PAGE TWO THE DAILT KEWS GROWING GIRLS Black and Brown Oxfords With or Without Tongues. Good Dependable School Shoes - Specially Priced $0.45 and $ .45 'Jr""Ali.Y COITION 3 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISil COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATLS City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce Paid in advance, per week Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance ! ', By mall to all other countries, per year 1 : ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and tnculation Telephone ... 9 News Department Telephone ..... 84 Member ot Audit Bureau ot Cirr.ulationt $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.01 .02 .25 Friday. January 21, 1938. . CONTROVERSIAL CHURCH DOCTRINE Members of the Anglican Church must have been somewhat startled when they read in dispatches from London the report on Christian doctrine by a commission of twenty bishops, headed by the Archbishop of York. Those who believed in the Bible as the absolute word of God peed not be disturbed because twenty bishops allow that in the light of modern knowledge this connot hp main. SixtyNinth Annual Meeting MONEY FOR Royal Bank of Canada JOHN BULL- Expansion of Foreign Markets For Canadian Wheat NEEDS MORE n-nfr Vfttinnat Prnh1fm Sjivk 'Mnrris V Wilson' it . T.:,nni TMo Umntc 4n Cmxiro Out- British Mint Works lnK Hours To --"-H.-;- rf-X ,T- Supply nmd - Dominion leis ior atapie i.,urninuuuit:: iiuujjiu 1 iuu-i viewed. The expansion of foreign markets j for Canadian wheat by reciprocal ' trade agreements and a truly national approach to the drought problem were urged by Morris W. Wilson, President and Managing Director, at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting of The Royal Bank Of Can ada. Canada was a fortunate country (stated Mr. Wilson. The high level of national well-being reached by the phenomenal recovery of 1936 'was maintained In 1937 and the ,activity In most lines of business. compared not unfavourably with; 1 the record year of 1929. , A tragic exception to the general improvement was experienced In the Prairie Provinces. Obviously the need which exists Is acute, the situation could not be handled by the Province, and the Federal Gov emment Is to be commended for having shouldered the greater part of the burden. The Immediate problems created by the drought require emergency measures: but a situation has also been brought to a head which has been unsatisfactory for years and requires treatment on a nar tlorial basis Large areas, ordlnarly unsultr able for the purpose, have been planted to grain Under fav- nnrnhlp tt-pnthpr conditions the crnn from the industries directly affect ed. MINING rrw mm a a aiiiaI tn rhil nlontArl In 1 1 i t a i i ous marketing problems Tne efforts towards self-sufficiency in food supplies on the part of many countries, and particularly Germany, France and Italy, have also narrowed the International market for wheat 'and1 flour to a point where total overseas sales of the four important non-European exporters have been reduced as follows: Exports of Wheat and Wheat Flour (Crop years. Aug. 1 to July 31) Millions of Bushels . 1923 1928 1933 1936 193V 24 29 34 37 38 Canada 346 406 194 195 U. S 130 154 29 nil tamed. The commission further stated that the Christian ! Argentina 173 222 147 162 doctrine of creation leaves "abundant room for a vanVtv Australia 86 109 86 102 interest both by those who are in agreemenet with it and tinnai efforts on the part of the also by those who disagree. In any event it is bound to government to open the doors of create a great deal of quiet controversy. SPECULATING IN MINING STOCK Geo. Coffin JJ.C., PJ.C, Sp.C. Chiropractic Specialist No. 4 LEEDS APARTMENTS Prince Rupert, B.C. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK If you lose anything, advertise for it. ! foreign markets, so that when Canadian farmers again reap a good crop the wheat may be sold to advantage. It Is clear that the Pral ! rle Provinces cannot solve this Professor Harry Warren, in a lecture here this week. ' problem alone This is a task gave an interesting exposition of the meaning of the word whlch calls for P"in8ed ;onsis-"speculation" in mining stocks as compared with "invest- and wholeheart!d co-oPera-ing" and "gambling." He showed that, in order to specu- best pie hope of secur- Jate With the hope Of success, it was necessary to Study ing ouUets for our grain and other a great d,eal. The speculator must study the mine, the agricultural products is through management and the financial set-up. Then the financial negotiations with countries which trends , , must be followed and conipared with the general a exorbitant cost food crops at an -tit tt 1 11 ii trends as provided by experience. Having done all this T vipw with satisfaction the ores- Obtain from Itieht to Crownless mess States bvdney .0. uooson moks ior neasyn- meet thegrowing demand for coins. ably Good Conditions in 1938 Answers Alberta This U one of the disclosures in; Critics. Head The continued growth of mining). . . . tn - . Hh rf. I Bank's Balance Sheet Reflects Satisfactory Year for Bus- Royaj te WOrWng overtime to f receiu rcijn ui . ( ime Johnson, deputy master and con-j TT , trailer of that busy Institution , i- u portant market for our stae com- across the road from! modules should receive ttie PM,,r rn ana encouragnw v ImDroVea trade and higher prices are responsible for the j .'mint's activity, according to Sii Robert. ' In 1938 a double shift was had contributed materially to the. fld and ln recent months over-general welfare of the cpuntry.'ttae operatlon become nKes. said Mr. Wilson During the past year, he said, production of gold, ' ' rt th. ,..., b. ... between two and two and one-half cynical and irresponsible leader ship is gambling to keep itself in w v . t nvi u on v 4 . m t vwitdvi uv j year ago was postponed the rpad ln ,the Tower of London as they did ln Plantaganet and Tudor days. But the mint still goea in recent years would furnish seri- the Sace. so there are W1 Si -2..? of theories as to the evolution of the world." The report iTotai rour also stated that some desired a reunion with Rome under) countries 735 zoi 456 459 376 "il PnnuMf U'VlJnVl Vino -annlmnn1 ."y-.w, ,.f Jt i. 1 claims." Possibly the most startling part of the report was that in which the bishops said that historical evidence of 88 104 80 104 Broomhall's estimate of Decern ber 15, 1937. It Is a sad commentary that a the Virgin Birth is "inconclusive" but that the Resurrec- 'large SLd crop ln VfSK Canada, unless oc- "to lion was an event "as real and concrete as the crucifix ion. other countries, would bring little able economic forces at work.'m ' Those of us who continue to feel, Rip Rnhorf nMnt , ,u ronnrt e.?,Ur :?ptlinism,"po".the old tradition that with each the belief that idealism is not dead ,u j,rD ,u Q. and that it cannot be long before head c!gns on goid and sllvef economic .reconstruction gives even 'cohage Is changed has not been mose wno are mosi aesperaie a broken. No coinage was Issued breathing spell UNITED STATES One of the most Important Ques last depression are hot comparable. One would be tempted to say with put hesitation that the present set itself." Dealing with the evidences of a future life, it savs more total i.-munei-ation to our J conclusion we snail nave tne means ot recognizing each other." I WJIU1C There have been clergy Jn the Andean and other:'"' 15. u churches who have expressed doubts in regard to various bring about improvement, said Mr, tiauuiuxibui me cnurcn anu me commission seems to nave 'Wilson. Diversmea agncuuure, dealt with these in order to show that they were not es-'withdrawal of sub-marginal land sential as matters of doctrine. So interesting is the brief tT0T! Jheat- ,molt despatch that the fuller report will be awaited with great TnTJL bearing the likeness of King Edward VIII .but his reign inter yened between that of .George V tions of the day Is whether the Un- and the present King. ited States Is merely experiencing! Hiehliehts of Report an Interruption in the long term' utner highlights of the report trend pf recovery, or whether the wheel has turned full circle and the country Is again facing a major de pression. In my opinion, funda- mehtal conditions now and in ths period immediately preceding the Pieces struck in 1937, it is estr mated, totalled 400,000.000.. Two hundred coin dies had U: -be scrapped after the abdication, The portrait of King George VT on the new coins put in .circulation in J937 looks to the left, .is did that of George V. There ,1s. little prospect of gold there was a possibility of making money by speculation, ent tendency among democratlcward to further substantial progress son took occassion to analyze cer-Should losses OCCUr instead Of gains after all that Work, countries to break down barriers, towards full "covery in Canada. tain ot the bank's figures. At the -:..i4 i l' t 1 4.1 . . Imnprilntr the natural flow of busl- GENERAL MANAGER'S ADDRESS, end of the year, the bank had on me speculator nau me Hauaiacuuii ui tnu muiiey - - j its books loans jiuuytiiijg In reviewing the general Balance to farmers totalling Was lost in a good cause the encouragement Ot mining w'ltVl thp opn,rni Ktoipment that' Sheet. Mr S. O. Dobson, General $16.0W,000. to retail merchants $21.- anu tne qeveiopment 01 tne country. Canada should admit freely articles not produced within the country there can be little basis for ais agreement. But I would go fur , ....w..j 'circulation slon. were It not for the unfortun-.c w" u"j n. tUo ,,nf nAvtmn between Government and business. jhfi new iz.sjded thrpe-penny piece It surely cannot be before long -dUtastefil- but accepted It in a plan for practical co-operation jhe face of tf dklon to make an between government. Industry and cxnerlmeni on commercial larxjur wiu be adopted. rrnntiri! I In 1936. a .total of 1.355 tons of Where the recent prosperity in bronze coin was Issued, although the United States has been depend- srtme fpOO.OOO 47q0,0po) worth ent mainly upW large-scale gov- of bronze coin alrearly, was in cir-ernmerit deficltsr .the Canadian re- culatloh In' the' United Klhfjdom covery took ts origin from foreign 'Pennies, half -pe.nnles and farthi trade. ings have bqen nilnte.d in bronze . 'Without doubt, . .prosperity based since J8C0). upon world demand for Canadian . Becapse pf increased demands products is .more " eoundly estab- (rom within the British Cpmmon-lished than that "based , upon defl- wealth, pieces mtnted fpr foreign cit spending, sixty per cent 'of our governments totalled only 4.500.000 exports go to countries other than in 1936 against 19,000,000 In 1935. the United States, and even with a The mint showed .a profit in tsubstaritlal declbe ln exports to P3? financial accounts show that country total Canadian pros- receipts exceeded expenditure, : perlty should be only moderately tl.08g.qc3 .(5,433,315), 1 affected ! ' ----- . , On the whole, I ook forward to campaign of misrepresentation, ef-1938 as a year In which barring forts' have been made to stir Up some upset In international affairs resentment against the banks. And not presently anticipated I expect yet, during the last five years not to ee an Improvement from pres- In one single instance has any f ar-nt levels ln the United States and "icr pr home owner Jn Alberta been a further orderly economic recon- deprived of his farm or home by structlon in many foreign countries this bank through foreclosure. If this proves to be an accurate To demonstrate the wide diversity forecast, we can, I believe, look for-1 of services banks provide, Mr, Dob- Manager, referred with satisfaction COQ.uoo, to professional men and to an Increase of $14,000,000 In to-(other private individuals $51,000,000. tal assets, a renewal of the upward As a further example of the extent trend lh commercial loans and a to which we facilitate the affairs ther and sav that reduced tariffs growth of 190 million dollars ln of what might be termed the should be applied to articles which Royal Bank deposits in leus than "smaller client," I may say we had are made In Canada only on a res- five years. loans outstanding to 61,000 borrow- trlcted and uneconomic scale. Conditions ln Canada definitely err, whose liability to the bank did The problem Is not simple, but Improved during the year, said ''Mr. hot exceed $500 each, studies undertaken by the Tariff Dobson, the one dark spot being the In conclusion, Mr. Dobson said Board to determine what conces- drought areas in Western Canada, that a profitable year for business slons should be made to foreign Referring to the unfair criticism was clearly reflected ln the Bank's countries in exchange for an 1m- In Alberta, Mr. Dobson said in this, own balance sheet for 1937. Insurance Record r : n- t(i. G. WILSON GEDDES LONDON. Ont., Jan. 21: In re- THE SEAL " QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll ln Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FltOM UOME" Kate $1.00 ap SO Rooms Hot lr- Cold Water Prince Kuport, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Braseil N. M. Braseil Friday, Januai Railways Put On Lower Rates , , . I II ... , a,,... Chance For Cheap Fares Cast WINNIPEG-. Jan. 21 An c;p0r. tunlty to visit friends. relal.vr Mfj business associates in eastern Can-ada at low cost will be affordM res- .dents of Western Canada by th( Canadian National and Canadian racmc nauways, accoramg 10 an j announcement made by J. B. Park. er, secretary or the Canadian Pas. senger Association, we1 tern line.' ' nptn pvrpnTinnni v inu r'ip -j- - - V u, March 5 and will carry a return limit of 45 days. Thres classes of fares will be sy-allable first class, tourist an; coach class. First class tickets vu, jbe good in standard leepinj and parlor cars upon payment of the viewing the record of life insur-. cnar W , f;! modatlon occupied. Tourist . . . tick- ance in Canada J during the past . .. . 0W,H , copper, nicsei ana """sued for two years. Publication aiear, a. Wilson oeaaes. rresiaeni . lng carg upon payment of the H??,hl?0hJeYeTuPlSSS'the abdication of King Edward officers Association and General tion and coach attained in 1929 It J "ym made it necessary to prepare Manager Mnnar and and Actuarv Actuary of of the the Nor- Nor good for passag passage mat in ivn ine expenaiiuris 01 new coinage, the .mining industry lor wages ana Concession to Dominions supplies have been between $225 At lhe expressed desire of Ca-and $250 million. Of $300 mlllionnada Australia, New Zealand and paid ln dividends by Canadian com- ' South A(rjcai the' use of the un-panies in 1937, one-third was paid 1 croTOed eitisy of the, sovereign by the mines. jhas been extended to the Doml- FOREIGN AFFAIRS Jnlons. the report says. Use of the The position abroad is complex crowned head on coinage has been and difficult but one gets few retained for British India and the hints of the tremendous desire for colonies. On the coinage of George peace which Is latent ln all parts v the uncrowned effigy appeared of Europe. I know of no European, onlv on United Kingdom coinage, country' where the mass of the,Sir Robert explains, people are sympathetic with the J The in nt in its present form aggressive expressions of some of '.dates back little more than a cen.-their leaders. In many countries, f uti thefe "master of desperate economic conditions the mint as far back as the re gn have created mass fear. Ruthless.i"' " ,uc ciiuppiut ,u.uck across thern Life Assurance Company. I Jill 1 1 . M il res- because of the Canadian Life Insurance ular charge for such accommoda- class ticketj wiil x in coaches only These low fares will be in effect from nil tntlnn in Rr1l::h rri. pointed out that no single subject umb,a A,berta Sa5katchewan was of such material interest to eo Manitoba and in Ontario, we-t cf many people as that of life in- Port Arthur and Armstrong, to a surance in which more than one- points ln eastern Canada, Includtoi third of the men and women of Port Arthur and Armstrong. Stop the country had their savings so oVers be an0Wed at ail static-safely invested. These 3,500.000 pol- Wlnnlpeg and east. on both the go-ley at the end of holders, 1937. were lng and wturn JournPys, protected against the two great similar low farts will be in pfftn nazaras 01 me premature aeam and penniless old age by appropxl-mately $6,900,000,000 of life Insurance then in force in the greatest co-operative and democratic business in Canada. from eastern Canada points to tfc: west during the same period. The Dally News has an audlW irculatlon, Play safe! This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by he Government of British Columbia, REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE 658 COAL to ri.K.tsK Kvr.iivnoD'i Satisfaction OuaraotfO-3 I'amniu KiNon Altwrta Col llulklf) Valh-j Cual Vntioiuvt-r KUnd Coal Prince Rupert Feed Cmiiiiaiii phont: m "tn'fi ss I Hyde Transfer WOOD! COAL - TRANSFER" Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE.