BIG CROWD ATORCUS Two Hundred and Fifty Tcrsons At Some two hundred and fifty per sons wpr attrarrpri tn the mvla1 r T w w 1. T T 1 T 1 Hrfr1..1Hfri The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE rhone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK HERE lllifi CORNER BRUSH CLEANS DRAPES BtHIND RADIATORS Of ODORIZES TOR UPHOLSTERY CLOTHES K uith the moit complete et vf attachmcnti ever ofjeitd at this . . . . LOW PRICE Man in the Moon I wish I were a humorist. I would , tracted to First United Church j the newspapers, the editors, the city j By Entertainment commissioner, the bankers, the po-f INDIA IS NOWQUIETl sometimes make up a joke about Raiding: Tribes Taught Lesson Ana Frontier Tranquil Again , licemen and the bums. As Jake says, The northwest frontier Is usuallj they are all too funny for words, .thought of as India's most tur . .. jouient Jbulent gateway gateway but out there mere are are some sumc parlors of First United Church for 'bonny Donny fighters on the northeast th the opening night of the circus en-L .. wer.e an offi" then as i well 1 wum actlve enouS 10 aoa& tertainment staged by Canadian missiles- Girls in Training, Tuxis, Trail Ran- gers and Explorers' groups of the .,.., 'tangle of hills skirted by India's rhurrh The pntertalnmpnt. which vUU.u Mun. """'"'"'u Between India's fertile plains and the Chinese frontier lies a was a great success, will be repeated na,1 a la thf's ls a miss'le; i containing the headwaters of three j tonight. " . - , w - " great Burmese rivers, the Chlnd-Wilfrid e throws his heart at is Miss. a Hicks is general manager Irrawaddy and the Salween, of the circus with Ken Harding as ur language ls funny, it seems to; and Kyml important Chinese program director. In general me streams. In these hills live priml- charge of booths is Mrs. W. A. Rod-. tive and vigorous tribes. Among dell while the sideshows are con- " D"ae wisnes people to think themi ln Indla.s easternmost pro-ducted by the Tuxis Group under been."iarrled a JonS time, vlncC( Assam( are tne Na?a trlbe ) Fred Soles. Girls' dancing numbers Lai1' lue sucaie. jnoted head hunters in former days are arranged by Miss Maxine Heil- and perpetuaj raiders of their broner and the Pirate Chorus by " was an Alberni writer who said peaceful neighbors on the plains. Mrs. L. I. Pugsley. Pianist is Miss ineir locai Boara 01 1Taae competed Before bringing them under Lois Judge. 1 with the churches ln the matter of control the British authorities had, Maurice Davey is ringmaster for emPly seats. And yet he does not heavy fighting with them in the the circus entertainment which scem to have visited Prince Rupert, last century. In the unadmlnister-1 lasts about an hour. j , ed territories on the Assam-Burma ; After the main entertainment.' canvasser: - xou pay a sman ae-( border the Nagas still delight ln the sideshows and refreshment Psit tnen vou make no more pay- capturing their neighbors for stands drew a large measure of ments for s1 months." slaves, and a year ago the deputy patronage last night. ft ifiM Hi Laay 01 me nouse: "wno torn you commissioner of the Naga Hills .about us?" with a military escort marched ud 4 l ' 1 vw vvvrf VIIV.ti klJUVlltS The state of matrimony ls said' Three officers of the Assam tn bp nne of t.hp TInltpd iRIflps have nnw hepn nurarriert tYin I 'King's Police Medal for gallantry ' "Ah! Tom, Isn't it delightful that during these operations. The of-we are to be married? With such ficial report describes how during love as ours, we can almost live on the column s withdrawal the con- bread and water, can't we, dear?" mandant s small force was heavily 1 "Easily, my pet," answered Tom attacked In thick country and was! with great emotion. "You furnish in danger of being overwhelmed the bread and I'll skirmish around D"t coolness and tact extricated it for the water." DOG ESCAPES FLAMES LONDON, March 26: (CP) pomeranian dog, trapped ln Special tribute ls paid to Sub ndar Bhoto Gurung, who was cov erlng the withdrawal. "By nls, rkllful leadership he occup'.ed the only possible position In a very short time; and the covering fire of his party, opened at a critical moment, undoubtedly saved the Durning couage. protected nimsci: j rearguard from being charged by burrowing under rubbish. The'riown upon bv the enemy whom dog escaped the flames but had they could not see and whose ob-nearly drowned In water poured on ' vlous intention was to bverwhelm the blaze l,he column through sheer weight of numbers." Buys this truly MODERN CLEANER Complete with Attachments Here is your opportunity to own an EASY Vacuum Cleaner at a price far lower than you would expect to pay for such modern efficiency! That's why we say that this EASY Vacuum Cleaner offers real value. You'll be delighted with the way its extra high suction with lint brush gets carpets really clean . . You'll find it easier to use, too, since you move onlf the hose and nozzle, instead of the whole machine . . . And you'll appreciate the complete set of attachments for other household usesl EASY TO OWN v You can purchase an EASY Vacuum Cleaner on tcrmi so low you'll hardly miss the small monthly payments. Ask for details of this convenient credit plan. Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Hoats to Leave Next Week Indian Department Cruiser, With New Engine and Thoroughly Renovated, Due Hack Next week Control of Fishermen's Unions Apparently,; there has been a move on fot by the CommlUet for Industrial Organization to gain 1 a foothold among the fishermen's union organizations of the British, Columbia coast; Speaking on the situation, Percy Bcngough, vice ' president of the Trades and Laboi ! Congress of Canada, is reported as saying: "The SDlit ln the or- An announcement of interest with respect to the future contrti of a well known salmon cannery of Prince Rupert district is expected to be made next week. Tlu deal has been completed. on' the final papers remaining to bt PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and Enjcineo. ! uU BrM Cutia. Efoetri and AoetylmM Welding. VM'lUta on Sawmill d Mining Machinery. AO Type a Caa Engine paired and Orerhanled. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclli Propritor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate 11.00 up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IX I Early next week will see the first vessels of the local halibut fleet getting away in readiness for the opening of the 1938 fishing season on April 1. The Cape Beale, one of the larger vessels, will clear Sunday or Monday for the farther removed Area No. 3 banks by way of Alaska ports but the majority will be leaving later direct for Area No. 2 grounds. A-F boats will leave on March 30, G-L April 1. L-Q April 5 slgned Qn this being done, th and R-Z April 8. While there are, announcement will be forthcomins. undoubtedly, some factors that are . , none too encouraging, the majority Thfi nrovlnrlai iire hat p m i. of the operators, are hopeful of at 8 returned to port at 7 o'clock last! iwi nuueraiuy sooa prices, ine evening from Kltlmaat where It fact that an Intelligent and well-; went ln connection with the inves-organized effort Is being made to of Frederick tlgatlon Grant, an In-regulate the production will un- diarii who lo5t hls ,lfe ,n a Blsh doubtedly aid towards this end. n logglng cam where he wa, em With Capt. John Boden back in command, Union steamer Cardena arrived in port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 9 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. According to information reaching here this week, no less than 18,551,000 pounds of fresh fish wes landed at the Boston fish pier during the month of February. This fish ls a factor of competition with Pacific Coast halibut on the eastern markets. The Indian Department's cruiser Naskeena, which has been In Vancouver for the past few weeks having a new engine Installed and undergoing alterations and a general overhaul, Is expected to leave Vancouver this week-end on her return to Prince Rupert with Engineer Tom Moorehouse in charsa and should be back here some time next week. The Naskeena h3S had the old 40-60 Eastern Standard engine replaced with an 80 h.p. Vivian full diesel. The engine is now under pilot house control and Improvements to the ves3d have Included the putting In ol new rails. Capt. John! Clausen, well known local salmon packer, who has been on a vacation trip to Norway and elsewhere In Europe, returned to trie city on the Prin cess Norah yesterday aftrnoon. ployed. Circumstances of the fatality were found to be entirely accl- dental, maat. Burial took place at Kltl- Experts Praise Lowly Herring Pica Made For It By Eastern Cooking Experts NEW YORK, March 26: (CP) A plea for the kippered herring ls made by cooking experts here. It is a rather neglected food this side of the Atlantic. Americans do not know It from cradle days as do the English and the French, yet it is a succulent, robust delight once your palate accepts its gusty flavor. A Scottish member of the Home Institute staff, reared In England, suggests eating these smoked delights for supper with plain boiled potatoes, sliced tomatoes, bread and butter and plenty of black, strong tea served with milk. Lay the kippers on a baking sheet cn a piece of brown paper and place In a hot oven 10 minutes. You and the oven will smell like kipper for a week, but there will be no regrets, she says. CUssiFlE FORRBNT HOUSEKEEPING Room with clec-tric range. Phone Red 444, (63) FOR SALE panized fishermen's movement is FOR SALE Pontlar RM9n paHin the work of outsiders and we have to look to those that came in las! for the cause of the division by Introducing other unions where tht rt was no need for them." heater, excellent condition, Phone 842 after 5:30. (75) FOR SALE Modern 6 room house. Apply 636 Taylor Street. (77) ROOMING HOUSE 28 rooms com pletely furnished in 1, 2 and 3 room suites, fully occupied. Earn j ing 25 on Investment. 5 blocks from new post office. For price and terms see T. McClymont. PERSONAL (74) MEN I To get vlgoi, vitality, try raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants ln New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, exhausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results, maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk nothing. Sold by all good drug stores (tf) PRIVATE HOME KINDERGARTENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. tf V VE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Let. ter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free Information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. ift Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNt C57 MAKING HITLERS Training: Youths As Nazi Leaders In Germany BERLIN, March 26: (CP) A whole generation of "future Adolf Hitlers" is being groomed ln Germany. At the age of 12, the pick of the boys of the nation are being lanuched on a course of training which will not end until they are 29 years old. The first stage of training, from 12 to 18 years, will be completed at "Adolf Hitler Schools" of which there will be one for each of the 32 German districts. Here the "future Fuehrers" will not be taught but must work themselves Into .National Socialist ideology, according to Dr. Robert Ley, Nazi Labor leader. Successful matriculants from these schools will next -enter on of four "Universities, for Nazi Leaders" for courses in" rifle shooting, equestrian sports, light athletics, flying, skiing, mountain climbing, and spiritual development. Twelve weeks each year will be devoted to practical work in political offices. The student Is then released to complete his academic work or learn a profession after which he will qualify for the degree of "Political Leader" by a six-months study of the German cast. Essential qualifications for entry to the schools are ability, bravery and courage. Students will be chosen by regional Nazi leaders on the recommendations of groi'p leaders and will be supported during training by the party. I.AMI ACT Notice of liitrtitlon to apply to i.f I jiikI In Prince Rupert L&ivd Rocordli . Dlntrlct of Brkt!-h Columbia Mnd situate on. Danny Ulaud cm the east .U' "t Lama Pamage Take notice that I, William fYanoi Martin or Campbctf Island, oacup.'-tftm merchant intend to apply tor u leae of the following desoMbed Iwndi Commencing at a post ptaittml on the ivortih west m of k mtbri shore of Alnirm Cove then six chiu.l houuv uwnoe twelve chains east ther.rr six chains north; thence twelve chaUJi wrm to pcrrvt 01 commencement and coutJalnJjvg 7 and one-quarter acre more or less. WILLIAM FRANCIS MARTIN IHVd February 8U1. 1938, LAST TIM IV 1 ... J - '.4.1 1 11 tn 11 . "Hill ft- V tic nrsrn c 'I . -t . . . - 0 1 1 ,1 p n A. . 1 1 ... I Ol . . VI L I , , , anow at 9 p.m. BEGINS MONDAY IAUGH YOUR Fill . . with Myrna and ftffl . ' rowdyl Rie(0 , h'w'rfionihiB. r-1 -y .. . irrw-ra-'iuii'Tinir igj ADDED Cowboy and Hill Hilly Bandi "The Khythm Wranglm' WOULD NEWS EVENTS Lie wis: Head tt vint Hi- Sale On Specials in Congoleum 5 Congoleum Rugs 7VL.x9. fjg Q Congoleum Rugs 'Jxl0o. 5 2Coa.m."!x,.a... 8.95 i Qfi Square Yards of Inlaid Linoleum Six feet Wide. . C-S 9ft Per sq. yard1 $JL,AO NO REFUNDS NO DELIVERY EUO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue. Prince pr-:--' D' For a Safe Courteous Driver, Call 456 Taxi Al. French