LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash forbid -GoW. Bulger's, tf S.O.N. Meeting Tonight 8:15 to the city M. B. Lemon jeUirned Arl1ntrif tills flf- on wic , teoioon nom a wip . v.. r? U Clarke, who has been vislt- . -n.. 11,1 Ktr (ho Prln. ing in me "-v ceSS Aueiaiuc iaov .b.. - - turn io yancouvci. ( ntt-lne to a delayed connection out oi .jasper, wmia .1 - . ft nAlfllr ID 1n from ine east ai .wijv, tn tnree nours luvr wuu.u y (Jl ttu - ' would bring It Jo at 2 a.m. j. a. Cameron of Vancouver, representing the Jl.CA. Victor Corporation, left by last evening's train for Prince George after spending a couple of days In the city on business. S. E. Sunbury. mill manager of the Georgetown Lumber & Box Co.'s sawmill at Big Bay; James Wood-houte, sawyer: Lino Colussl, filer, and Mike Colussl, setter, arrived in the city on the Venture last evening following a holiday .trip to Vancouver and proceeded by gasboat this morning to Big Bay. J. Fred Ritchie jr.. who returned home this week from Vancouver alter an absence of several years, ex pects to remain here Indefinitely. His father, J. Fred Richie sr., who has been ill at the Prince Rupert General Hospital for some time, continues to make good progress toward recovery. Roger Powell, Indian, was sen tenced by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday afternoon to three days' Imprisonment for theft. He had been Involved with Albert Soulier, sen tenced to thirty days' imprisonment . t At 11 4. yesieroay in uie uien oi a pair oi trousers from the cabin of Leo toton Rolman on Third Avenue. E. J. Smith returned to the city on the Venture last evening from a ten-day business trip to Vancouver. Miss Nora Postulo returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a six weeks' trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. SAYS HE WAS SOBER BUT IS BADLY DAMAGED; SHOULDER IN PLASTER Ooldbloom, the "Old Reliable" fur dealer, seems to have been not quite so reliable this week as might have been expected. On Monday he was thrown from a car near the CJP.R. dock and strained the ligaments of his shoulder and Is now properly plastered, in a plaster cast. However, he Is still meeting customers at his store but cannot shake hands with the right hand. He says the Lord is good to him because now he can't write cheques but he can take in cash with the left hand. He says that so far no one has sent him any flowers. Goldbloom says he was sober when the accident happened. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert T. O. Garrett and J. C. Christy Vancouver; S. E. Sunbury. Georgetown. Central Forest Ferguson, Bert Ferguson and Sam King, Port Edward; II Jerome, C.N.R.; G. P. Clark, city. Knox R. C. St. Clair. Prince Rupert. The Dally New t.as an audited circulation, Piay safe! CHURCH NOTICES i I 71 mm It FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MINISTEIU-KEV. J. S. PATTERSON Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist 11 o'clock Morning Service, subject "The Lost Boy." 12:15 Sunday School 7:30 Evening Service, subject- "Have You Any Room For Jesus?" Everyone Cordially Invited UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT FItOM PORT SIMPSON K,:TlJKN' A11 meaLs $32 00 fiQC QC RETURN. Berth tPODadd included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. Special Tickets on .Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and February 28th, 1938, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1938. .Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:.0 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight Tickets' and Reservations frpm Prince NEWMAN -Third Ave,, Phone 5G8 Rupert Agent A. W, If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office HALIBUT The tource of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Entertainment Was Enjoyable Varden Singers Attracted Crowd Of One Hundred and Fifty Persons to Metropole Hall last Night Featured by an amusing play, a musical program and a dance, the Varden Singers presented a very enjoyable entertainment In Metropole Hall last night, the af fair attracting a crowd of about 150 persons. The first event of the evenlnj was the presentation of Ihe play 'Stolshelg." Between the acts and immediately following the play the choir sang numbers. Nels Gun-derson was also heard in a comic song. Those taking part in the play-were Mrs. A. Dbyhavn, Mrs. C Glske: Mrs. S. Anderson, Mrs. P. Wlkdal, Miss A. Skaland, Miss J Skaland, Nels Gunderson, B. Fed-ersen, A. Llndseth, II. Gulbranscn ana peter uen. Inge Valen was director of the play. Ingvald Fenness announced tl. program and Nels Luth and C. Strand presided at the door. After a brief pause, the dance commenced, keeping up In full swing until 2:30 in the morninp. with Nels Gunderson as master of ceremonies. Music was furnished by Fossum Brothers. Refreshments were dispensed by the ladies of the choir. The winner of a raffle was Gerd Lien with No. 17. Boys' Club Is Going Ahead Total Attendance of 397 for Month Of January Reported At the monthly meeting of the supervisors of the Boys' Club, total attendance of 397 for 7i nights was shown or an averagi of almost 16 boys per night. Tht, was thought good considering that during the month of January .here had been an epidemic oi whooping cough and that ot measles had begun. The sum of $15.40 was procured through the monthly dime collection. Crjbbage and checkers were received from T. McClymont and a pair of stilts. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Women's Canadian Legion Bridge, February 25. Norkap's Basket Social, February 25. St. David's Tea March 1. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, March Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, March 3. March 11 and 12, CIRCUP, United Church. St. Patricks tea and social eve ning, Catholic Hall. March 17. Orange Spring Sale March 25. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 6. Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18. ifcs ID SNAP surtariNt OWDER CICAM m4 POiBHCS TUtf tt -UH tAMl 1 CAMHOt notice to cnr.niTons In tr Kstntf of Harry Krwk Koolirstfr, Pt'CPilMMl All,pern having claims against th EHUlto or, lirry urocs iwmraiw, ur poaapd. InUi of the City of Prlnc Ru pert, British Columbia, who died r-t Victoria,! British Columba on the 28th dav of Julv 1937. are required to eer.d the same with partlcularo of security held, u enjr, and veriniea oy oaiuioiy Dfclnnvtlon, to ithe under-signed on or before the Slut day of March, 1938. after which date Uie oswts of the Estnt may be distributed among the part'es entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the under-algnd hall then have notice. DATED at Prince Rupert, British Col umbla, this 1st day of February. 1938, AONE8 A. ROCHESTER. Admlnlatratrli Bend .claims to Mewsrg. Brown Harvey Prince Rupert, BriU&h Coluci bin, ..solicitor for th Administratrix. 'Presbytery To Meet In City United Church Activities in Prince Rupert .Next Week Preparations are already being made' and delegates are arriving for the spring' Presbytery of the United Church of Canada which is to be held In First United Church nexr Wednesday and Thursday The Presbytery will fie In charge of the chairman, Rev. F. W. Hardj of Ocean Falls, and lay and min Isterlal delegates will come from as Jar south as Ocean Falls, as fai north as Stewart, as far ea& as Hazejton and as far west as the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Ladles' Aid of First United Church is providing a supper on Wednesday at which the public will have an opportunity of meet ing the delegates and enjoying the fellowship of the Presbytery Greetings will be conveyed at th!; time from the clergy of the city At a public meeting on Wednes da evening addresses will be given by Dr. Hugh Dobson of Vancouver, secretary of Evangelism and Social Service for the United Church in Western Canada, and Dr. S. S. Osterhout, superintend ent of Home Missions for tht Prince Rupert Presbytery and Oriental Missions for Western Canada. Communion will be observed and special music will be rendered by the choir of First United Church. On Thursday members of th. Presbytery will be the guests oi the Rotary Club "at their regulai weekly luncheon at which Di Dobson will speak. Representatives of Presbyterj will be at Port Simpson tomorrow tor the official opening of the new United Church there. RECALLS OLD DAYS CANTERBURY. Eng., Feb. 19. (CP) The late Lord Cornwallls" carriage In which he used to drive with his family from Linton Park. ICent, to cricket matches, has been sold for 22 shillings ($5.50). V cast 100 ($500) many years ago. FOR SALE FOR SALE House and furniture Including piano, radio, etc. Apply, 625 8th Avenue East. (45) i0 Piece Layettes, complete for baby. $25 up prepaid! Also Shopping Service, charge 20"i. P. Box 381, Victoria, B.C. (20) FOR SALE Oak Dining Table and four Chairs. Phone Green 939. (43) FOR a real bargain in used furni ture also McClary Range with oil burner complete at TUe's Furniture and Upholstery. (44) FOR SALE Six-room house. Mod ern, on 4th Ave. E. near Oddfellow's Hall. Splendid condition. Harbor view. Apply owner, 216 4th. Ave. E. Phone Black 489. t.f . WORK WANTED CAPABLE Woman wants house work, steady employment, Phone Green 609. (43) PERSONAL WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Letter Carriers, PosUl Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write ua for proof and free information. W.C.C, Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldeat in Canada. If. VOMEN YOU1 CAN TJE FINANCIALLY Independent. We hae helped hundreds of Canadian women earn a living by operating kindergartens ' In the'r own homes. Illustrated booklet free. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. t' MEN! To get vigor, vitality, try raw oyster lnvigorators and other stimulants In New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, exhausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results, maker refunds price. $1.25. You risk nothing. Sold by all good drug stores. (tf) WANTED" WILL LOAN $104)0 fori use Of short wave radio. Apply Dally News. - CfSitl () NAVAL BOYS ENTERTAIN Monte Carlo Night Went Over Strong at Headquarters of R. C. N.V. It-250 Present The "Monte Carlo Night" staged by the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve at Naval headquarters last night proved a novel and enjoyable variety entertainment which ai tracted a crowd of some 250 per sons, making a complete success of the affair. A cabaret dance, games ot :hance and floor show were featured in the hall which was attractively decorated ior the oc caslon with special spot lighting effects from the balcony, naval colors and emblems and large moons. Special menus had been prepared for the tables which were attended by members of the reserve specially attired as waiters with white jackets and Carrying silver trays and towels. The affair opened early at eight o'clock and closed at 1 p.m. Splen did music was furnished by Mrs. DeCarlo's Orchestra. The games were roulette, with Sid White and Ned McLeod in charge; crown and anchor, William Murdoch; horse racing, David McMeekin and Bob Elkins; twenty-one, Bob Armstrong and Bob Dug-gan; banko, Bill Bremner, and wheel and paddles, Jim Irvine and Charlie Anderson. Monte Carlo currency was Issued from the bank of which Harry Robb was in 'harge. The floor show included accor lion selections by Mario Bussan- !sh; vocal solos by Miss J3etr.y Woods, and burning Indian Club swinging by Harry Gordon- Cooper appearing .as Tarzan, Each of these numbers scored a hit Allan Davies was head waitei with Harold Ponder, Eric Berner Ted Mills and Norman McLeod. as the other waiters. Walter Smith was floor manage and chairman of the general com Robb, Bob Armstrong and Allan Davies. Children's Story Hour Interests Legend. Mystery, Humor and The Heroic This Morning Legend, mystery, humor and the heroic .entertained children at the "5tory Hour this morning. Mrs. J. A. Barry amused with the non- Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion Hyde Transfer WOOD COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE. Second Night Of Play Is Success The .second presentation last night at first United Church of the farce "One Delirious .Night" by the Christian Youth Society In, aid of the Women's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital drew a packed house and the show went off quite as well as on the opening nighk .Miss .Edith conjoexy and Miss Phyllis HambMn were usher ettes and Robert Irvine and Robert Peachy presided at the door. Following the performance, a soc lal was held in the .church social parlors for the cast and "those assisting. Refreshments were .served by the Women's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital on behalf of which the president, Mrs, J. R. Morison, extended thanks to the Christian Youth Society lor its efforts. -Ken Harding replied qn behalf of the cast and then pre sented Mrs. John Manson with a silver cake plate In token of apprec iation of her ie.ffor.ts bs director, Mrs. Manson .acknowledged the gift suitably. sense tale "The King And The. Coach" and stimulated Interest in the serial, "The Ghost of Cobble stone House." irs. if. M. Carter re lated the DODUlar "Little Hero oi Harlem" and delightfully portray-4 ed the origin of "The Lady In The Moon." Eileen HambJLln pleased with a modern hero .story "The1 Fire Engine That Grew Too Old: ' ! Next week the program far children between the ages of 4 and 3 will be in .charge of Mrs. Robert Cameron, Mrs, L. C. Jensen ;andj Jean Cameron. J PAOE THREE 1 WAS NEVER SO EMBARRASSED -FOR I KNEW THAT ACID-INDIGESTION WAS DISTRESSING TO ME AND OFFENSIVE TO OTHERS HP Wmr ALKALIZE THE EASY FHlUtPS' WAY The quick way to alkalize is this: Take two teaspoons of Phillips Milk Of Magnesia 30 minutes after eating and drinking. Or, when among others lake two Phillip' Tablets that come in a small flat tin you cany in purse or vest pocket. You do it unnoticed. Relief is almost immediate: "Gas," nausea, acid bieath and .other offensive symptoms leave That "stuffed" feeling and pains Jrom "acid indigestion" cease to annoy. You feel greatl This is the way, we believe, more doctors use than any other when alkalizing upset stomach. MADE IN JHIV Week End Specials Friday and Saturday Only Pharmal Hot Water Bottles Fully Guaranteed. Reinforced throughout. Non Leak Stopper. Bakaiite Neck. Regular $1.25. Special 99c William's Aqua Velva 50c Size. Special 39c Candy "31m Pioneer Druqcfists , r V Page & Shaw Chocolates. One-Pound Standard Package Special 85c Ormes Ltd. uv.XliiauleTIL Store . . Phones: 81 & 82 deh"DaujrMr"rm-ii a.miUt.l(Lp-m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p jtl MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 7 Chesterfield Suites Covered Jn Tapestry, 00 Mohair and Crushed Mohair. Priced from JtJOVU 12 Pull-up Chairs Walnut frame. Covered in 12 50 Tapestry. At Phone 775 TERMS CAN HE AUKANCED Don't let the cold, aus- Werv'fdessen S, lere, month of February JaJZP' T J It- - I wre selling ana scna vCTo iv$v winter on his way; '.vhtv NANAIMO BULKLEY VALLEY FOOTHILLS PHILPOH EV1TT & CO. LTD. 51, PHONES 052