested that any alliance between France and Russia would Former Husband of Barbara Hut-ton Left Over Two Million Dollars PARIS, May 6. Mldvanl, former Prince Alexis husband of the rnatlonal boundary tine, was ... 1 j 1. U offset advantages In the Mediter- countess von Reventlow, left an es .The duke was Governor General merely yellow mica. I there was - I I'nmnWn f W.ft 11 I VI I II n 1 fTr I n II. W iln IHClLil HV -B'm ' . " .vm 4w.v...v. . o " ' tional Peace. John w. Davis, iorm- tate exceeding $2,000,000, the will being probated yesterday. A few ! months after his divorce, the Prince 1 was killed while motoring in the ! Pyrenees. The Countess; former ' Barbara Hutton, share in the es tate. Boston Comes Up SSJo See Mae West ! Wireless Defense unsettled! Station PrePared Australia Will Be in Direct Communication With London I CANBERRA. Australia, May 6: LONDON, May 6: (CP) With the CP!P?VhZVZZtZ Issue between Wolverhampton T1?,"! W.1U bJ n.!!h"e . . , snurtiy shortly iui use ui awuuuu ui- Wanderers and Arsenal for the fonpo fAno In malnfalnlniT rlnsp league championship still unsettled, communlcatlon wlth tne Brltish final games in English League, Waf offlce First Division, football will be play- ed tomorrow. Aston Villa Is threatened with relegation to the second division. A short-wave station to be completed this year will be used for naval purposes, providing dirert 'communication with the British (Admiralty. j Later a special station will be provided for military communlca- tlon with Great Britain. I Victoria and will I for evening move at Scoffs glren of gcreen Su6E,s. Into and take over Fort Macaulayl Uons That starring D on Monday morning to spend 11 ... FnJin- . , . . 1 . . . 1 ...... ... aays in tne ion cuirjiug ouv iiueu-sive training in coast defense work. Firing practices will be carried out on the various types of guns In the fort and both day and night BOSTON, May 6-Leaving Boston yesterday for her home in Los Angeles after a week of personal anrtAaranpp. hprp xuhlrh rfrpw larcrp firing will be done at targets towed I to Boston theatre5i Mae oy navt vi.. u.B - Westi siren, scoffed at sug- with fog patches, win oe aone m co-operauon wim rrP) coming showery that her d as a movlng 6- fi. u.rt rngt nr vannnnror tdsnri the fortress engineers operating the , ...... - -,. - star wcic auuwi. u. Jh?n the Canadian people were -Mrs. Johannes Malmta . 89, Q of sPin KninS! woo ' Moderate to fresh southear-t defense search . lights ... , I .picture "They still come up to see me," ob- fanning to experience the full an average of 100 pounds indSi doudy, fog or light rain to u.u.. "' served the actress and the response to her appearances here seemed to substantiate her statement. BAR SILVER NEW YORK: (CP) Bar silver was uncha'nged at 4234c per fine ounce on the New York metal market today, TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .16. ' Big Missouri, J52. . Bralorne, 8.75. Aztec, .07V2. Cariboo Quartz, 2.17. . Dentonla, .05. Minto, .02. Fairview, .03. Noble Five, .02 4. Pend Orielle, 1.57. Pioneer, 2.99. Porter Idaho, .02Vi.. Premier, 1.99. Reeves McDonald, .27 Reno, .52. Relief Arlington, .157 Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .08 V2. Taylor Bridge, .04. Hedley Amal., .03. Premier Border, .01. Silbak Premier, 1.75. Home Gold, .01. Grandvlew, .O6V4. Indian, .02. Quatslno Copper, .02 V2 Halda Gold, .072. Oils A. P. Con., .22 Calmont, .40. C. & E., 2.73. Freehold, .06. ! Hargal, .20. McDougal Segur, .21. Mercury, -10 Vi. Okalta, 1.70. Pacalta, .09. Home Oil, 1.32. . Toronto Beattle, 1.12. Central Patricia, 2.15. Gods Lake, .48. Little Long Lac, 420. McKenzle Rad Lake, 1.07. Red Lake Gold Shore, .17. Pickle Crow, 4.65, San Antonio, 1.25. Sherrlt Gordon, 1.05. Smelters Gold, .01. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.40. ; Oklend, .21. Mosher, .43. Madsen Red Lake, .29. Stadacona, .70. ! Fyancoeur, .35. Moneta, 2.05. Bouscadillac, .09. Thompson Cadillac, .31. Bankfield, .74. East Malartlc, 1.66. Preston East Dome, .85. Hutchison Lake, .05. . Dawson White, .043i. Aldermac, .46. Kerr Addison, 1.75. Uchl Gold, 1.70. Int. Nickel, 46.00. Noranda, 60.25. Cons. Smelters, 56.25. Athona, .09. Hardrock, 2.21. Barber Larder, .39. Rand Malartlc, .40. Halibut Sales American 1 Slrlus, 12,000, Atlln, 7.7c and 5c. Canadian Oldfleld, 10,000, Atlln, 6.5c and 4c, NIPPONESE ARE STILL WEAKENING Savage Air Raids on Chinese Cities in Retaliation for Severe Reverses in Shantung Campaign Much Of Lost Land Re-Taken Guerrillas and Comrranists Are Approaching Walled City of Peiping SHANGHAI, May 6: (CP) Then-offensive by land balked by armies of Chinese irregulars who have driven them back from within striking distance of the strategic Lunghai Railway and whose activities have disrupted their lines of transportation preventing them from bringing up either artillery or reinforcements except by travelling hundreds of miles overland by foot, the Japaense yesterday endeavouring to bolster up their falling campaign in south Shantung nrovlnce bv savaee air raids on and other points. There ISoochow were heavy casualties among the civil population but the Japanese, . a& a result, gained little, if any thing, from a standpoint of military advantage from these alr"at- "ttacks". "Dozens bf Japanese motor trucks were reported yesterday to have fallen into the hands of the Chinese Irregulars. I The Chinese claim to have re-' captured approximately half of the j territory in south Shantung Prov-1 ince which was won by the Japan-iese .in, their three weeks' offensive from LinT." As the conflict ends its tenth month, reports are circulated that Chinese guerrillas and Communists are approaching the walled city of Peiping which has been held by the Japanese since early In the war. glj,, XilTJ WillliCOG VUUillWi UHii,n. the Yangste River is claimed to have occupied Tangtu, severing Japanese railroad communications between Wuhu and Nanking. National Mobilization TOKYQ, May 6: (CP) In view of the situation in the .Chinese campaign, the Japanese government is invoking further provisions of the recently enacted mobilization in the effort to speed up the campaign more effectively. Air Squadron For Calgary Non-rermancnt Base to be Esta blished in Southern Alberta City CALGARY, May 6: (CP) A non-permanent air squadron is to be established here by the Department of National Defense. An airplane for training purposes will also be sent from Ottawa. WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE WINNIPEG, May 6: (CP) The price of May wheat slipped another 2ic yesterday, closing at $l.l5V'4 on the Winnipeg market. Public Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that j Ejectment Proceedings will be In stituted against all squatters on City property in the Cow Bay Am after May I5th, 1938. Please govern yourself accordingly. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C, this 4th day of May, 1938. W. J. ALDER, City Commissions. (107)