Todays Weather omorrow s Tid es prince Rupcrt--Ligni (I, AJVO ram, soum-east lie wmm High 4:50 a.m. 19.C ft. wind, 17 miles per hour; barometer 17:34 p.m. 16.3 ft. 29.53 "falling); temperature. Low 11:26 a.m. 65 ft. 23:21 p.m. 8.2 ft. 40; sea choppy. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVII. no. v. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1938. PRICE: 5 CKN1S - O DIU1I1 juiiii u juicuiico loused Life When Small Boat Capsizes While Making Landing At Light Tnhn DpsjitipiiIIos. well known for vears arnunrl t Via j u n i i ... w . - j w..v i t Di.i'nnn Piinnrf nnrl ?n nnrthnrn writers ue n rnrr l ui -.-j & , ... i e ...n e. 1 . u.. .... .,.torHnv nftprnnon. tor Ocean Falls where it was at Ccbck last night to turn v .11 - . 4VstMAA atAiB , ,1. . J I I 1 1....J he was In the service of the Salvate Princess and other ves- of that company's fleet. From It to 1933 he had followed fishing, iere are brothers and sisters ar- nc mip na p. ouphec. wnere ac- Otsed was bnrn. e remains are expected to be lb IVUillUil VJUL11 IlUt W mrnvomonf In ui wj i w .1 in 11 Jm mm. m. Hie ( 111.1 .iiiiiiii mil James McBrien Rallies home- that After Bclnr Reported in Critical Shape rovement Is noted in a hosultal Sfcctin on the condition of Sir .es MacBrien, commissioner of Roval Pannrilnn Mnnntprl Po- MaIA A llmlunln v in i ft-' . If Kctrlfmpnt of Clr Prixlxrlxk - ----va v tj v.vv Field uiusMOUTH. England. Feb. 19: HAIl SILVER moderate swell Awaits For Hitler Speech mrulmrr hnjir nf nip lurhrVinnsp tpnrW : I Tttnin, Tolnrwl in ATllrwinlr Cminrl trnotoi1nf n n t - l l ta ..j i. - r m i. 1a.11 crreus nils ueen Liie &uu ctb ffunifc, ,,,..,., 1 1 Inf outspoken preachings and writ-idauarters. Capt. Harry Ormi-, 1, ...,. .. r ' . u. AlWnl tont In . ...v. . masters w -w..... , .. blsho Canterbury beran bv .... -n hf tho rnrniitv nv . .1 ' - - HI) Dvt:uwu " " . j t .....i ttrirto -inrithpr tnpm. ana lCwio iiiMt. wv.... ........ "iSLwz who was temporarily em- . 4A,.lrnonrt nn Tnp IPPn- In n cm n 11 Knnt flt lighthouse from the steamer. small boat was evidently ht m the surf and capsized. i... I lirlA norn oKm in f1VP i . . - i , n.rmitAl ac mm an ntlv caueht in some way. Ten Mil 1 11 L U AtVMkW ..-. v ., nllA Kut tr rtn Avail t inn duuutu uuv w w Albcrnl proceeded to Bella Bel- i , 1 ... J.nt -nhi't d Ifl 0. E. Durby. pronounced life . M.. IM I ,i.M l.ft TlAll Scientists Removed To Ice Breaker MOSCOW. Feb. 19: (CPi . Four Russian scientists, after drifting Arctic ice in the course of taking North Polar obser- vations. were today taken by airplanes to safety aboard the Soviet Ice breakers Taimyr and Murman. EASY MONEY FOR STATES Sum of Billion and Half Dollars for Recovery Made Available by Order of President Roosevelt WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 19: CP) The United States government today made a billion and a half dollars available to business for employment producing loans as part of Its easy credit non-inflationary recovery policy. This was accomplished when President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to Tesume Toduy's Weather (Oovernment Hegmw i Triple Island Light rain, south-- cast wind, 14 miles per hour; iigni chop. Langara Dunguiu Island isuiuu Part .v ciouay, w j --. M. whose condition Thursday irflim. barometer. 29.51: tempera Pit was reported to be very crltl- ture 38 ilght sweii. I He underwpnt nn nneratlon two I a tm Dintnmiriv calm: t- ) iJCUU VJ I' v w.vhj, . Depths ago and has not been pro- temperature, 33; - a " " ' " " I j barometer, 29:51; Wsslng very well since. Today it ut .. . . . temil na..Aj - 1 1 . . i . i. i mo .....jiii . i i .. l. .. ' "u tunuinon was siulcu iu u: rKZA.. . . .... Bull Harbor Part cloudy, easterly wind, twenty miles per hour; barometer, 29.60; temperature, 42; moderate swell. Alert Bay Part cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.82; temperature, 38; sea choppy. Estevan Island Raining, south-pnst wind, ten miles per hour; bar- 29.92. Vancouver-Cloudy, easterly wind four miles per hour; barometer, 29.92. Prince George Cloudy, northeast unchanirnil nt -JlV.r. nor-Mr. deGanahl is Interested in mm- c rtm. . t . i. . . i ... iuK iirinocc Miiciiiiuv market todav. t-.r nfcht. for Vancouver; . NEW VIGOR (BUSINESS IN CHURCH PROPERTY Icligious Leaders in Old Land Speak of Problems From Many Angles By I. Norman Smith) LONDON, Feb. 19: (CP) The vitality of the church embracin new-year talk in which he said his "Recall to Religion" had com- mpnrtahlp result In 1937 hut thai ... - - - ' UUUUIII on Ull X ' the march was really only begin- prwnt occupied Tiv ning. 1 photographic studio. The Dean of St. Paul's followed this up with a plea for more convincing observance of personal pnnsrlpnrp whllp nrlmir.t.lnff "thn little chats from the milDit ana pleasant Sunday afternoons hae Just degraded worship to a third- rate entertainment." The Archbishop of Canterbury, addresslne Ihe convocation at Westminster Abbey, was pleased to note a minimum of party bitter ness and in his general references to the recurring problem of union with -the Free- Churches he was markedly moderate. He expressed great appreciation of the way in which the leaders of the Free Churches had conducted recent negotiations with the English Church representatives. Guidance Needed The Dean of St. Paul's, Very-Rev. W. R. Matthews, has doubts about the church's own work: "There is a great deal of Chris tian thinking of a high quality. I but spme of it," he writes, "Is j about subjects which are of se condary Importance and the reaiiy vital thought falls, on the wnoie. to ,?et across to the people who would welcome ft, if it could be nut In language which meant something to them. "The man in the street, who is so' sparsely represented in Uv; pew, feels that the church ough: have some definite guidance Jto give on the problems which Annfrnnt. h m pverv daV. Oil War. on Communism and Fascism, on. poverty and wealth, on sex. Is he not right? And Is not our iumD-line'wlth such moral Issues the sign of a failure of nerve? "With what kind or auinoruy can can the the church church c claim aim in the ; spirltu- P.r has nothing to offer on major Is- imagine .hat. our long immunity from spiritual trial win ever cease." SMOKES COST HEAVY WINDSOR, Ont., Feb. 19: (CPi Plcadlnir sullty to smuccllng cig arettes into Canada, Edwin Johns was fined $81 including costs, a similar charge against his wife be- itng wiinarawn. DEAL HERE McUae Bros. Turchase BrlcK Buildin; on Two Third Avenue Ixits Consummation of a dral fot r'al estate in the biilnp section was announced thl morn In; in th? purchase hy Bros. Ltd. from Mrs. Helm M Gray of San Francisco of wo lots and a one-torev concrete t builrtinc Third Avmue a ?lcClvmonrs real estate office and A. E. Ireland's jewelry shop The purchasers will take posses sion on' Mav 1. movinr theit most disquieting sign of the fall- iiKinr from Its present loca . . . n 1 . U V. I A mn n- I, . uie ui me tjiuitii io tj me, m imn across ine sircci Shaving ben marooned lor jwas t0 tne late Canon Sheppard, more than eight months on,the comnlacence which it often shows in the face of crisis." Rut. If viit IpH In Tlr Hpnrv Wll- storase purposes and for the son, Bishop of Chelmsford, to J putting in of a heating plant, write that "popular services, bright; I England And Canada iFor Puck Final t with rain today and Sunday TERUEL IS PRAGUE. Czecho-Slovakia, Feb. 19: (CP) England, scor- ing in the third period, defeat- ed Czecho-Slovakia today in the semi-final of the world's amateur hockey championship '"' series and qualified to meet Canada tomorrow In the final. s Sixteen thousand speitators witnessed the game. Today's score was 1 to 0 for England. t 4 NINE DIE IN FLOOD Single Men Perish in New Zealand When Work Camp For Single Men is Wiped Out WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Feb. 19: (CP) The bodies of nine men were recovered from flood waters which wiped out a public works department camp in the Kopuaw-hara Valley of Hawke Bay on the northern Island. Eighteen others and a,SQ fearcd drown. ni lpndersh d of the people, if it , sues but an open mind? ..;-amn CPrt hv tho sinciP m,n a A warning that Britain should 1"'" ' I"0" J not be too confident of the sta-1 marrled men scamp escaped, hintv of its religious freedom wa3 given by he Bishop of Durham.) mt .1 i . Dr. Henson, at Durham Cathedral.! VYeattier TOreCaSl "Persecution brings the church i wnicn I OITieter lV.oo. under Under the wc sifting uni$ process (rumuhtd irnrninta through uirousn the we courted :ourwsj ur of 1 Victoria-Cloudy, easterly wind !separatrs the wheat from the r,.;, four miles per nour; ikuouk.-m.-i, tares, "c oaiu- ; cast is compiled rro.n ouvcxaiion ta Germany there Is widespread failure in frpnt of official coercion The nation which yesterday wa. to all seeming, a loyal constituent vv.ivjiiviiv ui on l tLutuvn ... j m ag up r nnnr: udium- niiL'uiv ..w - . . -ipter. -- - 2U.U4, 1 ... inrmnv. - 11.. .. 1 1 . . 1 1. . . 1 v.AAn ,nn poa tna trron r ui mv cmii ui vutn.1 Trrnrp SllOWing, east wihu, -we vv c uj "J "ten oewvu v.iv. o" b.,... w - iiuiai JlUIIlUUOIU 111W1UUUIS 'rin U t .... . uavenport to be Vlce-Admlr-and retired; Rear-Admiral . ... iJiinity to ot: VICC-AU a appointed to the First temperature 28. a ivnnsh Cloudy, calm, 26. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 31. Anyox Snowing, calm, 29. Stewart-Light snow, calm, 30. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 26. Smlthers, Cloudy, calm, 28. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 22. i Mr. and Mrs. F. deGanahl. who ih in thP citv earlier In the week from Fort St. James where ktn at 5 a.m. today a.nd cover, th Su Hour period ending a p.m. vomorrowi. t General SvnDsls--Pressure con-i tlnues low off the Queen Charlotte i mpmber of Christendom Is todav Islands nnd showers have occurred on the coast. Cloudy, mild weather. nrcvalls over the Interior. i'nnce uupert ana wuten unar-tribulatlonffwhlch has befallen our. iotte islands Fresh to strong hrpthrcn on ' the mainland of ' .-A s,- ft,-. If linfrl rnl ... I . . . West Coast of Vancouver Island i Fresh southeast winds, becoming strong. Cloudy and mild with rain. WANT SCHOOL CLLNICS SURROUNDED So Claim Spanish Insurgents Talk of Government Suggesting Surrender H END A YE, Franco - Spanish Frontier, Feb. 19: CP)-Spanisr. insurgents officially announce that they have cnciicied the strategic centre of Teruel, -which has bet:; under siege for the past two months, in a -new South Aragon offensive. The insurgents aHo said that Bnsn's 'like to discuss terms for the sur Thomas ! -endcr of Teruel. .Meantime, excavation started this morning for a partial base ment which will be used foi TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. JobuMon Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .14. Big Missouri, .45. Bralorne, 8.90. Aztec, .09 '2. Cariboo Quartz, 2.15. ' Dentonla, .12l2.. Golccnda, .05. Mlnto, .03. Falrvlew, .05. ' Noble Five, .03. , , " Pend Oreille, 1.99. Pioneer, 3.05. Porter Idaho, .02. Premier, 2.26. Reeves McDonald, '.41. Reno, .61. - Relief Arlingtonr.23T2' Reward, .05. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .05. Hedley Amalgamated, .05. Premier Border, .01 ?8. Silbak Premier, 2.10. Home Gold, .01 W. Grandview, .08i2. Indian .01 M. QuatsLno Copper, .033i. Haida Gold, .05H. Oils A. P. Con., .26. Calmont, .47. C. & E., 2.86. Freehold. .06. McDougal Segur, .22. Mercury, .15. Okalta, 2.07. Pacalta, .10. Home Oil. 1.26. Toronto Beattle, 1.37. Central Patricia, 2.60. Gods Lake, .52. Little Long Lac, 5.00. McKenzie Red Lake, .99. Pickle Crow, 4.70. Red Lake Gold Shore, .27. San Antonio, 1.45. Sherrlt Gordon, 1.49. Smelters Gold, .01 Vz- McLeod Cockshutt. 2.80. Oklend, .28. Mosher, .22. Madsen Red Lake. .10. Stadacona. .27 Vi. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur, .45. Moneta Porcupine, 2.30. Bouscadillac, .12. Thompson Cadillac, .29. Bankfleld, .95. East Malartlc. 1.50. Preston East Dome, 1.21. Hutchison Lake. .10. Dawson White, .02. , Aldermac, .56. Kerr Addison, 2.11. Uchl Gold, 1.63. Martin Bird, .49. Hardrock, 1.90. Int. Nickel, 50.25. Noranda. 59.75. Con. Smelters, 60.00. DETERMINED WOMAN Austria Has Completed Bargain With Germany; Is Now Up To Fuehrer Nazis Are Admitted to Only Legal Political Party in Vienna British Cabinet is Meeting Split Rumored' VIENNA, February 19: (CP) The Austrian government jn-mminrprl trulnv that it had fulfilled all of Chancel- hey had "intimations from tiv Chancellor Adolf j R Schuschnigg's pledges to t government garrison that it woult .1 uv"u.iimi,(, '9 , . , , u . ... . .. .... . u?fiv. P.oi.manr hr nnonitKr tn Austrian Nazis t memher- lllLli;! Ui AllCillJ KJ vv. ship in the Fatherland Front, the nation's only legal party. Austria waits now for Hitler to declare in his speech in the Reichstag Sunday that he will Appointed To Hospital Board ? VICTORIA. Feb. 19: (CP) W. O. Fulton. Prince Rupert 4 All But One of Eight Men Trapped In Pennsylvania Colliery Taken Out Alive HAZELTON, Pennsylvania, Feb. 19: (CP) Seven of eight men who had been trapped by a rush of water In an anthracite mine at near-hv Jpnnp.sville were rescued unin mine late Thursday. I Says Communists Go Conservative Russia LONDON. Feb. 19: (CPI A with ering attack on the Labor party In Britain is made by Fenner Brock-, Iway, secretary of the Independent' Labor party. respect Austria Independence and that Germany win Keep ner snare jf the von Schuschnlgg-Hltler bar gain for Austro-German co-opera tion. Meanwhile in the British council chamber at No 10 Downing Street In London this afternoon, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain meets his colleagues in a special cabinet annln.Prl EeSSlOa. UnamDCTMin Will U.l lay. WrUtor h, hPPn before the 4- to the board of management of 4 vMvJ the Prince Rupert General Th with Count t Dlno G Pr Hospital, replacing F. S. Wal- "f ton as representative of the f"' ch and the 'Tr i n firm ' rnm!" ? government. The . provincial . ... . . . stand in Austria. Discussing ru- other representative, of the dllerences between Prime S IA Sa t t MlnUter Chamberlain and Foreign ;.SeCTtarynthoQy,Eden.the.Dally. -.t0: - 4 Herald, Labor newspaper, said" that p the cabinet meets "to deal with a situation which, if it reaches a cli- t-i n t rriT ARP AVrll max- might result ln a spllt In the lLl Or 7 LjU government and ministerial resig ; FROM MINE nations. Children To Get Milk On Monday Supply to Small School Youngsters, Being Organized by I.O.D.E., to Start Then Organized by Municipal Chapter, jured. An eighth man was dead. He imperial Order, Daughters of the, was raui Kuruz. Empire, distnoution oi mus to The seven men were found in a children of Grades One to Four in rock hole high above the reach of Booth Memorial, Borden Street and the waters which rushed Into the seal Cove schools will be started on Monday. The milk will be given out j at the morning recess period. I To provide milk for those children who are unable to pay, It Is estimated the sum of $160 will be required. Of this amount the subsidiary chapters have put up $60; the Rotary Club, $20. and the Canadian British Writer Labor Legion Women's Auxiliary, $10, Party and Sees Capitalism In leaving $70 still to be raised. FLOOD IN ARKANSAS I He charges the Labor party "Is Thrce uivers an,i Their Tributaries dead from the neck up and thej Souna Ominous Threat For j spiritual life ls'gone out of It." Few) Southern State attend the party meetings even, when the leaders are on view and j little ROCK, Arkansas, Feo. those who go are "listless and un-(i9: cp) Three rivers and num-responsive." . 'erous tributaries roared an omiri Brockway blames the Commun- nus threat to Arkansas today whllr: ' ist.s and says they have become con- otner sections of the southern scrvative. He charges the .Com- united States were recovcrli; munlstr. have betrayed the Red rrom the effects of storms which i Revolution ln Spain, France and claimed at least twenty-seven lives. China and even Russia where he i sees the introduction of capitalist! FOR CLEARER VIEW devices. He thinks rooner or later LONDON, Ont. Feb. 19: (CP)-r the Labor nartv will admit the I windshield Xief rosters should bo 'Communists "because there will be standard automobile equipment in I .... . it it I it.i. I - I ..utt. r n t . . no difference between them. I Mill I KnVS Mt'W ARAIM I .'.WlJ...tJ'..U . . . I . ... ...... WYNBERG, South Africa, Feb. 19. LONDON, Feb. 19: (CP)--Jlm and l irn T lllv VVIin.ims 32. a divorcee I Amv Mnlllsnn. famous flvlnc COUDle V, ' ' - 1 " -.... , - j LONDON, Ont., Feb. 19: (CP) A with one child, tried unsuccessfully , who have been divorced met the majority of parents of secondary to commit suicide by drinking lo-j other day for the first time In a i i -1. ii., .. Unvo- i . rflno hrnlnor hpraplf In front of vpnr t.rt hpnr that Income tax aUthJ dental treatment ln clinics con-a (i train LI Hill and UI1U dWUUU swallowing V iilt t a pair of V orltics Jl ilsilS had ilUU waived VM claims uaaav of va 4,200, v w j ducted by the school dental h glene department. 3 - ' , this province, for public safety, said Magistrate C. W. Hawkshaw, fining a man for reckless driving. Vancoucer Wheat VANCOUVER, Feb. 19: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.36ti o the Vancouver market yesterday, vV. W UllbVU Vl tllUt lV V J VilVVtUl eyebrow tweezers. Finally she shot ($21,000) awarded to them in air j advancing one cent to $ 1.3734 to herself. day.