PAOS TWO HARTT Stf.oo 7 9f SHOES Canada's Best Shoemakers t You get extra wear and maximum ' comfort in every pair. Priced From Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fELVCE BL'PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H F PULLEN - - Managlng-Edltci News Department Telephocs $ Advcrtbinj and tn eolation Telephone Si Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations oatlt romo THE GAME OF P0UTICS Leslie Roberts, writing in "Canadian Business" this month, gives it as his opinion that Hon. Maurice Duplessis, Premier of Quebec, is placing a game of politics when he refuses to be a party toanv chanees in the cnnslitntinn of Canada. He has a following made, up of men of many shades of poKtica! opinion land frisrriffi'cult to get cbhes- joa irom inis mixture, borne of the French nationalities are already becoming impatient at the lack of action on the part of the Premier. The suggestion that all the rest of Canada is against Quebec gives him a new battle cry that may keep his following from disintegrating. It is suggested by the writer that, unless Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Premier Duplessis can get together, there! will be no unemployment insurance law passed this year. PROSPERITY MUST BE WON Discussing the economic set-up in view of the present world conditions, Dr. H. G. Moulton, president of the Brookings Institution, says there are no short cuts to prosperity. During times such as those through which we have passed, the tendency is to believe that revolutionary changes may usher in a new era of prosperity for all. History indicates that this cannot be the case. Only co--operative effort of capital, labor, business management and technical invention and discovery can lift a people back to social well being. He suggests that all work together to reach that common goal. PROGRESS AS WE SERVE Prince Rupert can make progress only as the whole district which it serves makes progress. We can serve the various parts of the district and they can help to make us prosperous. It would be an immoral condition if we in the city were prosperous and the suroundW town and vil lages not sharing in it. Because of this Prince Rupert pelvic anuuiu anvays nave in mma T,nat wnen tney help Smithers, Terrace, Hazelton, Stewart, Alice Arm, Queen Charlotte Islands, Porcher Island, Port Simpson, Port Essinjjton, Telkwa, Burns Lake, Endako, Vanderhoof, they also help Prince Rupert. The whole of northern and Central British Columbia has much in common. NEEDS OF THE CITY Prince Rupert has a great many needs. The city needs a civic centre with swimming pool and gymnasium. We! need a complete new hospital. We need a new sewer ov Third Avenue and a number of sewers in the repjdenMt1 districts. We need a new school building or shall need itj very soon. We need to finish up some of the half finished roads which were started several years ago and are anl eyesore to the community. We need a number of imnrov- ed sidewalks. We need a new fireproof museum building. We need money to do all these things but where shall we get it? This year the taxes have been reduced by the reduction in assessments. And yet the city cannot stand any more taxes and cannot borrow. These are matters for the serious consideration of the whole city. It is evident that there is. a period of careful financing ahead, during which we shall have to avoid all luxuries and confine ourselves jto actual necessities. Each year a few more lots revert to the city because of unpaid taxes and this reduces the civic revenue. We do not like the role of Jeremiah but we have to carefully consider what things are most badly needed. Basketfc Jl Team For Series With Premier Selected With Bud Rrri as wntw Canoe races formed part of thi OlTnnlc urogram at Berlin in 1936. Canada's only games winnet was Frank Amyot of Ottawa single blade paddling champion. Scottish League. First Division Aberdeen 4, Morton 1. Clyde 1, Hearts 3. TES DAH.T ICEW3 SPORT CHAT tered agam mcjooe eouuc Mima-1 tore Rifle Club. St John's. Nfkl..; Newfoundland Zone: Saint John Civilian Rifle Association. Saint! Entries in the militia competition include last year's Dominion champions, the 6th Detachment, Royal Canadian Engineers, Halifax. An provincial tiUeholders are re Falkirk 0, MotherweU 1. tia units. Hamilton Academicals 2, Rangers 2- ENDANGER STATUS 1. Queens Park 1, Kilmarnock 1. St. Johnstone 1, Celtic 2. St. Mlrren 1, Ayr United 2. English League. First Division Arsenal 2. Chelsea 0. Birmingham 3, Leeds United 2. Blackpool 2, Manchester city 1. Bolton Wanderers 1, Sunderland Brentford 2, Derby County 3 bv nlavinz In a competition, even if the prize is one of cash. TOO MANY WRESTLERS JOHANNESBURG. Feb. 19: Growth of wTestling In South Af- City 0. tailing the stay Middlesborough 1, Grimsby Town visiting wrestlers, 0. Portsmouth 2, Charlton Athletic 1. Stok City 1, Preston North End 1. West Bromwich Albion 5, 1. Reach the mosx people m cicj and district with au advertisement !n the Dallv New INTERNATIONAL SQUASH College Team To Tour U.S. UUens in Mntre2 month formWa PUye? Are provincial and oe ehnropinnshtrw haw attracted a record entry list , Tour the iocal basketball team for the with Sfi teaias rf presenUn 31 cwu- hone and home series to be pbvr- n rifle dabs and militia teams' CAMBRIDGE En.. Feb r-,. i .Knnthur ijv r bo&e nuMBM. CP - Twenty-one players TOKYO, Feb. 19: CP Canoe racing say be included in the program of the 134S Oiympir Gaines st Tokyo. The Japanese or ganiTintr committee is considering adding it to the eventc. The croeram will be ffnallr for indeer ranges at 5fl fc yard and 50 jardt. at 50 1 York team nw phui riltn Rifle Club. I i 19: have r selected from Sarflh. Er- Winners wiHsh off tor fee Dam- been choaen to represent Com. nle Ratchlord- Do Ste&er. Eert inion ttttes. The uuftu are to be! bridge UniveKy te a Te-garrif fn.. tr-i. t-k ixr i.n.d ir-.ty, Tv-jmnion Marksmen I ruftby tour of United States, in I r.rr.bie. Severino Dominate, Jobs ny Morrison. Bfll Erne and Soon Stilts. Thrre will be a practir1 tomorrow afternoon Include Canoeing In Olympic Plans May Be Added To List of Competitions at Tokyo in 1910 HewkpiartersfejMaretaS. B ci- be spring ther wiM play against nK rf Tr,.ua raultaons arel . aware, rraicfwii. a and an all-star team renresenUng Eastern United States. The team, which sails on the Queen Mary March 16- is not con- Windsor. Cmt- wfll defend its Dom- sidering games in Canada. Most of " nave won meir oiues. inkm championship in the dYilian coc petition. The Windsor marks-' men also hold the Central Zone T,TpTJrr T A PI? title. Other aone chumptom en-, J iVJil 1 lwivCl tmrUnrod at fh- -nmt t,: Shootine Club. Saint John, N. B meeting of the intercationa: and the TrigyereUes Ladies' Rifle Olrmric committee in Cairo in thi Clut, Winnipeg spring of 193S. , Bnwkman fc Kerr vs. Sons of trine uuperc umry jz. urono Canadian Legion 6749, Ramblers Queen 1930 M tbe -Clarence P Mocdy noted sjc 145768 Ramblers 67265 537 , entered enierea with wim exception exception oi of Univer- uuivei- i Gr r..4t Old Country Soccer -2 - !N BRIDGE the Council. 48035 50573 65071 58756 65007 G2106 45253 66394 47909 BENEFIT FOi: BEKUY Hibernians 2, Third Lanark 2. ...I - Ci .-4 i ! ParUek Thistfel.D'uhtieeO. ' I EDINBURCfH. Feb. J9: CP- LEICESTER. Eng.. Feb. 19: 4CP Queen of South 0, Arbroath 1. The Royal and Ancient GoU Club L erry. Leicestershire crich- f o. .j., aaa .Ko.ieter. win De awaraea a Deneu-. wnen Laneasmre comes nere club's financial condition. TOUCH BKEAK FOK DAD TORONTO, Feb. 19: CP Res! identa of Forest Hill nsratp milnnMrift llt.v EDUCATION A LIFE JOB I WINDSOR, Ont.. Feb. 19: (CT LONDON, Feb. 19: (CP) Efforts Education is only beglnnin? are being made to arrange an in ;when formal school work is finish-ternational squash racquets match ' ed and education should go on between England and Scotland to through life, said Dr. Floyd Stair be played at Twickenham in Maine of the University of West- March. It would be the first match em Ontario, between the couilries. umnae here. AUSSIES PREPARE Don FOR TEST John. Maritime zane. ana ramblers. Grotto and Musketeers New South Wale stock bowler, the North Vancouver Rifle Assoc! -( alien, yancourer. Western Zone. Close Together Around Top of League Two teams of women sharpahoot-; ers are entered in the civilian com-' prince Rupert Bridge League re petition, the samt Jonn L-ae-j suits uut night were as follows: i ON.R.A. 8914. Musketeers 11884. The league standing: Training X lAUllUK corps. KsUiU. A lit W - p VD A C10A present the Royal Canadian Ahi Force, Royal Canadian Mounted 66877 JVUV. fJVt P. Rupert Dairy 54794 Cati if Vn.rti.-nv WfiW Police andRoya! Canadian Naval .lQR volunteer Keerve as wen as nun- v t-t. u. Ik. summer. Headed by Don Bradman, the sport's greatest drawing card the Commonwealth Is sending a team fully capable of extending Eneland"s best In the fight for i weiiiy -riYe world's record score and he is Bo"u" (credited with the highest score in I .TCiuiu u. woiTernamnLnii wnn. nca ri is if n m a iane miiux ni . ... . i . , , r . ' ..... by Toronto, win nave to do their Jh-jt . . . owri snow shovelling in future, ac-1in ,. . . . Huddersfield Town 0. tlre.iter States. Authorities .u are now cur-, .. . . ! . I1 of a number of rr"""0 ", vr Y Anun A icma ago February 19, Hij Indoor Ba. - iri Squad oi 16 Lnckeiers 10 iour jujhcu at uie auc .r.jjj England night with Pirates bejl-j Bj, I Brotherhood. Before r MELBOURNE, Feb. 19: ICP he game, there were rp All-round strength characterizes Rev. w. II. McLeod. the teajn to defend Australia' rirsv uapusi unurcn and v,, in uigiana um haiuli w u. vane , . i" v enm. nooa ana cnanie Embleton the Pirates. Fred W.-. . Frank Landes we: . r trorin imrpmnrv utiuk ikvi ur axi iif . Since the series started in 1876;vice by the provirr.. authork matches In Australia and 62 in,V.Hani Jottffe ielt mon England, The A'issies have the for Locke port where w t: edge with 5 victories, two more .are reptfted .to h.i,e betu than the Mother Country, while ously injured In a n:.. ; 29 contests have been drawn. Last Jng accident Prov u ,u c u: winter in Auatralit the AntlpodI- v. k. uoouuie and ur J p Cl ans triumphed over their old rivals ! t aboard the boat, three matches to two. j - Of the 16 players chosen foil Jtkme B duty overseas, six form a run- written a specia y iraltlnv Kntrw Nimrarlnv tnvnr. Rupert fOT thi Kji ably with Australian batsmen whe .Columbia News have visited Eneland In the Dast -in England, The visiting- attack is likely to bei built around Bill O'Reilly, lanky J F1KST SINCE W.Ut BrtJ friK will be assisted by four others. In-1 JEATH, Wales F, b 19: iQ eluded for their bowling prowess Leicester and Neath rugby d .i... alnne. .-v.iio while the v. conri sauad nicn v. are to resume fixtures next . )U I three aU-rounders. Two first-class i7" match here r.ext fau i wicketkeepers do not rank high as mark e 'lrst mee' oi batsmen. j teams since the TViAr n ro f aw Vn t tin er wwaMc 11 Norway, postponed until Mwday ,eft fQr Bradman to smash; SPOUTS WRITER DUS 30-year old Australian's 452 runs 144. , fnr ' Vw Aruith Wa1p ncmlnct MANLY, Austria Feb. 19: r England-Australia tests, 334 af w h up oid Leeds, England. In 1930, In all ?1Z tts against England he bas scor- I !!:Hd 3.4CG runs in 40 Innings, an av-1 ' 56386 .M , 54794 , 50630 Early this year he became the highest scorer in Australian first W. A. Brown, Queensland's only representative on the touring team is a right-handed, stralght-bladed stylist who made two test centuries on the 1934 tour. C. L. Bad-cock and J. H. Flngleton, with speaking to the al-jerown.- made a trio of excellent! jflrst-wlcket players. Other out-j standing hitters on the team are' . IS , Sidney Barnes and A. L. Hassett,' both newcomers to International competition. ' Arthur Chlpperfleld and. M. O. iWaite are others claiming all , round rating. Chlpperfleld hasj done many fine things In test, (matches but his colleague has yet ! to win his spurs. He Is an ente (prising balsman and a slow-leg. break bowler. j ' W. A. Oldfield, veteran wicket- ' keeper, dropped from the team along with C. V. Grlmmett, fa. mous googly bowler, will have his' place behind Uie sticks taken I t by either C. W. Walker or B. A jBarnett. I E. L. McCorxnick Is the onlv really fast bowler Included In tha sid although McCabe and E. S, White, orthodox Jeft-arm trundler are anything but slow. The brigade' of spin experts, besides O'Reilly I Is made up of Frank Ward, succcs-' sor to Grlmmett, .and L. OT3. COAL TO riJUAK CVCKVOOIIT 8tUf action Ouartnu ftmoui JEdwn Alberta Coal Balklry Valley Cual VanMifr biao Cil Prince Rupert Feed Compaoj 1UISII COLTEK DIES DUBLIN, Feb. 13 CP) 1 Fltzlmmous, pre&ldc.t d thed 48143' w 1 r init Union nf Ireld rlied recer I 48035 ;o-r rf.W. iwnnt mark' rrf 17 1(51 runs. During his 10 years In malqi " 'u'- crlcjcet he has hit more than 90 years- MAKE LONG ntff I With hU experience and menta.J acumen, Bradman is expected to rank with former Australian cap- in tains. He is An all-round sports He waived his claim to aiman, besides cricket playing golf oif ,ffi v,.c ,m,, .tot.,, benefit last year owing to tho;Juash and tennis. Appointed Vice-Skip LONDON. Feb. 13 iCP-l I. Crow and Miss P F3cSl the London La?"" Motor? Club, rode their cy to Siis land and back for Kasdts winter snorts Th 7 rodf & Stanley McCabe, vice-captain, i ?oo miles. ! ranks as the Commonwealth's best ; all-rounder. A roeraber of the I93C " land 1931 Australian elevens ir. Village. thriEneianH McCabe this season ha. SUrrOUndedl ,-hrwm as murh hrllllnnpj" uith ihf. as at any time in bis career club cricket he has experiment- lth slow leg breaks but agalns England will no doubt revert to the fast-medium deliveries that have made him a great utility i bowler. He Is 27 years old. i REX BOWLING ALU! Basement of Exchanr 8M PII0NE 658 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYAFD AlplHinirr tad Ea(tM Ina mmd r Cm EUvtrU mmi AcMyUM Weidlnf. SVmUIUU m ? mm Mfaifa Mrkia7- AM TyM ml Cm Eofl"? I Back In Business Re-entering the transfer b Iness equipped uiih a h""? duty truck, stake body, W' draullc dump. Prompt antf'1, flcient service. Any Patronage Apprecl Also equipped to do any (f of exeavatiau work i . . ; 1 j I 1""""' I , Can supply any amount; rpfll flr Ma rardfn ttW no uiuvkff WOOD and COAL Casey Transfer tal - r?ITPPV 527 I nunc - The Central Hote' ROOMS and CAr Phone 61 for Best Household C( MRS. C. E. tlUCt