vnnnri . ui in. I : .1 1 j 111 1 r r 11 1 r-i 1 j L KODinson, bociai ureaii TTl NT I llib V V V 1 M- 1 " kif 4Vio AlKrtn T Jtrlclafnr , night thouen it was stateu ycaieruay Dm woe heln(r detainer! in hbrldee jail, Premier William 1 iiu 1 w -- or Wn artuallv committed to Tnere naa mereiy vecu a .rc- kj k. mm m mi i ir i ii i V U A V OF JAPS P.nvprtim.nt Wilt pnH,a . British Columbia Timber ;annAiv Wi 141111 VI 1 J ot Operate uic nmrr ran funrnrx iti Kin; Cove Plant UFFERED a or gales, mostly fair and !d Wth rain. rxr iv. j - "tist oi Vaneniivpr Island ftln Str0ng SOuth W,ndS' to southwest, cloudy and 1(1 with Shn,. "V4V ernment hands. order be lssuea detaining urown, otta,a., Pr. . . . u i I ' OTTAWA. March 26 (CP) A pleasing and convincing speaker, I Senator Alfred E. Fripp, K. C, ' aged seventy-two, who for many 1 years was an engaging personality in the political and legal life of. the Capital, died yesterday. Bom In Ottawa In .1866, the year before! Confederation, he resided through-' out his life In his native city. His death occurred at his home after, WESTMINSTER, March 26: J a lengthy illness. His passing Is i speaking nere yesieraay,-deeply regretted in political circles Iceedlngs Mr. Fripp was almost in variably his counsel. He was par llcularlv successful before Juries. Elected Conservative member fori West Ottawa to the Ontario legislature in 1908, he became something of a crusader, uniting with Allan Studholme, Labor member ciflc Ampripnn Fisheries an- vnnced leeislatlon as votes foi unces that It will not operate J women, eight-hour day and mini- umon cannery at King Covt mum wages. He remainea oniy one s season The plant usually em-'term In the legislature, resigning )'J zw) men, tto enter the Dominion ue,ia. of Heat lJurifr Mrs. Fripp, formerly Miss Clem entine Bell and daughter, mim Freda Fripp. I've In Ottawa. The death of Senator Frip.J leaves five vacancies now ln the Senate which today consist of fifty-five Conservatives ana ininj - six Liberals. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Mrs. David McCullough will take place Monday at 2 p.m. rom j the B U. unaeriRiiciD, I'flowers by request. VICTORIA ; Wmln Today's Weather omorrow s Tides (I A-M.) High .... . 10:30 a.m. 17.9 ft. Rupert Part cloudy, Prince 23.14 p.m. 18.0 ft. showers; barometer, 29.80 (steady); Low .... 4:29 am. 9.0 ft. 38; light chop. temperature, 16:57 pjn. 62 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PARLIAMENT hl3 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1938. ' Garage Owner and His Employe I Followed Bandits Capture . I Follows bandits got gasoline at Dal-Igish's jarage and then drove off without paying. Dalgllsh and "Scotty" took off in their own car after the bandits. The bandits ditched their car! and compelled their pursuers at the point of a gun to take them off In the garage car. Plebiscite In Austria To Be Aired uirvm XfrnV, oc. inn a. A. We'. s Oray discussed re- 0f which he had been an outstand- Marehni u.rm,n ,nn . i v.a i n. uii Lirrni iliaii vvuiuuiuta uiaob, un it'ri. v hill fMiiiNji. mi . i ii u -.ii. MM .... l. 4 NEW SPEED MARK MADE for Hamilton. In 'urging such Clon.ton and Ricketts Beat Record For Flisht from Australia To England CROYDON, Eng.. March 26: (CP) Flying Officer A. E. Clouston and Victor Ricketts set a new recora; j With Hon. J. L. Chabot as a run-'for the Australia to England flight i I n. f. n In Vl A Hnilhlp In Iflnrllnn (Violr nlano Vioro TM IITDI17C v,ctorlous ,n the Rec'Proclty elec" j leaving Port Darwin ln Northern iii.l U 11LjJ tlon 01 1SU1- Ane same v 1 Australia. Miuwiwwln Jn lfll7 defeatln? slr Wl- clouston and Ricketts were mak- .1 . -- .. t.A tnnr a, onrt TT M MrlilVPril. ilnir a r.tnpn fllwVlt frnm TJonr 7.B1. -".luirs .uaue in conned""! ... - Vith Death of Former Premier l0n tnat occaslon slr Wilfrid rai jiand to which they had broken Of Saskatchewan ln 001 Ulwwa ana ucuct tjaa"- tine previous recora outDouna. j in the 1921 election, Mr. FrirP nrnVv A.:."-,.. , ' 'Tu - defeated. Duties of a member ol Dn PL An e I parliament for Ottawa are exceed-' UCai 1911 1 auillg d epo P t from a prov i mL.. , . . .Jl . niriv onerous, particularly when rn 1 nil ",lu"-'c8i expen tnat "' -"'. .. . ' onH ri,trlnri I OtlflAnrV rtinPfl ""auon or the body of Hon. Wal- :"A ua ,0 ; w"" J Scott former Pretmer of Sas- IU years ."e .oc"c", ...VT 1 t-l. 1141- nnnftltnitV Trtr ninPT H.HL1 VI nun, win wewan. shnueH thot. he hart ft a lllue '""c wuu""' oppwtu.i.v The Day in New York ""red leg and .wmtomtb extensive bruiser uiu,sc.. ? A wr "w "J . Z'tul nractlce. He With Averatres IRCS Fii Finishinff Up f. aiea weanesaay at tne - . . R.nft,e ln summoned to the .hp Senate ln ewood Sanitarium ln Guelph. was 1933. A devoted Anglican, he was the CatJlPl rftrprnQf oldest continuous attendant at ttUlCI 1 UlClddl chrlst Cnurch Catnedrai where he rufnij.. ,. t . , had been Daptizea ana was a ou..- " rompiied from obersatlon t- ""lay nd cover the 30 r i Pri'vi hiding S p.m. tomorrowl. "nOral Rvnnn.l. Pmsanr. rA. m lOW on the Mnrth Parlflft ;iS' hltth nvor tiuilh.n, TtrUUh -uuia, Oaies have Demurred o:i f nnHVi - i . ... . v.. uiu witn snowers on ncouver Island "nee Rupert and Queen Char --..u.j- -oLrnnir hi mwes'. Slightly NEW YORK, March 26: Bear-lsh .tendency; was overcome on the New York-Stock Exchange Thursday with flight gains for the day being recorded. The Industrial average at closing was up .26; rails, up .24, and utilities, .01. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. March 26: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.27 on the Vancouver market yesterday, ad vancing to $1.29?a today. WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEO, March 26: (CP) Wheat futures were to ?bC lower No on the Winnipeg market yesterday, May closing at $1.17. DIVIDENDS INCREASED Canadian Corporations Continue To Show Hither Profits 1 TORONTO, March 26: (CP) I nivlHinrf naumpntje hv Canadian 1 . .u . . u f-J f J corporations in March will exceea the total for the same month of last year by $2,230,719 and thn total for the first quarter Is high er by $2,162,293 than for the cor- So far there has been little in dicatlon fits as paid to shareholders. Canadian Celanese Is the only company to report reduced or omitted dividends for March. One company Asbestos Corp., initiated payments on Its common with 50 cents a share, along with a bonus of tht Cable with $10 a share. Langley's with $2.50 a share and MacKinnon Steel with $1.75 a share. Two Earthquake Shocks Are Felt i Appealing To of or declining declining company company pro pro- tit i j r , measured by dividends WOriQ LOUrt This Step Beinj Considered In Connection With Mexican Oil Expropriations WASHINGTON, D. C. March 26; , -A submission to the World Com I same amount. . . . . . . , Extra dividends are being paW"!tth "T ls4,belnS considered, eluding Asbestos Corp. These alsc "n mmefn ln ,exProPr!ana he ho dings of American and Brl include Imperial Tobacco with 222 tlsh 011 comPanles ln Mexic0- cents a share as a final payment on the ordinary, .Remington Rand with a one percent stock bonus SIscoe with one cent a share, and Sylvanite with five cents a share Four companies are making pay ments on arrears this month. They Include Canada Cement with $2 GERMANS HELPING tvir, ci...: j j . ... f..'on Its preferred, Canada Wire & j ies for Spanish Insurgents Who Con- j tinue Advance Towards Barcelona ' ! BARCELONA, March 26: (CP) Insurgent forces yesterday continued their advance along the main highway towards the Mediterran-' ean coast at Barcelona. In loyalist quarters It was reported yesterday that German warships Tremors at Ocean Falls on Tuesday had put In at the Island of Mallor- Morning and Afternoon Heavy Rainfall ca in the Medltteranean. It is sug gested that troops and materials from Germany have been landed there for the Insurgents. i OCEAN FALLS, March 26 Earth- ' quake shocks were felt twice at Will I,,. Ct Ocean Falls on Tuesday, the first at "HI llCVCI VJ1VC 7:30 in the morning and the second) i .1 TT p at 2;30 In the afternoon. After a Anything UD, OaVS period of rain, sleet and snow last J .? Ji - J week there has been fine, bright.! rhanrPllnr HlflPr frosty weather this week. On Fri- liailUCllUl Hint! day of last week there was an ex- J ceptlonally large precipitation of' BERLIN. March 26: (CP) "What 3.24 inches in twenty-four hours,' Germany takes possession of, she the precipitation for the week tot-' will never under any circumstances ailing 5.53 inches. The lowest ther mometer reading of the week was 31 on Tuesday. London bar gold surrender," asserted Chancellor Ad olf Hitler yesterday as he commenced a tour of more Important centres in Greater Germany. BAR SILVER LONDON, March 26: (CP)-Barj NEW YORK: (UP) Bar Ml-gold wa5 up lcln London yesterday,; ver was unchanged at 44sic per closing at $34.93. There were minor fine ounce on the New York met-losses ln other metals. al market today. ' ' Arlington, 18. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .06. Taylor Bridge, .04. Premier Border, .01 V. Silbak Premier, 1.70. Congress, .01. Home Gold, .01 V. Grandvlew, .06. Indian, .02. Quatslno Copper, .02 Vi-Halda, .07'2- Oils A. P. Con., .20. Calmont, .35Vi. C. & EH 2.07. Freehold, .05. Hargal, .19. McDougal Segur, .19. Mercury, .15. Okalta, 1.32. Pacalta, .09. Home Oil, 1.00. Troonto .Beattle, 1.20. Central Patricia, 1.40. Gods Lake, .40. Little Long Lac, 4.20. McKenzle Red Lake, .76. Pickle Crow, 4.00. San Antonio, 1.30. Sherrit Gordon, 1.13. Smelters Oold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.15. Oklend, .19. Mosher, .19: Madsen Red Lake, .30. t Stadacona, .22. Francoeur, .32. Moneta, 1.80. Thompson Cadillac, .22. Bankfield, .72. East Malartlc, 1.25. Preston East Dome, .85. Hutchison Lake. .072. Dawson White, .04. Aldermac, .45. Kerr Addison, 1.51. Uchl Gold, 1.39. Int. Nickel, 45.00. Noranda, 52.50. Con. Smelters, 52 00. Athona, .09. Hardrock, 1.68. FIRST SYRUP RUN Fit ICE: 5 CENTS hinese Definitely Winning Now EP0RTER - " luvii IS FREED Invnlvinr I.M hhrinr Blown Over : JaSSL, :: IN ONTARIO : isniaiuiiai TOKYO, March 26: CP)- Japan took a long stride to ward dictatorial government today as Parliament passed a measure placing the entire el- ectrlc power Industry In gov- SENATOR IP rVF1 1 F Prescott. 13 JJLAUL2!! t The OTTAWA, March 26: (CP) Will Eliminate I Lieut-Governor t EDMONTON, March 26: (CP) -Consideration of estimates In the Alberta Legislature last Provincial police in Eastern Ca, night brought adoption of a ,CPFoiioWing negotiations which nada had a highway motion to discontinue expen- dragnet, haye been ted undef fw thre?l d'ture In of the Lieu- working today shortly after upkeep enmJ, M IInltprt Kt,, art men held up and kidnapped D.t tenant Governor and als0 to ,Mt 'M flnaU setUed tnelr Dalgllsh, Maltland garage owner, stop the appropriation for his Quarrei quarrel over over Jaoanese Japanese salmon salmon fish fish- and an employee known by the nickname "Scotty." Soon after, a telephone operator at Spencervillr reported that the three abductors office in the legislative build- U.S.-JAP T:Je WAR OFF, . Final Settlement of Fishing Dispute Off Alaska Coast Nippon to I Punish Poachers i WASHINGTON, D. C, March 26: ing In Alaskan waters. t nigs. u, uS8u uk u- - Ja reassured the United States ernment House be to put some that she ta suspendlng the three. v oiner use, pussimy a Of Battl in oino-Japanese -J, Nipponese L Turns War; ose Out Advance of Invaders Halted in Wuhu and Hanchow Sectors With Heavy Losses Also Being Sustained In Central Zone of Conflict SHANGHAI. March 26: fCP) The revicorated iao t cilm rr f (cV rrr ciirvov cf o ft or? - . i i a i had been captured four miles piui. " and wiii not issue i licenses army, alter having been beaten bacK lor montns, north of Spencerville and taken to I i for fishing in Alaska waters. Furth- has turned and, is winning victories on several fronts, it er. offenders win bj punished. was reported today, ine Japanese invaoers nave Decn The dispute had threatened an halted in the Wuhu and Hanchow sectors while in the undeclared war between the rieeu centrai China war zone they have been subjected to heavy pf the two countries particularly in the Bristol Bay area. LOANS FOR i SEED GRAIN Provision Made at Ottawa to Ass'nt Farmers of Prairie Drought Areas OTTAWA, March 26: (CP) A bill was introduced In Parliament yesterday by Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister of finance, provide responding three months of last lnS r secd sraln loans to far-year r mers In drousht areas of Albert?. ji..iw..,i f .v.- and Saskatchewan. There will1 be of .March. thliyearvwULabout.-P :lo;.IWitorAlbetU4ft.g?BW- Relief i5!n7 rmnarprf with t4Q fifi',. mers ana up uj i,ouu,uw lor w iiic uiiuuiiidi'ctiiccd ui ruiiuzi -r-- - - w. .. .. . iuaiiviiui liui , jxjii kTViiuocii" t. ana operators and would ao TrunK as cuy pausci Itclte jmmcdiate cause of ijuuiiij m uS puwer wj .-. Adolf Hitler's entry into Aus- and became a rarruter. n inena -. . u w be a,red Jn rt .ships among railway men endured. For years wnen a railway man ue- 4 4 I came juYuivru u mi wuh TODAY'5 STOCKS I Courtesy B. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickol, 19. Big Missouri, .36. Bralorne, 8.40, Azetc, !07. Cariboo Gold, 1.95. Dentonla, .09. Golconda, .05. Mlnto, .02 2. Falrview Amel .03 V. . Noble Five, .03. Pend Orielle, 151. Pioneer, 2.92. Porter Idaho, .02. Reeves McDonald, 53. , , " losses. The tide bf battle in the Slno-Japanese war appears to have deflnltelf turned in favor of the CONFERENCE IS REJECTED Tadlock Law No Concern of Federal Government, Declares Dupiessis QUEBEC, March 26: (CP) Claiming that the subject is no concern of the federal government, Premier Maurice Dupiessis yesterday stated that the Quebec gov-- ernment would not be represented at a, conference proposed by Hon. "Ernest "Lapolnte, 'minister' of justice, to consider the Quebec padlock. The conference is proposed to consider a protest by the Civil Liberties Union. Such legislation Is fully within the competence of the provincial authority, asserts Dupiessis. Dominion Should Present Its Case British Columbia Ready to Co-Op erate in Settling Federal Problems, Says I'attullo I' VICTORIA, March 26: (CP) Premier T. D. Pattullo proposed yesterday that the Dominion government should present a submission to the Rowell Royal Commission on Intergovernmental relations as the governments of the provinces were doing. While British Columbia had peculiar and important problems of its own. this province was ready to co-operate fully in efforts to settle Dominion problems, said the Premier. I 29.86. Today's Weather BRA NT FORD, Ont., March 26: Terrace Part cloudy, calm; tem (CP) To Allsa Craig goes the; perature 33. honor of the first maple syruo run ln this part of the province Norman Chapman harvested 10 I tOoverninnt " Triple Island Scattered clouds, south southwest wind, 18 miles per hour; moderate swell and chop. . Langara Island Part cloudy, ' southwest wind, 15 miles per hour; barometer, 29.82 (rising); temperature, 35; moderate swell. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 29.95; temperature, 30; moderate swell. ' Bull Harbor Raining, light 'southwest wind; barometer, 30.10; temperature, 41; light swell, i - Alert Bay Raining, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 30.06; temperature, 35; sea choppy. Estevan Raining; southerly wind 20 miles per hour; barometer, 30.38. Victoria Fair, southerly wind, 10 miles per hour; barometer, 30.46. Vancouver Cloudy, easterly wind four n(iles per hour; barometer, 30.44. Prince George Fair, southerly , wind, 24 miles, per hour; barometer barrels and received at market wjnj, 35. Alyansh Cloudy, calm,' 36. Anyox Part cloudy, south wind, 34. Stewart Cloudy, heavy south $2.75 a gallon. Hezelton Cloudy, calm, 42. w u t a, . r IP - H