bn jf Hollywood. American radio wsim.. and a certain type of lerican mcazine . . . French - mnmii U c ;entlally conservative ptf propcaer, to preserve the splrl pal heritage i its forbears, but 11 fes no dcilre to cut off from the IrStlsh Crown alarmed bv this increasing .-., intu aii. nua vergence of opinion" on the needj lor a greater population in ca nada. But he ventured to sum up his own views in this way: Nova Scotia and New Brunswick "A very real need for new blood." Prince Edward Island "General i prosperity offers opportunities fot phlcally is Canada an entity & limited numDer.' ,e real uanaaa is uie ai. L,aw- u"w, utKuipb m- hce areaf wnicn snouia be a "6iau. tnch sneaking Dominion. The ! Ontario "Perhaps a farm school st of Canada should either form r children." hi Dominions or be absorbed b- ! Prairies "Not before two 01 le United States, French Canada three good harests have beengath- bfts the 20th-century 'clvlliza-1 ered. British Columbia "Greatest ps slblllty for large-scale immigration preferably group settlement . . Cries out urgently for population tn develop Its" untouched resources." Sir E'elyn stressed that no immigration from England should be done in haphazard fashion. II was a highly-technical subje t best met by group settlement aud farm school schemes particularly te that the French Motherland iof the Kingsley Fatrbrldge type. hoi i , mp riWnt hold Canada un to is taking more interest in , prospective emigrants as a land i uusDnnp t m npn ftpdcii ui inuiv mm - - - inrs ana publicists were visit iioneimcas .. Canada and dlstlnqulshed settler, together with strange ana i-iitn-uanaaians were visiting aimcun cdhuiuuib, "ice ine old and the new were "'k umyn more Closely logeinfi own gnuiu .wv... Wlectuallv and In sentlmei-f city on the Princess Norah yestc -- ' Sir Evelyn declared there day afternoon from a trip to ve.i- ORE THROAT WITH COLDS GIVEN FAST RELIEF Toko 2 "Aspirin" Tablets with a full glass of water. ' W& 4 '&U Croth 3 "A,pSrin" Toble,, 'liLV'fiLJS inlsglas.ofwater-nargle ' VV fS twice every few hours. The speed with which "Aspirin" tablets act in relieving the distressing Bymptoms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utterly amazing ... and the treatment is Bimple and I'leasant. This is all you do. J-;ru8h and dissolve three Aspirin" tablets in one-third Class of water. Then gargle with inis mixture twice, holding your head well back. This medicinal gargle will act almost like a local anesthetic DEMAND AND GET- ASPIRIN on the sore, irritated membrane of your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness is relieved. Vou will say it is remarkable. "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. 1AOf-MAK S. O. N. Masquerade Dancsj Monday. March 28, . Oddfellows' Hall, 9:30. Adm. 50c. Refreshments had free. Everybody welcome. '72 Mrs. J. D. Thurber, who has been spending the past few weeks in the . house. city, returned to Vancouver on the Princess Norah last night. Mrs. A. O. Morse and family, who have beeh on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon. E. A. Graves, who has been employed at the Tucks Inlet reduction plant, which is now closed down, sailed on the Princess Norah last night for Vancouver. Dennis Adams, Massett native, who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, sailed by the Prince John last night on his return to his home on the Islands. Rev. David Lister of Vancouvei arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from the south, being here to supply in the pulpit of First Presbyterian Church. S. A. Benwell, who has beciii trahsferrcd from here to Victoria: h the Forest Branch service, sail ed last niiht by the Princess No-ah for the south. Mrs. Benwnl and family have already left fo; the south. Provincial Constable George H. Clarke, who Is returning to Prince Rupert to Join the city force, will arrive here on the Catala tomorrow i evening from Sechelt, accompanied by Mrs. Clarke and family. He succeeds Constable Walter Middleton who left last evening on the Prince John for his new post at Massett. Twenty -Five Years Ago March 26, 1913 The city council decided last hight !to encase A. D. Creer, Vancouver expert, to come here at a cost of $500 to advise In connection with a dispute regarding local sewer Organized by M. M. Stephens, a successful Conservative smoker was held last night. James H. Thompson was In the chair and William Manson M.PP. was the principal speaker. On motion of J. C. Halsey, a vote of, confidence In the Borden naval policy was passed. There was a good musical program with Alex Gray presiding at the piano. jRAr POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Waihbuina, Window, mad Mirrors. Cannot scratch. 18 and 81 P.O. Box S?5 for r.oon SERVICE Try MOSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruit Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 TltlRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion BUSINESS For Sale POTATOES ahd APPLES Large Stock. Will Sell Cheap HAPPY WONG Phone 911 717 3rd Ave. W. Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, tv Tonight's train, dut from the East at 11 o'clock, was, reported this morning to be running on time. June Muhroe was fined $50 by Magistrate McClymont ln clty police court yesterday afternoon for be- X I ine the inmate ' of a disorderly Lieut. Commander F' 0. Hart R.C.N. arrived In the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from Esqulmalt and will be here for a few days on official duties. H. F. Noel of Smlthers, who Is on a trip to 'the coast In his capacity as district deputy grand master of the Masonic Lodge, will, sail on the ! Catala tomorrow evening for a vls, it to Stewart. He will be accompah-! led by . McN. Lowe of Smlthers. nltiiKin Aft ijrrtlrrTcl Nnnil.l " lan Legion, Joint banquet with Wo-i oer Bl.e' 1 " 1B. nu men's Auxiliary. Tuesday, March 29. at ouristo" . : a. . . , ..,.,,. Haftner, arrived in the city from . ... .J ithe interior on Thursday nights Secretary, will address meeting. I" , , Program. 72 ) i Z Z "Z SZ- . nere ueiurt piotccuuig uj.i np w his native home In England. Hotel Arrivals Royal J. F. Mussenden and M. W. Vancouver. Prince Rupert C. Win ton Thompson, M. W. and M. Tismah,' Vancouver; 'W. Laing, D. W. Webster and F. G. Hart, Victoria. ' " V Central . O. Anderson, Prince Rupert; J. Hadlahd and son, Porcher Island; H. Loakcs, pigby Island. Reach the -mosi people w at) and district with ii novertlsement n the Dally .New. Announcements All advertisements lrl this column will be charged fot a full month at 25c a word;'" March 25 And United Church. 26, CIRCUS, 6.O.N. Masquerade, March 28. Basketball Dance, April 1, ton Hall. ; f Bos- Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 6. Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 Baptist Tea, April 20. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 21. Dancing Display, Oddfellows Hall. April 21. 28. Prince Rupert Operatic Society present the "Pirates of Penzance" Capitol Theatre, April 27 and United Sa,le, May 5. , St. Peter's Bazaar; May i. William Gair Prince Rupert Florist THIRD AVENUE WEST We Supply all your needs FOR THE GARDEN Trees Shrubs Bedding Plants Seeds Fertilizers Etc, Phone BLUE 974 P.O. Box 27G Learn To Play Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass G. C. WALKER, Instructor 212 Fourth Street Ear Test Conducted with the "Resonoscope" Free Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkley Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Company ! atirday, March 26, 1938. 752 DAH.7 KTfTt PAQI THRSi ASCENDANT .. . .1.1...!!.. !.. In Few uecacies f Immigration .i ilf.KaMnl flns Kfit I.Ik Tendency In Canada B. I Norman Smith Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, March 20: (CP) "li itiiiij "i rnnnb ni r.nnnnn is serious the desire to preserve lis racial II . lV..l-v(t..-itr. ill' ..i .nMAtn npp 1 1 .v in i i.iui i.i li i la win n wirrtrfi inp mi lick ui unr UH mnrp serlotislv" l.LllfWU ' w i 1 1 u " UIi Ui utii. o" - ( tvio TlmpR tinnn his return , w - ii( nirt Tmnor fi t rlprinrpfl mill ou ui -v J.. ft in 4 r t rt V rv I 4 upttle In his own mind t::e under and vice-president of the verseas League, -who enjoys a iod hearing In this country where s Interest in Dominion and Col-ilal affairs is widely respected ime back to write and speak nol Canada's disunity but of her ?d for renewed immigration on planned scale Sir Evelyn was Impressed by the ct that at long last 'les Can:i- fns were coming Into their owr. " tnch -Canada opinion was sum- pd up m follows: Confederation was an absurdity tithcr economically nor geo tlcal rapproachtnent with French republic. Attached to Crown "French-Canada ts self-absorbed The turmoils of Europe seem verv remote, There Is, however, a very real attachment to the British I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Attention! Members of Canadian ! Legion Women's Auxiliary please ?:!JK funeral of David Mc "ao cbuuiuru uie reugious in- Pl,iin,,,, nf of T.nnU r j. .VUlIOUgn. French-Canada." There was real need, however, for a freer intellectual exchange between French-Canada and Drear. Britain. Lord Tweedsmuir done good work bv associates himself with French-Canadian life But it should be carried on jV others as well, and there should be a great exchanee of visits be. tween representative figures of both countries. "Canada is heir to two great European cultures. At a time when outward events seem destined to draw the two Western Motherlands closer together French-Canada their Joint offspring, should be a valued link. The intellectual com ing together of old and new France Is regarded In Great Britain with cordial sympathy. Nor s the passionate devotion of French-Canada to the faith of its fathers any bar to complete co-operation In an age when a crude materialism threatens Christianity throughout the world the fact that on tht banks of the St. Lawrence is to be found an essentially Christian civilization Is reassuring." Reviewing the much-discussed problems of defence and rather minimizing the significance of isolation talk regarding Canada, Sh Evelyn proceeded to the question nf mlirrnfinn Hp fnnnH "miirh HI (72) Spring Sale Of Orange Ladies Affair Was Quite Successful Yesterday Afternoon in Spite of Unfavorable Weather Despite Inclement weather, the annual spring tea and sale of home cooking by the Ladles' Orange Ben evolent Association In the Oddfellows' Hall yesterday afternoon drew quite a good turn-out and was suc cessful. Mrs. Robert Murray was general convenor of the affair and Mrs. G; Krause received the guests. The pouring table, at which Mrs. J. R. Murray and Mrs. J. W. Moore- house presided, was covered with beautiful lace cloth and tnere were yellow candles In silver hold-prs with a silver basket of flow ers. Daflodliswere fnecuveiy us- ed in decdratlng the tea tables.; Servlteurs were Mrs. M. M. Lamb, Mrs. -William Davidson and Miss Dora 'Smith. Mrs. H. B. Eastman was cashier ahd Mrs. Fred Barber and Mrs. J. S. Black were In charge of the kitchen. Mrs. Vic Merizie and Mrs. R. T. Anderson- presided over the home cooking table. Mrs. Frank Ellison; and Mrs. henry Smith Jr. had charge of the sale of candy while Mrs. George Howe and Mrs. WllliamJ Richards looked after the fancy work sale. In the raffles, Lee bell won a pair of pillow cases; Miss Doris Webster, a doll, and Mrs. Ous. Krause, a sack of sugar. Children's Story Hour Concluded Last of Weekly Entertainment For Youngsters Is Held Today Thp storv Hour for Children nded for the season this morning .Ilss Kitty Cameron made "'Mickey Mouse's Birthday Party" vivid en-ertalhment. Dr. J. T. Mandy 11- nstrated another Mickey Mouse itory by antics of a wooden Pluto he dog. Mrs. Robert Cameron a- Uehted with a request tale, "Hob- vahs." 'Mrs. Mandy stressed spring flowers In "Katlnka. Book prizes were presented to Madeleine Voungman and Jackie Finlayson. The Chllren's Story Hour will esume weekly programs next fall .vlth the added feature of a mar ionette theatre made and operated by Mrs. Trevor Johnston of Prince Rupert. Miss Olga Zellsko left on last ev ening's train for a trip to Winnipeg. SlicedBread We are now in 'a position to supply wrapped sliced bread, all varieties at 10c a Loaf Sold by all grocers or to out of : town customers by express . Sliced hfad jieconnmita: con ; tary. -1. Housewives Are Asking For it Van Bakery Prince Rupert, ;B.C THE SEAL bf QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only aiimon canning company with An all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert CHURCH NOTICES 0s ill? FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH si MINISTER Rev. Dr David Lister Mrs. E. J. Smith, forganist 11:00 Morhitig Service 12115 SuHday School 7:30 Evening Service Everyone is Cordially Invited ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor li:00 am. Den Sort Fornier 12:15 Sunday School 8:00 pjn. "Varden Singers," under the leadership of Peter Lien, will sing "Sang-Gudstjeneste Nr. 3," arrahgertet of F. Melius Christiansen, the intermittent readings written by J. N. Kildal. .Come ahd enjoy this musical service with us. Attention Fishermen! With the Fishing: Season Opening: in a Few Short Weeks Remember Your First Aid Supplies We Carry a Complete Stock of First Aid Cabinets and Supplies Call today and let us help you compute your requirements. We Respectfully Solicit Your Rusiri ess OrmesXtd. JliA Pioneer Druggists The .textll Store Phone: II & SZ Open Dally Prom 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon til) 2 n.m, 7 D.m. till 8 p.m. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SPECIAL SALE TO CLEAR OK CARPETS Two 6.9x9.8 Barrymore arpets Regular $34.50. 2750 Three 9.8xii llatrymore Carpets Regular $44.50. COC QQ Special ' " AVe carry a large stock of Carpets to choose In up-to-date patterns: Phone 775 .227 JUIRI) AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver! T.S.S. CATALA EVERVTUES. T,S.S. CARDENA FBIDAT, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 pan. bue Vancouver, Thurs. xm. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W, NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, third Ave. Phone ttt two wives gossiped thefother QftiSof CflOWS ?Q dav Atftinqortwo, And I heard one to the other ytcseff to you! say, t&iitC My old hub Is a dear old wiul, lie uiwajs imijs mc coal." 'Z V.W SOME I COAL For The iJest Coal In Town PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES C52 f 'j v v MS j ': 1 -ti 4 'V-