PAQ1 FOTJB WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Latest word in regard to the Un ited States aircraft tender Teal, coming to pay. a visit to this port oo her way to Alaska, Is that she should arrive about next Monday. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due In port at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Up to noon today there was no change in the herring seiners' strike i situation which is holding the Port (Edward and Tucks Inlet reduction plants in Idleness Union steamer Cardena, Capt Ernest Sheppard, Is due in port at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning fron. the south and will sail an hour 01 so later on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. i Try a Dally hvvis, want-ad. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vendors or direct from "Mall Order Dept." Liquor Control Board, 847 Beatty Street, Vancouver. B.C. GRflQI 5 PR0CURflBLEf6f- mm I MONUMENT SCOTCH ftiA s?S MY-l This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ELIO'S THIRD AVENUE WEST PRINCE RUPERT Phone GREEN 916 Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. USED OIL BURNER Brigham double burner fits any coal or wood burning stove. Quebec Heater fitted with B. G. Parker Oil Burner. Occasional TableThe very thing for living room. Size 22x42, Walnut. Axminster Seamless Rug Slightly used. Size 9x12. Singer Drop Head Sewing Machine in first class condition. 2-inch Post Bed in Walnut finish. Cable Spring and Spring-filled mattress. Reconditioned KITCHEN RANGES Canada Pride, Monarch and McClary CONCERT AT KINCOLITH i Large Turn-out at Event Conducted in Naas River Village by Pentecostal Assembly KINCOLITH, Jan. 20. A splendid concert was presented by the Pentecostal Assembly of Kincollth last Saturday night in the Church Army Hall. There was a large attendance of villagers at the affair which was presided over by the local pastor, George L. Stewart, who made an opening address. Robert and Peter Stewart, chairman of Christ Church, led In prayer. Andrew Nelson read the scripture. The program Included the following numbers: Hymn, "Rock of Ages," the congregation Chorus, "Jesus of Nararcth," by the Assembly. Vocal Duet, "Only Believe." Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison and George L. Stewart. Chorus, "Jesus Is Passing," the Assembly. Duet, "No Disappointment in Heayen," Mrs. Martha Stewart and George Stewart. Chorus. "Men of Calvary," the Assembly. Vocal Solo, "What a Morning," Sam Lincoln. Chorus, "Grace Greater Than All." the Assembly. Solo, "Come to the Father," ' George L. Stewart. Chorus, "Jesus Shall Lead Me," i the Assembly. ! Duet, "Only a Preyer," Mrs. May Barton and Ernest Stephens. Organ solo, "Fifth Nocture" (Ley-man), Mr Green. Vocal duet, "I Will Promise Him," Ralph Clayton and Mrs. Katie Clayton. Vocal solo, "Lower Lights," Percy Barton Chorus, "I Know the Lord," the Assembly Solo, "Calling for You," George Clayton. Duet. "Ivory Palace.' i Stephens and George L. Stewart. Organ solo, "Minuet in G," Arthur Nelson. Solo with chorus, "Wounded for Me." Charles Morrison. Vocal solo, "Lord God of Hosts," Robert Stewart. Vocal solo, "Ave Maria." Ernest SteDhens. accompanied by Mr Green at the organ with violin ob-ligato by George L. Stewart. Vocal solo, "Something More Than Gold." little Marhoric Clay-i ton. Vocal solo, Francis Watts. Vocal solo. "Golden Bells," Ralph Clayton. Chorus, "Jesus Will," the TH m cY SI t p r H d n nfj r r tr n n George L. Stewart, violinist, and William Stephens, cornetist The Letter Box WAS FINE MAN Editor, Dally News: In connection with the recent death of my friend, Louis Lazzarot-to, the account given In your paper scarcely did Justice to a man who was a lover and promoter of all TEE DAILY KEWB GIRLS WHO HAVE NO BOY FRIENDS Quick Easy Way to Get Charm Cirli who don't attract bj friend wonder hj. Btautiful, perftct iciturti ar not th. ttiMfl. Gropatra and (amoua w.m.n f often Uflf. Ila nic akin, plenty .f animation, and watch out for jour firure -jrou'U b aurpriied how popular jrou are. So many (iris hat. poor completion! -no lilt -their fi(urt alippinf, and don't realite it. Talo "Fruit-a-tifea" and you'll aoon b amazed how different and how aHractirt you're become. It purine! your blood, malea the ikin pore work, eti rid of wailo and poiions, girts you new energy, pret enli flabby tinue from forminr. "Fruit-a-tirea" (irea you new charm. 25c., 50c FRUITATIVEStIS Anglican Tea Was Success Affair at Home of Mrs. V, II. Tobey Mrs. Parlow arid Mrs. Wail-dington Farcwcllcd n.iWmn In n fpur uroll ohrvspn words. Societies. Japan declined, stating Mhnt she had alrcadv made neces- Closing Hymn. ''Blest be the Tie." C3ry provisi0n. China accepted the congregation. ,,th - r;1tltude that reflects her terrible need. China is suffering. The extent and severity of thai fuffering has seldom. If eve found equal in the history of The shelling and bombing of cities, bringing terror, death, disablement and destitution, not alone to soldiers, but to countless women and little children helplessly caught In the maelstrom of war. have created distress of unparalleled proportions. At the expressed wish of Cana dian citizens In many parts of the Dominion, the Red Cross and the sports, a donor to all worthy causes Rellglous Bodlcs of Canada. In af- ana was oi a reai vaiue kj me cuy, f)llatlon, are creating a Fund, a true patriot who spoke openiy ana through which our people may ex-fcared no one. ipress their sympathy In tangible I sincerely hope that those res- form, ponsible for the publication of the no brief Is needed for this ap- report of the sad event will remem- pca, Day by day. press and .radio ber the old proverb "Do unto others are laying the stark facts of this as you would have them do unto great tragedy before us. The need you. A. M. JACKSON CHINA'S NEED Editor. Dally News: Both Japan and China tendered medical and relief assist ance by the International Red Cross, representing all National for kindly assistance will never be greater. In the face of suffering such as theirs, our sympathy and ! help can know no barriers of race or creed. We feel confident that Canada were will meet this need promptly with generous hand and heart. H. A. DRAYTON, Chairman. A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service FINE PLAY PRESENTED i "Ilcida," With Shirley Temple,1 Week-end Feature Offering At Capitol Theatre Starring Shirley Temple In the leading role. "Heidi." beloved story of the colorful folk who live high up In the Swiss Alps, comes as the feature offering to the screen of the Canltol Theatre here this week-end. The story Is one that! has been read by millions and of tenderness and charming beauty, has been translated In many languages. The story Is that of an emblt-tcrred mountain-top exile, portrayed by Jean Hersholt, who is reclaimed from his fierce hatred of the world, of a young girl who finds strength and courage to walk nfrain and of the little heroli.c vho brings every one new zest fot life. It is another straight dramatic The first Anglican Women's Aux-.t for Sn,rlcy hQ made such a lllary tea of the year was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H Tobey. Despite the inclement weather the affair was quite a success. The guests were celved by Mrs. Tobey. assisted by Mrs. C. V. Evltt. The tea table, daintily decorated with snapdragons and daffodils, was presided over by Mrs. Thomas Andrew and Mrs. J. C. McLennan The tea room was in charge of Mrs. W. C. Aspinall, Mrs. H. S. Meadows and Mrs. W. J. Nelson. Serviteurs1 were Mrs. G. W. Cripps, Mrs. William Crulkshank, Mrs. J. G. Johns, Mrs. C. C. Mills and Mrs. J. H. Nor-dan. The cashier was Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. The homecooking was In charge of Mrs. C. E. Cullin and Mrs. G. Smith. During the afternoon Mrs. J. B. ?rcat success of her first dramat'c role In "Wee Willie Winkle" which was here a short time ago. Arthur Treacher and Helen Westley play prominent parts in the story and Pauline Moore Thomas Beck, Maty Nash, Sidney Elackmer. Mady Christians and Sig Rumann are also featured in1 the cast. MOTORS IN LEAD NOW Two Teams Tied for Top of Com mercial Rowling League as Re suit of Last Night's Play Canadian National Association No. 1 and GYRO CLUB Recreation North Star being unable to turn out their teams expressed the regret all felt at the nigh Rupert Motors playrd . departure from the city of two Wo- ......!,. m r. Gyro Club In avance of i , . . schedule In the Commercial BowJ-Parlow and Mrs. A. H. Waddlngton. ,jji( . . . . . , , , , framed , ,,0 nf of ing league, nupcri motors win- William Each received a picture the harbor in recognition of faith ful service. HOCKEY STANDINGS NATIONAL LEAGUE International Division W D L K Toronto 13 7 6 30 Canadlens . 9 7 10 72 Americans .10 5 9 59 Maroons 9 3 15 55 American Division I Boston 17 2 6 05 Thine Own Way," Hangers 14 unicago i Detroit 5 8 14 16 A 78 73 46 67 49 48 72 79 Pts 3". rls of Gyro Club was high aver jage scorer with 185. The victory j placed Rupert Motors In a tie with ; Printers, for league leadership. I Individual lows: scores were as fol- RUP. MOTORS 1 25 Taylor 141 V Hibbard 154 21 Menzies .. 161 -lack . 157 36 Wick 142 34 Houston 20 Handicap 15 17 1 Bulger 148 Brocklcsby .129 Morris 131 Wendle .125 Large '. 144 Handicap 10 122 142 145 133 156 15 171 147 211 132 130 10 181 137 171 1 168 160 15 Total ...772 713 832 168 ni 214 14E 113 1C Total 687 801 805 The leatiuc standing for the sec ond halt Is as follows: Won Lost rtf Printers JR 1 8 Electrical Workers .7 2 7 Rupert 'Motors 8 1 8 Gyro Club :.....5 4 5 tiioiogicai siauon j u a C.N.R.A. No. 2 2 7 2 North Star 0 6 0 C.N.R.A. No. 1 0 6 0 O. E. Philllpson, who moved to Vancouver a few months ago In the service of the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city last night to resume duties here. Mrs. Philllpson and family are remaining in the south for the time being at least. ITCH QUALITY PRICE SERVICE Free Gift Tokens MUSSALLEM'S Groceries Confectionery Fresh Fruits and Vegetables THE STORY LOVED BY MILLIONS THE WORLD OVER! NOW A PICTURE WE KNOW YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! (At 7:39 and 9:16) ALSO NEWS, COMEDY, CARTOON (2nd Show Starts 9:10) C(. t ;1idaifaff2Ji3V Brln l aaKaMflaWH all th- . . ia " "M 5"Hov(.rj . . Kn-..-. T ' "wrr WimkJmmW TONIGHT and SATURDAY PROFITABLE READING AND REFERENCE BOOKS For Seamen and Fishermen Talt's New Seamanship and Nautical Knowledge $2-50 Brown's Trawlers and Fishermen's Guide $2.23 Simple Boat Building: .... $00 Brown's Rules of the Itoad Manual '-00 Brown's Nautical Almanac for 1938 $U0 , British Columbia Pilot Cape Caution to Portland Inlet with Q.C.I. $U0 Audel's Diesel Engine Manual Audcl's Marine Engineering - 53.00 For Miners and Pres pec tors ' Prospector's Handbook ' . SiM Prospecting and Operating Small Cold Placers $1.75 Audel Handbooks and (Snides For . Carpenters and Builders. Electricians. Plumbers and Steam Fitters. Gardeners and Growers Masons and Builders. Engineers and Mechanics. First Aid to the Injured 6.'c Ready Reckoner and Log Book 5c Commercial Calculator - 75c New Edition Collins' Graphic Atlas r. . $1.J0 . We Carry A Complete Line of Reliable Modern Dictionaries See Us For I'.ooks of All Kinds HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New hat the people of the whole district are doing the same.