PAOE TWO Published MEN Here Is Real Value Men's Work Boots in Bolivian Calf and Mennonite Calf. Guaranteed Solid Throughout. With leather or Punco soles, fireb make $v95 49 v Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - - -. Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In : , ; Paid In advance, per week Paid in advance, per month 'By mall to all parts of British Columbia, tne British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance , " By mall to all other countries, per year News Department Telephone Advertising and Cnculatlon Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulation! fJAILY EDITION 86 9s $5.00 .501 Saturday, March 2(5, 1938. )' Slates, country is not looking for a nunrn1 with nm,! Major B. C, Hartley, O.B.E., member of trie Rugby Union committee, has been appointed honorary manager of the English team to tour South Africa this summer. The team sails May 20 . Maurice Tate, Sussex cricketer on his arrival In England after playing In the Argentine, denied he received an offer to return as coach o; 12 1 the Argentine Cricket Association j Holder of the South African open 3 0g and Amateur golf championships, 9Q(v A. D. (Bobby) Locke, 20, won the I Transvaal onen lournev with a ree- 1 ord aggregate of 277 strokes for 72 J holes. Previous record of 281 was held by Sid Brews, South African . 'pro. i Great Britain will have 11 entries In the European athletic champion-EASES KING'S BURDEN !lps to held In Paris September 3. Prime Minister Mackenzie King has found the power looted toToo " export problem a very difficult one. Ontario has at the' iJicscut Resent nine ume more more power power tnan tnan is is needed needed and and there there is is a a Dr- Dr- A- A- Davl David- BishP of Uver- shortage of power in that section of the United States 'pt)o1' bordering on Ontario. Premier Hepburn made an effort IJSST tn rppi, IV,n ,.;v,f i. . i ever devised. - il6,a iu cAijyn uus surplus power but the' says says fo football pools are "the Insidious form of gambling xvuuiuuuii uuveriiment nerir pr tn nhna tVir. mnfu. tu u t njj u i t. . . yiuv. wit uiaLLcl 111 LIIC miaa c. x. tsaiuwtui, lawn tenuis 1 n r 1" nancls oi Parliament and now it is announced that Prpi- professional coach, was accepted as dent Koosevelt is opposed to it and Serrpta yxi IT nil nViiifc. an amateur entry In the women's to any partial nlan tn sprnrp nnwo. w,ft: i..u'ila racquets association cham- fWla Canada ic is ready d ln to " 7L V.I 1 . hJClA . " ait i pionship tournament in London. until go through with the Great Water- vvdyt, fccneme as a wnole which provides not onlyxfor a waterway to the ocean but for the generating of noVver lncuieiiLaiiy. IIOIJ) THEMSELVES IN READTWKSS According to Secretary of State Hull of the United rijc? Yxtct his .Mini i.. I,- 1 l . . Ten boxing tournaments between ... A i t . . n n i l. ranged in South Africa for the (forthcoming tour of the British 1 Royal Air Force team. STILL AN AMATKITlt THB-OAILT NEWS Saturday. Mu-ch SPORT Victoria Dominoes TEAM OF i t t r Are m Vancouver GYMNASTS: j Although they had announced that they would not resume the provln-; Tne team to represent the cial men's basketball championship prince Rupert physical education series after the British Columbia and recreational centre at tin' Basketball Association had ruled a provincial inter-centre gymnastic 32 all draw Instead of a 34 to 32 competition and mass display at win for thim in Wednesday night's .Vancouver next week Is finally an-game, the Victoria Dominoes play- nounced as consisting of Bertie O1-ed here last night, the Vancouver Neill, Emil Blain, Albert Mah Westerners winning 38 to 33 to tie George Ferguson, John Grimsson Up the play-offs at one game each, and Robert McLean. In charge of The Dominoes had won the first Harry Gordon-Cooper, director of game 57 to 47 and insisted that they also took the second from" the Van- couver Westerners. Later, however, they accepted the Association ruling ! of a draw following an official scor-i ing error. The third game will be played SPORT CHAT the local centre, the team v ill sail Monday afternoon aboard the Princess Louise for Vancouver and is due to return home on tht completed except for $30 which it Is hoped to raise between now and Monday. The boxing tournament on Thursday night netted about $C0. ADVANCE TO Preston North End and Iludders-field Town io Play April 30 for Coveted English Trophy LONDON, March 2G: (CP) Preston North End, playing at Sheffield today, steered lis way to an English Cup final berth by downing Aston Villa two to one in a semi-final match. Sixty thousand persons saw the game. There was no storing in the second halt. Playing, at top form Iludders-field won a Well-deserved three to one victory over Sunderland in the other semi-final at Blackburn. The final for the trophy will take place on April 30. Old Country Soccer Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen 1, Hamilton Academi cals 0. Celtic 1, Ayr United 1. Dundee-Third Lanark unplayed. Hibernians 2, Falkirk 4. Kilmarnock 2, Arbroath 1. Morton 2, Rangers 3. Partick Thistle 3, Motherwell 0. Queen of South 2, Hearts 3. Queenspark 1, Clyde 1. St. Mlrren 0, St. Johnstone 1. Edinburgh City 0, Albion Rovers 2. Forfar Athletic 2, Raith Rovers 3 Lelth Athletic 5, Dundee United 0 English League, First Division Birmingham 1, Blackpool 1. Charlton Athletic 4, Wolverhamp ton Wanderer. 1. nation but the administration feels that there & "rnrNDO?' Marcl? 20: 7 f"Chai 2, Evertbn o hmg more important in the world today than tohutlKTiiS. 1 S5 3 tnemseives in and prevent an enemy landing on their own American woman open golf champ-shores. There are certain fundamental principles which i ion-is givhlg away the entlre Pr-the country must support, particularly in the Pacific area ceeds of her book and now ls traln" The United Statw .VimnoL t fV, Jl Ztlt for this year's competitions. . - " iu wic i uic uv iui lc iueu which is prevalent today and it will be the policy to work, either alone or in co-operation with other nations, to promote and preserve law and order, morality and justice aS the unshakeable basis of her international relations. Mr. Hull says it is impossible to withdraw from the rest of the world so he prefers to become a part of the world, because isolation does not mean security. He intimates his desire to make a reasonable contribution to a world order based on law and thus discharge the responsibility of the country to itself both today and tomorrow. No other course Would be worthy of the great democracy. We take it from Mr. Hull that, should occasion arise he wiU use force to destroy force in any part of the world if it is in the interests of American citizens and world morality. . POSITION OF THE NATIONS The position of the nations seems to be something like Ihisi . Germany will seize another slice of Central Europe just as soon as it is necessary to keep the German people f rom'thinking about themselves after they have assimilated Austria. Czecho-Slovakia is nearly half German and fears she may be the next victim. France says she will attack Germany if Germany takes Czecho-Slovakia. . Italy awaits a favorable opportunity to march into SETS RING PRECEDENT LONDON, March 26: CP) When the King Jumped into tht ring at Albert Hall to present prizes to London Federation of Boys' Clubs tournament winners it marked the first time an English monarch had stood in a boxing ring, in public. Leeds United 0, Derby County 2. Liverpool 2, Manchester City 0. Middlesbrough 0, Brantford. 1. Stoke City. 3, Bolton Wanderers 2 West Bromwlch Albions 0, Arsen al 0. BORED THOUGH WEALTHY BATH, Eng., March 2G: (CPi A plumber here won more than $75,000 in a football pool and quit! his Job. He was back in a week.jT1 Dored with idleness, begging letters and people with advice. . Spain, or Egypt or Palestine ami will try to mesmerize Britain into allowing her to do so. Britain is on the fence except that she will not allow ranee or Belgium to be invaded and will carry out treaty! obligations with Egyjit and Iraq. v Canada will take no action until forced to do so by the exigencies of the situation but, undoubtedly, will be part of the Empire when needed. . United States is saying nothing specific but is very likely to take part to help the world democracies. Japan would like to leto of'China1 but dots hot know how. China is beginning to let the world know that she has Japan in a trap purposely .set for her and is likely to drub the life out of her" little neighbor if she can keep her people enthused. " Russia says she is ready for war, will defend her own territory and, if necessary, assist otjieh nations that need help. ' ; ICOMMENT ON RUPERT Shut hers Fell tor Sees .Much In SyMem f Administration In This City Smithers Is taking an interest in Prince Rupert and In its system of that the people could have, not what they all clamored for. but what the city could find money for and what was of essential necessity. "Today Prince Rupert Is standing solidly on at least one foot. Her indebtedness has been cut in that i long major operation of admlnistra-' tion by a commissioner, her bonded Tr Indebtedness has been more favor- I "if III T"If r IN A iff ! S ably re-written, economies have VVA A lllXlljU been effected until Prinrp Rnrtert: is now in the position of paying her own way and doing a little better. "In this condition the time Is seen by Prince Rupert people where they can ask for some change. We ask : 'Just why?' "Fearing the return to council and aldermen, business men are already taking steps to head off that possible catastrophe, and we believe It J was C. V. Evitt who suggested the city manager plan. The city manager system may be fine, but there are varying opinions on that point. One thing is certain: it would pave the way for all the wire-pulling that came so close to wrecking the city under the council system. Sensible Idea George W. Nickerson offered the sensible idea when he advocated that the city manager, if any, be appointed by the government, as Is the present commissioner, Mr. Alder. But if that is to be the case, why change at all? From this long distance It Is possible to see the gen- i eral situation otlvlc Improvement; tn Prince Rupert's economic set-up 1 in much better perspective than the ueonle right at home. There may Merit be minor details with which we can- not be expected to be familiar af ter long absence, and which may even alter the argument. But It does appear that Mr. Alder has succeeded in placing Prince Rupert In government. The Interior News , good financial healtn, ana wnetner published in that town has the f ol- the present system of commissioner lowing editorial article this ueelc: or the newer idea ol city manager Come Over From Victoria in Spite ! "A lot of rain has descended upon l is to be accepted it noes jook of Refusal to Resume Senior Six Local Men, Led by Director Of j the already-pure people of Prince good logic to suggest that Mr. Al Series and Are Beaten t Recreational Centre, Lea vim: Rupert since that time, aDOut nan.der remain at nis post h me tax Monday Afternoon For Van VANCOUVER, March 26: (CP) couver .Meet , a decade ago, the municipal system i of a mayor and council had become so effective In extravagance and waste and patronage that In order to safeguard the shareholders and protect the credit of that city it became necessary to appoint a commissioner to administer the affairs of that municipality. "The Council, to a greater extent than even the provincial government, were targets for every legiti mate and Illegitimate appeal, and. human rrailties being as they are, many propositions were entered Into that came close to sinking the tugboat. "W. J. Alder was appointed corn- Prince Rupert a week from Wed jmlssioner for that city and he start-nesday morning. ,ed right In to tell the people that Financing of the trip has been ward politics had to come to an end. payers desire to keep away from the extravagance and Inefficiency of community control of its own af-j fairs. "We consider that Mr. Alder has 1 done a good job as cohimlssiohef 11c lias saved that city from hfr, own people In a way. And a pari allel Is offered in our neighboring city of Prince George, where Mayor Patterson has, over a long term, resuscitated that city and put its finances on a solid footing while carrying on all or most of the es-sential works. "The most Idiotic of all election' slogahs is that which presumes that the great majority are ignorant and easily carried away, and which blats out that it Is time Tor a change. "Unless, as we say, there are some details very Important details , the people of Prince Rupert would be doing that city a mighty fine service by seeing to it that any system of government adopted In the near future should offer nothing less in the matter of economy and efficiency than that displayed by Mr. Alder." Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catala 1:30 pjn Thurs. ss. Pr Rupert 11:15 pm. Friday- -ss. Cardena 9 p.m. ss. Prin Adelaide 10 p.m. Tune In To The BROADCAST By Hon. T. I). Pattullo K.I)., LL.I)., Prime .Minister on British Columbia Affairs Monday, March 28th 7 to 7:30 p.m. Stations C.B.U. Vancouver, C.F.C.T. Victoria, C.F.J.C. Kamloops, CJ.A.T. Trail, C.K.O.V. Kelowna "How would you like to try the Big Apple?" "I'd rather hove a Sweef Cap I" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tht purtit form in hkh tobacco can bt imokeJ." HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Ilupert, B.C. I nflitftiH&iiffi SCOTCH VHISKY This talWL.iMiur. la :. puWw tVord or oy tii C;ernnxn; i RKX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchangr Blotl PIIONF. C58 HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. IN SfMMKK HURX Dry Wool BIRffl JACKPINE CEDAR Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food H Good The Room Are CK The House Is Warm fTbe Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Bra 'OhVEUXMENT MQl' ACT" Notice of Application W f" Trifrr of iv-cr ' NOTICE i hereby c"1 ICiM)d tnlr,d tn upp!" tw control Board ror 'Jj i i of bwr llcew No. 4374, 'f', V wot of premises boU P ' jj (i Iws known aa Spruce cr ate on .Spruce Cnk. en:" " W i Atlln Twnite, upon nl,lS & Plooer Claim SallT" 6P"1 It DrlUsU olumbte, Prince JWl " ff of )3rlUh Columbia, from MJJ fa Don CSs-ell to Bpnice OJ ,t Limited, of Spruce Crccfi, B"' umbia, the Transferee r-ijuif Dftted thU lBtU day " ' '""SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL tg I'"'1" OF IN J UK Hl l'HKMK COt'KT f'Ol.t'Mltl IN I'KOIUTE (rlr In ll.e Mailer of II" Act" Ail , M In Hie Matter or ll.e M ' Archie. Icc;-rt ; TAKE NOTICE Uat v, I Hojiuh W. E Flrf., mi dajr of MtiroU. A. D. ' 3Vi poUnted Admlntetmtor ot oniuw Arorue, "'.V Mld l hiivliiB clfllmii pvlnt pw,wriy Veririwl. t i3B, all parti. indebted m nt of : indebted wo V me tZ&V m DATED till lth iy 1038. . ,.r.TT.