PAOX TuUB SORE THROAT WITH COLDS GIVEN FAST RELIEF Tckt 2 "Aspirin" Tablets wirh a full glass of wcler. PHr "N,' " A Cnjsh 3 "Aspirin' Toblets 3fjE in glass ef water gargle w'ee everY few hours. ISBbv IftmM The speed with which "Aspirin' tablets art in rehevicg the distressing symptoms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utterly amazing ... and the treatment is simple and pleasant. This is all you do. Crush and dissolve three "Aspirin" tablets in one-third glass of water. Then gargle with this mixture twice, holding your head well back. This medicinal gargle wO act almost like a local anesthetic DEMAND AND GET- ASPIRIN Left Metlakatla At Age Of Seven fSi HU7 I hlll-rh Knoch raontha. huh viiui v.u a .1 swell Eraabetn s Eatseoaai Church at Ketehaun. was bom at MetiakaUa ! E. C. and at tbe age of seven ae- etcap&nted Fssher Duncan to New TillKD AVENUE WEST on the sore, irritated Eerabn&e of your throat. Pais eases promptly; rawses is reMeved. You viM say it k remarkable. "Aspiria" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" k tie registered trade-mark of tfce Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross 03 erery tablet. OCEAN FALLS Siirg sencus spul injuries : vr. a fall ifs Esther Wng will be 1 r-.atlinM! tn YA for t Vtmtt twn I - i S?erai .r.,hes qI snow fell Tharv- 3ct Paul 3. itather. nastor of St. ,ihnj a apeB of severely cold 1 weather which lasted over three I, The fretgnter A-ntra! V. S. WQ-c Maiaratla along with the other, '-tRr hit ceartr compiet! ioadin? Ti linn mi who left at that Ume sith newsprint and an Australian ionnded the vinaae not far evxteA m the near future, from Ketehftan. The trek toot nlaee Jnut fifty yean aan. t Mr. Mather was ta the city yeat-'oraataed. His congregation at Ket-eraay with the not of the New Met- ehikan consists of Tsimpseazs, lafeatia party and w to preacr ta TUlngets and Haidas. In the party the new church at Port Simpson to- are also two lay workers of the rs rrow He is the first Episcopal church. AJex Guiherie asd Robert pr-st of tie TEmpsean tribe to be Ridley ELIO Phone GREEN 916 ELIO the police for Questioning. C.F.P.R. PHOGP. VMS SATURDAY P.5L 5:3-Opentag. 5 MS limonsine Lady. 6:09 Request Program. 6:3 Daily News Broadcast. 6:45 Variety Program. 7:09 Man About Town, 7:15 Cecil and Sally. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ELECTRIC Range for sale Red 291. Buys Used Furniture Outright For Cash No Bother! No Worries Over The Disposal Of Your Furniture . See Us First - 1 Nothing Too Small. Nothing Too Big. PRINCE KUPEUT Phone! '47' TEJ DATLT JCTWl Saturday Ftbuan- :j ijj. Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Liver Price For Season StiH Hanging: Fire Many Native Boats in on Way to Simpson Market Outlook For This Year MCALLISTER GRIT HEAD Elected President f Ocean Fafis DUtritt Liberal Associativa OCEAN' FAILS,, Feb. 15 At the annual sMeting of the Ocean Fafis is iuli hinging five 1' Prince ?.-pert i&rsm& expiry the ttw for tbe acceptance or r; action of the Bernice Palmer says around so frequently. here. offer The Prince Rupert Inter- amy listening to my first song he-men are awaiting wvc from Seat- tag played orer the radio.. The tie where the flint are hold- tune is very catchy and I am sure tag out for the - price as In yon will like it. In fact, it is so :37 vhfch was 2e m DonntL Urn- haunting I hare been trytag to tract for the season s sale of liters, eren hum Cod Sare the Klngr the 1 uinMTitj is seec that they M y 90 Ton -would recognise A. In fact. District Uberal Association the Jol- not he savetf at aJL However, hope 1 wed to hum aroand the lowing officers were elected: Is held that an agreement wiB yet office. I remember Mr. Barnwell Honcrary President. Rt Hon. W. be reached. d Mr. Hutchison used to say L. Ifackrszse "Z that I must spend all my time First YVe-Presment, Eon. T. D. Quite a nnssber of native boats concentrating on the words, be- Pattano. hswe been in port since Thursday caae 1 same tune. If it Second YSee-Preaaeai. J. M. Bry- on their way to Port Simpson emld such, with a'J an. vi. A where Tartans Tfltares in the rfcin- T0 s00?- "Wasnt It ileani PresiOnt, Keith MeAffister. Vice-President. J. Barton. ,My of Prince Hnper. will be repre- hae its first public sensed at the official opening and aco 00 ""ary iv at a Seerrtary-Treasnrer. TL H. Harae. iedicatfan of the new Grace United dane ta Oakland. The orchestra ExecutiTe H. K. UcLeod, J. Chmrch. The new United Church Kwne 10 ieaiure n and alter Green. J. Jcaes. O. Latham and F. mtanoo boat Thomas Crosby, with U u 50 sPeat- 00 own. I Booth. Rev. Peter Keuy in charge, was al- ndtog Mr. PuHen a copy of O. Latham, being the oldest mem- so here from Ocean Fans and will J ta me hope that ther; ber of the Association, was voted a be back ta Prince Rupert early next a P"11 in Prince Efe member. week for a stay of several days. It .7 . L1B-" 11 BOYS WERE HUNGRY is the first rioX Uj this port of the v 53 I d okuvi iutc raj inxuc town UJ aiso ,be the scene of its first try-out. WINTJSOR, OaU Feb. 19: CP' ; Despite the fact that frosen hal-. 50 re toT hain't Aamitttag taking milk from a ibut prices stumped 2c per pound at 11 Meant To B5'" when you porch and chocolate bars from a:Bosson in January and were also 80 to tne ciance3-track when they were hungry, two Teak at New York due to the heavy ' And there is quite an amusing boys ta their teens were held by production of fresh fish from theiory connected with this song.' North Atlantic this waiter, there is! Ae young man who wrote the still some hope held that the hall-1 was a total stranger to me but picture may assume a brighter aspect before the opening of the 1938 ftthing season on April 1. Lake fish production his been light this year, irozen oauout sales nave been however, there is no reason to anti- cipate that this year's halibut prices will be any better than in 1937. j The Old Country market for frozen halibut Is said to be none-too en couraging this year owing to overbuying last year. j Union steamer Venture. Capt j John Boden. arrived In port at 7 j o'clock last evening from the south, (sailing two hours later on her re-Itum to Vancouver and waypoints. t The Armour Salvace Cos Dower tups Daly and Pachena are busy just now hauling In gravel to be .used in connection with the con-structlon of the new federal building here. The clamshell is working at Porcher Island and a delivery of 150 yards is expected in tonight. The gravel will probably be taken! direct from the scows to the build-! ing site without going through the I bunkers. Herring Quota Reached The quota limit of 15.000 tons for the season having been reached, herring seining was discontinued in Prince Rupert Harbor on Thursday. The selneboaU Western Manarch and W. No. 9 then moved out of the harbor to prospect for fish elsewhere. Surface signs of herring have been reported around nearby Barrett and Holland Rocks and Kinahan Islands. The Tucks Inlet and Port Edward reduction plants are still in the market for herring I with which to continue manufacture of fish meal. Both the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and the Northern Fishermen's Cold '.Storage had put up their bait requirements last falC j CPU. steamer Princess Norah. Capt. William Palmer, is due in 'port at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning from Vancouver and will sail at 10 ajn. for Skagway and other ! Alaska points. Try a Dally NeVtdSiaillitd advertisement for beAt result. i 'imagf for a satisfactory meeting. !l sent Ted a collection of possible 'songs with the understanding that he would pick out what appealed most to hirs and then one morn tag over KLS. he would plajr a few bars of what he considered 1; ' 'good tune for my words and, if I: I r.ive been so basv !ately. lttied it. I would let him know and' r t- had ume to writ and say he would go ahead. Well all work-, "- v tiiT of jos and e have'ed out nicely. He played a few i mad- rata to go alter! one of quite a catchy melodr. -tamas if I had!. Abost the only - "" announcea uie name wv. sees oc ro- - - this -reather are Diisy Mae anc With un the tae boat wkk owners owners favorin- iaonn ateertanrv aeceptae ui of the iwoi of- ,aad Iiaboat- i" sounded g.ood wMtttaas to the pets br telephone, we got m fer of Parke, Davis - Co. to pay 44c per poind for halibut n? rjonaM has betn! touch and i suggested that h- livers this season while the fishermen are tfll undecided as christened -Donna.- He's a she. s1 8 ahMd his idea and, to Whether Or not ther should accept the bid which marks And MilBe. the ehkk. grew up tow arranged for a meeting lat - t he first decline in the price since the Kvers became an ar- Jry tide of commerce, the halibut liver price price quest question for d4swlf. . ,),,. J?.. . ;cessary cessarr and. ana, with wun a a few lew mnn more " i weeks delay, the music was readj We bad a great thrUl the other: to Dv, w as a solo on a certain morning at 8 o'clock. The who!-, family tumbled out of bed. thrilled 'and chilled to oaten to " Mothr; song." only to find we couldn t I turw nut fhintn Vn T rfont less there is areeaaer.t between tfee host it ever staee with Tery tin-jknow what could be more annoy-1 boat ovnea and the ftsheraen on sattsfaetory results but that tejtng than to hare two stations the qaestion of awar&ng the eon- nothta? to 90 by because I cant'eoouQ jn playing my own piece, and the other well, someone else's! And finally we had give up in disgust. Imagine rry embarrassment a little later tc find that we ckint even have thr correct station! We were tuned in on KLX instead of KSL! And so were all my friends who had dron ped everything eke to listen v. their own homes. I am still tryir.? to lire that down! However, ar. other "audition" was arrartfr--' and eTerytbtag went off without a hitch, and the piece has beeu played several times since as . "request" number, and now or. of our leading orchestras has offered to "feature" it. j From raising rabbits to writing love lyrics! And so here's to Wasnt It Meant To Be? " CHEERIO! REF" IS BANNED LONDON. Feb. 19: CP TV until -after the song was practlcaUv English Football Association has 1 Cfrrinleted We heard of each rpmnvwi imm it nmit n.t other through a mutual friend feree who approached a profti and got in touch through tfcr nonal of a club in whose match h medium of telephone and letters was officiating to vet him a tn-ii hearter during the past winter than;" 11 seemeo lmpossioje for us to with another team - - J. v nrw. . . ending on April 17 this year. tv early for new halibut to be on the important markets, the market may be in better shape by the time the movement of the fresh fish from this coast resumes. As said before. Quit Licking! Use the New Self-Sealing Envelopes Lift up Press downAnd the envelope is permanently and securely sealed with the latest scientific adhesive that does not require moistening. FREE One Package Self-Seal Correspondence Envelopes with every purchase of q "HOMNEY" white laid finish writing pad Ladies' Size 25c Letter Size 35c This Special Introductory Offer of Free Envelopes is for a Few Days Only So Don't Delay Buy a "Romney" Writing Pad and get a package of Self-Sealing Envelopes FREE i j 1 , nnnnnnnnnnninnnnnnmnv' - - . A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL, FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service BEGINS MONDAY FOR TWO DAYS' IT TOPS THEM ALL m TAYLOR POWELL WAY w CCORCC MbrMV INHIC BAftNU UDOY Utu SOMII VbCHtu JUDV tlimt . Icharics icoacom IUPIO WAltUltN ROBCftV CMCKltY MOlD CHARLEY CRAFCWIN ROllRT WILD HACK StT... r ijkj Utk it, . .. , ! OtracM kT lut rw tvi Tndc4 Sf Uu iu9 L-tST TIMES TONIGHT FRFII ASTAIKE In -DAMSEL IN DISTRESS" At 7:!I k 9 -23 !nd shc 1 At 7 21 and i.ZZ; Second Show 9:05 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 65" Nobodv Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good I he Kvoii Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly Thr lUtm Are i:faM)nbl KNOX HOTEL R. llrssrll N. M. BraD THE SEAL f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only sal00 canning company with an sH the year round payroll la Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprl-tor "A U0S1K AWAY I 0M HOME" Kate 11.00 up 0 Rooms Hot & Cold WW Prince Rupert. BC, rhone 281 T.O. "oi "V