PAGE TWO" Perths' PLIO - PEDIC beautifully designed arch supporting Street Dress Oxfords Pumps, and Straps. Just Arrived ' For comfort, wear and style they cahridt be surpassed. Priced S6-00, 6-50 ad S7.00 Family shoe store ltD. The Home oi Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. TKlNCk RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince. Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. r PULLEN - - - Managln-Edlloi SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paia in advatxe Paid m advance, per we;i , Paid In advance, per mouth By man to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and wmiea eiaies. yearly period, paid in advance .... by fcal to all other countries, per year .. . . ADVERTISING RATE!) Classified advertising, per wort, per insertion -- , -. toad readers, per line, per Insertion . New Department TeJentMn Advertislnr and Oi eolation Ttfeprrant t. Member of Audit Dnrua ot CireuUtloni DAILT lornoN It M 95.00 .12 .50 1.00 .02 .25 .Wednesday. September 14, 1938 Ictonf tqu 1 liilVJLiAUli WINNER i Kay Stammers Finah at Forest HflU Beat in f Barbara Wihslow : FOREST HILLS, Sept. 14 Kay Stammers, the English lefthander reached her quarter finals in the ; women's United States champion'' ships with a score of 6-0. 6-2 here 1 today defeating Barbara Wlnslow, :the United Elates entry from Holly wood. Sport Briefs I NEEDED PRACTICE I CLAY CROSS, Eng.. Sept 14: I CP) Able only to field eight men Whittlngton Pottery came here for a cricket match and were all out for four runs, including one bye. RODE 100th RACE MELBOURNE, Sept. 14: (CP) Lady Kooringal rode her 100th ran in the Glen Orla Handicap at Mooney Valley recently but didn i finish in the money. It ended hei fourth year on the course. She has won 11 races. A FAMILY AFFAIR I LONDON, Sept. 14: (CP) The (Whltcombe family will dominate a doubles match at Porters Pari September 18. Eddie. the club pre will team up with his father against Reg British open champion, and Charles. TELLING ON GEHfUNGER DETROIT. Sept. 14: (CPH-i Charley Gehringer, elected by fans as the most popular second baseman Is known as the Silent Man It has Just been disclosed that he once won an oratorical contest In high school. : TO ASSIST BRENTFORD BRENTFCflD, Eng., Sept. 14: (CP) A. H. Olbbons, the England and former Tottenham Hotsput 1 forward, will play for Brentford I in the English soccer league when 'not required for Royal Air Force matches this year. HE COULDN'T STOP : 41. WkOlta kills CUI11IIIC1 .vuuioc auu a lew iiuuis Id LCI Viitlltl- l-r iliKl 1 i LA t. i 1 . . i . I . . I nun nidi, ue iiiigni oe on nana at any moment in case of an caugni on a Iarm slx mues awaT bUtbreak. Evidentlv the British a situation such as the present for manv months. The moment war is declared the Prinme Minister of Canada will summon Parliament to reassemble at Ottawa the members having been told before they left that they might be required at any time. It will be for Parliament to declare if Canada is at war. But in the meantime many residents of Canada will be making preparations to go overseas if they should be required there. In fact preparations have been made already and thousands of members of the Canadian militia have already offered their services. It is Understood that Prince Rupert has not been backward in that regard. ' It is a matter of regret that there are no gunsguard-ing Prince Rupert harbor except such as are used for practice purposes. The site for the forts is being cleared and work could haVe commenced if the government Had bfeen keen on getting it done. . Now we find ourselves iril the unpleasant position of being practically defenseless.? So great has been the pressure in the Bduth that almost' "every dollar available has been used there. ? However, reciminations are useless. What is needed is nuick action now to repair the neglect and to give Prince Rupert some guns and airplanes for defense purr .poses. We have the ment splendid mert, but without equip-1 ment they will be sorely handicapped if a call should be; made oh them. LET US STILL HOPE But Until war is declared or at least until serious fighting commences we shall still hope" there will be ha war. There are strong forces making for peace and ve havfe .to J rehiember that those people seeming to he forcing war to-' day knov nretty well that they can pull back at any lime in view bf the reluctance of the democracies to ehterupon a terrible conflict. Even yet it is probable that War is hot inevitable. Girl Swims In Shark's Pool Blonde Girl is Not Worried About Being Attacked . BVDNEYk N. 8. W., Sept, 14: (CP) Leila Steppe, blonde swimmer from the United States, seemed more worried about the temper ature of the water than about the shark whose- pool she shared In the Taronga Park aquarium. "Say, this is certainly going to be a cold Job, she feald aS she- tested the water before; diving It)" to join Skipper V,-tO;Joot gtejF nurse shark. When she climbed "out of the pool she said she Wasn't scared. J "Old man Shark seemed rather sluggish. If he had come after me I' guess I could have beaten him to ilia 14A s tU. . I K fin iHltMiHilti HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light: Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 championship tor me uuro r"V".m membership, and sections of swlngy songs in a night club and became the first rawer w have beeQ brought ww persuaded to switch to o of wj Hills, . THE DAILT XETt3 , Wednesday P- SPORT CHAT The Letter Box THE NEW COMMONWEALTH Editor, Dally News: The grave deterioration in the international situation which has taken place within the nst few ' years has undoubtedly been the .cause of profound anxiety among I millions of men and women throughout the " British Empire H UAiNaUA AiS D THE WAR ADELAIDE. Sent. 14: (CP)-The .."JTr.i.. . . In view of the grave possibility of the British Empire l cessfui bettors' fiction -He's ably mWt ctltely reIty b plho becoming involved in a War in Europe the position of Can- filnTnifw IT maf e 'f0 here:hose understanding of the rrcmier .MHCKermp Kino- hoc not oft i ittn-o c,,,,'.n.,CT r i .v..-w.v uk If you wun ui swaa irVtlilnjf V rl41fle? and ultra-pacifism. It Is probably true to say tnat the vat majority of pur compatriots, no matter in what quarter of the Empire they may reside, recognize in' the development of the collective, system the only practical method of safeguarding world peace and I thus of ensuring the welfare and. security of the British Common-1 wealth. They realise that only by the inauguration of the reign oi, law and order In the International sphere can Inter-State relationships be satisfactorily regulated .They remain loyal to the fundamental principles enshrined In the iTi"J tSFrom Night Club should, however. be graieiui u you would allow us to emphasize thai I n (.vonr! I InPf Movement 1 U UI CUIU Vpci a the New Commonwealth is already arousing widespread in- Kememoer wntn Tea rij Mjnf mty different BOSTON. Sept. 14: CP- MLu Reached .Quarter JUvj United u States D?k" single tennis .r" nationalities are reDresented represented in aladvs Moore, who used to sine hot. , are ro operating In its education and re (search acUviUes, and its program Remember when Cleveland's has been endorsed by many im-schoolboy rookie. Bob Feller, biased poftaht organiraUons. Prepara fast one nast 17 Philadelphia i.tlons are now being made to form depends upon the inauguration of a new era of law and order In International affairs. For this reason alone, we are confident that the program of the movment which it (Is our privilege to represent will 'call forth overwhelming support f from among our compatriots over seas. League of Nations Covenant. Unfortunately, however, they arc! comrelled to admit that so far. the League ha3 completely failed to fulfil the major functions which! It was hoped it would be able to carry out, and this failure has glv-' en rise t0 a natural tendency toi discount the prospects of establishing an effective collective sys tem. " In the belief that this brief statment correctly Interprets the feelings of the preponderating ma-j Jorlty of British men and women We venture to direct attention toi the activities of an organization! which, we submit, approaches t'.ie problem of World peace from a practical and constructive angle.! The purpose of the New Commonwealth Society can be simpljj stated. The Society advocates the) development of the League of Na-. tions from a mere debating so-1 clety into an effective Interna-1 tlonal authority. Its program Is I confined to two concrete proposals (1) the submission of all deputes between nations, which cannot be settled by the process of negotiation and conciliation,, to the adjudication of an Impartial trW burial charged with the duty q pronouncing a decision in accordance with the principles of Justlca and equity; (2) the creation of an International Police force to restrain aggression and, If need be. w cuiurce tine decision nf We beg to remain, Yours faithfully. WINSTON S. CHURCHII I. President (British Section) DA VIES, chairman. N B. rXXJT. General Secretary I TAk'A PEG O' JOHN BECC IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY i Q J This dvertiemeat U not published or (HnjjUjted bj the Liquor Control Board or 07 Ui Government or BritUh Columbia ItND REOI9TRTT ACT R: OrtUlcate of Title No. 12M4-I, to the Bast Halt of the South Wen Quarter bf Bectkxi Fire (5). Toirn&hlp Three (3). Range Plve (S). Ooet D-pi. trtct, in the Province of Bittlah CJol-umbla, mid to conrtaln Eighty (80) ecre, more or leas. WHEREAS proof of Ions ot the above Orttfkmte of Title bisued In the nam of John A. Halvamon has been filed in this office, not lew U hereby el yen th I hall, at the exrtra.Ucm of one mrmth wMBiin procram contains provision (Title in nu of mlm iot wrtifiMit for both peaceful change and col- rtune valid objection bl itctlve security the two essential requirements in any system of or- 'dered government. J Unfortunately space prevents In made in me in writtn. DATED at the Land Regletrr Office, Prince Rupert, B. O, this 3rd. dy ( August, A. D, 1908. ' ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Reglstru U Tltlas. and train gam permament pennameiH possession puc ,.., in nr less than . sixteen l(vtAn after ...... to ., than a ... vear'a training ha . 1 at ktiroc ...... . ' . iropny vmiJim countries. Considerable numbers cf won a scholarship at the Royal N. Y. The blacK-nairea Brv-, women prominent in conservatory of Music In Naples.. . ion ikjw proiraMuu. . - 4t,i, rp.nwtive. snhcres California's tton Budge 2-8, 8-6, 1-6. 10-8. E." ,vj.-".- Athletics to tie Diny Dean's ma- groups of the society In the British half FARE FOR WIVES Jor League strike-out record at Dominions and Colonies. We would MELBOURNE, Sept. 14: (CP) Cleveland two years a-o yester- therefore, urge those of your read-Australian NaUonal Railways hav Th. iH loara farni ers who recognize In the program UdoDted a Dlan which mav meet " -J'- " - i .it . . . . . : boy also eclipsed the American of the New common eaun mc tne argument of husbands that' Baseball Leue mark of 16 set b only constructive means of estab- tney cannot travel by air be-! Rube Wadde U of St. Louis in 1908 fashing the peace bf the world on cause their wives won't let then. a sound and enduring oasis, vo wives' fare now Is half-price Remember when Steve Donoghue communicate with The General said he would retire from tht Secretary. The New Common- - track one year ago today after a wealth. Thomey House, Smith great 30-ytar record. Fifty-two square, London, S. W. 1. years old, the deft mtie jocicey to those who may feel that me whose name had become synony proposals which we have so brlef- mous with the British turf, finish- y outlined are "Utopian and Ideal- ed out the season. He neaoea tn? jjUc, we would point out that tney list of winning Jockeys for 10 represent nothing more than the successive, years and booted home application in the realm of Inter-six Derby winners. state relationships of those prlp- inicc nrv-m u-hirh the neaeefu! nifl Pnlinrrv OOCCer SnrrA development of every civilized na-LU VOUyiry tional communlty has been based Scottish Lea me We submit that the future of every Partlck Tistle two, Ralth Rovers 1. unit ot the British Commonwealth Hearte 1. Falkirk 0. Queens Park 1. St. Mirren 2. BASEBALL SCORES American League New York 7, Cleveland 1. Boston 3t Detroit 9. .Wjufijniton 7-2, Chicago 1-3. National League Chicago 2, Boston 5. A a fnemtvr nt thi tlnrV Rjn RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH KELLOGG'S ASTHM fl RELIEF Community Chorus here. Miss' WKlXal Moore was louna to rave a fine ,;u f""- 7u I Ivrin loraturn'sonrann uith n uU'otBSttn'ijlal 'J - " - 1 - UMKUAlwI. I range of tnree octaves. ftj A1m la oi Too. vnn. Try a Dally New StJO ENJOY EXTRA COMFORT AT LESS M Wlth Coleman Oil Burnini HEATER MODEL 8Z9 A completely modern cabinet type cirfulitim heatl er that jlven fine clean healthful henlinr seTTlce. Hnished b the new Duroplastlc enamel finish In warm walnut bron-W I not chip, crack or peel Equipped with an 8-lnch Coltmin Fod Saving Wlckless Burner and many other feature of soperioritj NOW ONLY $80.00 Come In For a Demonstration GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STUEET phone Si I UNION STEAMSHIPS LID, Steamers Leave Prince Itupert for Vancouver' T.S.S. CATALA EVEIIV TUES- T.S.S. CA It DEN A HUMI, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver. Monday t If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tt -ifttlW ... .............. . ..n iuici 1 41 gnu. iiiiiu nv. December Frozen HERRING RAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Lid. Prince Rupert, B.C. ki It's interesting to know when reading the Dafly '.nai me people of the whole district are doing we 1