XV' SI 1 t SI SI SI SI SI 3 Your Every Desire In XMAS UPPERS G Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FKLNCE RUPERT - BR1T1SU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avinue a. F PULLEN Managing-Editor & ft ft I P I 1 SCBSCEirnruN KAILS City delivery, by carrier, yearly penoo, paid ln advar.ee J5.00 Paid to idrance, per we;t r j2 Paid in advance, per month io By mail to all parts oi British Columbia, the British Empire and UEiwa states yearly period, rxud La advance , By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word per insertion local renders, oer line, per Insertion Advertising and Cuculatioo Telephone it News Department TeJtptior.s . ... SC Member of Audit Burrin t nrculationi DAILY EDITION 3.00 9.0P JS2 25 Wednesday, December 21, 1938. NATIVE HANDICRAFTS The report of Virgil Farrell, supervisor of native arts and crafts of the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs dealing with the economic importance of the native arts and crafts in Alaska, shows that the value of these products to the natives in cash returns has very closely approached $100,000 this year. Some of the articles inade hy the Indians were sold in their native villages and some were sold through merchants in the cities. The most valuable work was that of skin sewing with ivory carving coming second and basketry third. This reminds us that in the neighborhood of Prince Rupert a considerable business is carried on in the production of can ed totems, both black slate and wood, and native baskets are also in considerable demand by tourists iA others. We have often wondered why the departmen1 oi Indian Affairs at Ottawa has not some official who is charged with the work of encouraging the native people to develop their home arts and crafts to a much greater extent than is done today. Prince Rupert merchants distribute a considerable sum each year to natives on Queen Charlotte Islands and other Dlac1. mostly in he purchase of native carved totems and Haida and Tsimpsean baskets. .These are sold to tourists and others who come to Prince Rupert during the summer months. The demand is great but the supply is smalL Japanese totems have to some extent displaced the native made articles but there is still a large demand for the native work and this could with a little encouragement be very greatly increased. A CURIOUS POLITICAL SITUATION A curious political situation has developed in the province of Ontario. Premier Mitchell Hepburn, evidently for neasrnal rpasons Iwis announced publicly that he cannot support Prime Minister Mackenzie King at the next federal election but other leading Liberals in the province, after a long discussion, passed ar unanimous vote of confidence in Mr. King as leader of the federal Liberals. It is evident that Mr. Hepburn, as leader of the Provincial Liberals, has a perfect right to think and vote as he wished in a federal election. There have been a number of cases of more or less prominent citizens in British Columbia supporting one party federally and the other provinc-ialiy. If Mr. Hepburn campaigns for Mr. Manion at the next federal election it is likely to cause a good deal of hard feeling and weaken Mr. Henfcurn's own position. We are inclined! to think that he. will go for a holiday rather than take an active part against the federal leader especially when he feels that so many of his own supporters are with Mr. King. If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a huyer fr. the city. Advances Made By Canada Naval, Air and Militia Indicated By Review d 1958 Activities By Capt. W. V. Murray. M. C. Canadian tress Staff Writer ., OTTAWA rw f- iPP, Pnna. catch up in rearmament The year 138 saw some notabl? advances In all branches. Naval tonnage was nearly doubled: air training was intensified and per declaration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt at Kingston wherein the United States executive assured the Domln'on of the republic's support In the event of Canada being menaced by a foreign power. Prime Minister Mackenzie King expressed the view almost immediately that the friendly gesture of the United States had the effect of Increasing, rather than diminishing. Canada's responsibilities in the sphere of national defence. "Students of the past are aware that Canada Is merely running true to form," writes Professor C. P. Stacev of Princeton University, in The Canadian Journal of Econ-cm'cs and Political Science. "Her hiftory is marked by an alterna. Uon 6f long periods when the national defences were utterly ne glected with short, violent inter en n the teeth of the crisis." 'Eorn in Toronto. C. P. Stacej raduated from the University ol Toronto and held a commission in h- Canadian Officer Training Corns. He mntnnd studies ln his tory at OxTord and while In Ens-1 si 8 money for national defence Is more or less routine. To be ab!c, cos spend that money m the acquisition of military weapons herewith to equip the country v . orces is something Cjuitc differ ent, however And therin lies th da is steadily hurdling the- b-;pnT"CI,J Jfm. ,of lhe Dominion staple uhirh nnrlv two decode: rinu apprupri Tangible results of this Increased solve lhe problem of lack of equip -,v'ce airplanes-fighters, bombers ment Two events during the year steel- - ed me Canadian oeople In this matter of national defence. On coservanon ana army co-opera tion machines. Deliveries of the on coastal fortifications, with the emplacement of strong batteries at strategic points on the Pactft and AUanUc coasts. This work wpk carried out In conJuncUon with the esUbllshmentyOf new air bases In th? neighborhood of the coastal defences. The handicap under which both permanent and non-permanent force artillery has worked in using obsolete guns has been diminished -.y 'eboring th? wen pons now in service, and by other means in creasing their rinie." While they are inferior to the modern un& if other countries In that they are still out-ranged, they never theless are an improvisation ca -sulated to help him until the armament nrtieienc- ts overtaren .Mechanization Experiments are still bein? ear. rudes. aflsng out of sudden foreign jried on ln the way of mechanize -comnlleations, when the countrv tlon. with various type of armored wakes to the lnadeouacv of those I fighting vehicles and of mechar.- defences and tHes to make uo for Ized transport being tried out In earlier inactivity bv measures tak-1 dustry. however has assured the defence authorities that little difficulty would be experienced In changing over to whatever designs are accepted, and eaoaclty production would be a matter of a ver short time. The eaoaclty and the competency land had further military train- of Canadian Industrialists to switch iny He took hs doctors deeree'over from peace-time to war-time ( at Princeton with a thesis on "Ca- production is weU known to the S? ST 1 The BIGGEST Christmas Yet I h"5r Make ATqUo I It So C wuu With n:r Gifts r i in i . W This is Gift Headuqarters (lifts Here For Anyone From Anyone vi i m m m a m y a i a a a is w r mm a ni . KV-- paok two TUT, DAILY XEW8 Wednesday, Dfcemb. , ii SI From plain styles to the most ex-SI quisite Designs. Dirrtt from the style centres. g Priced to Suit Every Purse We Are Featuring SI H "PARIS MAID" STEEL ARCH SLIPPERS 5 In Satins, Velrets, Corduroy Cloth and AU Colors of Leathers $ Your Slippers Are Here SI SI SI. SI u v2 DEFENCES EXPANDED IN YEAR nada and the -British Arrajr 46fdefnee department. The extent II if f 71 XT"1 TA 71." fto wbfch industry Is willing to play If fill V ill Vl 11 Money To Spend ,ball has been manifested try the After having steadily reduced co-operation given, to the advan-delence appropriations to a point > of both Industrialists and below the normal requirements dence authorities, by Canadian air-miring th r. et ..,. (V,. mtt hullrfftrc T nffthv nMmtio. country finds itseir Jumping sud- !ons have resulted lrf inltfal or- . i,and ' .,,. i)itb- Chief Operator or inrDy isiann rir. denry to A figures . . .., w.r. from f,-, .K- the British M.i.h .-, not previousis icers government In thought of in peace years. To vote1 for the manufacture 4 service planes in Canada. This will necessitate expansion of facilities; wtthi production beginning in the rail. oi dcu year. j nadtan department, k that full benefits of such Droductlon wtr QtMl ftri Iw til WW AAA - -1 . ' t j . ".ww.vw 40r ... u-;oe reiieciea in uanaawn order:, of what friends of the defence ..T forces call "neglect and pubUc w ceience purposes." in i936-3 ifor similar types of machine apathy- erected In the way of .ZVLZZZ $23 000.000. The Assured01 ne buildlnr up the services. of national support for any reas-f measurTalmed 1937-38 nd $35'96"-4 onable at PtQmot-'3!L? tnts year. i i j, j.r department is working overtime to C.N.R. Trains fr the East new craft have started The like, days Mondays. Wednesdays and YY- hood is that by early summer an h East- was the International crisis which " uie 1,4 ma:nmcs fn!Bi a c.. ' ' l"arsa na The Dally N-v. i ,n A -wrxrr PHONES 11 and II LETTUCE Firm J3 - ft ft f f s m i ii i m w ii - r tew vr p.m served to bring home to them thp,uie Frogram iaia aown oy ueienrt - - .... n pm ' Vllnttf a Ton 1IaWamI v4II Wa I menace within whose shadow then ' w lt were living. The second was the.tn: alr- . , a greai aeai oi money was sneni B. C 25c 9c Vancouver Island R G Emmerwn. for the PU aliUf OAMkU- fl. KV T Authorities have exptolned that VZl J , ZiZ this mean larg, scalTproduction Utad iniTr? which wm reduVe eosU toSTS? "ve 1. 'l, f to that betc tranrferred Cape Lazo. Vancouver IilMd. M chief operator asd. wMh Mrs. E-raenon, merson, wlU wm be leaving iratiK for iw th u.- rYnon.W. K. .,. rem (MM XMAS HOLLY Per lb. MI8TLET0E-Per lb of Reputation and Lasting " " Service A . "S"" Waterman Sets Make the Perfect Gift From t Anyone to Anyone y! We Are Showing a Complete Line Including Waterman's Pen at 50c, $15, $3.00, $5.00 up fa ? Pencils at 25c, 50c. $1.00, $L50, $3J 5 M S? -Skywriter- Desk Sets Smart and useful $2.90 5 8 5! -Zipper" rocket Billfolds New Shipment in Choice g & leather, . . . $1.50, $2.'5 $jU)( $4.M 1? Ptayinr Cards -Vogue" set, , $U0 g ? jf "Congress Sinirles $U5 DouUes. $2J0 5? -f uuuiun ior uniy ..... 3; . 2? Picture Calendars for 1933 Always come In handy for gift pur- V (j! i J pose,. A few nice ones left and we are offering them at 10 $Jr I? reduction. Prices from ta w j r O. BOX 57S Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" CLUSTER RAISINS 15-oa. pkg. WINES-Cherry Ginger. Port Bot 23c 25c XMAS CANDIES Excellent mixtures - creams, jellies 20cto40c MIXED NUTS First quality Per lb PECAN NUTS Per lb. CALIFORNIA BRU8-SEL SPROUTS 2 lbs. CAULIFLOWER Each RED EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs. 20c "23c 35c 25c BOX CHOCOLATE-- Fine aatrtment of the bent makes ir rr no SHELLED BRAZILS lb UNION STEAMSHIPS LT 50c 45c CHERRY and OFNOA FRUIT CAKES- Finest Z(r XVjS CRACKERS Fine assortment in stoefc QAf From v v v CALIFORNIA SOFTS HELL WALNUTS- Urge budded Lb CELERY Utah variety lane h-ad :.lXICAN TOMATOES Lb 25c 15c 20c 45c S1.25 Established 1910-Independently Owned and Operated QUAUTT SERVICE PKICR FREE DELIVER ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Tooi Convenience Boat and Mall Order Receive l-ronipt and Carel.il Attention I Have Just Come From the k DRYGOODS And!1 NOVELTY SHOP "2 Where they have the newest things i the things that really make Christ- (3 mas. Whenever I go there I want to buv almost everything I Fee. Why Don't Yon All Drop In and Talk Over ii Your Chrlstmai Problem, with Mr,. Dowth-1 er and Ml, Watn ft Steamer Leave lirlnce Rupert for Vancouver T3.S. CATAIA EVERY TUE8- TAS. CAKDIVA FRIDAY DAY, 1IA pjn. io:3o p.m. Due Vaneouvfr Thura a.nu Due Yat.foi,vt Mon.u,. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket! From A. W. NEWMAN, Itlnce Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 56S 2 Phone et and 1 BEET Jb HOUND STEAK and J lb. KIDNEY RUMP ROAST of BEEF Per lb. .. ... POT ROAST I Per Jb. , SIRLOIN TIP- Per lb. . i PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb. CAPELAZO MEAT MARKET Wireless Station Moving To ETTTTnxT JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET tn : Phone 5S7 Phne M? UtXKLEY VALLIIT LAMB the Dominion arsenal at Valcartter' 9OT,,h wek ''Tl.5' " LE0 01 MtTON-Quebec. where cartridge for S ?umf hiLn'! .kS""! Pet to. . Lee-EnHeld rlHes nd heavy mach tne guna axe belnc made, togethei with niler for U-tunders 4-3 expenditure are noted In the ac- howitzer and 60-pounder guns mlsltfon of two new destrovcrs Ihrouvhnut p bringing Canada's destroyer been come wel1 known and Mtwjwd I enlarged and new air field. Ih renvth to sixnmd four mine. fstablUhed In the part year A ,hf,r r'denc ln lhf north'timnrrrr t x w.c.rujyiu uitaauiSB ureai aeat remains to De done XT. MM J.tl. I . i i . .. V sonnel greatly increased: the re-f"V", " UJ jrrar oui me worK is being steadll organized militia was testM in tt PalnmB mach,nes re purchas-d pushed forward. nrimnrv t.k of manning fh'for the Royal Canadian Air Force coastal fort ficatlons and It TO el wja greatly !ncrea. a 4 A tl a . as a found adequate. At the same tlm:"1' "Vc lunc cu"lrac were ,et for H0"5 of far-reachlne action was taken to Is being made In the meantime but S. J. Mellor will be acting m harg pending a permanent ft4poinUnenf Mr and Mrs Emmersnn hav be and many friend will regret their departure d lbs. .. 3 lt. . !?. LEO 8 of LAMB Per lb. ; OIM of LAMB Per Ih. UMD- 20c 75c 50c 25c 15c 25c 50c 15c 10c 18c 18c j VOUK CHRISTMAS ItAROAlxs JWIFT PREMIUM TURKEY Per lt. 0EE8E Per lb. DUCKS Per lb. . CHICKENS4- Per lb FOWL Per to. PURE HOMEMADE MINCE rn MEAT Per ft) PURE PORK SAUSAOE MEAT J lb SWIFT PREMIUM HAW Per lb ' GAINER SUPERIOR HAMS Per lb. A Select Assortment Of Bot 30c 25c 28c 30c 25c 25c 33c 33c Give A Kodak And Youll Know It' an Appropriate Gift For Snapshots at Nlg"' Tn Our New High-Speed KxJ k Super-XX Film Wrathall's I'hoto Finishing- Chocolates And Xmas Candies That Will Please Yoa All the Best Make, In Stock MUSSALLEM'S COX FECTION FRY THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Rqd Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by th, only lalmoa canning company with as all the year round payroll la Princa Rupert Try a Daily News cl-siried od-vertUement for best results.